Wen Family Has a Wife

Chapter 577: Huang Zhijie's statement

Chapter 577 Huang Zhijie\'s statement

  Wen Youshan was named, so he had to speak out, so he coughed lightly: "The third one, I heard that your cattle and sheep business did a good job yesterday!"

  Wen Yuanxing nodded honestly, "It\'s pretty good, what\'s wrong? What do you want to ask?"

  Wen Youshan knew from his face that his thoughts were seen through, so he stopped pretending and asked directly, "We just wanted to know how many cattle and sheep were sold yesterday after Mr. Chen had a busy day?"

   "Father, why don\'t you just ask Manager Chen about this?" Wen Yuanxing said with a smile.

  Wen Youshan shook his head, "I\'ll ask you about your affairs, and ask others what\'s going on!"

  Chen Ningya also nodded and said: "Your father is right, we will ask you about your affairs. If you don\'t want to tell us, we won\'t force you, we won\'t go to Director Chen\'s side."

Wen Yuanxing immediately grinned, "Father and mother, you guys are really old, that\'s all, since my father is curious, I\'ll say it is, yesterday sold 639 sheep and 805 cows, how much did you earn? , you can do the math yourself."

   "Pfft!" Sun Laifu spit out all the tea, his eyes widened in disbelief, "So much! Does this capital not treat silver as silver? That\'s one thousand two thousand two thousand taels! Just buy cattle and sheep?"

  Don\'t say that Sun Laifu didn\'t understand, even Wen Youshan thought it was unbelievable, and repeatedly confirmed: "Really sold so many? You didn\'t blame us?"

Wen Yuanxing spread his hands and said, "Father, what am I telling you to do? Everything is on Zhuangzi, you can count it by yourself, now there are more than 100 cows and more than 300 sheep left, and it is estimated that there will be people in the next few days. They came one after another, but I didn\'t plan to continue selling them. The second sister got married the day after tomorrow, and I\'ll donate a few heads. At least our family\'s pomp will be enough, so that everyone who can\'t afford it can eat enough! "

Chen Ningya laughed and shook her head, "It doesn\'t take much, it\'s just two cows, four or five sheep, plus we got a lot of dried seafood, bird\'s nest and other supplements from Dizhou. You don\'t need to worry about it! But it can help you bring more guests. With this money, we don\'t have to worry about your betrothal gift."

  Wen Yuanxing raised his chin arrogantly, "I never intended to use your money, but I didn\'t intend to get married so early!"

   "Isn\'t it difficult to get married if you are planning to continue taking the exam?" Zhao shi asked curiously.

   Everyone looked at Wen Yuanxing.

Wen Yuanxing sold Guanzi instead, "No, no, the imperial examination is a test, but it\'s just a matter of course. After the second sister gets married, I will go back to Dizhou with my second brother, and give my parents a test, and I will continue after that. Go out for a study tour, and return to the capital when you have a test."

  Wen Yuanhong couldn\'t help but teased: "You have arranged the itinerary clearly, but I don\'t know if it will be as smooth as you said."

  Huang Zhijie said with a wry smile: "I\'ve tried it several times, but I\'m still stuck at the test, and it\'s hard to make an inch. This time I plan to study in the capital for a few years and then go back and try again. If it doesn\'t work, I\'ll accept my fate!"

   This topic is heavy.

Huang Zhigang followed up and said: "My eldest brother and I studied in the capital for three years, and then we will end together. If it fails, I will go back to Wenshan Academy for another round. If it still fails, I will not take the test. I have not married yet. If I have my own small family, I can\'t put the burden of supporting the family on my parents."

   Huang Zhijie also means the same.

   Mrs. Deng didn’t dare to say a word, but Mrs. Huang immediately said, “My parents don’t have to work hard, as long as you have something to offer!”

  Look at what she means, she doesn\'t want the Huang Zhijie brothers to give up.

This time, Huang Zhijie didn\'t follow her intentions, but shook his head solemnly and said, "Mother, I will be under a lot of pressure if I go on like this, but the more I take the exam, the worse I get. It\'s just time wasted. When you guys are not able to support your family, I\'m getting old too. , at that time it will be useless, it will be difficult to support a family, let alone for your grandson to study, instead of going into such an embarrassing situation, it is better to stop the loss in time, find an errand while you are still young, or learn the craft from your father. is the way out."

   Zhao Shi was said with a blank face, pursing his lips tightly, and seemed to have no idea.

   This kind of thing is not easy for outsiders to intervene, so as not to be thankless.

Wen Youshan hurriedly changed the topic, "Okay, these are things in the future, what you want to think about now is to study hard and do your best, it just so happens that I also know a lot of insightful people in the capital, like... , and the eldest\'s husband, the uncle of my eldest daughter-in-law, they are all serious jinshi.

   Even my son-in-law also knows a lot of great scholars in the Hanlin Academy. When the time comes, I will find a good gentleman for you to give pointers, and you should work harder! "

  The Huang brothers and Tao Lin got up immediately and thanked them gratefully.

   Zhao\'s face only had a smile, but it was obviously not as good as at first.

After everyone left, Chen Ningya sighed and said helplessly: "Alian is putting too much pressure on the children, I don\'t think these two children have a very good mentality, it\'s impossible to continue like this! "

  Wen Youshan nodded thoughtfully, "I can see what you said, and talk to Ergou sometime later."

   After speaking, Wen Youshan immediately looked at Wen Yuanxing, squinted and asked, "Stinky boy, tell me honestly, how much money do you have now?"

   He quietly came out with a million taels. Wen Youshan was really stunned, and he couldn\'t help but wonder if he was worth that much.

   Hearing Wen Youshan\'s question, Wen Yuanxing immediately looked at Chen Ningya with a smile, and said coquettishly, "Mother, do you want to know too?"

   "Is there any difference?" Chen Ningya raised her eyebrows playfully.

   "Of course there is! If my mother seems to know me, she must know everything and say everything. If my mother doesn\'t want to know, my father wants to know, and I have to think about how to answer."

   "Pfft!" Chen Ningya couldn\'t help laughing.

  Wen Youshan immediately stared in dissatisfaction, "Stinky boy! Does your father have an opinion?"

  Wen Yuanxing shook his head vigilantly, "It\'s not that he has an opinion on Dad, but that he is unreliable! What if you get drunk and sell me?"

   "Tell me again!" Wen Youshan was threatening to hit someone.

Wen Yuanxing hurriedly hid behind Chen Ningya, and quickly muttered: "Mother, let me tell you secretly, your son has a lot of money in my family, and it is enough to buy a few cities to be the king himself, but your son is low-key and makes a fortune in a low voice. Therefore, the only person who knew that I was rich was my master.

   This time selling cattle and sheep is just a pretense. From now on, even if I spend a lot of money, others will not involve our family, and the sisters-in-law will not speculate and be suspicious. "

   (end of this chapter)