We Live in Dragon's Peak

388 The Future of the Beastman Nation


Compressed air takes the blade and strikes Forganne\'s face.

Those in the square breathed.


But a moment later, Forganne stood unchanged, not moving one eyebrow and not making it slight.

"Pity, it\'s Bollard. I don\'t know how a warrior who drives the earth is tied up and can\'t even move. Elnea, could you lift this guy\'s curse?

"Are you okay?

"No problem. We must beat this great fool into the pride of the Beast Clan."

Forganne wanted a one-on-one match with Bollard. Bollard was also motivated and barked.

Then I did Lily a favor and asked her to pay for the fog of darkness only around Bollard.

"You think he\'s the Beast King? You say bedtime when you\'re napping on a tree, but you say it. I\'ll knock you into your body to see who\'s strongest in the Beast Clan."

"Only your mouth is as masterful as ever. Thousands of prey, that\'s two lies, I\'ll prove it to you."

We\'ll keep an eye on you two.

I\'ll stick my boundaries just in case, and I won\'t forget to hold on to Bollard\'s response in case he runs wild.

Both males stare at each other. Forganne stands honorably, even in the style of king of the hundred beasts. The opposing Bollard fisted with a secret killer like the king of the woods.

The musculoskeletal Forganne is holding a battle axe in both hands. Bollard stretches out his sharp nails and slowly circles around Forganne to peek into the gap.

Bollard, made from super beast jewels, had become comparable flesh to Forganne\'s.

Signs are also tremendous, and we stare at Forganne with anxiety.

Forganne waited in a position that did not make the bollards around her perimeter slight in a low position. Unlike Bollard, he was quietly uplifting his fighting spirit.

Bollard circled behind Forganne.

At the next moment, Bollard\'s appearance hit Forganne with remnants.

Let the ground explode, approaching the front of Forganne at an instantaneous moving linear speed, kicking his knee out with the momentum intact.

Forganne hasn\'t kept up with Bollard\'s speed. After a moment of delay, Forganne finally moved. Raise your arms trying to defend you.

But it\'s late.

Bollard, who looked like he rolled out a knee kick in the front, had already turned into a remnant.

did it, and I felt like the remnants of Bollard laughed.

For a moment, Bollard\'s nails creeping around behind his back again.

And in front of us, who also forget to blink and watch, Forganne is pierced in the chest by five nails. The remaining five nails continued to strike all the way to a stop.

The battle was decided.

Everyone thought so.

But Forganne wielded her arms with five claws growing on her chest.

"No, no, no, no!

The lion\'s roar echoed the ruins of the night.

Bollard, who was eating his right-hand nail into his chest and stabbing a stop with his left-hand nail, did not hesitate to take evasive action. But I can\'t get my stabbed nail off Forganne\'s chest.

Forganne snaps her fingernails, which remain pierced, with her own rotation. And he slammed the battle axe into Bollard\'s head, where evasion was delayed.

The belly part, not the blade.

Destructive sound that sounds dull.

The shockwave of the explosion spread across the square.

"You fool! Take advantage of the contraindication Super Beast jewels, to this extent!!

Forganne grabs a quick grasp of Bollard\'s chest, nearly blown to the side by the blow of a battle axe. As it was, I slammed Bollard to the ground.

The ground fell, and Bollard\'s giant plunged into the flowers of full bloom.

Bollard had peeled off his white eyes and passed out.

When Forganne is convinced of the victory, she pulls out every nail that remains stabbed in the chest.

Was it too sharp, or is Forganne\'s chest muscle amazing? There is little blood coming from the wound.

When fighting back. Bollard\'s nails were pinched tightly with Forganne\'s muscles, and you couldn\'t pull them out.

Yeah, before that. At a time when nothing could be done after the stabbing, Bollard could no longer escape.

Bollard, who showed a speed that transcended his intelligence, was crushed, however, by the flesh of Superman.

"... you didn\'t kill him?

Listeer listens, making sure the battle is over and peeking into Bollard\'s condition.

"The Beasts do not stab a stop at those who are in battle. That\'s the fluent. About the bollard, not enough to point the blade."

"Ha. I mean, before we fought, Forganne was sure we would win."

Gawon said the same thing in the forest of Urangaran, didn\'t he?

But I can\'t believe you\'ve been sure you won before the battle. Bollard had surely come to take Forganne\'s life. Yet there was so much difference in strength between Forganne and Bollard that even with the opponent\'s willingness to kill, he could add his hand.

Once again, we know the strength of Forganne, the master of a thousand prey.

How dare we beat such an opponent?

"These guys still have something to ask. It is only after that that you will be guilty. You\'re the ones who were attacked, but can I have this place tailored to the Beast Clan\'s gesture?

"Of course I don\'t mind that. If the Beasts cause disturbances in the land of the people, they will be judged by the laws of the people."

"Right. I think I\'m right to follow the laws and the rules of the land."

The light defeat of the representative Bollard extended the give up to other Tiger species of Beastmen.

After the darkness is lifted, he is restrained one after the other by those who rushed him.

No one resisted.

Thus, the disturbance at night ended.

The treasure ball of the super beast was awaited with major side effects.

When it expires, severe pain runs all over your body and you experience unbearable pain. And secret drugs that elicit superhuman abilities gave intense addiction to those who used them.

Warriors of the Tiger Species Beastman tribe screaming and still seeking secret medication. I couldn\'t let Priscia hear me scream and distress too badly, and she locked me away.

It\'s like drugs, Listea was squeaking.

It seems that the Beasts of the Tiger Species will have to endure a long and painful addiction in the future.

So far, why did they seek the status of Beast King?

The Forgannes began their relentless interrogation of those who suffer.

A clan of beasts with a clean cliché that no stops are stabbed after the battle has been decided. However, they respond to sinners without mercy.

Suffering, holding back the Beastman tribe of the rampant tiger species, interrogation was carried out.

First, the whereabouts of the missing pharmacist, Mr. Fouchen.

Fouchen heard he was imprisoned in a cave in the Bonyarn Valley, and Folganne immediately sent out a rescue unit.

Bollard, beaten to pieces by that Forganne by no skin, regained consciousness after noon the following day. Then, Bollard also began a relentless interview.

"Bollard the fool. Why did you dream about the Beast King?"

"... that\'s two humiliating names"

Bollard, held to the floor by two elephant warriors, was staring at Forganne from the bottom.

Bollard is also supposed to be experiencing intense pain with the side effects of super beast treasures, but he endures them unlike any other warrior.

It\'s amazing around here.

"The Beast tribe missed prosperity by lagging behind the people because they were represented by a status that had no power whatsoever, such as the Sovereign."

"A Sovereign is an important role in bringing together our Beastman tribe of diverse tribes"

"... So, the Beastmen are entangled? Do you have a powerful army that transcends tribes, like people and demons? If the influx of human beings continues like this, sooner or later the Beasts will be ravaged by the human race. Are you going to be a slave to the people? What the Beast Nation needs now is an absolute king who reigns with power, not an assembler chosen by fortune!

To Bollard\'s words, Forganne only distorted his face.

Maybe Forganne has the same sense of crisis as Bollard.

"One question. The Beasts didn\'t have an army, Bollard said, but the Forgannes who were waiting for us looked like they were gathering beyond the tribe?

Bollard\'s interrogation also involved me and Listeer.

Forganne answered Listeer\'s question.

"Oh, you were gathering. But we were just getting together. You would have been ambushed and raided by several tribes by the time you reached the ruined capital. And there wouldn\'t have been any tribes mixed up around it"

"If you ask me, every raid was tribal."

"That\'s what I\'m saying."

Bollard\'s ambition, then, is to sum up its individual and moving tribes and build a powerful army against the people. You mean you wanted to be the king of beasts with absolute power for that?

"Do you take the prayer master Jabalayan lightly?

"Say stupid. If you\'re being mild, you\'ve already raided. I just wanted to wrap up the Beast Clan. I\'m not trying to destroy traditions or shiatsu and destroy the Beastmen."

The disturbances caused by Bollard were not exactly convincing due to the noise, but I wonder if the idea itself looked at the prosperity of the Beastman tribe.

Perhaps there is only a little responsibility for this on the part of the people.

As an undisclosed land, the northern lands may have inadvertently overstepped the adventurers. The exploratory mind of the adventurer is great, but if you knew the Beast tribe lived there, maybe you should have had an adventure with a little more consideration.

But the Beast Clan, who had defeated the adventurers who came in without asking questions, also had a problem.

How can it be a nice future for the Beasts? And I don\'t know if it\'s going to turn out good for people anyway.

Mmm, roaring, Listea opened her mouth with her hand against her chin.

"... I see. There are parts of Bollard\'s words that are partly convincing. But it\'s too shallow."

Forganne and I stared at Listea. Bollard was staring hatefully.

"The Beast King, huh? That\'s a big position. Bringing up the Beastmen means that it is just the king of the land. Okay, let\'s ask. How do you, the Beasts, make and run your country?

A beast king would be a status of king beyond the title, Listeer said. And if you become king, you have to move your country.

"Build and run a country. It\'s easy and dreamy if you just imagine it, but the reality is different. Build an army? In order to feed a professional soldier, the king must offer a salary commensurate with his daily food and work. So, who\'s gonna collect the food? Who\'s gonna screw up the payroll? You take taxes? So, how do we decide on taxes? Who gathers them and who gathers them? If we want a strong army, we need to establish it based on discipline. Who made the laws then, and who makes them abide? It\'s easy to say by mouth it\'s a beast king, a country, an army, but if you actually try to run it, you\'re going to need a lot of manpower and a lot of professional knowledge. Bollard, how do you prepare and run it? The violence alone keeps the races together, but knowledge and people don\'t come naturally, okay?

To Listea\'s sharp point, no one pinched their mouth.

As a brave man, I\'ve been involved with the country for a long time, so that\'s what I can think of.

I\'ve never shown an interest in a country or anything like that. [M]

Last winter, some of the Dragon Nation\'s moves to create a country boiled down. That was the devil clan pulling the thread behind it, wasn\'t it?

Like the Beasts, the Dragons, who did not have the knowledge of the operation of the country or anything else, would have been bewitched by the Demons even if they had made the country.

Hearing Listeer\'s point, knowing the specific problems, I thought the dragon tribe\'s movements last winter were still a mistake.

"It\'s easy to say, and I don\'t deny the idea of creating a country. Except you\'re too light and sweet."

Neither was Bollard, who was brave, able to say anything back to Listeer\'s exact words, and his eyes were starting to swim.

"... so. I have a proposition for you."

to, and Listeir lifted the edge of her lips.

I tilted my neck, wondering what I would suggest to Listeer\'s grin, which seemed a little mischievous.

"I guess Forganne and many Beastmen are also interested when it comes to creating a country? So why don\'t you come and study in a people\'s country? It\'s reckless to make a country now, but in the future, if the knowledgeable work together, we may all have a kingdom of the Beasts."

"Wait a minute. Does that mean Listeir denies the Sovereign, too?

"No, you\'re not, Elnea. I believe that the Sovereign is the representative of the country, even if the country is made. I\'m just saying we need someone to run the kingdom of the Beasts under it. This time, Bollard plotted treason. Plus many tribes opposed to May becoming a Sovereign. But there was no one to scorn Master Jabalayan himself. Then, as always, the representative of the country, the Sovereign Lord, should be elected by Master Jabalayan by fortune, and the bureaucrats who assist him with it should be raised, the Beasts. And if people and beasts interact correctly throughout their studies, don\'t you think it would be good for each other?

Wow, that\'s a beautiful way to wrap it up, I\'m impressed.

While partly acknowledging Bollard\'s idea of the disturbance, he is also trying to improve relations between the Beastmen and the people.

Even for Forganne, he couldn\'t severely punish all the warriors of the tiger species who caused the commotion, and he must have been in trouble. So Listaire showed that Bollard wasn\'t wrong, and created room for warmth.

Create a loan to the Beast tribe and encourage inter-race exchanges as well.

That\'s the brave listeer.

"Interesting suggestion. For mankind and beasts alike, there is good. It would be worth a thought."

Forganne was snorting hard.

Without even arguing, Bollard remained silent.

The necessary interrogation was then conducted and the treatment of the Bollards was to be discussed in the Beasts. Me and Listeer will accept that.

The next day. The abducted Master Hoosien came safely protected by the ruined capital.

Looks like the poison that was served on May was still something the Louiseines didn\'t know about.

Master Fouchen fried the complex formula of herbs and gave May a little something to drink to keep him asleep.

Then two days later.

White and this May finally woke up.