We Live in Dragon's Peak

386 Don't make a mistake.

"Are you sure that the Tiger species Beastman tribe is the culprit,

"At least that\'s what Gawon and Forganne seem to think."

"I wonder what the hell they\'re up to."

"You won\'t know that until you ask them. But I\'m pretty sure it\'s a mess."

Seven days have already passed since our arm-testing with the Beasts.

The movements of the Beasts were becoming more active.

The warriors of the Beasts of the Bollard and Tiger breeds who concealed themselves.

A search hand was spread throughout the northern lands, but I still haven\'t been able to grasp the footsteps.

Contrary to the working Beasts, we had relaxing days.

I have nothing to do but look for full moon flowers, to be honest.

May\'s consciousness has not returned. I can\'t even rely on the knowledge and magic of the Luiseinees, so I have to rely on the pharmacist Hoochen now. And there was no part of the search for the Bollards like this one to get their hands on, either, as the beastmen familiar with the northern lands were moving.

However, there is no way that we are spending time in the ruined capital.

In a square filled with bright flowers, I sat with Luiseine and her shoulders in contact.

At the end of our gaze, the young girls are having fun.

"Neemia, I want those red flowers."

"Okay. I\'ll get it."

"Fio and Ream, gather some white flowers."

"I\'ll take care of it"

"I\'ll get it."

At the behest of Priscia, the dragons gather flowers from the square. Priscia was knitting something of the flowers she had collected.

And if something is complete, long live, the young girls will rejoice with their hands up and run well over here.

"Hmm, Priscia made it."

"Oh well, that\'s lovely"

"Oops, that\'s amazing!

It was a beautiful crown of flowers.

White flower stems were knitted and rounded. And the red flowers are decorated at equal intervals, with a beautiful pattern.

"Yes, I\'ll give it to you"

Priscia put the wheel on my head.

"Thank you."

"You\'re welcome!"

The young girls laughed with satisfaction when I thanked them with great pleasure.

"Elnea, I envy you"

"Nda. Next time, I\'ll make you Louiseine\'s share."

"Hehe, now you\'re looking forward to it"

The young girls ran away well and gathered flowers again.

At this point, the momentum is likely to build up to the minutes of Listeir and Keeli.

I was anxious to see what would happen when Priscia and the others came with Lily, but when I opened the lid, so far, she had spent a great deal of time with me.

Maybe you recognize sleeping May as a sick person. Where the sick are, they solemnly proclaim that those energetic toddlers will also be rampaged.

The care of May was held by the Luiseinees.

Someone from three people, Keeli, Inea and Luiseine, is always holding back beside May. The evening was clear, and the system was in place to accommodate sudden changes in appearance.

"Um... Can I say what I wondered?

"Of course I do. I, too, have something to worry about, don\'t I? But come from Louiseine."

Pretending to collect the flowers instructed by Priscia, she exchanges words, laughing and staring at Fiorina and Reem, who are secretly eating different flowers.

"It\'s about the trials we\'re going through. Elnea, don\'t you doubt it?

"Yeah, you have a lot of puzzling points, don\'t you? Jabbalayan says there seems to be a right and wrong answer."

"Yes, that\'s not all, I also question the part about picking flowers no one has ever seen"


Turn back to Louiseine, who sits next to him.

"I think this question has been questioned not only by me, but also by you, Ernea, from the beginning. Why have we come to the land of the north to find flowers that no one knows?"

"... because the witch-head told you?

"Yes, that\'s right. But why did the witch head show the land in the first place?"

Nobody knows, which means neither does the witch-head. Yet why was the limited land indicated: the North Land? That was the question we all had.

Luiseine cuts further from a different angle into the problem.

"Elnea, I\'m surprised there are witches in the Beast Clan."

Wasn\'t that a flying story?

I agree with Louiseine\'s words, even though I lean my neck slightly.

It was surprising that temple religion was spreading not only to people, but to other races, wasn\'t it?

"Temple religion is said to be widespread throughout the world. There\'s always a place where people live, that\'s the temple religion."

Without a country, without a settlement. He said that if people lived there, the heart that believed in the goddess would always be there.

"Even in the eastern kingdom of Yortenitos, of course, it was believed. It must be believed not only in the cultural areas of the Far West, but also in the demonic nations, in the kingdoms of the Divine Nation, and even further afield, in the ends of the continent."

"Yeah. Think about it, it\'s amazing"

"Yes. I think it\'s very amazing. But thinking about it raises different questions."

Louiseine was looking at me with serious eyes. I look into Luiseine\'s eyes, too, and wait for her next word.

"Think far, not near. Suppose, at the western edge of the continent, there are people out there who wish to have more than one daughter-in-law, like you, Ernea or Listeir. So what are the trials imposed on these people?"


"Heh heh, not pious, Ernea, you may not understand"

"Ugh, Louiseine bullies me"

But I couldn\'t answer Louiseine\'s question. [M]

"The right answer is the same as ours."

"... you say?

"Temple religion has been believed by people for thousands of years. The teachings are not often spread around the world and are operated by common discipline. In other words, at the end of the far west, if there are priests among multiple companions, a test will be imposed to find the flowers of the full moon."

Whether it\'s a remote place or a broken cultural connection, the temple religion is common to the whole world.

I can see that even looking at Master Jabbalayan that he was baptized long ago and became a witch. Luiseine and Jabalayan had many things in common, such as common witch outfits, the same magic, and the discipline felt in each day.

"So what do people who have been tried to find full moon flowers in the far west do? Are these people going for this northern land, too? If you take a test in the kingdom of Yortenitos, go for this northern land? Will those who have been tried in the far east also aspire to this northern land?

"If you ask me, it\'s weird."

The world is bigger than we think.

Too vast and with a living base in the southwestern part of the continent, the Beast Clan took hundreds of years to reach the land.

Of course, I don\'t think direct distance is like taking hundreds of years.

The winged dragon tribes might fly alone. But I guess it will be a desperate journey for people who have to walk through a land rich in ups and downs and full of danger.

If you take the same test at the end of the east or far west, you\'ll have to despair before searching for full moon flowers.

"It\'s a little unlikely that all the world\'s temple religions will show this land."

"Yes, I agree. So what do we do in different lands? The trials are the same."

"... uhm. Could it be that different places are indicated on the land?

I tried to mouth it with the thought of it, but Luiseine nodded hard at me.

"I thought so, too."

"But wait. Then another question will arise."

"You\'re going back to another, or the first question."

"Yeah. A full moon flower no one should know. Yet the land shown is different for each area to be tested. That puts me in the paradox of \'no one knows\'."

It\'s weird how different parts of the world are shown to look for flowers no one has ever seen.

It\'s like...

"Only the witch head feels like he knows the flowers of the full moon"

"That\'s possible. But do witch heads from all over the world know exactly what full moon flowers bloom in their area? Besides, flowers bloom depending on the season. If the season is off, you can\'t even look for it."

"That\'s right. If the flower of the full moon blooms in the spring, maybe there is an answer in this flower. But if it\'s flowers from other seasons, it\'s impossible to find them no matter how much you look for them."

Mmm, me roaring.

"I think it\'s a very puzzling trial. Just know this is all. Temple religions and witch-heads are not yet trying to deceive us or embed us in traps and denigrate us. There is always an answer for the witch-head who has thus given you the test. We must find the answers by squeezing wisdom and love."

"Yeah, Master Jabbalayan said so that we could find the right answer. Let\'s not pick the wrong answer, let\'s do it with the whole spirit."

The flowers of the full moon show no sign of being found searching in the dark clouds. Then we all have to discuss it and come up with answers, right?

Fortunately, the brave man you can count on for this journey, Listeir, is also accompanied.

I feel like Louiseine and I were able to move forward a little, even if we just had our doubts.

Again, maybe we should all put our doubts and notices into our mouths and consider them.

"So, what do you think of Listeer?

That night.

Now Listea and I were alone, coming to the courtyard of the temple ruins.

Tell Listea what you talked to Louiseine about during the day.

Listeer seemed to be scaled out of her eyes, and she was listening to me with a deep nod.

From time to time, he carried the cup in his mouth.

"I mean, is that alcohol?

"Oh. I got it for Forganne. You want some Elnea, too?

"Eh. Listaire drinks alcohol."

"Well, you don\'t seem to drink."

Grungy, I think I was one step ahead of Listeer on the adult stairs.

All right, I\'ll have a drink, too. and tried, but it came with the aroma of alcohol rising from the cup.

"I can\'t. I\'ll try alcohol when I\'m a little older."

When I said that, Listea laughed at me.

Me and Listea sit back on the blooming flowers at night and talk as we look at the starry night sky.

"Actually, I kind of grabbed something that sounded like an answer from the start. I could take that backing by letting you and Louiseine interact."

"Eh. So Listea found a full moon flower!?

Surprisingly, I screamed.

I wonder if it was annoying to the Louiseines sleeping elsewhere. But if you find the answer, let\'s wake him up even when he\'s asleep. My surprise, Listaire grinned bitterly.

"Oh, give me the wrong answer."

"Mm-hmm. The answer to a mistake?

"Oh. Master Jabalayan would have said. Look for the right answer."


"In the words of Master Jabalayan, I could recognize that there are multiple results available for this trial. And I was convinced in your exchange that the answer I had derived from the beginning was a mistake. Thanks."

"You\'re welcome?"

"Ha. This is important. So I can\'t thank you and Louiseine for making me realize."

Listea gave me the anxiety I had and the wrong answer as I had a little drink.

"I suspected this trial from the beginning. In the first place, look for full moon flowers that no one should know, and all I could say was, apart from the other daughters, how ridiculous."

"Still obeyed because it was a temple trial,"

"Oh, yeah. There\'s no way the priest can fool us. So I thought there must be something."

"So I came up with the answer that it was a mistake?

"That\'s right. Elnea, think about it. There are those who have been tried before. But as one, no one came back through the trials."

When the temple tells us to test, we divide ourselves into two categories: those who give up that it is absolutely impossible, and those who travel, even if we know it is impossible. But none of the travellers said they had returned safely.

"I\'m not coming back. I initially thought that was because this northern land was a dangerous place. In fact, the Beasts aren\'t all warm. That\'s why we\'re here now. Normally, I would have risked my life on a journey. But I can\'t snort that the survivors are not alone. Even on a dangerous journey, you will be able to give up. Yet it is strange that all those who have traveled in trials will not return"

"Yeah. Weird, isn\'t it?"

"So I got to one answer. I was wondering if this trial might mean choosing between a daughter-in-law and a daughter-in-law to take."

"The witch-head said. We can\'t even go back until we find the flowers of the full moon. Those who didn\'t return, I mean, because they couldn\'t find the flowers of the full moon. Of course, some people would have looked seriously for it. But I can\'t even find a flower that nobody knows about. So what happened to the two people who traveled? What do you think of Ernea?

"Mm-hmm. Did you keep looking, or did you lose your life on the way?

"Hahaha. Well, Ernea will never get to the wrong answer."

"What does that mean?

"You\'re an honest, good boy."

Listea stroked my head laughing.

"Sure, some of them would have been like Ernea said. But I noticed another answer. They couldn\'t have survived. I didn\'t go home willingly."

"Yeah, what do you mean!?

"Simply put, it\'s a run off. Dirtyly, he put the leftovers and those who take them on the balance, and fled with them to another land somewhere to live. I told you earlier. In this trial, we must separate those who leave behind from those who take them. And desperate trial content. From the beginning, it\'s a test you can\'t take it all. If you give up your journey in despair of the contents of the trial, you lose your priestly companion. If you try to capture the trials properly, you lose even your life if you do poorly. And if you travel even if you know you can\'t, you lose who you left behind. I initially thought this trial was being tested to choose between the Celses, the Keelies, or whatever. But in Lady Jabalayan\'s words, that was the answer to the mistake, and in your exchange, I was sure there was something else available. Thank you so much."

"Right. You included that meaning..."

"It was an answer I didn\'t want to admit. That\'s why I couldn\'t talk to you until now, and I figured I\'d go back to the Celses who would fight and wait in the king\'s capital somehow."

"Yeah. I definitely don\'t like the answer to choosing someone and trumpeting someone, too. So come up with the right answer to everything and go back to where we all wait."

Me and Listea nod strongly and get up.

And Listeir pulls out the holy sword. I unleashed the wooden sword and the white sword of the Spirit Tree.

"So I just want to clean up your leaps and focus on finding the full moon flowers!

Listeir threw a dagger towards the darkness.

Slightly, the signs behind the darkness shook.

"I see, it\'s a lot of secrecy. I was so close that I finally noticed the signs."

"Well, I was on guard, so I couldn\'t be surprised if I stayed away."

Explode dragon air and alert those lurking in darkness.

Then there were those that came out of the shadows, treading and vandalizing the flowers.

It was the bollards and warriors of the tiger species.

"Are you good at putting out the signs? You didn\'t even notice the signs in the woods."

"And you stole Master Jabalayan\'s fortune with that secrecy."

"People stick their necks too far into the problem of the Beasts."

The Bollards, who emerged from the darkness, had already stopped to kill the signs. And they attacked me with fierce signs.