Why Do All the Male Protagonists Look at Me Like That

CH 59

Feeling a little dry, Hu Ying sat up and drank a glass of water.

After drinking the water he got up again with his clothes on and ran out to use the toilet.

This terrible accommodation is so bad that you have to go out to go to the toilet.

He had heard that in the northern countryside, in winter, there was a urinal in the bedroom.

But as they were recording the show, and living with Pei Xu, he didn\'t dare to pee in the house.

He thought, if he lived with Di Xingchen, he would dare.

He is with Di Xingchen, and he is perfectly capable of being himself.

Hu Ying squinted at the starry sky outside and ran back in his down jacket.

"I\'m freezing." He darted under the covers, taking the pink rabbit on his bed in his arms, and closed his eyes beautifully.

Maybe he\'s thinking about sleeping with Xingchen for once and dreaming about him.

Only because of the dream of him, a sweet feeling remains in his heart even now.

It was a long day of travel and cold, so everyone slept earlier than usual.

Di Xingchen and Yan Zhi fell asleep while chatting.

Yan Zhi is sleepless.

He was actually physically exhausted, but he didn\'t want to sleep.

No sleep is spared.

There are not many opportunities to live with Di Xingchen in this way, and the four weeks of romance, in fact, will soon pass.

He lies on his side, staring at Di Xingchen in the hazy light, listening to his even breathing.

Di Xingchen\'s breathing is a little heavy at first, but gradually becomes lighter and lighter.

Yan Zhi wondered if it would be too perverted for him to get out of bed, lie on Di Xingchen\'s bed and smell him, or give him a secret kiss, just on his forehead.

He was so taken by the thought, he felt that even if he did, the crew wouldn\'t be able to film it, and Di Xingchen would not know if he slept so soundly.

Yan Zhi rolls over and finds that sweetness is also torture.

Yan Zhi is dreaming.

In the dream he did nothing, the dream was like a reenactment of reality, with Di Xingchen asleep in the bed next to him.

And he, standing quietly by his bedside.

He lifted the covers off Di Xingchen.

Once lifted he stares at Di Xingchen, from his face to his toes.

Just reading, he woke up when he was done, the night dark before him.

Di Xingchen woke up very late the next day, probably due to the cold and exhaustion, and it was already 9am.

Yan Zhi\'s bed is deserted.

The room, however, seemed to have a stronger aroma, as if it had been perfumed again.

He got up, washed up, dressed and went out to see Yan Zhi working in the kitchen.

He was cooking porridge.


"Morning." Di Xingchen, still looking tired from his nap, asked, "What did you do?"

"I cooked some random porridge and put a lot of stuff in it," Yan Zhi says, "and I seem to have put in less water."

Di Xingchen went over and saw that Yan Zhi was only wearing a jumper, the kitchen was open, the whole living room was large and there were many windows, although there were thick curtains at the door, the temperature in the whole living room was not comparable to the bedroom, it was still cold, so he asked, "Aren\'t you cold?"

"A bit."

"Go back and put your down jacket on, I\'ll take care of this." Di Xingchen said, "Aren\'t they all here yet? I thought I was up late enough."

" Pei Xu got up. Came to have a look and went out again." Yan Zhi said.

As soon as he said that, Huo Cheng came in with his hand in his mouth.

"Good morning." Di Xingchen greeted.

Huo Cheng said, "Good morning."

He slept so late yesterday that he accidentally actually overslept and didn\'t get up until now.

He should have come earlier!

Wen Nuo then came in, followed shortly by Hu Ying.

Hu Ying asked as soon as he came in, "Did you and Yan Zhi take a bath yesterday?"

Huo Cheng was drinking a glass of water and immediately looked at Di Xingchen.

Di Xingchen smiled and said, "I came back and went to bed, so why take a bath? Do you want to take a bath?"

Hu Ying said, "Yes, I want to."

"Then you soak today."

"Can I soak it?" Hu Ying asked, "Yan Zhi is so clean."

"He doesn\'t soak." Di Xingchen said.

Huo Cheng asks, "Doesn\'t he bubble?"

He was surprised, he thought Yan Zhi would not let this opportunity pass.

For a moment, I felt too much of a villain.

Di Xingchen said, "He didn\'t want to be filmed on camera."

"The persona doesn\'t fall down." Hu Ying laughs, "I used to think he dressed that tightly for his persona, but now I believe that\'s what he himself would want. The male virtues are represented."

Just as he finished speaking, Yan Zhi came out in his down jacket.

When he saw Yan Zhi, Hu Ying remembered what Pei Xu had said yesterday about Yan Zhi liking Di Xingchen. He sipped his hot water and said with a smile, "Brother Yan, good morning."


Yan Zhi said this and went over to Di Xingchen. There was nothing to help in the kitchen at the moment, but Yan Zhi just kept standing next to Di Xingchen, occasionally touching the dishes and so on. His body is naturally tilted towards Di Xingchen.

Hu Ying feels that he is not as observant as Pei Xu, who has been on the sidelines all this time.

He seems to be a bit more active with Di Xingchen than with the others, just because Yan Zhi is a gentleman and gentle, so he didn\'t even notice it before.

Hu Ying is now filled with the shock of "there\'s a love interest in here".

Blame him for being so insensitive!

Seriously, this love interest is much better than the straight-laced Huo Cheng, younger, better looking and better at what he does.

He suddenly noticed Di Xingchen staring at him and asked, "What?" "Haven\'t you slept well?" Di Xingchen asked, "I look a bit tired."

"I didn\'t sleep too well." Hu Ying said. Hu Ying said, "I slept well the first half of the night, but not the second, but I was too cold and stayed in bed, and now my throat is sore, I\'ll just have some thin soup later, it\'s a bit painful to swallow."

"Maybe it\'s too dry, it\'s on fire." Di Xingchen said, "I have some medicine, you can take one later."

"I\'m better than Brother Pei though, he said he barely slept all night and wasn\'t used to it. There was a good visible sore on his lip." Hu Ying said.

Shortly afterwards, Pei Xu also enters, wrapped in the cold wind.

"Out skulking around again?" Huo Cheng asked.

Pei Xu gave a "hmm" and said, "Just walking around." Di Xingchen noticed that Pei Xu had a real red sore on his upper lip.

"Have you applied the medicine?" Yan Zhi asked.

Pei Xu said, "Took the pills."

"The fire is too heavy." Di Xingchen said.

The internal and external fires have accumulated, haven\'t they? The dryness of the fire bed, the strength of the fire in the boy and the fact that he slept with Hu Ying, the beauty, made the fire in his heart too strong.

He must ask Hu Ying how they slept this night when he has the chance.

He found it easier to get sparks in room three when the conditions were so tough instead. Especially as there was only one bed there, the only one of the four houses with only one bed.

"Actually I don\'t think it\'s just the fire, the bed is uncomfortable too, I\'ve laid two layers of blankets but it still hurts." Hu Ying said, "It\'s too hard."

"The heat is also uneven." says Pei Xu. Pei Xu says, "You really have to get used to the fire bed before you get used to sleeping on it."

"It\'s a good thing I didn\'t stay in room three." Huo Cheng said.

"Maybe it will be your turn next time." Lin Qingning said with a smile.

"I don\'t think my luck will always be that bad, right?" Huo Cheng says.

But if it\'s with Di Xingchen, he\'d love to.

After all, you can sleep in one bed.

They had only just made breakfast on their side when the programme team\'s car was already coming over there, urging them to eat quickly.

Huo Cheng went out to have a look and came back and said, "Let\'s eat quickly, the programme team said the car can\'t be turned off for too long or it will freeze."

They hurried out after a hasty meal.

The team has prepared two cars for them.

"The roads are worse here, so whoever is good at driving should drive." Hu Ying said.

"Then I\'ll drive." Huo Cheng said.

Yan Zhi also raised his hand for a moment.

Hu Ying went straight to Yan Zhi\'s car.

It\'s been a long time since I\'ve seen Hu Ying be so forthcoming with Yan Zhi, and Di Xingchen was pleasantly surprised.

" Di Xingchen ." Huo Cheng called him.

Di Xingchen then got into Huo Cheng\'s car.

Hu Ying was sitting in the passenger seat when he saw Yan Zhi glancing at Di Xingchen.

Surprisingly, it\'s true!

I just hate that he used to be in the dark!

He sneered, fastened his seatbelt and shouted, " Yan Zhi, don\'t get in yet, who are you waiting for?"

Yan Zhi wonders why Hu Ying is suddenly so forward with herself, as if he has been transported back to the days when he first came to Red and Blue Lodge.

What the hell is this leprechaun up to.

Pei Xu got into Huo Cheng\'s car, and Lin Qingning hesitated for a moment before following suit.

Wen Nuo wanted to follow Huo Cheng and Di Xingchen, but hesitated and finally got into Yan Zhi\'s car.

Di Xingchen was not in the passenger seat, he wanted to leave the passenger seat to Wen Nuo, but when he saw that Wen Nuo had gone to Yan Zhi\'s car, he pursed his lips and got out of the car and ran to the passenger seat.

Pei Xu wanted to take the opportunity to give Di Xingchen the hat he was carrying in his pocket, but he didn\'t expect Di Xingchen to sit in front of him.

Huo Cheng was most pleased, smiling and turning his head to look at Di Xingchen for a moment.

" Is Brother Duan still not coming?" He asked.

"He said he wasn\'t going and to wait here for us." Lin Qingning said, "but he\'s much better, no more coughing."

Lin Qingning unties his scarf and blushes slightly.

He didn\'t turn his head to look at Pei Xu, he just smelled his faint mint scent, probably because it was warmer in the car, his glasses misted up, and the heat and cold of the moment made his whole body restrained.

The group headed off in a car to the largest market around, a journey through the northern landscape, filled with birch and camphor forests, silent and magnificent.

Di Xingchen was expecting the market to be an ordinary market selling fish and vegetables, but when he got out of the car he was amazed.

It is not the centre of the town and is far from the county town, but it has been a big market in the area for a long time. As soon as Wen Nuo got off the bus, they saw a huge crowd of people, with umbrella shacks as far as the eye could see.

"Wow." Wen Nuo exclaimed.

"A lot of people." Hu Ying said.

There were not only vegetable sellers, but also snack sellers, such as the Northeast doughnuts, fried meat buns, tofu brains and bacon pancakes, all of which were steaming with white steam and the shouts of various vendors, cheering up even Pei Xu.

"Do we buy the food first or eat first?" Huo Cheng asks.

"Let\'s do the grocery shopping first, just in time for lunch." Di Xingchen said.

But after a few steps, Hu Ying was drawn to a snack.

"What\'s this, I\'ve never seen it before."

There was a huge crowd of them, and they were followed by many cameras, causing quite a commotion in the bazaar. When the owner\'s wife saw them filming, he asked in a loud voice, "Handsome, would you like some?"

Hu Ying immediately went up to his: "What\'s this called? I\'ve never seen it before."

"Sue Rats."


The elder sister laughed and said, "Water-ground noodles for sous-rats and leafy biscuits!"

Hu Ying, whom they could not understand, and Di Xingchen, who asked, "Sweet and salty?"

"Sweet, plain water pasta, guaranteed to be delicious, six dollars a pound! Want some?"

Hu Ying said, "Come on come on, give us seven."

"I don\'t know if it\'s good, so don\'t ask for so much." Wen Nuo whispered.

"I don\'t eat." Yan Zhi said.

Hu Ying looks at Pei Xu and Huo Cheng.

"Let\'s buy three to try first, and let\'s all try them." Huo Cheng said.

"And you have to share it." Hu Ying said.

They bought three of them and shared them among themselves.

Yan Zhi shook his head.

He couldn\'t eat the steamer when he saw it, thinking it was unhygienic with all the old, slimy dirt.

A few well-dressed, good-looking young men, surrounded by cameras, eating soo rats, attracted a bunch of people with their mobile phones.

"What kind of TV are you making?" The owner\'s wife asked.

"We\'re a variety show called Red and Blue Signal!" Hu Ying says.

The boss lady, unaware of the variety show, smiled and said, "You\'re all big stars, aren\'t you? No wonder they say stars are handsome."

White, clean and tall.

Hu Ying smiled and said, "We are better looking than the big stars!"

He thought the su rats were okay, just a bit choked up, and seeing a tofu brain vendor next to him, he turned around and asked, "You guys want one?"

"I don\'t eat." Yan Zhi said.

"You\'re so picky." Hu Ying said.

Yan Zhi didn\'t want to eat, so they ordered six bowls, and everyone sat on small benches and drank bean curd brains while Yan Zhi sat next to them and watched.

Di Xingchen asked, "You really don\'t want it?"

"I can taste it." Yan Zhi said as he moved closer to Di Xingchen.

Hu Ying sniffed and brought his own over, spooning it to him.

He is now becoming more and more aware of Yan Zhi\'s little mind.

He wanted to drink Di Xingchen\'s, right?

Heh heh heh.

Yan Zhi froze for a moment and just looked at him.

Di Xingchen was happy to see Hu Ying being so forthcoming: "You can try his, it\'s all the same."

Huo Cheng let out a laugh, he didn\'t know why Hu Ying was suddenly so forthcoming, but he was happy to see the image.

Instead of using Hu Ying\'s spoon, Yan Zhi took a new plastic spoon and scooped a spoonful.

"How does it taste?" Hu Ying asked.

"Average." Yan Zhi put down his spoon, "It\'s a bit sour."

Pei Xu is seriously drinking bean curd.

It tasted good, he felt it wasn\'t sour enough and added more to it, fastest chase, fastest update