When a Master of Metaphysics Marries into a Wealthy Family

CH 114

TL: Moonlit

The person referred to as “Young Master Shen” by Xu Sisi is Shen Qinlin, the eldest cousin of Shen Shimu. Shen Qinlin is older than Shen Shimu by a few years and is the son of Shen Shimu’s eldest uncle.

The Ye and Shen families have a long-standing relationship, and Shen Qinlin has always been kind to Ye Ze and his younger brother, treating them like his own siblings. Ye Ze also respects Shen Qinlin.

When Ye Ze hears that Shen Qinlin has fainted, he shows a rare expression of concern. Shen Ye quickly tightens his grip on Ye Ze’s hand and says, “Let’s go and have a look.”

Ye Ze nods gently.

Guided by Xu Sisi, the two of them walk toward Shen Qinlin’s bedroom.

The corridor is filled with members of the Shen family, all worried about Shen Qinlin’s condition.

Seeing Ye Ze and Shen Ye approaching, the Shen family members consciously make way. They know that Shen Ye is capable and will surely be able to help Shen Qinlin.

A family doctor has already been treating Shen Qinlin, who is currently receiving intravenous therapy but remains unconscious.

“You’ve arrived.” Shen Shimu’s sharp eyes spot Ye Ze and Shen Ye, and his originally worried face relaxes somewhat.

Shen Shimu had just sent Xu Sisi to find Shen Ye. If it weren’t for an urgent situation, he wouldn’t have disturbed Shen Ye and Ye Ze’s rest.

Shen Ye quickly reassures him, saying, “Don’t worry, I’ll check on Brother Shen’s condition.”

“Thank you for your help,” says Grandpa Shen.

When Ye Ze and Shen Ye returned to the imperial capital, Grandpa Shen personally visited to thank Shen Ye. Last time, when Grandpa Shen had a fall, if it weren’t for Shen Ye reminding Shen Shimu to take Grandpa Shen to the hospital, he might have been confined to a wheelchair now. So Grandpa Shen is very grateful to Shen Ye.

He knows about Shen Ye’s abilities and sees that Shen Ye is willing to help check on Shen Qinlin’s condition, so his tense face eases up a bit.

Shen Ye walks to the bedside and sees that Shen Qinlin’s face is pale, his eyes tightly closed, and his lips somewhat darkened.

He uses three pieces of talisman paper on Shen Qinlin’s forehead, and Shen Qinlin’s complexion gradually warms up and turns red.

“The doctor just performed emergency treatment on my brother, but he hasn’t regained consciousness. Everyone is very worried,” Shen Shimu explains on the side and then lowers his voice, saying, “I turned the lucky charm you gave me into charm water and had my brother drink it.”

Today’s banquet only lasted until evening, with the elder family members taking care of the guests. Shen Ye and Zong Yiming took the opportunity to rest in their bedroom and prepare their luggage for tomorrow’s honeymoon.

Upon hearing the news of his eldest cousin’s fainting, he quickly ran over with Zong Yiming. His cousin’s face was as pale as paper, lying on the ground, and unfortunately, the doctor hadn’t arrived yet. He felt the situation was very bad and quickly turned the lucky charm into charm water and gave it to his cousin to drink.

Fortunately, Grandpa Shen knew that the lucky charm was given by Shen Ye and didn’t stop him.

After drinking the charm water, his cousin’s condition seemed to improve.

Later, when the doctor arrived, emergency treatment was given to his cousin, and his condition stabilized.

“Well done,” praised Shen Ye. “Your cousin had alcohol poisoning, and your talisman saved his life.”

Shen Qinlin’s forehead turned dark, a sign of impending death.

If Shen Shimu hadn’t cleverly fed Shen Qinlin the charm water, even if the doctor had arrived, they might not have been able to save him.

In fact, Shen Qinlin’s soul was still somewhat unstable, but Shen Ye arrived in time and sealed his soul with the talisman paper, completely removing him from danger.

The black qi on his forehead gradually dissipated.

In the end, it was simply not Shen Qinlin’s time to die.

“Tell him not to drink alcohol, but he still insists on drinking!” Grandpa Shen fiercely struck the ground with his walking stick.

Although he scolded harshly, there was a strong sense of fear on his face. In truth, he was very afraid for Shen Qinlin.

Shen Ye said, “Elder Brother Shen probably experienced a lot of pressure and likes to drink. We have to make him quit in the future.”

Grandpa Shen nodded. “We must make him quit!”

“Was he kidnapped when he was young?” Shen Ye looked at Shen Qinlin’s facial expression and asked.

Grandpa Shen was taken aback.

The other Shen family members exchanged glances and remained silent.

The atmosphere became somewhat strange, but Shen Ye knew it in his heart and quietly waited for the Shen family members to answer.

It was Shen Shimu who reacted in surprise and said, “Why haven’t I heard of this before?”

The elder Shen family members remained silent.

In the end, Grandpa Shen sighed lightly and said, “Of course, you wouldn’t know. That happened when your brother was five years old, before you were born.”

Shen Shimu was momentarily stunned and then realized, “So, my brother was really kidnapped?!”

Grandpa Shen nodded, his expression filled with sorrow.

It was a scar that the Shen family didn’t want to touch. Shen Qinlin was taken away by kidnappers in an amusement park and was only rescued after a week. When he returned, Shen Qinlin was covered in injuries, didn’t cry or make a fuss, and refused to eat. He became withdrawn, and it was only with the help of a Taoist priest that the Shen family managed to cure him.

“Xiaoye, when you mentioned the kidnapping, does it have something to do with Alin fainting today?” Grandpa Shen asked in a deep voice.

The elder Shen family members perked up their ears, staring at Shen Ye with some nervousness.

“He has a psychological trauma. These years, he has likely been immersed in the fear of being kidnapped, but he’s very deep-minded and doesn’t want to talk about it with you. He behaves like an ordinary person most of the time, so you can’t tell,” Shen Ye paused and said, “When he was kidnapped, his soul was lost, and he almost became a fool. Later, you invited a Taoist priest who helped him retrieve his soul, and he returned to being a normal person. But you forgot to seek help from a psychologist to treat him, and he accumulated fear.”

Shen Qinlin’s mother was extremely surprised and with tears in her eyes said, “We thought that Taoist priest cured him, and he was fine…”

That was almost forty years ago, and psychological doctors weren’t popular back then, so they didn’t pay much attention to it.

Shen Ye knew that the Shen family members didn’t intentionally ignore Shen Qinlin. On the contrary, it was because they cared too much about him. They avoided mentioning the kidnapping incident, which left Shen Qinlin without anyone to talk to or vent his frustrations. He kept everything to himself, causing him to become increasingly closed off.

“He often recalls the kidnapping incident, and the pressure is too much for him, which is why he likes to drink,” Shen Ye said. “Drinking helps him sleep well and forget about the past… He probably wants to numb himself with alcohol… You should be grateful he didn’t resort to sleeping pills to treat his emotional pain.”

Upon hearing this, the faces of the elder Shen family members turned gloomy.

Grandpa Shen sighed heavily. “…We failed to see that he had such a heavy burden. We, as elders, didn’t do well enough in caring for him.”

Even Shen Shimu felt self-blame. “Big brother has always been quiet, and I thought that was just his personality… When I was young, I used to stick to him and tell him everything on my mind, and he would always comfort me gently. But thinking about it carefully, I’ve never heard him talk about his own worries… I thought he never had any troubles…”

Zong Yiming gently held Shen Shimu’s hand, silently comforting him.

Shen Shimu’s eyes reddened. “I should have cared more about my big brother… I was also at fault…”

“It’s not your fault either,” Shen Ye looked at Shen Qinlin, “He has a strong personality… He probably thinks that as the eldest grandson of the Shen family, he should take care of his younger siblings and not disappoint the elders, so he prefers to shoulder many things by himself.”

Upon hearing this, Shen Qinlin’s parents shed tears.

His mother cried and said, “We never put pressure on him… It’s he who puts pressure on himself… But I’m also to blame for constantly telling him to take care of his younger siblings…”

Looking at her tearful eyes, Shen Ye couldn’t help but feel some sympathy.

That’s how it often was with the older generation, always expecting the older siblings to take care of the younger ones, but forgetting about the emotional burdens carried by the eldest son or daughter.

“It’s alright, his life is saved. As for his drinking problem, with me here, I will cure him,” Shen Ye reassured. “Later, you can find a psychologist to slowly unravel his emotional knots.”

With his talisman paper, Shen Qinlin’s physical health would certainly be fine.

And psychological stress and illnesses can be treated with the help of a psychologist.

Grandpa Shen looked at him gratefully. “Xiaoye, you are our family’s great benefactor.”

“You’re being too kind,” Shen Ye waved his hand. “Elder Brother Shen has been good to my husband as well, so this is his good karma.”

Grandpa Shen, the eldest among them, rarely showed his emotions, but upon hearing Shen Ye’s words, even his eyes reddened. “Yes, our Alin is a good child… Xiaoze is also a good child…”

Shen Ye said, “I will have someone send a protective amulet for Elder Brother Shen to carry with him. This way, such incidents won’t happen again.”

The elder Shen family members expressed their heartfelt gratitude.

“Xiaoye, you’ll always be my idol!” Shen Shimu exclaimed, performing a set of sit-ups on the spot, transitioning from an anti-fan to a fan.

Shen Ye: “… There’s no need for that.”

Ye Ze took Shen Ye’s hand and kissed it gently.

Shen Ye smiled and returned the gesture, whispering, “Don’t worry, Elder Brother Shen is truly fine.”

Ye Ze nodded slightly and kissed his fingertips once again.

Afterward, everyone left Shen Qinlin’s room, leaving only his mother to take care of him.

By this time, most of the guests had also left the living room, with only a few close relatives and friends of the Shen family and the Ye family remaining.

These people had a close relationship with both families, so Shen Ye didn’t mince words and directly addressed them, “You are all my husband’s friends, and your connection with the Ye family is also close. If you ever need anything, feel free to reach out to me… What I mean is, don’t wait until something happens to seek my help; it’s better to take preventive measures, you know?”

The people looked at each other and listened attentively.

“Like Elder Brother Shen’s situation today, it was extremely dangerous. If Brother Shen hadn’t used the charm water to administer it to him, he might not have survived, even with a family doctor’s help!” Shen Ye explained. “For cases like Elder Brother Shen’s, he should be aware himself. If he had come to me earlier, I could have helped relieve his stress, treat his insomnia, and stop his alcohol abuse… What I mean is, if any of you are under similar pressure as Elder Brother Shen, you can discreetly come to me, and I will definitely help you.”

He couldn’t help but feel a sense of lingering fear.

In Ye Ze’s heart, Shen Qinlin was a good older brother, and if it hadn’t been for Shen Shimu’s talisman paper, Shen Qinlin would have been in a terrible state today… How heartbroken Ye Ze would have been.

And these people in the room had a good relationship with Ye Ze as well, and he didn’t want any of them to encounter similar situations.

In other words, he didn’t want Ye Ze to suffer.

Upon hearing this, everyone immediately thanked Shen Ye.

They all knew that Shen Ye was an incredibly powerful master, and with just his words, it brought more joy than any gift could.

So they expressed their gratitude one by one, with some of them wearing pensive expressions.

By the time the Shen family bid farewell to the last group of guests, it was already past nine in the evening. Shen Ye and Ye Ze were originally planning to leave, but Grandpa Shen asked them to stay.

He wanted to express his gratitude to Shen Ye and Ye Ze personally.

I’ll revise the text another day~

Thank you to the little angels who voted for me or gave me nourishing gifts from 23:38:32 to 23:54:33 on January 15, 2020 ~ January 16, 2020~

Thanks to the little angel who gave me a mine: Ling Ling 1;

Thanks to the little angels who gave me nourishing gifts: Qing Li 10 bottles; Ban Yue Qing Qiu 5 bottles;

Thank you all for your support. I will continue to work hard!