When Your Heart Comes Back To Me

Chapter 91

The air in the corridor of the hotel feels sticky. The bright yellow light and the dark brown carpet add a dull touch to the atmosphere.

When it\'s not the tourist season, there are not many people in the hotel, especially when it\'s at night, and no one passes by in the corridor for a long time.

Tang Xiaoge inadvertently learns from Lin Wenwen\'s SMS that she has ordered the business room on the top floor here, and the room number is clearly printed in her mind.

After Lin Wenwen left the coffee shop, Tang Xiaoge sat in the shop for more than an hour, until all the guests left. It was only 20 minutes before closing, and the shop assistants began to clean up one after another.

He got up and started walking. When he got to the gate of the hotel, his steps began to weigh heavily. He was still worried.

Lin Wenwen\'s calmness is somewhat abnormal. When a woman is faced with this kind of thing, whether she loves the man or not, the power of motherhood will lead the vulnerable part of her heart.

Even if it\'s not hysterical despair and crying, it should be sad. At least it won\'t be so light anyway, as if what Tang Xiaoge said has nothing to do with Lin Wenwen.

Thinking of this, he turned around nervously and walked back. When he pressed the elevator, his heart was very confused. Whether the decision was right or not, he also began to waver. But at this point, he could not turn back.

What\'s more, Lin Wenwen has to risk his life to give birth to a child who may be mentally unsound. No matter what Lu Jingshen thinks, at least Tang Xiaoge can\'t sit back and ignore him at the moment.

Love will turn a person into a variety of shapes, good or bad. No matter how much Tang Xiaoge hates himself, he is still trapped step by step.

At the door of Lin Wenwen\'s room, Tang Xiaoge raises his hand but never presses the doorbell. He doesn\'t know what to say if Lin Wenwen opens the door and faces her.

He thought that he would rather Lin Wenwen be like a normal person, even if he was crying, complaining, blaming and even more intense. At least he could find a way to comfort him, but Lin Wenwen\'s reaction made him completely helpless.

In the end, Tang Xiaoge did not disturb Lin Wenwen, but sat on the floor of the hotel corridor, leaning against the corner of Lin Wenwen\'s room. He thought that at least she was safe in the room. If she wanted to go out alone, he could follow her, at least to ensure that she would not have an accident.

Occasionally, the residents who pass by look at Tang Xiaoge with vigilance, and the cleaners who clean up the room also look at him with strange eyes.

Until one o\'clock in the middle of the night, the cleaning staff came to the top floor again to clean up the guest room. When she pushed the cleaning car past Tang Xiaoge, she still couldn\'t help asking him, "young man, wake up, young man."

Tang Xiaoge, who was already sleepy, was awakened by the cleaning staff. He thought that something had happened to Lin Wenwen. He was so surprised that he stood up all of a sudden. Because he got up too fast, he even took two steps to stand firm.

"Young man, why do you sleep in the corridor? Are you a resident or looking for someone?" The cleaner looked at him up and down, full of doubts.

Tang Xiaoge woke up completely and realized that he might have attracted the attention of the staff, so he was quick witted.

He scratched the back of his head awkwardly. "Auntie, I came with my wife, but we quarreled at night, so..." Tang Xiaoge pointed to Lin Wenwen\'s door with a dry smile.

Aunt clean suddenly realized that, and immediately put down her vigilance. She covered her mouth and said with a smile, "Oh, that\'s what\'s going on. The couple are out of trouble, isn\'t it?"

Tang Xiaoge nodded with a bitter smile.

Clean aunt a pair of gossip look, has been unable to stop smiling, always hanging on her face, "then you can\'t sleep in the corridor, ah, if you sleep all night, tomorrow you must catch a cold, it\'s all after midnight, you knock on the door to go in, what gas ah, at this time also should disappear."

Said cleaning aunt will reach out to help him ring the doorbell, Tang Xiaoge immediately stopped her, "don\'t don\'t don\'t don\'t don\'t, you see it\'s going to dawn, not a few hours, at this time my wife must be sleeping soundly, she\'s a little nervous, if you wake her up now, she won\'t want to sleep in the middle of the night."

"Ouch, your wife is really blessed. There is a man who loves her so much and looks like a star. Such a good man should be cherished. If you were not married, I would like to marry my daughter to you. Ha ha..." aunt Qingqing looks at Tang Xiaoge and laughs wildly.

"I\'m sorry to trouble you, auntie." Tang Xiaoge nodded respectfully to express his apology.

"Ouch, if you don\'t know where to go, you\'ll give me any trouble. I\'m a good polite child. Here you are. Put it on. It\'s clean. It\'s chilly in the corridor after midnight. Don\'t get sick. It\'s not worth it." Then the cleaning aunt handed him a blanket from the hotel room.

Tang Xiaoge quickly took the blanket and expressed his thanks. It was only when Aunt Qingqing came to the elevator entrance while she was reading, that he was relieved, for fear that this groundless noise would disturb Lin Wenwen.

He looked at the blanket in his hand and gave a few wry smiles helplessly, "lucky? It\'s a pity she\'s someone else\'s wife. " I thought in my heart and whispered in my mouth. In this way, Tang Xiaoge has been sitting at the door until dawn, the whole night, he did not leave. The light of the room is weak, the curtain of the hotel is very thick, and it looks airtight. Even the extremely sharp sunlight can\'t penetrate, so we can only find the gap and sneak into the dark room. Lin Wenwen lay on the bed of the hotel, like the people at the door, awake all night. Tang Xiaoge had a conversation with aunt Qingqing outside the door last night. She heard something. She knew that he had been there all the time, so Lin Wenwen, who wanted to go out for a breath, finally stayed in the room. At this time, she was pale and pale, staring at the white ceiling. Fortunately, the sunlight kept telling her that it was daybreak and the inner battle should be over. This was the deadline she gave herself last night. What happened after going upstairs last night is still fresh in my mind, and the feeling still invades her exhausted body. Scenes, every feeling, and two years ago after the drug abortion mood is exactly the same. When he entered the room last night, Lin Wenwen changed her clothes, washed and cleaned as usual. He even confirmed the time of his return ticket, and sent a text message to secretary Wu informing him to arrange someone to pick her up. All this was explained by Lu Jingshen. Until secretary Wu called to confirm the time, she was still in a stable mood and told him everything about her schedule. There was no difference in her words. But in a few minutes after she hung up, Lin Wenwen began to feel the change of her body. Her heart began to pain violently, and the uncomfortable feeling made her difficult to breathe. She held on to her clothes, but the pain still attacked her spiritual fortress without any weakness“ The doctor suggested that you kill the child... "This sentence echoed in her ears like a curse. Her pain gradually transferred from her heart to her brain, which seemed to make her delirious. Is it sad or disappointed. She tried hard to cry, but in the end, she couldn\'t shed a tear. Besides the pain, Lin Wenwen couldn\'t feel anything else. Since she became pregnant, Lu Jingshen\'s attitude has made her greedy and sentimentally attached. The child is gone, and there is no connection between them except the contract. Lin Wen kept thinking, and his mind began to get more and more confused. The past scenes were like a sharp dagger, gouging out her heart, cruel and fierce, as if to kill her. This feeling lasted for not knowing how long. Lin Wenwen, who had already felt paralyzed, almost crawled to the bathroom. She could not tell where the pain was. In short, there was no intact skin all over her body from inside to outside. Her eyes were burned Purple by the sour and astringent from her nose, but her tears were still like the water source in the desert, hard to explore, even a drop was stingy and refused to give. She stumbled into the bathroom, her stomach began to turn over the river, a burst of bitter water, impact on her, keep retching. Lin Wenwen was lying on the edge of the toilet. She was already unconscious. She only remembered that she was always nauseous, but could not vomit anything. This strange reaction tormented her for several hours, until her spirit could no longer support her, and she fell down tired. It\'s not pregnant vomiting. She can tell that last night\'s retching was fierce. It seemed that her heart, liver, spleen and lung had to be pulled out together before she would give up. Her body seemed to blame her for being useless. Even a child could not be saved. Whether Lin Wen loves Lu Jingshen or not is still a difficult question to answer, but even if it\'s just a mistress or a contract marriage, she clearly knows her heart and wants to have the child. But God didn\'t give her this chance. When she heard the news in Tang Xiaoge\'s mouth, she was really sad, but that kind of light emotion almost didn\'t make her expression surge. Just went back to the room, when I started to be alone with myself, so my emotions burst out in a flash, like a balloon that was suddenly punctured. Endless sadness poured out of the unknown corner of her body. She tried to find it, but everything was no longer bright and dark. All the places where she wanted to see, tangible or intangible, disappeared. Clinical neurology experts said that people who are extremely sad have no tears, and they can\'t feel anything except nausea and vomiting. And Lin Wenwen is just like that.