What If I Accidentally Made My Debut?

Chapter 343: December

Chapter 343 December

   Filming has entered the schedule, but this film is different from every film Qi Lin has filmed before.

   Let’s just say that the silicone packaging is enough for people to bear.

  It takes several hours to put on makeup, and more than an hour to remove makeup, which is simply miserable.

  Qi Lin even wondered if those foreign blockbusters were also shot in this way, if so, it would be really uncomfortable.

   It was also because of the silica gel, so the two of them had to take a break after shooting for a while, and the shooting progress was really slow.

   But there is no way, Qi Lin is okay with a load of more than 60 catties, but Han Xue can\'t hold it anymore.

  The most important thing in a movie is the details. How can a good movie be made if the actors are not in their prime?

   Fortunately, everyone is more professional, otherwise the progress will definitely be slower.

   Half a month has passed in the blink of an eye, and the filming progress can only be considered average, but Qi Lin and Han Xue have already adapted to the current silicone makeup.

   At lunch time, the two were eating a nutritious lunch, Han Xue said with emotion.

   "I feel like I can lose at least ten catties after filming this movie!"

  Qi Lin nodded again and again, thinking that this was much more tiring than carrying heavy weights.

  Director Du Feng joined in with a lunch box and sat directly between the two of them.

  Qi Lin was fine, but Han Xue\'s eyes had already started to shine coldly.

  This old man! At such an advanced age, how can I not see at all!

   "Thank you for your hard work."

   "Hey, actor, of course you have to be worthy of your salary."

   Qi Lin said while eating.

   What he said is correct. Among the crew, he is the one who gets the highest salary, and he also has 30% of the box office share.

  As for Han Xue, this movie was originally invested by her family. She didn\'t get paid for the film, but it was converted into a box office share, plus the director\'s box office share.

   It can be said that the investors of this movie didn’t make any money at all, almost all of the money was paid by them, and if the theaters were deducted, there would be nothing left.

  Director Du Feng also likes Qi Lin very much, or in other words, there are almost no directors who don\'t like Qi Lin.

   Obedient, good acting skills, box office appeal, he understands everything, and can meet the director\'s requirements!

   Which director doesn’t like this kind of actor?

  It was only after working with Qi Lin that Du Feng understood why so many directors liked Qi Lin, and even publicly supported Qi Lin!

  In his opinion, it is only a matter of time before Qi Lin becomes the best actor, and he even hopes to become the best actor before the age of thirty!

   It is always right to have a good relationship with a future film star, especially as a director!

   "Qi Lin, you performed very well this morning, and your acting skills are even better than some veteran actors."

   "Director, you praise it."

   "Hey, I\'m not flattering you, the truth is, your acting skills are really good, so I plan to modify the setting a little bit."

  Qi Lin didn\'t understand, he was chewing food, and turned to look at Du Feng.

   "It\'s like this. When shooting in the afternoon, I plan to adjust the characters so that the fat man will fall in love with the fat woman earlier, so you need to pay attention to the eyes and details."

   "Oh oh oh, no problem director."

  Qi Lin readily agreed, which was not a problem at all for him, an \'old actor\'.

  The eyes of Han Xue, who had a cold look in his eyes, also softened a lot. That\'s right, the fat man has to fall in love with the fat woman as soon as possible.

   Also, I hope you can help record a song in the later stage.

  Qi Lin was startled when he heard the words, pointed to his nose in surprise and said, "I sing?"

   "Yes, I asked an old friend in Xiangjiang to help me get two songs. I plan to let you and Han Xue sing one each, as the theme song and interlude of the movie."

  Qi Lin really didn\'t expect this, subconsciously went to find Wang Xiaohua.

  Sister Hua is sitting not far away, or wherever there is Han Xue, there must be Wang Xiaohua!

   Seeing Qi Lin staring at her, Wang Xiaohua nodded in between.

   "No problem, but I need to hear the effect first."

   Qi Lin was even more confused when he heard the words. He has never sung before, can he do it?

   But Sister Hua agreed, and he couldn\'t refuse.

   Waiting for several people to finish their meal, Qi Lin came up to ask after Han Xue and the director had left.

   "Sister, can I sing?"

   "Why not? Have you never heard of a million tuners? They can make you a song even if it\'s a brake sound."

   "But I\'m an actor."

   "Hey, what\'s wrong with the actor? The actor must also have two songs of his own. Otherwise, go out for a commercial performance or attend some event. What show are you performing?"



  Wang Xiaohua was a little speechless, but felt that what Qi Lin said made sense.

  Their performances by martial arts action actors are just boxing!

   Those literary and opera actors should sing, but Wang Xiaohua still said.

   "Then you can\'t always punch. Besides, when you attend some important awards, it\'s not appropriate for you to punch."

  Qi Lin shrugged, but he didn\'t really resist singing.

  He usually hums a few words when he has nothing to do, but he has never thought of developing in the direction of a singer, and he has never been to any KTV or other places. He belongs to the kind of person who thinks music is dispensable.

   To put it simply, it is lack of love.

  The matter of the song is not in a hurry. After all, director Du Feng has already found the song. It doesn\'t matter even if Qi Lin doesn\'t know the score. Someone will teach him sentence by sentence.

  As long as it can be completed before the post-editing, so at present, it is still mainly filming.

   On the other side, Wang Xiaohua started to organize fan meetings.

  Qi Lin also saw Minako, the person in charge of his fans in Japan for the first time.

   Originally, Qi Lin thought that the other party would be about the same age as Morgan, but he didn\'t expect that the other party was very young. It looked like he should be about the same age as himself, which surprised Qi Lin very much.

   How could such a weak-looking woman manage to arrange so many fans?

   When Minako saw Qi Lin, she was so excited that she almost passed out, and she was taken aback by Qi Lin.

  He knows that he is handsome, this is not Versailles but the fact, but he thinks he is not so handsome yet, right?

  Looking at Minako\'s appearance, she seemed about to go into shock at any moment, which made Qi Lin flustered, for fear that she would faint.

  Seeing this, Wang Xiaohua hurriedly patted the other person on the back and said, "Don\'t get excited, don\'t get excited, speak slowly if you have something to say."

   Minako realized this, and quickly bowed to Qilin.

   "Mr. Qi Lin! It\'s great to see you! Can I take a photo with you?"

  Qi Lin was taken aback by the other party\'s attitude again, he is just an actor, do we need to be so respectful?

  However, such a long time of experience in the industry still made him smile subconsciously.

"No problem at all."

  After speaking, she took the initiative to approach the other party, while Minako frantically began to search for her phone in her bag, her neck began to turn red like a chameleon.

  (end of this chapter)