Wizard From Afar

Chapter 7

With the last bit of strength, he pulled the long sword out of the robber leader\'s body. The panting Loren couldn\'t even stand still and sat aside holding the wound on his left shoulder.

Although there was no more bleeding, the wound on the shoulder was still hot and painful - the preparation was sufficient, but the battle was still dangerous to a certain extent. The cunning robber disguised himself so well that he didn\'t expect such a guy who was afraid of death to be so powerful even if he was crazy.

This is the first time Loren has killed a man himself - although his fingers are still shaking, his body doesn\'t respond much, and he doesn\'t even feel vomiting. Am I born for this? He thought of it with a little self mockery.

"Well... Are you, are you okay?"

Ayn Rand, who came over behind him, hesitated, staring at some ferocious wounds on Lauren\'s shoulder: "if you don\'t ask, the wound on your shoulder may be inflamed."

"Nothing. Don\'t worry about this little injury... You see, it\'s beginning to scab." Lauren said with a calm smile: "I was born like this. No matter what injury I suffered, I\'ll recover quickly."

"That won\'t work, at least wrap it up a little," insisted the little wizard. He took a roll of white bandage from his robe and wrapped it up for Lauren without waiting for an answer.

"Er... Thank you." some unexpected Loren suddenly didn\'t know what to say: "ah... By the way, I haven\'t thanked you yet - if you hadn\'t changed the play... I mean magic, I might not have won so easily."

Ayin, who had just expressed concern, suddenly had a cold expression. His bandaged hands suddenly forced. Loren\'s shoulder immediately pulled, and he almost cried out in pain.

"You didn\'t intend to let me intervene from the beginning. You lied to me about the" most critical moment ", didn\'t you?"


"Lord Loren Turin!" the angry little wizard stood up and walked up to Loren, stared at him with wide eyes: "I, ain Rand, I\'m a wizard apprentice of vimpal college, a student appointed by the Dean, and a future alchemist. Don\'t treat me as a fool!"

"I\'m sorry." Lauren apologized quickly, put his hands together and nodded. "You\'re right. I\'ve planned to do this from the beginning. I know it\'s selfish, but please forgive me."

With that, he looked at each other "sincerely" and said nothing.

Somehow, the little wizard couldn\'t bear to look at him, so he had to sigh - especially when he saw the wounds and blood all over Loren.

Anyway, it was the other party who saved himself. Ain is not a person who doesn\'t know how to repay his kindness. If Lauren didn\'t appear, he might really become a substitute for the robbers, and then

"Can you still stand up?" Ai Yin still couldn\'t help asking with concern, and took the initiative to stretch out his right hand: "if I can\'t, I can hold you."

The little wizard was better than he thought... Lauren couldn\'t help laughing at the bottom of his heart.

"Thank you, but no need." holding each other\'s hand and standing up, Loren carefully inserted the old knight\'s sword into the scabbard and carried it behind his back: "we\'d better leave this damn place quickly. I don\'t want to stay for a quarter of an hour."

After that, Loren\'s eyes shifted to the front - the missing wooden door appeared in front of the two people again, as if waiting for them to leave.

"OK..." the little wizard also nodded. Although he wanted to continue to investigate this place, it was obviously beyond his ability limit that the pagan Temple eroded by the void could distort the reality.

"But what about them?" ayin pointed to the robbers around who were still tempted by gold and treasure. They were still like a group of madmen. Even some people began to lose their strength, and their shouting voice was hoarse, but they were still excited, dancing and repeating what they had said before again and again.

"Let them continue to live in their dreams." Loren shook his head. "After all, no matter who they are, they have the right to dream, don\'t they? This is the best dream for them."

Even Lauren doesn\'t believe this, but it\'s the best choice for him - even with ayin, they can\'t beat so many robbers, so it\'s better to let them live and die here and "revel" until the oil runs out and the lights run dry. They deserve it anyway, don\'t they?

Two people with different thoughts turned around and walked towards the wooden door. They never looked back at the countless treasures behind them.

"They\'re out!"

Accompanied by the creak of the wooden door at the end of the stairs, a robber guarding outside couldn\'t help shouting, which made the atmosphere in the whole church much tense.

At this moment, all the villagers who had gathered outside were waiting behind the door in the church, staring wide, waiting for the door to open with fear and expectation.

Especially the village head, who is not afraid to die, stood in front of all the villagers. After hearing the sound of the door opening, the voice of panting became louder and louder, as if he wanted to jump directly.

Even though they all know that robbers will not share their wealth with themselves, their greed is still uncontrollable, fantasizing about what the other party may have left - like rotten vultures.

But when the door opened, the people who came out were completely beyond their expectation. With his sword on his back, Lauren stood in front of the two stunned robbers, waiting for each other to make way for himself.

"Why, why are you?" the frightened and frightened robber shouted, "where\'s boss Martin? There are other brothers going down. How come you two are the only ones coming out?"

"Martin is dead."

"What?!" the two robbers called out almost at the same time, and then angrily jumped at Lauren standing in place. Ain standing behind didn\'t even have time to shout, and he saw that Lauren had pressed his right hand on the hilt of the sword.

The long sword is disadvantageous in close combat, but it is still effective... Loren, who first blocked the first robber with the scabbard, pulled out the sharp blade in the scabbard close to the other party\'s body, and made a cut in the other party\'s neck.

At this time, the second guy reacted, but Loren had pulled out his sword and directly pushed the body in his hand. When the robber was still in a hurry, the sharp blade full of collapse had pierced his chest.

"Who else... Is ready to avenge them?" Loren, standing in a pool of blood, said expressionless.

"Who cares about the life and death of that coward?!" the village head suddenly rushed up and, without any consideration, knocked away two heavily armed robbers beside him and grabbed Lauren\'s collar: "where\'s the treasure? Where\'s the treasure?! say, where\'s the treasure?!"

"It\'s in the cellar below." Lauren opened his mouth calmly, with only endless contempt in his eyes: "if you\'re not afraid of death, you can take as much as you want."

"But please remember, if you go down, I don\'t guarantee that you can get on - those golden little things are much more terrible than you think." looking at the impatient expression of the village head, Loren couldn\'t even restrain himself from smiling sarcastically: "if you have life, you don\'t have life."

"Ha! Who cares?" but the village head seemed to hear some funny joke: "what do you think I\'m hiding in this damn wild dog village, the damn garbage dump and staying with these Dalits and robbers? Why should I suffer, and why should I be hungry and cold?"

"You noble knights will never understand my suffering. I have brought it to this broken place for so many years, and I deserve it!" the village head shouted hysterically: "all those treasures are mine, and no one is allowed to rob me!"

Before he finished, he rushed to the wooden door behind Lauren. The whole church was quiet for a moment, and then it completely exploded.

Robbers, villagers, old people, young people, village women, farmers... All rushed to the narrow wooden door like crazy. The village head\'s action gave them great courage to move forward and forward, as if they were afraid of being robbed by others.

The statue of the holy cross that fell to the ground was trampled to pieces by countless feet. Even the fall of the people in front or the scream from behind could not stop them from rushing to the cellar.

"Are they... All crazy?" muttered Ian, stunned.

No... Lauren shook his head, but didn\'t speak.

This is human nature.