We Live in Dragon's Peak

351 A new crisis

"Hands and feet in an instant."

I stretched out my fingertips, lifted one leg, and when I let it stand still for just a moment, I danced again in a flowing motion.

The dance of the princess, watched in the kings capital of the kingdoms of Armuad and Jortenithos, was a hasty, beautiful thing to attract the beholder.

Initially, I thought that was because the flowing movement naturally led to the next movement, and the carefully cared for whole body perfectly represented the dancer\'s mind.

Yeah, it must be expressing the dancer\'s mind. However, there was a mistake in the movement in the details.

Dragon Sword Dance performs a continuous sword trident or body surgery in a flowing motion, luring the opponent into the dance to confuse and flirt.

Continuous infinite attacks without precipitation are the essence of dragon sword dance.

And the movement that flows has something to do with the dance of the dance princess, that\'s what I\'ve assumed, and I\'ve been consciously practicing the continuity of movement, the natural flow.

But it wasn\'t.

Among the dances that attract the beholder, and even the relative, there is a mixture of stillness and movement. Intense movement. Slow movement. And a moment of silence.

I didn\'t know it was key to fix your whole body perfectly on the way to the dance and get in an extreme position.

Until the Spirit woman of the Spirit Tree pointed me out, I never thought of it.

Dragon Sword Dance is only a battle dance. Dragon Qi, swordsmanship, and sword dancing using physical skills.

Troubles are everything. Show me the gap and I\'ll be fought back. If you stop moving, you can escape. The idea is not a mistake.

But if you want to go ahead.

If you want a sword dance that attracts everyone like Kensei Farna, I must also dance dragon swords as a dance.

Yeah, yeah. Don\'t forget.

Of course, I want to incorporate elements of divine music dedicated to goddesses and spiritual trees.

That and this, I want to take everything I can think of and complete my own dragon sword dance, my own dance.


No, I\'m not.

I think it is only after I have set a number of goals and captured all of them that I have achieved my training.

I can\'t do this, let\'s take that in, then I can\'t complete anything perfect. Everything you realize is extremely important, and the only thing you can do is raise it.

"Good job. Good job."

On the lap of a woman in a spirit tree, Ares smiles with pleasure.

I don\'t know why spirits of spiritual trees other than Ares are helping me in my trials.

Maybe the Spirit just happens to be interested in me because he moves in the mood as it is.

The woman who was coaching me with Ares on her lap and her hips down on the thick roots of the spiritual tree was clearly the spiritual man of the high spiritual tree.

From the looks of it, you look like a mother and daughter.

Ha-ha-ha, Ares. Whatever\'s mine, you\'re gonna have to hang out with me till the end!

"Greed isn\'t always a bad thing. I\'ll never forget my exploration of myself. Stagnation leads to decline. To always move forward, be greedy."

In the end, it was supposed to be a trial alone. This is how the women of the spirit tree, Ares, and many spirits supported me in my training.

Tighten the last shape and finish the dragon sword dance.

My fingertips are tingling and paralyzed because I kept sharpening my nerves. The unprecedented movement has been added and the back muscles and inner thighs are screaming.

I was so much reminded in the last few days of how difficult it is to move to stop the body only for a moment in a flowing motion.

Then he clumsily moved his short leg, and the spirits of his naughty child brought him water. Thank you, and drink the water.

Gentle, cold water provided a pleasant irritation to my throat.

Ugh, breathe deeply. That\'s how I looked up at the sky.

At the end of the deep branches of the Spirit Tree is dark.

My surroundings are bright with the Spirits of Light illuminating, but it\'s midnight.

In the end, we didn\'t make it over the years.

Didn\'t you? It\'s not exactly New Year\'s time yet. But if you go back now, you\'re just not gonna make it, are you?

I guess I\'ve done something wrong to everyone.

It was supposed to be the first New Year\'s Eve when the whole family got together.

I was aware that it would take time to meet the challenges I had imposed on myself. But I figured it out.

You can\'t use time constraints as an excuse to run away. I can\'t afford to betray old Sleighsta\'s expectations.

"That said, if you really want to be extreme, you\'re gonna spend the rest of your life doing bad things"

"Ugh, no one would be happy to be a grandpa and go back"

"It\'s not going to work."

"No, no, Ares. I\'m not going to die of old age here!

Saying something rash and horrible.

Ares, I wonder if you think that if I die here, I can be buried alone.

Oh, I don\'t know...

"You can\'t detain Ernea until she dies. I taught him to touch it. Noteworthy, and other basics taught, Ernea wore it firmly. Isn\'t that good now?

"Yes. If Grandpa tells me I don\'t have enough of the trial content, I\'ll be back. Thank you again then."

"What. Otherwise, you\'re telling me you\'re not coming back?

"Yeah. Eh. \'Cause you can\'t go in here without Grandpa\'s permission."

"Then it\'s a trial from me. Get permission to come here at any time. When Ernea stops coming... well, shall we erode the land of the people in the woods? We\'ll lose the protection of the Spirit Tree to Ernea."

"Oh, no!

I screamed at a new trial coming out of the Spirit Woman of the Spirit Tree.

"Let\'s go back"

Just because it doesn\'t matter what my confusion is, Ares walks up to me at a young foot and tries to take her hand and head behind the woods of ancient trees.

"Wait a minute."

I stopped that Ares and turned to the Spirit Tree.

"One last time, let me dance"

The spiritual tree women and spirits who have accompanied my training for days to date. And a spirit tree that feels like you were watching me with a warm eye as I continued to clumsily dance at my roots.

I want to thank everyone and dance Dragon Sword Dance, which is not an exercise.

Maybe I\'ll be coming through again tomorrow, but thanks are important until today.

With deep gratitude and prayer, we dance the last dragon sword dance of the year.

As strict as the kamikaze of devotion. A heart-boiling dance that moves like a dance. And conscious of Dragon Sword Dance\'s natural strength and flowing continuity, he danced politely.

A heartbreak and the last extremes overflowed with applause from the surroundings. The human-shaped spirits were full of applause and animal and insect spirits were happy to jump. The Spirits of the Grain of Light are randomly expressing their joy.

The spiritual tree trembles the branches, snarling the leaves with a touch. Did I please you?

"Hmm, not yet."

I thank everyone again as I drop my knees on the relentless appreciation of the spiritual tree woman.

And behind the dark old woods, Ares and I held hands and went back.

My last trial of the year was thus followed by a paragraph.

Starting next year, the goal is to continue the Dragon Sword Dance Trial and the other trial that comes to mind.

With a little satisfaction and excitement for the future, I went for Moss Square.

"Grandpa, Mr. Ashel, I\'m home"

"Ho ho, finally back"

"You\'re home late. The date has changed."

"Yeah, I knew you wouldn\'t make it"

"He\'s loud in the middle of the night."

"That. Levaria was there, too? Didn\'t I tell you before that the Dragons aren\'t aware of old age?

Lehm and Fio are staying because of you.

"Oh, you mean that. I mean, that\'s definitely not my fault, right?

Apart from Old Sleigusta, the guardian of the dragon forest, there was Mr. Ashel and the levaria left behind while he was running away in the moss square.

"What the hell is running away from home!

Throw the fruit of a seemingly spiritual tree into Mr. Ashel\'s mouth, which opens its mouth and intimidates him. Then, where does the threat go? Mr. Ashel enjoys the flavor by rolling the fruit in his mouth.

A souvenir.

"Ho, do you have the fruit of a spirit tree at this time of year"

"Oh, shit. I didn\'t tell my grandfather about this!

"Kuku. I would have gotten it from an old woman by the tree."

"Is that guy older than your grandfather?

"Come on, I don\'t know"

"Why are you teasing me there?!?

That\'s definitely deliberate, isn\'t it? You don\'t actually think deeply, smelling the profound feeling.

If they find me, I can\'t help it.

"This is an old man."

What can I say, I threw the fruit of the spirit tree into the mouth of Old Sleighsta and Levaria as well.

Tofu and all the dragon tribes who taste it in their mouths. From the giant dragon tribe, the fruit of the spirit tree is so small that it\'s not at all edible, but the deliciousness is well conveyed to the tongue.

I am also very satisfied with how the three dragons look satisfied.

Expect about triple the return of your old balls.

I\'m back, and I\'m wondering if I should report back on the trial, and I\'ll ask Sleighsta for an opportunity to talk to her about what\'s going on.

But Old Sleighsta has told me something different.

"Beyond this, thou shalt go to the village of the Ear Elders."

"My heart is flying from Yuri. Hi. I hear Mistral is in trouble. There\'s a rescue request in there."


Why is Mistral in the village of the Ear Elders, not his own village? Why is there a crisis looming on her strongest, the dragon princess, in the dragon forest?

As usual, it\'s all about Mistral flying into my crisis, but this time it\'s the other way around.

When I hear Old Sleighsta, I run out to the village of the Ear Long Clan at first sight.

And I pull back in a hurry.

"Grandpa, give me back the white sword and the wooden sword of the spirit tree"

"Um, it\'s under the hair there. I don\'t know what it\'s like to be in a hurry, but you need to calm down sometimes."

"Ha! I\'ll be careful."

Take the white sword and the wooden sword of the spirit tree out of the pitch-black body hair at the tip of Sleighsta\'s old forefoot and run out again with full dragon qi.

"He\'s a noisy guy."

Feeling Revaria\'s sigh on her back, she entered the woods of ancient trees.

You will not reach the village of the Ear Long clan unless you follow the steps. First through the woods of ancient trees, to the forest of dragons.

It uses a spatial leap and accelerates.

Ares had disappeared for me once.

Drive through the dark woods.

Dragon-hearted eyes see the midnight darkness.

Find the landmark old tree and quickly circle around. Go south, go around the fountain, and follow the path that emerged.

Aim for the village of the Ear Long clan with a changing view for every spatial leap.

Mistral, stay safe!

The rush feels empty, and the spatial jump distance doesn\'t grow as much as you think. But it was much faster than kicking the ground and running, and I arrived at the village of the Ear Elders.


At the end of my gaze, I saw a fallen mistral.