Wife of the Mysterious Heir

Chatper 37

Because now Lin Xiaoxiao\'s small body is just after taking a bath, and there is no hanging on her body, like a small shrimp that has just been peeled off.

Seeing that Zhan Glacier\'s eyes darkened a bit.

After scolding people, Lin Xiaoxiao\'s mind gradually came to her senses. When she saw that Zhan Glacier, instead of being scolded away by her, stared straight at her with lit eyes, she felt a little strange. She followed his line of sight to herself.

As soon as she closed her eyes, she screamed again, "Ahhhh, get out, get out, get out! Don\'t look, don\'t look!"

While shouting, she covered her important parts with both hands, but she felt that it was not enough after thinking about it.

She opened her eyes again and looked at the place where the bath towels were stored in the direction she remembered. When she saw it, she stepped out of the bathtub in embarrassment and wanted to wrap her body with the bath towels.

However, because the ground was too slippery and there was no carpet, she had just taken a shower, and there was still water on the bottom of her feet. When she walked in such a hurry, the soles of her feet slipped, and she fell to the side of the bathtub as if she were weightless.

With another scream, Lin Xiaoxiao felt that since she met Zhan Glacier, she was at a disadvantage.

Although her characterization is good, it is really difficult for her to protect herself from falling when she is so slippery without wearing anything.

Feeling that the back of her head was about to hit the edge of the bathtub, Lin Xiaoxiao still didn\'t want to support the edge of the bathtub with her hands to prevent herself from falling, because if she did that, it would mean that her body would be seen by Zhan Glacier.

She really is not an ordinary tangled!

Just when she would rather choose pain than exposure, she felt her body stop falling.

The back of the head was clasped by the palm of his hand, and an arm was also wrapped around the slender waist.

She opened her eyes and saw Zhan Glacier\'s enlarged face appear in front of her.

His ink pupils shrank slightly, clearly showing concern, and the delicate three-dimensional facial features looked at such a close distance, impeccable, and even the skin was so good that no trace of pores could be seen, no matter which angle it was, it was amazing.

Such a man looks up and down like a king who has descended into the world.

Lin Xiaoxiao thought for a second, it was worth it to have slept with such a man for one night in her life!

But the next second, her head shook, he was a duck... I don\'t know how many women have slept with him.

Suddenly, the beautiful fantasy in her heart was shattered in minutes!

"You..." Before Lin Xiaoxiao could say the next words, she felt the world spinning for a while, and then she was straightened by Zhan Glacier, and her small body was tightly wrapped by him with a bath towel.

"The things you want are at the door, I\'ll go out first." Zhan Glacier\'s voice was neither warm nor cold.

Lin Xiaoxiao\'s face was even redder than a red apple, she couldn\'t understand what Zhan Glacier meant.

But forget it, she didn\'t want to think too much. Anyway, she and him had already slept before, so even if he looked at her body just now, she didn\'t need to think too much, just look at it.

I just watched it, and I didn\'t do anything else to her...

Lin Xiaoxiao comforted herself like this, and then she wrapped a bath towel and came to the door where the door was kicked.

She saw a wheat-colored paper bag placed at the door. The paper bag contained something. She picked it up suspiciously, not knowing what Zhan Glacier bought her.

When she saw the sanitary pads and panties for girls in the paper bag, her face flushed red.

Zhan Glacier bought it for her... Bought this thing?

To be honest, this is the first time she has received such a private thing from a man.

There was a faint warmth in her heart.