Whisper of Hearts

Chapter 5 - Golden Moon

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It was almost time for the year to change and the three goddesses stood at the peak of Mount Selas, waiting for the sun to set. Although coldness started to spread around them, neither Goddess sensed it as they waited for this perfect time.

The sky was painted with streaks of red, orange and blue while the sun moved closer towards the horizon. Other than the three goddesses, nobody was present at the peak. All the supporters of the three deities were at the foot of the mountain, far away from them as they waited for the miraculous event to take place.

It was after two decades that they were witnessing the marvelous event again, and nobody wanted to miss it. Most of the people of Mount Selas vividly remembered the last time when the other two deities had merged with the moon goddess, Luna and it had been a divine experience for them. They had seen nothing like that ever and they were sure they would not, in the future too.

While Luna kept her gaze fixed on the sun, waiting for it to set, Diana stared at Hecate who was unusually quiet. Even her eyes were filled with uncertainly and another emotion which she could not perceive. And at once, she realized that something was not fine.

"Hecate," She started, not knowing what to ask her. Problems in the Netherworld were not uncommon and Diana was certain that Hecate could solve them with ease. But whatever was bothering her was not related to the Underworld. Otherwise, she would not have been this worried.

"What is bothering you?" He queried softly and immediately after, Luna\'s eyes moved them. She too had observed Hecate\'s abnormal silence. But had ignored it, assuming it be some problem in the Underworld. Now that Diana had brought it up, she could not help but be concerned about her.

"Nothing, Diana. It is just a minor problem in the Underworld. It has been taken care of."

Diana and Luna saw right through her lie even though Hecate smiled at them in assurance. Now, they were affirmative that something huge and significant was bothering her.

Hecate had no idea that Luna and Diana had seen her lie. She just pursed her lips as she recalled all that she had learned from Finnegan. \'They will find the truth themselves once we merge into Luna. How do I overcome the crisis we will soon be facing?\' She wondered with her eyes lowered.

\'From Finnegan\'s revelation, it is quite apparent that not only there is a danger from the devil, Luna\'s children will also have to ward off a perpetrator among themselves. How can I stop the massacre from transpiring?\' She wondered with a frown. \'How do I tell Luna that her children are already in danger and it is not from the devil alone?\'

Suddenly, she lifted her gaze only to find Luna already staring at her and for a moment, Hecate was stunned. Immediately after, she averted her gaze guiltily. Even though the truth would be out before Luna in a few moments, Hecate was still unable to reveal a word about it herself. She did not have the confidence to face her after the revelation.

She had long tried to find a way to the person behind the gruesome future that Aranill would soon see. But she could not sense anything. All she saw was a black space around her, and Hecate immediately realized that someone was blocking her. This only confirmed her suspicions and she was certain that Finnegan had not been tricked.

Luna\'s children, the strongest ones among all were in danger and she did not know how to protect them.

Hecate bit her lip in dismay. Even until the last moment, she had tried to find more about what lay ahead for Aranill but only to end up disappointed.

"Please forgive me, Luna." She apologized all of a sudden, startling both Luna and Diana. They blinked at her blankly, waiting for her to explain more. But all they got in return was her silence. She did not explain the reason behind her apology, staying mum with her head bowed.

"Why are you apologizing to me, Hecate? What happened?" Luna\'s tone was considerate and soft. At other times, it would have soothed Hecate\'s unsettled heart. But not this time. No amount of compassion was enough to pull her out of her anguish and worry and she knew that soon the other two deities would join her in her misery.

Hecate was unable to keep her concerns a secret anymore and she stared at the sun. In just a few moments, the year would change and Luna would become the strongest among them. But Hecate was unsure how badly she would be affected once she found the truth.

"You will find out the truth soon, Luna. Please forgive me." Hecate lowered her head in guilt.

A distressing silence settled around them, and it was only when the sun had completely disappeared behind the horizon that Diana and Luna held Hecate\'s hands. Not only were they assuring her silently, they even gave her the courage she so badly was looking for a few moments ago.

Instinctively, she lifted her head to meet the other two deities to find them smiling at her gently, amiably.

"We understand you, Hecate. Please do not blame yourself for anything. Whatever happens, we will face it together. All I need is you, you and Diana." Luna stated and pressed Hecate\'s hand.

"Luna is right. We are here and we will always be." Diana added and stepped closer. "It is time."

With a nod, the three deities closed their eyes and the next instant, the people at the bottom of the peak saw a golden light at the top. The magnificent sight made their jaws drop even though many among them had witnessed it before. They sensed a sudden increase in power around them, even more than how they had felt a few days ago.

This time, it was stronger and more intimidating. The golden glow become so intense that it became too intense for them to keep their eyes open.

Hecate and Diana immediately merged with Luna, and she felt the power surging through her the next moment. The golden light barely lasted a few moments. Once the three deities had merged to become one, darkness fell on Mount Selas and the whole world.

Meanwhile, at Ideni, Azimir gazed at the golden moon that now adorned the night sky and a triumphant smile settled on his lips.

\'I had been waiting for this day all these years. Goddess Luna had finally granted me what I was looking for.. It is now time to take over what rightfully belongs to me.\'

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