We Live in Dragon's Peak

383 Temporary rain due to sunshine

Raise your arms to shoulder height and extend straight to the tip of the white sword and the wooden sword of the spirit tree. He spun his body flutter and began to dance slowly.

The hem of the clothes matched the movement and rocked beautifully. In all the sight that goes around, there is a large group of beasts coming at us.

Listeer runs ahead. Aim is an elephant breed of beast people. Nearby there was also a tribe of rhinoceros beasts, and a group of giants showed a different presence.

The flame of the Holy Sword swallows a tribe of giant beasts more than double the Listeir. But the Beastmen of the elephant species went in without even having the calories to scorch themselves.

A dull hammer is swung down and a huge two-handed axe is swung.

The flame that covered the entire body of Listeir blew away.

The flame follows the will of Listeir and changes shape into a bright red shield. Many shields made of flames prevent the physical attacks unleashed by the Beastmen.

Listea left her defense to the flames, and herself thrust into the pockets of elephant and rhinoceros beastman tribes.

Meanwhile, a small tribe of beasts have thrown bows and throwing spears remotely at the Luiseinese. Keeli and Inea join forces to prevent it, and Luiseine waves a sword. Slashy, sharp sword blades intimidate those who receive them, plunging down the danger of flying.

Gawon was the only one who didn\'t take part in the fight and watched us fight.

He is also one of the Beast tribes. In the battle to show our strength, we don\'t expect Gawon to join us.

"Louiseine, stay with me."


Luiseine, who did not enter the bond between Keeli and Inea, slips beside me.

As I danced the dragon sword dance, I was dealing with a carnivorous beast clan that approached me at an unnoticed speed.

The white sword is stretched from the lower section and the wooden sword of the spirit tree chases it from a different trajectory. It releases a kick and becomes a sword tangled in the wooden knife of a spirit tree. Luiseine reads my dance, and bows down beside her and lays down her sword. In doing so, he rolled out a sword to make up for the blind spot and released the spell.

It\'s a collaboration between dragon eye performance and Louiseine, who has seen me dance so many times before.

Listeer is also fighting together in a remote location.

Beast people, yeah that\'s not all, organisms instinctively fear flames. With a holy flame, Listeir had prevented an impenetrable tribe of giant beasts from approaching us.

Listeer is the shield, and Luiseine is the aide. Keeli and Inea, the restorators, have also attracted the Beast Clan in a conspicuous junction, relieving us of this burden.

I guess the two girls holding May and stuck in the juncture are unnegligible targets for the Beast tribe. Prevent it in the junction.

Everyone is moving in their respective roles.

I haven\'t had a meeting beforehand, but I seem to understand the work I need to do with tacit understanding.

Well, then, I\'ve got an offensive role to play, too.

Leopard beast tribe approaching in a crawling position on the ground. A beast tribe of the lion species that jumps big and strikes violently. Intercept the simultaneous attack of the earth and sky with a sword trident waving from crossed hands to separate angles. He reversed his back as it was, releasing a kick at his next opponent as he turned back.

Defeat one imminent beast tribe after another in an uncut motion. The eyes of the Beasts follow the movements of my flowing swords and legs to the right and to the left. The awesome stares into my eyes to read the movement from my gaze.

But for me, when I started dancing dragon swords, everything was a co-star and an audience. Attract the hostiles and lure them into the dance. The lured one hands and feet without even knowing he was being danced by me. Rip them gently and unleash a series of counterattacks.

"Out of the way, back off!

Forganne barked.

The hegemony alone broke a horde of allied Beastmen, waving a battle axe between their hands from outside the weapon\'s time.

The golden fluctuations were released from the battle axe, approaching as they decided on the ground.


He hugs Luiseine, who was chanting magic behind his back, and jumps in space. It appeared in a different place in an instant.

Forganne nevertheless read this motion in an instant and approached with the eyes of the beast mocked.

Attacks emanating from ferocious flesh create shock waves and even from the unreachable range of the blade are aimed at this one.

"Mr. Elnea!

"It\'s okay!"

The first shot took a big evasive action, just in case. Once you check, you can grasp the power.

I did not hesitate to receive a golden shock wave directly in front of me.

Gawon seemed to take a lot of breath.

Forganne\'s mouth rises slightly.

Shattering the earth, blowing up dust and sand, an imminent wave of raids envelops me.

For a moment, my vision gleams. Shortly afterwards it was struck by fierce destruction.


But it was Forganne who screamed.

He was convinced he had defeated me in a shock wave. But it\'s sweet.

My whole body, reinforced by dragon qi, is like wrapping dragon scales around me. To this extent, you can\'t hurt a dragon.

Having withstood Forganne\'s long-range attacks, I continued to dance dragon swords without stopping my movements.

Come on, if you want to see my power, it\'s still coming!

With previous dances, the surroundings were already filled with tons of dragon air. He couldn\'t have noticed this intense dragon temper in the Beast Clan, which was floating in the heat of fierce battle.

Even if you are not a Demon, you can feel signs of spooky magic. Even if you don\'t have dragon chi, you can read the signs of a difference in digits emitted by the Dragon and Dragon tribes. Even the Beast tribe might have noticed ambient anomalies if they hadn\'t dazzled the immediate target.

Even if you realize it, you can\'t prevent it.

A meadow filled with dragon air began to shake deliberately, even though there was no wind. It gradually changes into a regular flow in a certain direction. If the birds could see from above, they might have seen the airflow.

Dragon Qi swept the vortex and converged towards me in the center. At the same time, it involves the Beastmen in a vortex of dragon air.

The sword trident of the Beastman tribe of the horse species that thrust in, bouncing it upwards with the wooden knife of the Spirit Tree. Then the Beastmen were blown far above as they were.

Screaming began everywhere.

who was advancing. Who tried to leave once. Screams also boil down from the beastly tribes that were swarming the junction between Keeli and Inea and the giant beastly tribes that Listeir was relative to.


A short distance away was Forganne, who endured by eating his toenails deeply into the earth. The Beast King was staring at this one in such a way that neither launching an attack nor even taking physical moves would materialize.

But gradually, Forganne\'s bent body also begins to shake to the force of a fierce vortex.

We fight near the ruined capital.

The swirls of dragon air were not only at that point, but also swallowed the meadows that spread around them.

Through the spread dragon air, grasp the entire meadow.

In the distance, animals look up at signs of strife and ask how they are doing. Both the carnivore and the herbivore watched for the disturbance.

\'It\'s okay. Sorry for the inconvenience.\'

Let the dragon chi ride and pass on the apology heart to those animals.

Grasp the signs that are different from the animals.

Those who have not participated in the battle, but have shown interest in the issue of the Beastmen? The Beastmen of different species were also asking about this one from a distance.

I\'m sorry, but I\'ll let you guys get involved. It\'s a hassle to show strength again after this fight when they say, "We won\'t admit it because we weren\'t in it."

In the heart of an abandoned capital, I sense a few signs. Thank you very much. I can\'t bother these people, so let\'s exclude them.

The sharpened swirl of dragon air sorts and captures any one. Then pull it into the vortex stream and gather it to the center.

The storm of dragon air that winds through the tunnels dominates the earth and drags the Beasts into it. Those who were thus drawn to the centre were blown up in the air with screams.

A relative elephant species of Beastman was flown and an empty listeer looked up into the sky. Keeli and Inea were opening their mouths in the junction. Luiseine lowers the blade of the sword and is fascinated by my dance.

I keep dancing and flying the Beasts into the sky.

The great tornado of dragon air was paying for the clouds and transforming the sky into a thin, green view.

Thunderbolts run on the ground, rising from bottom to top. It is as if a longtorso dragon rises to the sky, blasting a thunderbolt similar to a growl, with many thunderstorms disturbed and raging, extending towards the sky.

In the air, the Beasts screamed that they were dying.

From the ground far down, it may have seemed like a thunderous dragon would strike.

For once, I take care not to hit the Beast Clan.

The thunder that went up into the sky charged the green sky as it was, and now it poured down on the ground.

The only thing Forganne could see was the earth with his two-handed, two-legged nails, enduring the great tornado of dragon air. But that\'s what makes me angry. The rain of lightning falling on the ground shocks Forganne.

I felt like a wild scream echoed into the meadows.

The thunderbolt didn\'t get to my ear.


I felt like I only heard Listeer sigh.

Listea began to wield a holy flame in a sigh.

I go along with it, spreading my lively dragon temper over the meadow again.

Behind him, Luiseine began to play the eulogy.

Strangely enough, Luiseine\'s powers fill the meadows on my dragon chi.

Above, the screams of the Beastmen imprisoned by the whirlpool of the storm continue. On the contrary, signs of joy were beginning to fill the earth.

The spirits who receive dragon qi rejoice in joy. Dancing with the holy flames, he glittered and sparkled the meadows beautifully.

Dragon Qi with power gives life to the meadow.

Spring grass flowers grew well and blossomed buds.

Red, yellow, blue and white flowers bloom, and insects dance for honey. The birds get a dragon air wind that seems pleasant, and the animals jump at the arrival of spring to express their joy.

Come on, finish it.

Bring in the wind from the western sky.

From the distant Dragon Peak, intense signs poured in towards the northern lands with clear air.

The Dragons choose the hunting grounds of the Fei Dragons, saying it is troublesome to hunt in the northern lands. But the sky in the north doesn\'t fly, I\'m not saying.

How cute the thunder was so powerful, the sky trembled. The dragons roared and flew in to compete, ruling the skies of the northern lands.

Uncountable flying dragons and winged dragons fly over the Beastmen who are being rubbed in the sky.

I laid my hands on the shadows of the earth and summoned the extremes.

Wet, and shadows swell. And from the shadows, above all, a giant, horrible dragon reveals itself.

It\'s Lily.

Me and Louiseine were on Lily\'s head when it appeared.

Black, lustrous scales reflect the radiance of flames and spirits raging around them to shine beautifully.

Contrary to the blinking of a dazzling scale, it blasts a hellish roar, making the terrible fangs that wear everything out. And with his huge mouth, he stomped Forganne on the ground.

"Can I eat it?

"No, no, because the battle is already on. Excessive biocide is forbidden."

"So, Your Majesty doesn\'t have to call?

"... Yep. Never call me!

Behind Lily\'s swallowing conversation with me, Forganne, sandwiched between her fangs, looked at this one with a pale face. My eyes are stained with fear and I\'m trembling all over my body. Even as I beg for my life, I can\'t seem to have much of a shaking mouth and a voice of horror.

"Lily, that\'s enough, let him go"

"Yes, sir."

"Everybody, thanks!

Head to the flying dragons in the sky and wave to thank them.

"What, are we done here?"


I thought we were going to eradicate the Beasts.

"Phew, are you a newcomer? If we work together like this, we\'ll have fun later!

"Meat festival!!

The Fei Dragons roared once more with great prestige and returned to the sky of Dragon Peak.

Lily spits out Forganne and stays there.

"Hmm, can I play?

"Beautiful flower garden."


\'Whoa, whoa. Elnea built that ruin!?


"Levaria and the mists, have fun. Come on."


"Mr. Ernea, please take responsibility."

"Weird. I thought Lily was the only one to show up from the shadows..."

"If you\'re on your back, you can bring him in."

"You know what? When it disappeared to the ground, it came out wet."

From behind me, small, warm signs hugged me. Something comes on my head. Some rubbed pointy things on their stomachs.

I try not to look down and turn my consciousness to the flying dragons who are returning and the people of the Flying Beasts.

Calling Lily, the dragon sword dance was over.

At the end of the dance, the tornado of dragon qi gradually begins to subside. Then the Beastmen, who were rising in the sky, began to fall to the ground like rain grains.

"Look, the Beasts are like dust!

"Ernea, you\'re acting weird..."

You\'ve exceeded your limits, and no screams have come from the falling Beastmen. They all seem to be fainting.

I asked Lily to do me a favor and accept the falling Beastmen.

"If Lily hadn\'t come, how would she have dropped it?"


To Lily\'s penetration, all I get is a dry laugh.

The signs that were wrapped around me made me laugh and make a fuss with you about what you mistook the laugh for.

"Elnea, I\'ll take care of Priscia and the others."

"Ugh, Louiseine. Help me."

I don\'t have to look.

The young girls came to the north with Lily.

It\'s tough. Novel lands, rare looking Beastman people. Can you control the young girls in this situation...

He looked down over Lily\'s head at the meadow, which became a flower garden as far as he could see, and apologized in his heart for the hunch of the next commotion to the laying beasts.