While Others Cultivate, I Use My Unique RPG Leveling System to Cultivate Smut Romance With Their Girlfriends!

Chapter 176 - Setting off

Waking up with my lover sleeping with my arm for her pillow was one of the sweetest things in life. While I would love to just watch her softly breathe through her sleep, I had way too much to do today to just waste my time lazing around.

"Good morning"

As I tried to carefully remove my arm from under Eve's head, she instantly opened her eyelids and looked at me with her vision absolutely clear. Only then did I understand that she only pretended to be asleep! What a wench!

"Morning, morning. How are your preparations?"

Exchanging the simple greetings was just another sweet point of cohabitating. While most people don't feel it despite living in families, it's hard to pay any attention to such a mundane and repetitive thing. It might be because I was simply starved for attention back in my earthly life, or maybe because my parents were almost always away? It's hard to say.

Speaking about preparations, Eve didn't have any fights scheduled for today, meaning that she could either spend her entire day on last-minute training or just go to watch the duels at the arena to gauge the overall estimated strength of her possible opponents. Even in such a tournament, gathering information was one of the vital points of strategy!

If you know what to expect from your opponent on the ring, it will be as much harder for him to surprise you! That's why the starting days of the tournament was a pure battle of wits in winning your respective duels while pretending to be as weak as possible! The more aces one shows sooner, the lesser moves he will save for later situations of need!

"I think I will go watch some duels now, then maybe eat something? I don't really know and training in the last moments is a thing for those who are unsure about their abilities."

Shaking her shoulders, Eve finally walked out of the bed, showcasing her entire nude beauty. Thanks to the closed covers on the window, I could adore her curves without worrying about anyone sneaking a peek on her.

"How about it, I will go to work a bit on my crafts, and you will go watch those games. When the sun will reach the highest point in the sky, we will meet up in front of the entrance to this hotel and go eat something together? If you will be bored with the fights, I would love to work some more with you on my side then."

While my plan doesn't require me to start working right away, I still want to get this over with as soon as possible. Every moment that Venna will doubt my ability to back my words is a moment closer to a disaster when I won't have even a single backer on my plight against the Katenaris.

"That works for me."

Leaning her entire upper body over a bail with water only to splash her face with water and refresh her morning look gave me the chance to adore her two peaks in their full glory. With the gravity pulling them down as if a lascivious lover was trying to pull her by her boobs down on himself, I couldn't get enough of this scene.

Raising back to a straightened position, I could watch droplets of water slowly sliding down her peerless skin, from the cheek to her short neck, from neck to her collarbone, on her breast, on top of her nippleā€¦

Turning my eyes away before I would lose my mind completely, I fixed my robes before throwing clothes at Eve. Hearing her giggle, I couldn't help but redden a bit. I guess this reaction proved that no matter how long and hard we will go at it during the night, just a short rest is more than enough for her body to flare me up again!

I guess as a woman, she could never receive a better compliment!

"I'm off then. See you at noon!"

Unable to stand her beauty any longer, I made sure to stay in line with the gap that I needed to make in the doors to move outside, and Eve covered haphazardly with the cloth I threw at her. If anyone dared to even poke at her body like that, I would kill him on the spot!

Leaving the place, I jogged to the Bakari house and asked for any messages directed to me. Just as we agreed with Venna before I left her lodge the day before, there was a piece of paper already waiting for me in the reception. Unpacking the envelope and quickly memorising the content, I made sure to tear it down, gnash it into a ball and throw it into a fancy fireplace embedded into the wall.

While the entire building definitely had some other source of heating just from looking at its size and comfortable temperature enveloping everyone just after passing the grand entrance, the ward and tempting colour and tone of the fire in the wall created a cozy atmosphere for everyone visiting.

It seems locals aren't as foreign to the laws of marketing as I would think!

Exiting the place right after I made sure that the paper turned into the ash, I followed the instructions that were written on the message only to arrive in front of a small and abandoned-looking building in one of the side alleys on this worse part of the city.

With a soul on my shoulder, I pushed the entrance doors, only to see the lobby just as rotten and messy as the outside. With a deep sigh, I closed the door behind myself and followed to the second entryway, according to the note, leading to the proper area of this so-called smith.

Only after pushing the rotten wood of the entrance out of my way did I realise ingenuity of the design!

Who could've thought that someone would pay so much effort in picking the place and creating this whole ruse just to make sure that his customers wouldn't be bothered by unwanted eyes!