When Your Heart Comes Back To Me

Chapter 397

The little secretary felt flustered and at a loss. She was worried that something might happen inside, so she went to secretary Wu in a hurry. When they went to Lu Jingshen\'s office, they met Tang Xiaoge, who was walking with a wall, but his expression was gloomy. Secretary Wu hesitated to stop him from saying something, but Tang Xiaoge just passed him and entered the elevator as if he didn\'t see him.

Secretary Wu pushed his glasses with a cool expression. In my heart, I think that Tang Xiaoge is probably beaten by President Lu. He seems to have lost his strength.

"Mr. Lu, Mr. Lu..." secretary Wu stood at the door and knocked, but there was no response for a long time, so he gently pushed the door with some worry, and a strong smell of alcohol came to his face.

Secretary Wu was stunned by everything in front of him. The office was in a mess. All the wine in the wine cabinet fell to the ground and cracked. The dark brown wine juice mixed with scattered pieces of glass flowed freely on the floor, which made him look like he was stretching his teeth. It seems that this is the mark of a fierce fight.

At this time, Lu Jingshen was sitting on the back of his desk, thinking about something. When he saw the wound on Lu Jingshen\'s face and the blood on the corner of his mouth, secretary Wu raised his voice and rushed to the table with a cry of surprise.

"Mr. Lu, are you ok? I\'ll call Lu\'s personal doctor right now... "With that, secretary Wu took out the phone and prepared to dial the number.

Lu Jingshen waved his hand. Although his voice was as cold as usual, his eyes were full of abnormal fatigue. "No need."

Wu Secretary helplessly put down the phone, but frowned, "is it Tang Xiaoge? I\'ll send someone and teach him a lesson! "

"No, you go to C Central Hospital in person now. I want to know everything about Lin Wenwen\'s case that he was admitted to hospital." Lu Jingshen\'s tone was firm, and his unquestionable appearance was clearly an order.

"C City? When I know Mr. Lu, I\'ll start right away... "Secretary Wu frowned slightly. He seemed to have lost his impression on this matter, but he had to comply with Lu Jingshen\'s instructions, and he didn\'t even need to know the reason.

Lu Jingshen has always been a thoughtful person. He won\'t make a rash decision just by virtue of Tang Xiaoge\'s one-sided words. Although this matter can hardly be falsely analyzed by reason alone, Lu Jingshen still needs to know the specific situation.

That day, Lu Jingshen left the office very early. Instead of going anywhere, he went straight back to his residence. Since Lin Wenwen moved away from here, he almost goes out early and comes back late every day. He doesn\'t come back until early in the morning. Facing the cold walls of the room, I suddenly felt empty.

People are like this. After getting used to company, they can\'t live alone any more. There are familiar shadows everywhere and fragments of memories. Once upon a time, Lu Jingshen even wanted to sell the real estate here and move to another place. What he could escape from was always something that cowardly people would do. Lu Jingshen would not because he was dying.

Tang Xiaoge\'s words hurt him, but the heart seems to be vaguely with a trace of happiness, is it because of this Lin Wenwen will come back, will continue to be obedient to his side.

When secretary Wu called, it was already 3:45 in the morning. Lu Jingshen\'s heart beat slightly, but he quickly picked up the phone. As Tang Xiaoge said, Lin Wenwen was definitely diagnosed with the disease in C City.

Secretary Wu\'s tone was a little surprised. He asked, "Mr. Lu, it turns out that Mrs. Lu is in trouble. Do you want to take her back?"

Lu Jingshen was silent for a moment, then slowly opened his mouth and said coldly, "since she doesn\'t say why I want to give her this step, I don\'t know about it. Don\'t disclose it to anyone for the time being."

"But Mr. Lu, the 30 billion yuan? You really want Mrs. Lu... "Secretary Wu seemed a little worried. He couldn\'t understand what Lu Jingshen was thinking, and he was confused.

"Ha ha -" Lu Jingshen sneered, "I\'d like to see if 30 billion yuan can make her bow in her feelings!"

With that, Lu decided to hang up the phone, his eyes deep dark. No one knows what\'s in his mind. If you are an ordinary person, you will go to Lin Wenwen when you know the truth, but Lu Jingshen won\'t, because he is not an ordinary person.

Lu Jingshen meets Lin Wenwen again after Tang Xiaoge\'s birthday party at Yuncheng airport. At that time, he is helping Mu Yaner push his suitcase and whisper all the way.

"Wenwen? What are you doing here? " Dusk smoke son settle a pace, a face embarrassment of see to Lin Wen Wen.

Lin Wenwen was also a little surprised. Her eyes stayed on Lu Jingshen for a moment, then she moved to moyan\'er. She laughed awkwardly. "I saw your itinerary in your memo by accident, and I knew you were coming back today. I was going to give you a surprise..."

Lin Wenwen\'s voice became smaller and smaller, and he seemed to have no confidence. After all, the surprise now seems to be the shock of dusky smoke. It seems that she doesn\'t want Lin Wenwen to know about her meeting with Lu Jingshen.

Lu Jingshen pushed the suitcase to moyan\'er, took off his sunglasses, and said calmly, "it seems that you should have something to deal with. I\'ll wait for you in the car. Come here when you\'re done."

With that, Lu Jingshen deliberately passed by Lin Wenwen, walked through the hall of the airport and walked towards the parking lot. It\'s still a faint smell of tobacco and mint. When Lu Jingshen passed by, he rushed into Lin Wenwen\'s breath, entangled, and entered the respiratory tract.

The once familiar smell became a little pungent here for a moment. At least Shaolin Wenwen felt very uncomfortable, and the tip of his nose was filled with acid. This is the first time that mu Yan\'er and Lin Wen feel embarrassed. Even if Lu Jingshen leaves, they are still standing in the same place. The crazy barrage in my mind, what should I say to make it more natural, but the more I think about it, the more strange the atmosphere is. Finally, Lin Wenwen broke the deadlock. She went over and handed the coffee to Mu Yan\'er. She opened her mouth with a smile. "Here, vanilla coffee. I know that you like to drink a cup every morning. How about a special human flesh express? How about it The evening smoke son bitterly took the coffee, is her usual favorite shop, her heart slightly trembled, "sorry, Wenwen, actually I..." Lin Wenwen patted the evening smoke son\'s shoulder, interrupted her explanation, "by the way, how about uncle?"“ Well, it\'s almost recovered, but we still need to rest. " The tone of evening smoke son is some unnatural, always careless of she unexpectedly seem to be changed a person“ Go quickly. Lu Jingshen is waiting for you. You should have something to talk about. We\'ll talk when you get home! By the way, you didn\'t know in M, and we became roommates again. I moved back to Wutong road. "After that, Lin Wenwen interrupted her. She put out her bracelet to hold Lin Wenwen, and her voice was gentle." Thank You Wen Wen, I\'ll go first, and I\'ll come home later. " Finish saying, the evening smoke son takes coffee to drag a suitcase, then toward the direction of parking lot left. Her back is reflected in Lin Wenwen\'s eyes. At this moment, she seems strange. Looking at her gradually away from the back, Lin Wen felt a warm heart. She and Lu Jingshen\'s matter, the evening smoke son seems to already know, completely did not show a trace of embarrassment. In fact, Lin Wen\'s heart is full of curiosity, why Lu Jingshen will come to pick up moyan\'er, why they seem to have been very familiar with the appearance, Lu Jingshen has always been a stranger do not enter the appearance, but just kindly help moyan\'er pull the suitcase, and turn a blind eye to Lin Wenwen. What do they have to talk about? All these questions, like a vulture, hover in my mind. That day, Lin Wen Wen made dinner in the apartment of Wutong Road, and prepared beer as usual. She thought that she could have a good chat with mu Yan\'er. There were too many words in her mind during this time, which was too heavy to add, and there was no outlet to vent. Lin Wenwen is now the only friend left. But until that morning, the doors of Wutong Road apartment were not pushed away. Lin Wenwen didn\'t sleep all night. She almost didn\'t feel sleepy. She had been leaning on the sofa, hugging her knees, wrapped in a thick blanket, and watching the vulgar plot on the TV. She was in a daze. When the smoke returned to the Wutong Road apartment, it was already second o\'clock in the morning at eight o\'clock. Lin Wenwen, who had just fallen asleep, still heard the sound of opening the door and sat up from the sofa. She rubbed her eyes, dragged a tired voice, "you\'re back..." moyan\'er looked at the already cool food and clean dishes on the table, secretly clenched her fist, she didn\'t speak, just nodded, but it was very stiff. Lin Wenwen stood up and went to the table, rubbed his sleepy eyes, "did you eat? I helped you heat the food. Yesterday, it took me a lot of effort..." and Lin Wenwen began to be busy all by himself. For a moment, the evening smoke son finally opens a mouth, she stopped Lin Wenwen, tone is insipid but unnatural, "no, Wenwen, actually I come back to pack things today..." "pack things? Where are you going? Is something wrong with uncle? " Lin Wenwen walked over in a panic, and even had no time to tidy up her disorderly hair. Moyan\'er shook his head and said in a low voice, "no, actually I will go to work with Lu later. Lu Jingshen has arranged a place for me to live. It\'s closer to Lu group and more convenient there. I\'m sorry to bother you for so long. "I\'m sorry, maybe I know that the meaning of this is not just because I live in the apartment of Wutong Road, but she can\'t say. Lin Wenwen was stunned. She froze in the air for a long time and then reluctantly laughed, "Oh, so. It\'s very good. It\'s very good to go to Lushi... "