We Live in Dragon's Peak

265 Dragon Peak unrest


I look back at the person who called out to me from Niemia. [M]

Silver hair on red-colored skin. I don\'t wear clothes on my flexibly bodied upper body. Shoulder to neck. Chest from back. Silver scales cover your arms to the tip of your hand. The fingers of his hands stretched sharply, and his feet, not wearing shoes, were deformed like dragons.

"Zan grows tails, too."

It was Zan who spoke to me.

From Zan\'s back there were large wings, similar to the Mistral, similar to the Fei Dragon. And unlike Mistral, a thick, long tail was showing up from around his butt.

Both the winged skeleton and tail are covered in silver scales.

"Zan used the flame, so I thought it was a red scale. Could it be that all Mistral tribes are silver or light gold scales?

I intend to speak up brightly.

\'Cause not only people who have become dragonized, but even the villagers who have come together are looking at us with a serious look on their face.

I know why.

You\'re afraid of the code on human dragonization.

"Mr. Mist, I\'m not impressed with exposing your complexion forever. Rent a room and get dressed quickly."

Luiseine prompts Mistral with a deliberate voice.

"When you transform, they all grow wings."

"Sister Yufi, look. There are people like chicken dragons."

"Oh, come on... don\'t touch it easily..."

"No... I am a proud Tenryu..."

"It\'s alignment!

"Whoa, what is it? My body is on its own..."

Gentlemen, weigh yourselves in.

The twin princesses do not hesitate to touch the dragonized. And what did Lila think, she was activating her abilities toward the dragon-human tribe that had become human dragonized.

Surprisingly, Lyla\'s abilities seemed to be valid and she had begun to align herself, regardless of the will of the Dragon Nation people.

I know we all care about the dragon people, but it\'s too much.

"Ernea, come here for a second"

Zan pulled me into the back of the village. [M]

When he was brought to the back of an unpopular private house, Zan looked at me with a serious look.

"I generally understand how Mistral\'s clothes are and how you guys are doing."

"Yeah. I just found out."

To my words, Zan shook his head silently.

"Let me just say this. Mistral is not bad. It was the dragon people\'s code."

"Mistral explained that to me."

"... no anger? You guys were convinced?

I made an exaggerated gesture and let Zan sigh.

"I had some anticipation, and now that Mistral has been transformed, my heart and everyone\'s mind can\'t shake. The Dragon Nation hasn\'t done it yet. I can\'t believe you didn\'t get to know us."

"He tells me"

Zan laughed bitterly at my words. [M]

"More than that. It\'s been tough."

I just want to relax seeing your face for a long time, but first, you have to do your part properly.

When I tried to make an alter report, Zan controlled me by hand.

"Talk in a place where the key people are gathered anyway. It would be troublesome to tell the same story over and over again."

Me and Zan got out of the shadow of the building and headed to the building where we were going to have a meeting.

On the way, Zan unlocks the dragonization. Scales disappear, wings and tails pull in. My eyes went back to normal too.

By the time I got back to the square, I asked one question that bothered me.

"Hey, Zan. Would you be angry if we stuck our heads in a Dragon Nation fight?

Zan didn\'t look back at me and laughed with his nose.

"If there\'s a guy who looks at you or the women and complains, I\'ll beat him up."

In the battle with Alta, everyone had defiled and disgraced their clothes.

"Whoever despises a warrior who fought for his life is not a Dragon Nation. You\'re our fine people."


"Besides, I guess wandering around here already acted after hearing a lot from Mr. Cornelia"

"Yeah. I came home yesterday and I heard you talking in the moss square"

"So if Mr. Cornelia sent you out, no one\'s complaining."

Are you back yesterday and already doing something different today? They\'re busy. and Zan laughed.

In the village square, a few dragon warriors and Lyla and twin princesses were still making noise. We walk into a slightly larger building with it sideways.

Long time no see, young dragon king.

"Elnea, haven\'t you been on your honeymoon to the East all this time?

Who, who spread the word about honeymoons!

No, I greet the people I haven\'t seen in a long time, while denying it.

One of the first people to come into the building to talk to me was Slaney, one of the dragon kings. My hair is as thin as ever. An old man is more dignified than the rest of us by the fact that he is a dragon king\'s summariser.

The next strange suspicion I uttered was Yakushion, who had musculoskeletal and shallow black skin. He is one of the Dragon Kings.

Yeah, Zan, who was supposed to have been entrusted with the village escort, is on the front line because of Yakshion, right?

Zan admires the dragon king Yakushion, who is also good at fighting.

"I don\'t know a dragon king... I\'ve been rude in the past"


My voice leaks unexpectedly when I see a man who has been the next modest greeting from Slaney and Yakshion.

It was a face I remember.

"Mr. Laniseme, it\'s been a while. How is your sister? And I wasn\'t the Dragon King yet."

A year ago. When I went with Mr. Ashel and Niemia to crusade the rotten dragon that appeared on Dragon Peak.

I ran into a group of dragon men after the rotten dragon.

Rotten dragons had left untrained in the world. I loved a Dragon woman, but she was betrayed by the Dragon tribe and targeted for her life.

The woman Rotten Dragon loved was Mr. Anemone. And Mr. Anemone\'s brother, one of a group targeting Rotten Dragon, was Mr. Laniseme.

Mr. Laniseme had misunderstood. That the Dragons are after their precious sister. And for the sick and weak Mr. Anemone, he was trying to defeat the Rotten Dragon and take away the Dragon Treasure Ball.

Now that I have more knowledge, I realize there are misunderstandings and mistakes there as well.

The Dragon Treasure Ball is the crystal of the Dragon Clan\'s thoughts, so just because you crusaded the Dragon is not what you get.

And dragon treasure balls, not everyone can receive that power.

I missed my thinking.

I\'ve only been hostile for a few moments, but Mr. Laniseme is really a good guy with a sister in mind. No more misunderstandings. We settled. But it\'s been a year since I\'ve seen you.

"Actually, my sister found out about you. Don\'t listen to me say I want to help."

As I was shaking hands with Mr. Laniseme, a woman rushed in energetically through the entrance to the building.

"Mr. Ernea, it\'s been a long time. Do you remember? It\'s Anemone!"

Mr. Anemone gave me momentum. [M]

"Elnea, knowing you\'re the leader of the Dragon Peak Alliance, I can\'t stay or not!


Anemone, who is perfectly well, gives me a joyous voice in her ear, holding me tight.


As a man, I\'m happy to be hugged by a woman...


"Mr. Elnea?

"Master Ernea."

"Secret woman."

"A new woman."

I caught the cold gaze of the women who came in after Mr. Anemone, and I let them catch my face.

"It\'s not. It\'s a misunderstanding. Look, Neemia. You remember that too, give him an explanation."

"I was making everyone cry where they weren\'t."

"Wow. The misleading way of saying it is terrible."

Mr. Anemone cried because he was able to know what it really felt like to be a fallen dragon to a rotten dragon. And I wept at the miracle that my weak physique improved with Dragon Treasure Ball.

I explained desperately.

Phew, my gaze hurt, but I have no other intention.

It\'s true!

"Hey, Elnea\'s family is busy"

"As long as I envy you."

Two dragon kings laughed at me. The people in the building looked at our training ground with a smile.

"Oh, better than that!

Let\'s move on to Alta. Hurry up, me and the dragon tribes who tell me to rest a little longer.

Your break is about seeing and enjoying my misfortune...

Why the Northern Dragon Nation has attacked. Was it some kind of linkage move with Alta? Let\'s discuss this properly.

Have my complaints finally arrived? [M] Or did the women finally convince me?

When tea was distributed to everyone, it became a meeting to give each other information.

By the way, even as me and the women were being trained, Mr. Anemone remained hugged by me.

You\'re really feeling better, aren\'t you? Or it\'s getting too powerful. It\'s because of the dragon treasure balls...

Without a desk or chair, in a room that is just large and qualitative, everyone is in a thoughtful position and when they try to start a meeting.

The outdoors suddenly became noisy.

Have the men of the north attacked again? Tension runs on everyone indoors.

Everyone\'s gaze turned to the entrance to the building.

"No, the Dragons are noisy."

"Hey, come on. I won\'t tolerate this mess."

Everyone is breathtaking about the appearance of the first young man to come indoors in an atmosphere of no carelessness. Then he immediately raised his dragon temper and entered a state of battle.

"Oh, my God, I\'m scared"

"Naturally. Pull yourself together with your own species."

Wall, one of the eight great dragon kings, came in like a panic next to the youth. And the young man, whose shoulder was grabbed by Wall, was the Ruirala of the Demon Nation.

"Hey, Elnea. And Princess Dragon. I\'m here to pick you up."


Your Majesty called you.

Not only I, but Mistral, Dragon Nation people, and Dragon Kings had their eyes on the very rapid development.

"Duh, what do you mean?

I finally ask questions in my squeezed voice.

Luilala asks how our confusion is pleasant to watch, and how it goes with her nose singing.

"Guys. Sorry. I\'ll tell you what happened."

Pushing Luilara gently through the dragon tribe\'s killings and perplexities, Wal seemed sorry and stepped forward.

Wal looks young like he can say youth dragon king.

The Dragon King is recognised for his strength and merit, and a title given to the Dragon Nation with its popularity. Inevitably, then, people of that age, who have survived the age and fat, are chosen.

But Wal only looks a little older than Zan or Mistral.

But it\'s not. Wall is a dragon technique, body surgery, swordsmanship and everything, and his real age is a little older than he looks.

And Wall, after the incident in the West Village, had descended into the Devil Nation to mediate with Dragon Peak and the Devil Nation.

The Wall appeared on this occasion with the Viscount Luilala, under the command of the Demon King.

Moreover, Luilala says that the Demon King is summoning Mistral.

Luilala\'s serving demon king is the oldest demon king known as the giant demon king.

What exactly are the requirements that the Demon King intends to invoke Mistral?

Everyone indoors listened attentively to Wall\'s words. And the shock ran through.

"I want you to listen, guys. As a matter of fact, a demonic army has entered Dragon Peak from the west."


"Oh, I hope you don\'t get me wrong. It\'s not my country\'s army. The army of the demon king Kushalillah on the north side."

"Just to be sure, more than 10,000 troops of the Necromancer, led by the Demon General Goldba, and 10,000 other troops of the Beast Demon General Neritz and the Great Demon Yarn have entered Dragon Peak."


"The North guys. Did you put your hands together with Kushalila..."

"But why the hell did the Northerners join hands with the Demons?"

"Wait a minute. How does that information connect to the fact that Princess Dragon is being summoned by the giant Demon King?

"It is Alta that connects the movements of the Northern Demons with the Dragon Nation. The Titan Demon King is calling Mistral."

After all, there was an altercation behind the disturbance involving the entire Dragon Peak.

We all looked at each other.

"That\'s why Princess Dragon will borrow it. Oh, Elnea, I hope you\'re here, too. Let\'s have another swordsmanship fight."

Luilala turned to me with a smile that didn\'t read the atmosphere of the place.