Wild Doctor Consort: Prince Regent Pesters


She never thought that Yue Lanyi would be her sister too. Yue Lanyi could only be considered above average in terms of looks, she was still a distance away from being a beauty. She was good at scheming, but she was not talented.

"With the protection of your highness in Miss Yue, if you know what's good for you in the future, it's best that you don't touch your highness again. Otherwise, you might hurt your friendliness with your highness."

"I've told her everything that needs to be said. If she insists on suicide, no matter whose sister she is, I won't let her off. The prince will take pity on her, but I won't."

"But …"

Remembering that Xiao Feimo was behind her, Lian Qiong was still worried. Feng Qingying was Xiao Feimo's wangfei after all.

"Who among us has no background? "Who's the one who can move at will?"

This was true, from Zhu Yujin to Yang Qi, they should not have provoked him.

"The Miss Yue is different."

Feng Qingying caressed the jade bracelet in his hand, his tone a little casual, "If it's not the same, then I'll use a different method. The prince keeps her because he cares about her sister, and I'm also useful to the duke, so I can't lose to her in this at all." After saying so, he suddenly raised his gaze to look at Lingtong, "Remember, no one should be afraid of me. No matter who bullies the sect, we will bully them all to return."

In this period of time, Lian Gui was also deeply aware that the current Feng Qingying was different from the past as she fearfully nodded her head and said, "This servant will remember."

"Go rest."

Feng Qingying waved his hand and did not say anymore.

Forsythia blessed herself and withdrew.

Jade Emperor Ridge

A ball of black aura floated on Xiao Feimo's body as he and Xin Yi stood by the bedside.

Yi Shuihan's body was tall and big, his skin rough and rough. With a face full of gloom and hatred, he said, "Xiao Feimo, there will be a day like this for you as well."

Xiao Feimo's forehead was constantly sweating, his face was somewhat distorted, his lips were trembling, but he continued to speak while gritting his teeth, "Yi Shuihan, after so many years, your martial arts have grown quite a bit."

"For the past ten years, I have trained day and night just to take your and Yang Yuanzhi's miserable lives. You should have died long ago."

Yi Shuihan said as he pulled out the sword that he carried with him, his sword the passed down treasure sword, the sound of it coming out was clear and melodious, Xiao Feimo's face was expressionless, the pain was so great yet his aura did not diminish, "You have raised a lot of people, and there are even many array formations placed on this mountain, is the one supporting you from behind Shangguan Nanyi?"

Xiao Feimo, today is the day you die, I will send you on your way. "

Xiao Feimo was simply not a match for Yi Shuihan at all. In the past, he and Yi Shuihan were good friends, and in less than ten years of effort, the two of them had already fallen to such a state.

Thinking of all these, Xiao Feimo felt a very bad taste in his heart.

"A Han."

Hearing Xiao Feimo call out his name, Yi Shuihan's eyes turned scarlet as he pointed the sword at Xiao Feimo and roared out uncontrollably, "Xiao Feimo, what qualifications do you have to have this name? Back then, I treated you as my brother and wanted to dig out my heart and lungs for you.

You used my trust to destroy the Moon Kingdom, massacred the Imperial Palace, slaughtered all of my Yi family, and personally killed the Grand Princess.

"I didn't steal the city's defensive map."

As long as he closed his eyes, Xiao Feimo would still be able to see the tragic state he had been in all those years ago.

Xiao Feimo, you dare not admit to what you have done, but you are also a coward.

In his fury, Yi Shuihan's sword had already pierced through Xiao Feimo's clothes, the sharp edge cutting into his skin, causing fresh red blood to ooze out.

Xiao Feimo looked at Yi Shuihan, and then spoke slowly: "A Han, if I die here, the imperial government will fall into Yang Yuanzhi's hands, and at that time, the world will be under Yang Yuanzhi's control, and he who has no restraints will start a massacre, he has always hated the Moon Kingdom, so even if the Moon Kingdom does not exist anymore, he will not treat the people of Moon Kingdom kindly, and the people who were affected in the end will be the people of Moon Kingdom."

"In these ten years, I have settled down our nation, restrained Yang Yuanzhi, and prevented him from acting rashly. Now that we are at peace, although I have let Ah Yu down, I have done my best to help the people of Moon Kingdom."

"Before you make your move, you need to clearly understand the stakes involved. Do you really want to put the people in danger once again? At that time, how will the suffering of the common people be resolved? "

Yi Shuihan's hands trembled a little as he roared furiously, "Shut your mouth! Do you think that I will let you off just because of this? Xiao Feimo, the sins that you have committed, won't even be enough to tear your corpse into a thousand pieces. After you die, I will naturally kill Yang Yuanzhi."


Yi Shuihan was unable to answer that question at the moment. If it wasn't for the fact that Xiao Feimo had left the capital just in time to see Xiao Feimo take out the poison, it would have been impossible for him to catch Xiao Feimo and go to the heavily guarded capital to kill them.

However, Xiao Feimo had finally landed in his hands. If he missed this chance, it would not be easy to kill Xiao Feimo next time.

He had waited ten years for this opportunity. He couldn't wait another ten years.

Xin Yi, who had not spoken since the beginning, stepped forward and grabbed onto Yi Shuihan's wrist, "A Han, your highness cannot be killed."

"I've been waiting for this day for ten years."

A thick killing intent once again gathered in Yi Shuihan's eyes. No matter what the consequences would be, Xiao Feimo would definitely die today.

Xin Yi knew that Yi Shuihan had made up his mind, and advised, "A Han, we have to consider the commoners, the King cannot die now, let him go!"

"Absolutely impossible, get out of the way immediately."

"A Han, think carefully. This matter is related to the people of Moon Kingdom, we cannot be rash."

Xin Yi's body was thin and weak, but his tone was very firm. He did not have any intention of retreating, and stared at Yi Shuihan intently, his tone close to begging.

"Xin Yi, why are you supporting him?"

"I am aiming for the citizens of Moon Kingdom, Your Highness has something that I have not said, the people have been living very well all these years, A Han, the Emperor is not yet in power, Xiao Feimo cannot die." Xin Yi painfully advised, "If you insist on killing him, in the end, it will implicate tens of thousands of citizens, so you and I have long seen Yang Yuanzhi's methods."

"He's much better than Yang Yuanzhi, and is also a crafty and insidious person."

"At least he can calm the people."

"Xin Yi, you let go of his wangfei, and now you want to let her go. What are you trying to do!?"

"If you really see the people suffer, will you feel better? In these ten years, no matter what you want to do, I will accompany you, and I will do it for you. Can you listen to me this once?

Yi Shuihan's face was ashen, the sword in his hand did not stab down, but he was not willing to withdraw his sword either, releasing him like that, he was not willing to give up.

Yi Shuihan did not speak, Xin Yi slowly took the sword out of his hand, Yi Shuihan was not willing to let go, and Xin Yi also did not want to let go. The two of them stayed in a deadlock, in the end, Yi Shuihan still let go.

Xin Yi placed his sword on the table beside him.

Yi Shuihan ordered without saying a word, "Men, throw him into the iron prison."

Xin Yi no longer said anything, she knew Yi Shuihan would not listen, and very quickly, someone entered the house to bring Xiao Feimo who had not recovered from his shock.