We Live in Dragon's Peak

277 The stars represent the soul

I wonder how long you slept. Notice the weight of your abdomen and regain consciousness.

Rub your eyes and slowly open your eyelids.

I was wrapped in Niemia\'s soft, long body hair. And on his stomach, Priscia was riding as a heavy stone, resting quietly.

It\'s only night, isn\'t it?

It can\'t be the same night you lost consciousness.

On the quiet lakeside, everyone, like me, was resting in peace surrounded by the warmth of the immense Neemiah.

Looking up at the sky as I lay down, there was a starry sky full of heaven that seemed to fall in love with me over and over again. A thin, cloudy landscape on a distant spiritual mountain rises black in the starry sky.

Clarify your ears with the sound of the lake that calms your mind.

I wonder if the season shifts faster here, called the Ban. Cold wind touches the exposed face. I don\'t hear many creatures squealing from the surrounding woods.

Slightly enough to reach the howl of a wolf or the roar of a nightbird.

Nearly winter, the animals may have moved to a warm place.

Chippy, gaze at the lake for the sound of the water.

Under the full moon sky. A giant demon king stood by the lake, staring quietly at the direction of Spiritual Mountain.

I can gently get out of my stomach so I don\'t wake Priscia. [M]

Looks like Niemia just noticed and woke up, but she held Priscia over and set me free.

Get up and stretch your back once.

I know it\'s midnight, but I\'m not too sleepy anymore.


The mistral who slept wrapped in Niemia\'s body hair, just like me, wakes up.

"Oh, did I wake you?

"When in Nojuku, vigilance prevails"

You whisper that so you don\'t wake everyone up. When Mistral gets up, he comes to my side.

"Are you okay now?

"Yeah. How long have you been asleep?

"A whole two days, maybe."

"It is. Did I sleep too much?

"That\'s not true. Don\'t you see weakness sweetly? If you\'re bad, it\'s life-threatening, so it\'s important to get some rest."

We have a conversation in a low voice and put hot drinks in a vessel from a container tucked away in a burning fire that remains of the fire.

Could it have been a giant demon king at the turn of the fire?

Aside from myself and mine, Mistral prepares the Demon King\'s drink and heads to the lake.

"Mistral and Ernea."

The Demon King receives a cup of drinks without offending us.


"I guess so. This is a place that has remained strictly protected. No one brings in filth such as men or dragons, only wild animals live there"

Perhaps what the Demon King calls filth is about every strife and civilized society. Then I wonder if this forbidden land, while part of the demonic kingdom, will be an undisclosed land.

"There have been times in the past when people, dragons, and other races lived there as well. But now, no one lives there anymore."

The demon king who read my thoughts put in a supplement.

"I entrust this land to Mistral, its owners. But, of course, it\'s not unconditional. Don\'t invite others easily. Only those who can be trusted with their hearts will be allowed to visit the land. And this place is managed jointly. When they are not here, their co-administrators will protect them. Nor will we allow that administrator to reject those whom he invites. Know that if an unacknowledged person enters, there will be no forgiveness for them, whether they are acquaintances or family members."

I wonder who the co-administrator is. Embargo implicates a superior being over the Demon King, even if it doesn\'t. I\'ve thought about it, but the Demon King never gave me an answer.

Maybe that\'s the part where you don\'t have to know.

I\'m a little concerned, but I also have a feeling I might find out sooner or later. I can\'t know everything at once. Then I guess I\'ll honestly wait for the opportunity to know.

"Really, I...?

Mistral looks over the spiritual mountains and lakes floating in the stars.

"Take it easy. It\'s not about taking it in on the devil\'s side. Just think that the owner of this land is the owner. We take care of it. If you think it\'s more unnecessary, you can forget about it. Well, being forgotten doesn\'t change that it\'s their land."

"Oh, thank you"

For Mistral, who lived in the qualities at Dragon Peak, I know I can\'t help but get this land. But he could not refuse, and Mistral thanked the Demon King as troubled.

The Demon King smiles when he sees the look on Mistral\'s face.

"Going forward, you and Ernea. And the Spirit Tree will need it. But before that..."

The Demon King turns his eyes to Dragon Peak, which spreads behind him.

"They must do something about Alta and Kushalillah the Demon."

Yes, I was. I don\'t know what I\'m going to do with the land, right now?

No peaceful life will return unless we solve the problems surrounding Dragon Peak.

The Demon King gave the land to Mistral, and we were also recognized. That may also mean that we can build and live here in the future. But unless the uproar of Dragon Peak subsides, such a future will never come.

"Leave Kushalila to my minister. But Alta will do something about it. I can\'t take care of him that far."

"Yes, I don\'t want any more because I\'m still getting too much cooperation"

"Good mindset. But what do we do?

"... is it the immortality of Alta?

"That\'s right. That one of the eight dragon kings, Larsa, even sealed it, broke it, and resurrected it."

"The other day, the Dragon Feng Sword was also taken away"

"That\'s a pain in the ass. What are you going to do with that?

Mistral has a mouthful.

Originally immortal, it does not die in a half-breed attack. There, we have acquired the Dragon Feng Sword that can use the original power of the Dragon Clan to sleep on the Dragon Treasure Ball.

Relative without maneuvers or wins, you can never stop Alta.

We didn\'t have the means to fight Alta right now.

"There\'s only one easy way"

Mystral and I are surprised by the words of the Unexpected Demon King.

The Demon King laughed when he saw our reaction and poked his finger at the distorted long sword he put on his hips.

"The seat of the soul spirit," he says.

I don\'t know what the demon king said, me and Mistral tilting my neck.

"True works have better ways to unite demons. Apart from that, twelve artifacts exist. One is in the belly of the other, and the demon king has ten of the remainder. In other words, it is that which has the seat of this soul spirit that shall be called the Demon King."

Sulai, and the demon king who pulls out a distorted long sword and hoists high above his head. Like the sheath, the blade and everything are pitch black. A blade bent distorted so as to be impractical in the end creates a black shadow in the starry sky.

"The seat of the soul spirit leads the soul to where it should be. What touches this sword loses its soul with or without wounds"

The thoughts and values of people and demons are different. I feel like I\'m going to refer to the flesh of a living person as the place where the soul should be, but the devil tribe seems different.

When the goddess of creation created the world and created diverse organisms. Each of a wide variety of organisms was given two truths.

People are hopes and miracles.

The Demon Clan is certain, destruction and freedom.

If you speak in truth, free your soul from the bondage of flesh. And ultimate freedom means destroying even the frame of soul?

Well, this is an idea from a people\'s religious point of view, so I\'m sure the Demon King said it in a different way.

When it\'s morning, let\'s ask Luiseine. She might know more.

By the way, that seat of the soul spirit is the easy solution...

"Elnea the Dragon King, that\'s so funny. Even if you think about it now."

"Oh, thank you?

"Kuku. What do you say we become demon kings? The Demon King\'s seat is currently about four empty seats. If you feel like it, I\'ll put it to you."

"Yes, no, no!?

I got a weird voice coming out of the back of my throat for a terrible suggestion. I think everyone\'s awake, and I rush to make sure.

Apparently, it didn\'t happen right now, but I hope you don\'t say anything weird.

I\'m the demon king?

No, never!

I was happy when I became a dragon king, but I don\'t want to ever be a demon king, and I\'m not happy.

I shake my head and refuse. Mistral shields me from the Demon King.

"Hehe, half is a joke"

... you\'re only halfway there.


"But. If I\'m not the Demon King, I\'m not giving this to you. If it\'s the seat of the soul spirit, whether it\'s an alter or not, it can crush its soul."

Indeed, if the Demon King\'s performance is in a distorted pitch-black sword, he may be able to defeat the immortal Alta. But at that price, I don\'t want to take the option of becoming the Demon King.

"That... just once. We can\'t only borrow it when we defeat Alta, so shall we?

"I don\'t mind. I can\'t lend mine, but if I ask the superior, I can borrow a bottle that doesn\'t have an owner."

"Oh, that\'s a name idea?

Delighted me, but the Demon King kicks me down.

"But the unqualified. In other words, if those who are not demon kings use them, they will take their souls in an instant. Only the demon king can touch the throne of the soul spirit. Well, can we bury Alta in a flash?

Oh, my God. You can never choose when you say you have one of the means of solving it in front of you.

I can\'t be the Demon King. But if those who are not demon kings touch them, they die in an instant.

I ask if the Demon King can defeat Alta in a moment of death, but fundamentally it\'s not. I don\'t want to sacrifice anyone for victory. Of course, I don\'t want to sacrifice myself.

"So what do we do? There is no other way for them to do it, leaving behind the means of certainty"


The Demon King is right. Now put it down for kindness or not, and you refuse to like the solution presented, we don\'t have a substitute.

"It will be a while before we find where Kushalila is going. While you\'re curing here, find an alternative and show it to me. Don\'t let me down."

The demon king returns the seat of the soul spirit to the sheath.

"Be careful. There is no beauty in contention. If you have something to protect and a future you want to have, don\'t quit using unconvincing hands either. We have to survive to win."

The words of the Demon King fall heavily on me and Mistral.

I can\'t believe the Demon King told me something similar to what Mr. Zildo told me one day.

Giant demon king. He said he was also the oldest demon king.

I wonder if the Demon King, who has lived long and ruled the Demon Nation, has also seen many bitter thoughts, failures and unconvincing ends before.

Maybe we shouldn\'t all end up thinking happily and happily ever after, either.

The blood of many Dragon and Dragon tribes may flow, and Dragon Peak may suffer deep wounds.

To defeat Alta, perhaps forcing him to make a bitter choice.


Even so, that\'s not why you\'re giving up hope, is it?

I may not be given much time, but let\'s just scratch our feet.

All right, when everyone wakes up in the morning, it\'s a quick operation meeting.

"Hehe, it\'s really funny. Be positive and get better this way."

The giant demon king laughs.

I got stuck too. [M]

Mistral complains in a whisper about "pinching his thoughts again".

Looks like we\'ve got a while until morning.

For some reason, the three of us stood by the lake and watched the black shadows of the distant spiritual mountains and the starry sky, the lake with its cool water sounds.