When a Master of Metaphysics Marries into a Wealthy Family

CH 133

TL: Moonlit

Shen Ye, Ye Ze, and their group boarded the flight back to Haicheng. As for how the top leader would handle the secretary, Shen Ye didn’t care much. After all, he knew the top leader had ways to deal with the matter; otherwise, how could he be a high-ranking leader?

Back in Haicheng, everyone’s lives returned to normal. Due to Ye Ze’s coma, both Grandpa Ye and Grandma Shen strongly insisted that he rest at home for a period of time and reduce his workload.

In reality, Ye Ze was not only fine but also benefited from the incident. He had already entered the Dao and was no longer an ordinary person, so he didn’t need to worry about his health at all. However, to appease the two elderly individuals, Ye Ze followed their advice and stayed at home every day.

Shen Ye, of course, was happy about it. With just half a month left until school started, he wanted to spend more time with Ye Ze.

Every evening, they practiced cultivation together, occasionally engaging in dual cultivation. Shen Ye wanted to see if Ye Ze’s cultivation would greatly improve after gaining merit.

However, the results disappointed him a bit. Although Ye Ze had already achieved Qi circulation in his body, his cultivation speed was extremely slow.

Perhaps it was because this world lacked spiritual energy.

Shen Ye quickly changed his mindset and wasn’t disappointed. On the contrary, he felt that it was fortunate enough for Ye Ze to recover the purple aura in his body and gain merit.

One evening, after they finished their practice, Shen Ye hugged Ye Ze’s arm and said, “Uncle, let’s have our wedding before school starts.”

Ye Ze looked at him, then scooped him up and carried him to the bathroom, asking softly, “You want it earlier?”

Previously, Grandpa Ye suggested getting married on October 1st, and both Shen Ye and Ye Ze thought it was a good idea, so they set the date. Grandpa Ye and Grandma Shen had already begun preparing the necessary items for their wedding during this time.

Shen Ye held onto Ye Ze’s neck and nodded. “My spiritual essence is almost restored, but I still feel like something is missing. I have a hunch that maybe my spiritual essence will fully recover when we have our wedding.”

He had considered before whether dual cultivation with Ye Ze could fully restore his spiritual essence. Although they had practiced dual cultivation countless times now, his spiritual essence was indeed close to being complete, but there was always a feeling that something was still missing.

Ye Ze lowered his head and kissed Shen Ye’s forehead. “Then let’s do it your way.”

He rarely refused Shen Ye’s requests, especially when it wasn’t a significant matter like having the wedding earlier. As for Grandpa Ye and Grandma Shen, he believed they would understand.

“Holding a wedding is like a major ceremony in cultivating the Dao,” Shen Ye explained. “I think maybe only when we truly hold the ceremony and pass through the enlightened path in the heavenly Dao will it permit me to fully absorb your purple aura and recover completely.”

In this world, getting married legally had its effects, but in the realm of cultivation and holding the ceremony to pass through the enlightened path, it was considered truly gaining permission from the heavenly Dao.

Ye Ze listened and found it reasonable. He placed Shen Ye in the bathtub and said, “Okay, I’ll talk to Grandpa and Grandma tomorrow.”

Shen Ye nodded with a smiling face and unbuttoned the man’s shirt. “Uncle, you’re so good to me.”

Ye Ze chuckled and lightly scratched his chin.

The two of them spent a sweet night together, and the next day, Ye Ze talked to Grandpa Ye and Grandma Shen about having the wedding earlier.

Grandpa Ye was surprised. “Why so much earlier? We still have many things to prepare…”

“It’s okay; I will have people take care of the preparations,” Ye Ze said.

The Ye family had enough manpower, and half a month was more than enough time to prepare for a wedding.

“I was worried about Xiaoye during my coma and wanted to hold the wedding with him sooner,” Ye Ze paused and explained.

He didn’t mention anything about the cultivation of their spiritual essence to Grandpa Ye and Grandma Shen. They had agreed to reveal that information after opening the passage between the two realms, so as not to worry the two elderly individuals unnecessarily.

Upon hearing this, Grandpa Ye immediately understood and said, “Alright, do it according to your wishes.”

Grandma Shen had no objections either and smiled, saying, “You two can arrange it as you like.”

Afterward, Grandpa Ye consulted the almanac and said that the day before the start of the new school year would be a good day.

Shen Ye, of course, calculated the date as well, and that day was indeed auspicious. They happily confirmed it.

The next step was to invite guests. Shen Ye didn’t have many friends, even if he included his classmates from work, the number was still small. The Ye family didn’t have many relatives, but they had a lot of social connections. The previous banquet held in the imperial capital had over a thousand guests.

After some thought and discussion with Grandpa Ye and Ye Ze decided to invite only close friends and acquaintances, excluding business partners from the event.

“Handle it as you see fit,” Grandpa Ye said with an air of indifference.

His meaning was clear: the responsibility of the Ye family was handed over to Ye Ze, and all decisions should be made by him. As an elderly person, he didn’t want to interfere. He just wanted to peacefully drink tea, play chess, and practice Tai Chi!

Ye Ze smiled and said, “Thank you, Grandfather.”

Having a small-scale wedding was the result of Shen Ye and Ye Ze’s discussion, mainly to maintain a low profile.

Now, countries all over the world have come to know that China possesses a formidable master comparable to nuclear weapons. Everyone is keeping an eye on Shen Ye, but he doesn’t want to attract attention.

The date was set, the guest list was finalized, and other wedding details were gradually being perfected.

On this day, Ye Ze invited a tailor to come and make the wedding attire. The tailor’s ancestors had always worked for the Ye family, and now they only took orders from prestigious families. All the wedding dresses were handmade.

After taking measurements, Shen Ye whispered in Ye Ze’s ear, “Handmade, will it be ready in time?”

Ye Ze smiled and caressed his face. “No problem.” Even if there was an issue, the tailor would work quickly to finish it.

Shen Ye nodded and didn’t ask further.

As the old tailor was leaving, Shen Ye suddenly called him back. “Is something wrong with your family?”

Naturally, he had noticed something about the old tailor and asked out of politeness.

The old tailor had a burden in his heart, with a desolate palace and a tendency towards suicide.

“I’m fine,” the old tailor shook his head, unwilling to say more.

Shen Ye looked at Ye Ze.

Ye Ze stepped forward and held the old tailor’s hand. “Uncle Li, if you have any troubles, just tell me. Don’t worry about causing us any trouble.”

Shen Ye nodded. “If there’s anything, you must let us know.”

The old tailor had lived in the Ye family since childhood. He was considered a playmate of Grandfather Ye and had watched Ye Ze grow up, so he was almost like a family member to Ye Ze.

“I’m fine. I apologize for worrying you. It’s my own fault…” After hesitating for a moment, the old tailor shook his head.

Seeing that he was unwilling to tell the truth, Shen Ye sighed and didn’t press him further.

After the old tailor left, Ye Ze whispered, “I can’t discern Uncle Li’s situation.”

Although he had already achieved enlightenment, his cultivation level wasn’t high, and he didn’t have the abilities of Shen Ye.

Shen Ye asked, “Did Uncle Li have a granddaughter?”

Ye Ze nodded.

“She ran away with the money,” Shen Ye summed it up succinctly.

Ye Ze remained silent.

Suddenly, he felt a sense of guilt. He was usually too busy and rarely paid attention to family matters. In addition, they had a housekeeper who handled most of the affairs, and the old tailor was also taken care of by the housekeeper. He rarely inquired about such things.

As a result, the old tailor had an issue, and he was completely unaware…

“I’ll call Li Shu to come and ask about the situation,” Ye Ze said.

Shen Ye responded, “That’s a good idea. Li Shu is now the only relative of Uncle Li, and Grandfather Li should listen to him.”

Soon, Li Shu arrived.

Ye Ze asked about Uncle Li’s granddaughter.

“The situation is true. a month ago, my niece’s biological parents came and said they wanted to take her back home. Uncle asked for my niece’s opinion, and she said she wanted to go back to her biological parents and experience the warmth of family. Uncle didn’t insist and agreed to let her leave,” Li Shu said, with a hint of resentment flashing across his face. “Back then, my niece was left at our doorstep on a snowy day. If it weren’t for Uncle’s kindness, she would have frozen to death. Moreover, she has a congenital heart disease. We’ve spent so much money on her treatment over the years, and she even had a heart transplant surgery last year… And now, her biological parents came, and she just abandoned Uncle like this…”

Shen Ye had already deduced the cause and effect from the old tailor’s expression, so he wasn’t surprised.

Ye Ze has always kept his emotions in check and doesn’t show any particular expressions.

On the other hand, Xu Sisi and the others were infuriated to the point of grinding their teeth.

To put it bluntly, that niece of theirs is a heartless person.

Li Shu sighed and continued, “If she had simply gone back to her biological parents, I wouldn’t be so angry. But that niece of mine, I don’t know if it’s her true nature or if we spoiled her too much… After a week with her biological parents, she realized they weren’t well-off and wanted to come back to my uncle. My uncle raised her with all his love, and of course, he couldn’t bear to see her go, so he agreed without hesitation. And what did she do? After coming back, she tricked my uncle into revealing the safe password and stole all the valuable items.”

The old tailor had a son who died during the war, and his wife couldn’t bear any more children, so he raised Li Shu as his own son. Later, when he found the little girl, he raised her as his granddaughter and treated her well. Little did he know she was a venomous snake.

Xu Sisi said, “That’s just too wicked…”

Li Shu was also angry, saying, “The family fortune my uncle had saved was meant to be hers. If she had just talked to my uncle properly, he would have willingly given it to her… I don’t know why she’s so malicious, resorting to theft…”

The old tailor had been serving the Ye family for generations, considered a lifelong servant of the Ye family. Whether it was Grandpa Ye or Ye Ze, they had never mistreated him. They even gave him shares in several subsidiary companies. Li Shu also had shares in one of the subsidiary companies, so the Li family was actually quite well-off, though not as wealthy as the noble families.

The girl was raised by the old tailor like a young lady, but her biological parents were from an ordinary family and couldn’t afford to indulge her.

It’s likely because of this that she schemed for the old tailor’s money.

“My uncle almost fell ill from anger during this time. Originally, I wanted to seek help from Grandpa Ye or Young Master, but my uncle said it was a family shame and didn’t want to worry you, so he asked me not to say anything…” Li Shu explained.

Shen Ye remained silent.

He had long since figured out that the old tailor was also a proud person.

Xu Sisi interjected, “Can’t you find your niece? Whether it’s in the capital or Hai Cheng, as long as you spread the word that the Ye family is looking for her, you should be able to find her, right? Are you planning to just let her go like this?”

Li Shu let out a long sigh. “My uncle said to let it go. He raised her as his own, and now it’s as if their fate has come to an end.”

Xu Sisi remained speechless.

Shen Ye spoke, “But in doing so, your uncle is causing harm to himself. If he doesn’t seek treatment, I’m afraid he might take his own life.”

Li Shu stared in disbelief. “Suicide?!”

“A slow suicide, by refusing to eat or drink, gradually deteriorating until he passes away,” Shen Ye glanced at him. “You should persuade your uncle. By indulging that heartless girl, he’s exhausting himself, and that heartless girl won’t have any gratitude. Who knows, she might continue her crimes.”

Author’s Note:

See you tomorrow, my darlings~ ^^

Thank you to the little angels who voted for me or watered me with nutrients between 2020-02-12 23:41:30 and 2020-02-14 13:53:41~

Thank you to the angels who watered me: Dodo (5 bottles), Hsia (2 bottles), and Yan Shi (1 bottle).

Thank you all for your support. I will continue to work hard!