When a Master of Metaphysics Marries into a Wealthy Family

CH 112

TL: Moonlit

Mentioning Luo Zifan, a hint of shyness appeared in Liu Silu’s eyes, followed by a disgusted glare at Chen Zi. She replied to Shen Ye, saying, “Yeah, I like Brother Xiao Luosi.”

“Brother Xiao Luosi” was Luo Zifan’s nickname, used by both fans and people in the industry.

Shen Ye glanced at her and said, “I thought you wouldn’t dare admit that you like Luo Zifan.”

Liu Silu shrugged and replied, “You’re overthinking it.”

As the second Miss of the Liu family, she was pampered by her family. No matter what she did, there were always family members covering for her. She had nothing to fear. Moreover, she was not yet eighteen, so she could bear fewer legal responsibilities. In addition, with the influence of the Liu family, if something really happened, they could easily send her abroad without anyone noticing.

Therefore, she wasn’t worried or afraid at all.

Shen Ye scanned her face, seeing her expression, and raised an eyebrow, saying, “The Liu family is truly remarkable.”

Liu Silu thought he was genuinely praising the Liu family, so she tilted her head slightly, revealing a proud smile.

On the other hand, Liu Sichen sensed a hint of surprise and asked in a deep voice, “Sister-in-law, did Xiao Lu commit a crime?”

Although the Liu family was also an old and influential family in the capital city, they couldn’t compare to the Ye family.

The Ye family had supported many important figures in the past and had shared adversities with the country. Their status was superior, and the Liu family had relied on the Ye family many times.

Liu Sichen was just clever as a child, managing to get close to Ye Ze and growing up with him. He took advantage of being Ye Ze’s childhood friend. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have been able to enter Ye Ze’s inner circle of friends.

Compared to Liu Silu’s arrogance, Liu Sichen was more humble and respectful, especially towards Shen Ye, his brother-in-law.

Shen Ye had met Ye Ze’s childhood friends early on and knew that Liu Sichen was a decent person with good character. He wasn’t particularly fond of Liu Silu, but out of respect for Liu Sichen, he didn’t beat around the bush and nodded, saying, “Your sister indeed did something wrong.”

Liu Sichen immediately sat up straight, his expression becoming serious.

On the other hand, Liu Silu still hadn’t realized the seriousness of the situation. She sat on the sofa swinging her feet, not forgetting to glare at Chen Zi.

“Tell us about your situation,” Shen Ye motioned for Chen Zi to speak.

Chen Zi hesitated for a moment.

She had just thought that her experiences over the past six months might have been orchestrated by the second Miss of the Liu family.

The Liu family was influential, so had she offended them?

She came from an ordinary family background and had relied on her acting skills and popularity with the audience to establish herself in the industry and achieve her current success.

However, Master Shen seemed determined to support her. If she didn’t even have the courage to speak up, she would disappoint Master Shen’s goodwill…

After a moment of silence, she finally told her story.

She actively sought out Master Shen’s help, so if she backed down now, it would surely disappoint him. Besides, she was resolving the issue for herself and couldn’t bring herself to betray Master Shen.

Therefore, even if it meant offending the Liu family, she had to stand up.

Liu Sichen was intelligent and had already made some guesses after listening to the story.

He glanced at his sister’s face and looked at Shen Ye, asking, “Sister-in-law, tell me honestly, did Silu do this?”

Shen Ye nodded and said, “Yes.”

Liu Sichen stood up immediately, staring directly at Liu Silu, and said sternly, “You harmed an innocent person for the sake of a male celebrity?”

“What innocent person? Chen Zi is a despicable woman who sucked the blood of my brother and hyped up their CP. Shameless!” Liu Silu sneered, then glared fiercely at Chen Zi.

“What brother of yours? You only have me as your brother. Instead, let me ask you, how did Miss Chen Zi suck my blood?” Liu Sichen’s face turned cold.

He didn’t quite understand the term “CP hype,” but he understood the term “blood-sucking parasite.” He could vaguely grasp what Liu Silu was cursing.

Liu Silu was taken aback, at a loss for words. She said, “Big brother, I’m talking about Luo Zifan, Brother Xiao Luosi, he’s my idol!”

She wasn’t afraid of Liu Sichen at all because she had been physically weak since she was young, and her family loved and protected her, especially her older brother.

Otherwise, how could she have developed such a fearless personality?

To be honest, Liu Sichen didn’t mind his younger sister being a fan of celebrities. After all, the Liu family had plenty of money, and Liu Silu spent her own pocket money on chasing stars. Keeping her occupied with something would prevent her from overthinking things.

But this time, it wasn’t just a matter of being a fan. It was a crime!

Liu Sichen continued to stare at Liu Silu and asked coldly, “So, you really hired someone to track and intimidate Miss Chen Zi all because of that brat Luo Zifan?”

“I was just scaring her,” Liu Silu remained indifferent and even had a hint of pride. “We discussed the plan together. We couldn’t stand Chen Zi pulling my brother into a CP hype. Who does she think she is to covet my brother?”

Hearing her admission, Chen Zi frowned and instinctively said, “I didn’t hype any CP.”

“Shameless! You dare do but not admit it, you slut!” Liu Silu had hated Chen Zi for half a year now. Seeing her in person and hearing Chen Zi deny her actions like a white lotus flower, Liu Silu couldn’t hold back. She disregarded her upbringing as a young lady from a prestigious family and cursed directly.

She firmly believed that Chen Zi deserved a cruel death.

Chen Zi liked to hype CP and this time she had targeted her beloved brother. Liu Silu felt justified in taking action against Chen Zi—it was for the greater good!

Shen Ye smirked at Liu Sichen. “Your sister’s obsession with celebrities has clouded her judgment. Lack of judgment is not a big issue, but the problem is that she has committed a crime.”

Liu Sichen also understood the seriousness of the situation. He furrowed his brows tightly and said, “Rest assured, I will give Miss Chen Zi an explanation.”

Liu Silu didn’t like hearing that and coldly snorted, “Why should we give her an explanation? She’s the one who did something wrong, she should reflect on herself!”

She continued to belittle Chen Zi and showed no signs of guilt or remorse for her criminal actions.

Shen Ye crossed his arms and glanced at her. “You know that I can tell fortunes, right?”

Liu Silu was startled but nodded.

She was also an internet addict, and Shen Ye was quite famous online. Even in their class, students would repost Shen Ye’s Weibo posts for blessings.

Shen Ye continued, “You should also know that I am Ye Ze’s wife, the lady of the Ye family, right?”

Liu Silu was stunned again but nodded once more.

Shen Ye stared at her. “Do you know that your Liu family relies on the Ye family for survival? If you provoke the Ye family, your Liu family will eventually be ruined. Do you understand?”

As soon as these words were spoken, Liu Silu’s face immediately turned embarrassed.

She stuttered, unable to utter a single word.

Seeing that she no longer had the arrogant demeanor from earlier, Shen Ye sneered at her. “Stupid.”

He held no animosity towards women. He sympathized with the women who were trafficked by Dahe Village in the past, and he was angry at the gender discrimination he witnessed with the celestial being. Therefore, after returning, he discussed with Ye Ze about establishing a women’s foundation. Ye Ze even contacted relevant departments to promote ideological education and progress.

But he couldn’t tolerate Liu Silu’s behavior.

Liu Silu only dared to intimidate Chen Zi because she had the Liu family backing her.

Her actions were too malicious and laughable.

After having her face challenged by Shen Ye, Liu Sichen also dared not show any other emotions. He felt regretful about his sister’s arrogance.

To be honest, Shen Ye was still considering Liu Sichen’s face. Otherwise, he would have already dealt with Liu Silu.

“Let me tell you, Chen Zi didn’t hype any CP. All the press releases about CP were sent by your brother’s studio!” Shen Ye sneered again.

Liu Silu was unhappy about being called stupid by Shen Ye, and now she heard Shen Ye shifting the blame for CP hype to Luo Zifan. She exploded, “You’re talking nonsense! It was clearly Chen Zi’s studio that sent them! Who doesn’t know that she loves to hype CP!”

Hearing this, Chen Zi couldn’t help but smile bitterly. “Miss Liu, I truly haven’t hyped any CP.”

It was true that her studio had considered it in the past because CPs were popular at that time. But she had a strong sense of pride and only wanted to prove her acting abilities. She had no intention of taking the wrong path.

After strongly opposing it, her studio eventually gave up on the idea. Her studio was managed by her parents, who loved and cherished her and were willing to listen to her.

But Liu Silu refused to believe it. “You’re truly a despicable person! Even now, you’re acting like a white lotus flower! Are you implying that all those CPs back then were created by the male actors? Are you trying to shift the blame onto others? Do you have no shame?!”

Chen Zi replied, “If I’m not mistaken, the CPs you’re referring to were derived from TV dramas, right? Everyone ships me with the male actors in those dramas, correct?”

“Don’t you know it deep down? One drama, multiple CPs, you’re really something! Creating hype with male actors, every actor you’ve worked with has been exploited once, aren’t you afraid of karma?”

Chen Zi: “…”

Suddenly, she felt disheartened.

In recent years, her dramas had gained a lot of popularity, and the majority of the audience for TV dramas were women who liked to identify with the female protagonist. Because she portrayed her roles well, the audience found it easier to identify with her character, and many viewers shipped her with the male lead or male supporting actors in the dramas.

Many fans even extended their shipping from the dramas to real life, creating CPs between her and the male actors.

In the end, Chen Zi was just a tool for shipping CPs. If another actress replaced her, the audience would still ship the CPs with the male actors.

But could she be blamed for it?

It was all because her dramas were so popular, and fans identified with her character, fantasizing about being in a relationship with the male lead or supporting actors. How was she to blame for that? Why did Liu Silu put all the blame on her?

Chen Zi covered her face, unable to help but think, maybe she shouldn’t have entered the entertainment industry.

Fame comes at a price.

Her mental resilience was poor, and she was particularly fragile. She was easily hurt, so she had reduced her time spent online and avoided reading negative comments. That had brought her some relief.

But Black had not let her off. Just like Liu Silu, they had even threatened her in real life.

She felt that she couldn’t hold on any longer…

Shen Ye could sense her approaching the brink of collapse and said calmly, “Rest assured, I will handle this matter for you.”

Chen Zi showed gratitude on her face, but she still felt lost.

Shen Ye turned to Liu Silu and said, “You’re truly brainless. Your brother has only recently become popular, but Chen Zi has been in the industry for so many years. She is talented and loved by the audience. What makes you think she would want to use your brother for personal gain? Do you think everyone is like you brainless fans, treating your brother as a piece of meat? What does your brother mean to Chen Zi, compared to all the handsome actors and wealthy individuals she has encountered in the entertainment industry?”

Hearing her beloved idol being belittled to the point of worthlessness, Liu Silu became furious. “Shut up! How dare you degrade my brother!”

“I don’t like your brother, so I think he’s worthless,” Shen Ye shrugged. “You can insult Chen Zi and throw dirt at her, even threaten her in real life. Why can’t I belittle your brother?”

Liu Silu felt a lump in her chest, and tears suddenly welled up, making her look pitiful.

“Big brother, are you just going to watch me being bullied like this?” She sobbed and looked to Liu Sichen for support.

Liu Sichen remained silent.

Of course, he cared for his sister, but he was more shocked to see that his younger sister, because of her obsession with a celebrity, had turned into such a despicable person.

Shen Ye didn’t sympathize with Liu Silu. When she ordered people to harm small animals, she was anything but weak.

“You, as the second young miss of the Liu family, have seen so many handsome men since you were young, yet you were captivated by a male white lotus flower star. I think there’s something wrong with your brain!” Shen Ye continued to berate Liu Silu, mocking her to the fullest.

Mainly because Liu Sichen was present, he couldn’t physically discipline Liu Silu, so he could only vent his anger through words, defending Chen Zi.

Liu Silu’s eyes turned red with anger, and she jumped up to argue with Shen Ye, “I think you’re captivated by Chen Zi, the white lotus flower. Don’t forget, you’re a homosexual…”

“Shut up!” Before she could finish her sentence, Liu Sichen sternly interrupted her.

Physical violence was not part of the Liu family’s upbringing, although he wished he could give his younger sister a few hard slaps to wake her up. But he restrained himself, only grabbing hold of Liu Silu’s arm to prevent her from acting recklessly.

“Master Shen is the wife of the Ye family’s patriarch. Who do you think you are to spout nonsense here?” Liu Sichen glared fiercely at his sister, his words carrying a warning, urging her not to offend Shen Ye.

Offending Shen Ye meant offending the Ye family.

Liu Silu thought about the power of the Ye family and how the elders at home always encouraged his older brother to interact with Ye Ze. She immediately wilted, afraid to confront Shen Ye.

But she still resented Shen Ye for belittling Luo Zifan. She clenched her fists secretly, vowing to remember this grudge.

Shen Ye could see through her thoughts, but Liu Silu was just a small follower, someone he didn’t really care about.

He then looked at Liu Sichen and said, “Your sister has done something wrong and must face the consequences of the law. I will call the police, have your sister taken to the police station, and let the law decide her punishment.”

Liu Sichen’s expression stiffened, and he opened his mouth as if to plead.

But he thought about what his sister had done and ultimately remained silent.

“Why should you call the police? What did I do wrong?” Liu Silu protested, screaming, “Big brother, please don’t let me go to jail!”

Liu Sichen sighed but remained silent.

“I’m not even eighteen yet. What can you do to me?” Liu Silu, both angry and anxious, spoke without restraint, “Go ahead and call the police, let’s see if they’ll sentence me!”

Shen Ye realized that Liu Silu was both brainless and malicious, shaking his head and saying to Liu Sichen, “Your sister, she’s going to ruin herself.”

Liu Sichen sighed again, closing his eyes in pain, and said, “Sister-in-law… Can you let me take her back first and inform the family before calling the police…”

“No.” Shen Ye glanced at him. “No one in your family should try to plead for her!”

Liu Sichen didn’t know how to respond for a moment.

Shen Ye thought about how the Liu family usually acted cautiously and that Liu Sichen had good character. He paused for a moment and said, “Your sister is stubborn and obsessed with chasing stars to the point of losing her mind. Maybe you should call Luo Zifan and confront him in person. Once your sister knows the truth, she might wake up.”

The CP hype was orchestrated by Luo Zifan’s studio. Presenting the facts to Liu Silu might help her regain some clarity.

Liu Sichen thought for a moment and found the idea reasonable. He immediately said, “I’ll call Luo Zifan right now.”

Shen Ye nodded. “But your sister must be taken to the police station to face legal consequences!”

Threatening Chen Zi and abusing small animals, both actions were malicious.

Liu Sichen had already ordered someone to find Luo Zifan, so he hesitated upon hearing Shen Ye’s words but ultimately didn’t object.

Shen Ye looked at Liu Silu again and said, “She has accomplices, and we’ll catch them together.”

He had no idea that young girls nowadays had such a lack of moral boundaries, actually committing illegal acts in reality.

However… perhaps Liu Silu was a special case. After all, the Liu family was wealthy and influential, giving her the means to confront her idol’s counterpart offline.

Thinking this way, Shen Ye looked at Chen Zi and said, “Are you curious why all the surveillance cameras disappeared when the police were collecting evidence? Well, she had someone hack into the cameras. She paid a lot of money and hired skilled people, so the police didn’t notice.”

“So that’s how it is…” Chen Zi murmured.

She thought she had developed a psychosomatic illness and was afraid of being sent to a mental hospital, but now she finally knew the reason.

Liu Silu still glared angrily at Chen Zi, refusing to believe that it was Luo Zifan’s studio behind the CP hype.

In her mind, Chen Zi was a despicable person who liked to create CP. An old woman who delusionally thought she could be with her brother, without even looking at herself in the mirror!

And because Shen Ye favored Chen Zi, Liu Silu began to resent him as well.

If it weren’t for Shen Ye’s own capabilities and his marriage to Ye Ze, she would definitely teach him a lesson!

Seeing her furious face and her intention to attack him, Shen Ye couldn’t help but sneer.

He suddenly became curious about Luo Zifan’s charm, and how he managed to brainwash Liu Silu and turn her so vicious.

From Liu Silu’s appearance, Shen Ye could see that she had a few accomplices, all young girls under eighteen, who conspired together to intimidate Chen Zi.

They were all just little girls, but their behavior was utterly insane.

It didn’t take long for Luo Zifan to arrive.

See you tomorrow, my darlings~ Goodnight~

Thank you to the little angels who voted for me or provided nutrient solutions between 2020-01-13 20:47:07 and 2020-01-14 23:53:04~

Special thanks to the following nutrient providers: uncle (20 bottles), Qiuqiu Gun Gun (10 bottles), Menglin Xiaoyue, It’s hard to change a nickname (5 bottles), Liuli (2 bottles).

Thank you all for your support. I will continue to work hard!