When Did I Become Invincible?

Chapter 1257: You finally came to me alive

"Key?!" At the beginning of the emperor\'s mother\'s eyes changed, and she quickly looked in the direction Chen Ping\'an was looking at.

There is nothing over there.

When Chen Ping\'an said that she was waiting for the key, she was looking forward to it. If what Chen Ping\'an said could really come true, then entering it, the source of the avenues obtained would be scary!

After Chen Ping\'an finished speaking, he flew over there, and he had to merge with the clone before coming in.

It is a little bit bad to fuse the body in front of the Emperor Mother and others in the beginning.

Of course, before going out, he still waited for the black smoke to condense and form, and after killing them again, he flew out.

In the beginning, the emperor and others looked at his back, waiting for him to return with the so-called key.

Chen Ping\'an snapped out of the screen, and the clone was already there waiting for him.

The other avatar saw Chen Ping\'an, and it was full of tears. After so many things, I finally saw it.

The two of them didn\'t say anything, they got close together, and one of them turned into light and merged into the other\'s body.

In the blink of an eye, there was only one person left.

The integration process is very simple.

Chen Ping\'an carefully felt the situation in his body, and now his strength has improved a lot.

After more than 3,000 kinds of avenues are gathered, he doesn\'t need to do anything. They are like family members who have reunited after a long absence.

After the emergence of the Avenue of Creation, Chen Ping\'an\'s whole person\'s feeling has changed.

After the integration of the Avenue of Creation was completed, Chen Ping\'an also directly threw himself into the sealing screen.

The moment he entered, the black smoke inside was condensing, and it should be condensed and formed after five or six breaths.

Chen Ping\'an flew to the Emperor Mother and the others in the beginning.

When the Emperor Mother and others saw Chen Ping\'an coming back, they stared at him intently, not letting go of any details.

They found that after being separated for a while, Chen Pingan seemed to have changed!

become more common!

That\'s right, it\'s normal!

He is like a mortal person, with no breath on his body, and there is no such powerful feeling.

But it was this kind of change that made the Emperor Mother stunned for a while.

This is back to basics!

It means that Chen Ping\'an has become more powerful now!

Chen Ping\'an quickly approached Tai Chu Emperor Mu and others.

The Emperor Mother immediately asked: "Is there really a key? What exactly is it?"

She was still curious about this. Chen Ping\'an was already very strong, and if he was stronger, it seemed like a lump of sand had been added to hundreds of millions of sands, and it didn\'t make much difference to people.

Chen Pingan said: "This is the key."

After that, a special avenue mark began to rise behind him.

This avenue has a big mark, like a group of bright light rising behind him, shrouding his whole person below.

This avenue mark is something that Emperor Mother and others have never seen before.

A black and white circle with a curved line dividing the circle in half.

This imprint is not as fancy as other Dao imprints, and some are just plain.

Only black and white.

But seeing this in the eyes of Emperor Tai Chu, she couldn\'t help but widen her eyes.

Others may not have discovered the mystery in the mark of the avenue, but she did.

The level displayed by this Great Dao Mark is also the Sixty Intent level, and it is actually spinning and bouncing in it!

It seems like something is driving it!

And that kind of energy, she has never seen before! !

"This... what kind of avenue is it!" The Emperor Mother murmured in the beginning, and the whole person fell into a state of confusion again.

After Chen Ping\'an released the mark of the avenue, his body shook again.

A stream of energy swayed towards the black smoke that had just formed around.

in a blink.

All the black smoke exploded.

The power of the Great Way of Creation is unmatched by more than 3,000 great avenues. The power after synthesis is several times that before it is synthesized!

The speed of these smoky men disintegrating is too fast for people to react.

At the beginning of the Emperor\'s Mother, when Chen Ping\'an exuded the power of the Great Way of Creation, his heart and liver trembled at the same time, and a strong deterrent force made their souls tremble.

This feeling is like the feeling of a beast when it encounters its natural enemy!

Fear from the soul!

In the beginning, the Emperor Mother and others widened their eyes and stared at Chen Ping\'an in a daze.

And this is just the first shock.

Immediately afterwards, they found that even more terrible things began to unfold.

I saw the black smoke scattered by Chen Ping\'an, it seemed that they were injured this time!

The speed of condensation has actually become much slower!

Seeing this scene, they felt that everything in front of them became magical.

how so! ! !

When Chen Pingan saw this scene, he was also a little stunned.

Immediately, his eyes flashed with endless light, like the dazzling sun in the sky.

"Good guy! Can you really kill these black smoke with the Avenue of Creation?!"

One blow made these black smokes like this, and what would happen if you attacked a few more times? !

Chen Ping\'an did not wait for the black smoke to recover, and attacked again.

As soon as it swayed away, I saw that the black smoke was slowly condensing, and half of the black smoke was shaken and disappeared!

I am afraid that if these black smoke condensed and formed again, only half of the body could be formed! !

Chen Pingan was overjoyed and launched several attacks in succession.

After the five moves in the whole process, the black smoke that covered the entire sky not long ago has disappeared without a trace!

It\'s like the smoky world has been washed away by light, and the beautiful world has returned to the world.

Chen Pingan sneered.

"Father Death, I hope you can come back!"

At this moment, he began to pray.

Pray that Father Death will not give up.

Pray that Father Death doesn\'t flee directly from the other plane.

If the opponent kills him back, he can definitely kill him this time!

Let him experience what despair is!

At the beginning of the emperor\'s mother stared blankly at the scene in front of her.

Her worldview was turned upside down again.

When her pupils became clear again, she looked at Chen Pingan\'s eyes with light.

"Your strength is what you call the key? Also, why did you suddenly become so powerful!"

In the early days, the Emperor Mother felt that this kind of strength was no longer at the 60th, 70th or even 80th level.

It has been infinitely close to the ninety-sense level!

It has even reached the 90th level of strength!

This is horrible!

If Chen Ping\'an\'s Dao\'s level was further improved to the 70th or 80th level, what would his true strength be?

Comparable to the ninety-nine Italian level?

Even a hundred Italian level? !

Think about it, how speechless a person who is in his 80s can press and rub her on the ground even when she is outside? !

Chen Pingan nodded, "This is the key I said. As for whether this key can really open the entrance, we have to test it!"

The black smoke has been eliminated by him, and there is no need to worry about the black smoke attacking the kitchen knives and them.

He started flying towards the entrance.

Try the guess that you were born not long ago, is it feasible!

In the beginning, the emperor and others held their breaths when they looked at Chen Ping\'an.

The following results will be the turning point of everything!