When Did I Become Invincible?

Chapter 1254: The father of death is stupid

The kitchen knife and others looked at the battle situation in the sky and determined that after Chen Ping\'an returned, there was no danger, so they quickly rescued the companions who were not dead.

This battle was fierce, more than 100 people from Zhongtian\'s organization, 30 people died!

The price is extremely heavy!

This is why Chen Pingan is so angry now.

Chen Ping\'an never thought that during the short time he was away, the death emperor went there!

Chen Pingan killed the black smoke again and again, but the matter was not over at all.

These smoky people don\'t consume anything at all, and they can condense no matter how many times they die, as if in this world, they are the root of immortality.

Unless the alien plane is destroyed!

Knowing the result, Chen Pingan did not continue to attack, he just wanted to kill people now!

Destroying all the smoky people again, Chen Ping\'an looked at the kitchen knives and said, "Do you want to follow me, or find a place to hide first? I\'ll kill them over there!"

Duan Xinxin said, "Follow you."

Duan Xinxin and others have clearly understood their weakness, and their desire for strength has reached an unprecedented level.

Also, they want to see Chen Ping\'an destroy the Death Emperor and them!

When they saw thirty corpses, they were already furious.

These people died for them!

Li Hao\'s eyes were still red, and he gritted his teeth: "Let\'s go back!!"

Chen Ping\'an nodded, and after extinguishing the condensed black smoke people again, he flew them towards the entrance.

A group of people are menacing and murderous.

The fireworks of vengeance are blazing.


The death emperor father saw that the emperor mother of the early days had not even obtained a piece of the source of the avenue after he came here, and was so proud that he wanted to laugh.

But there was one thing that puzzled him.

That is the black smoke outside, why haven\'t they come back.

The order he gave was to kill the kitchen knives, capture Chen Yi, and let a cloud of black smoke come in to report.

It\'s been so long now.

Haven\'t killed yet?

Logically, that shouldn\'t be the case.

The strength of those people is the same, a hundred groups of black smoke kill them like a chicken.

At the beginning of the emperor\'s mother is very anxious now, and has no intention to **** the source of the avenues that spewed out, just hope that the kitchen knives and the others are safe and sound.

Otherwise, she really didn\'t know how to explain to Chen Ping\'an.

Just when both parties were thinking about things.

A trace of movement appeared, causing everyone inside to look in a certain direction.

One person after another appeared there.

The first person to enter is Chen Yi.

Followed by the kitchen knife and others.

Seeing the kitchen knife and others coming back, the death emperor was stunned for a moment.

He was not thinking about why they came back, but how they were still alive!

At the beginning, the Emperor Mother saw the kitchen knife and others coming back, but after their number was less, her face became ugly again.

When the kitchen knives and the others came back, it means one thing, that is, Chen Pingan may be back!

But they are missing people, and at the moment they all have killing intent, those who are missing are likely to be dead!

After the kitchen knife and the others came in completely, the last person followed them and broke into it.

Seeing this person, the Emperor Mother sighed.

This person is Chen Pingan.

But after Chen Ping\'an, no one followed.

Thirty people are missing!

What this means is self-evident.


Chen Ping\'an and the others all had the same expressions. After entering the screen, their eyes were full of coldness.

All eyes are in one direction.

It is where the Death Fathers are.

Father Death frowned.

Among the choppers and others, some of them have obviously fought, which means that his black smoke has caught up with them, but why are these people not dead!

How is this going!

He gave the order to the black smoke outside again to let the black smoke in.

In an instant.

Clouds of black smoke broke into the screen.

Exactly one hundred regiments, no more or less.


The black smoke just entered the screen and appeared behind Chen Ping\'an and the others. The next moment, it was penetrated by a terrifying energy and dissipated in an instant!

Chen Ping\'an was only in the body for a while, and with a deep snort, he extinguished all the black smoke again!

The death emperor and others quickly shifted their attention and focused on Chen Ping\'an.

Their expressions changed at this moment.

become extraordinarily contradictory.

All of them widened their eyes, opened their mouths slightly, and looked shocked.

"This...how is this possible!!!" The Death Emperor let out a horrified cry.

At this moment, he no longer has the attitude and image he had not long ago.

He was completely shocked by the scene in front of him.

in his sight.

At this moment, a wall appeared behind Chen Ping\'an, and the wall was covered with a pile of badges.

The number of sparkling avenue marks exceeded the normal range.

There are so many people wondering if there is a double image in their eyes!

Chen Ping\'an looked at the Emperor Mother and said, "Help me protect them."

The Emperor Mother nodded, and flew to the kitchen knife and others with Chu Lian and others, staring at the black smoke that was gradually condensing behind her.

Chen Pingan flew towards the death emperor.

He didn\'t use extreme speed either, just flew over.

The distance between the two is not far, and there are many fragile voids in between.

But he was on the ground.

"Father Death! Outside, I may not be able to treat you, but here, I will kill you like a butcher!"

Looking at the death emperor, the killing intent in Chen Ping\'an\'s eyes was extremely strong.

New hatred and old hatred ignited the killing intent in his heart.

It made his eyes blaze with rage, as if he could burn everything.

Father Death quickly reacted and ordered all the black smoke to move towards him.

No matter how shocked he was, he didn\'t lose his sanity.

The situation in front of him really made him unable to understand.

How could one person have so many great roads! ! !

And they have already reached the sixty level! !

Just terrifying.

Compared with this person, the last time I killed them, it was very likely that Chen Pingan, the young master of the Chen family, could only be regarded as rubbish! !

"You! Who the **** is it!!" Father Death asked Shen Ho.

Chen Ping\'an\'s killing intent is sky-high: "I am the one who will take your life in the end! Today, I will first let you experience what it means to be crushed. Next time, when I really kill you in the Hall of the Undead, I will let you experience it again!"

After that, Chen Pingan rioted in vain.

He was too lazy to talk nonsense with each other.

The Death Father here is just a body, and killing the Death Father outside can only hurt the Death Father outside, and it cannot eliminate the anger in his heart.

The death emperor gritted his teeth and quickly controlled the black smoke to gather in front of him.

After seeing the marks of Chen Ping\'s avenues, he knew that he was nothing, and he had no strength at all.

Now he can only see if the four hundred groups of black smoke can fight against Chen Ping\'an.

These 400 groups of black smoke are all very high grades.

The strongest black smoke is the sixty-nine Italian level, and the number reaches ten groups.

The other Black Smoke Avenues are generally at the 65th Intent level and above, which may be able to resist Chen Ping\'an\'s offensive.


When the real confrontation occurs.

He widened his eyes again.

Without saying a word, he turned around and ran.

And he shouted at Qingshuang and the others: "Protect me to leave!!!"