We Live in Dragon's Peak

2 Twin Swords Princess

My name is Elnea Ease. An extremely common fourteen-year-old boy born and raised in the King\'s Capital of the kingdom of Armuad, bordered by dragon forests and tripartites to the west by Dragon Peak, north by Fei Dragon Hunting Ground, and south by Dragon Forest.

It is now every day of training in school with thirty fellow students in order to travel on the Spring Day of the year when they turn fifteen.

There are old customs in the Armuard kingdom where I live, and boys and girls who are fifteen years old have to travel away from the land where they were born and raised for a year. So at the age of fourteen, we go to school to learn the skills and education to travel. Otherwise, you can\'t deal with the way you camp at night or when you meet demons.

That said, it seems to be a fact these days that I actually endure a year while moving to a neighboring town or something to work on a daily basis.

Rarely do some people sign up for adventurers and have a fine year to be proud of, but they only have a few of those every year. About anyone wanting to be a kingdom knight in the future or going down the path of a martial arts.

However, this year was a little different from the usual year.

There are more than half of my classmates who want to be adventurers.

The reason is really simple.

Because among our classmates, we are chosen as the Holy Sword and we have the Brave Listeir. Many were inspired by him, and the school was engulfed with enthusiasm with breathtaking boys and girls who wouldn\'t live a mediocre life either.

I also want to be an adventurer admiring Listea, but she doesn\'t have any martial arts talent at all, so I gave up on the fact that it was only summer ago.

I\'m sure next spring will be easy, heading to the next town to find a job.

Unlike me without talent, the brave Listeir must have an amazing adventure.

Envious, I looked up at the listeer walking with me next door thinking so.

Oh, he\'s taller for one head than I am.

Now, a holiday day ten days after my first site survey training. I met Listaire on my way to the big arms store facing the boulevard to find out if there was an affordable weapon. He rarely had a single dowry candidate girl beside him, and many women had spoken to him just here.

Listeer, who was having trouble coping, found me and said, "I\'m going out with him today," and ran away. Even a boulder brave man doesn\'t seem to like being surrounded by a large number of women.

I left Listeer and I, all alone in the resentful gaze of the women.

"Hey, I\'m sorry. I\'m glad Elnea came through."

Listea turned her arm around my shoulder and whispered an apology.

"It\'s an enviable trouble. I\'ve only had public conversations with girls in my class, except my mother."

"I\'ve never really talked to a woman, except for the brave guy."

"No, no, I don\'t trust the words of a guy with three daughters."

Yes, it is. Listeer has three daughters-in-law, headed by the fourth princess of the kingdom. I can\'t officially get married without finishing my journey for a year of fifteen, so I\'m a dowry candidate to be exact.

Still, except for the fourth princess of Forgiveness, Selice, who pledged her future to each other after her love affair. There\'s no way he doesn\'t like women like that.

"Because it\'s true. Trust me."

Then I kept staring at Listea, who desperately began to make excuses, with warm eyes.

It\'s not like I don\'t believe you. But after all, I also feel envious, so I just have to listen to Listeer\'s cold excuses as one man here.

Listening to Listeer\'s excuses from right to left, I think.

I consider myself mediocre, but am I still a special person who envies me from the perspective of a large number of the King\'s people?

Anyway, I\'m walking down the avenue with my arm over my brave Listener and talking intimately.

It was unthinkable when I first enrolled in school.

The school is located in every district where you live. The fourteen-year-old goes to school in his district, but he didn\'t know there was a listeer in the same district.

Listeer is now treated as a brave man and a key figure in the kingdom, but he originally came from a civilian, just like me, and his parents were mediocre people.

It was originally the same school because it was a civilian and lived in the same district.

Listeer was already active as a brave man and had three daughters-in-law when she enrolled, and seemed to be of different dimensions. But he was actually a very good guy, and he broke down the wall with his surroundings aggressively from himself and soon became friends with his classmates.

That\'s why I soon became friends with Listeer, too.

But that\'s a very lucky thing, isn\'t it?

I live in the same neighborhood at the same age as Listeer. I was just looking at him because I thought he might be another creature, but he approached me through the walls of my heart.

Only a handful of boys and girls were blessed with such luck among those living in the Wang capital. One of them is me, so I figured maybe I was just a little different from mediocre.

"So, what were you doing without your wife?"

Wait for Listeer\'s long excuse to end, and I\'ll switch the subject.

I\'m quite an adult, too, to listen to all your excuses properly.

"Oh, yeah. That\'s right."

Listea began to trace some of the bags she was lowering, and took out two longitudinal parchments.

"As a matter of fact, I was planning on going with Keeli today to see a Kyoto play. But he\'s suddenly lost his temple errands. I was just about to ask someone out to watch it alone."

I see, is that what happened? Didn\'t Keeli and Listeer follow us reluctantly, as Keeli and Listeer were scheduled to go out together today?

So I don\'t do anything as rude as inviting another daughter-in-law just because I have plans for Keeli, so I\'m going to go watch it with another friend?


Listea points a slice of elongated parchment at me.

"Let\'s go check it out together. Thank you just now."

I may still be lucky. [M] I can\'t believe I could go see Listeer and Kyoto.

Currently performing in the Wang capital was the troupe said to be the first of its eastern neighbors, the Kingdom of Yortenitos. Eighty days worth of tickets sold out today, and I couldn\'t get them either.

I can\'t believe I could go see it in this way.

"Are you sure?"

I get a terrible parchment voucher.

"That\'s a good one. I\'m the one who saved me from wasting my tickets."

I decided to take Listea\'s favor with pleasure.

Anyway, I couldn\'t help but watch Kyojo. If that\'s a good idea, there\'s no reason to say no.

Listea seemed happy that you cared for my full smile.

"The gig starts at noon. If we head there now, we\'ll make it after lunch. I\'ll pay for lunch, so let\'s eat before we go."

Ha ha. You really invited me to the dining room where I was supposed to go with Keeli. That\'s the perfect brave man. The action before and after must have been planned, not just in Kyoto.

If I hadn\'t apprenticed, I wouldn\'t have had a woman of my own.

"Me, I\'ve never seen a play in Kyoto before."

"Really? If it\'s the first time and that troupe, Elnea\'s in luck. That\'s really awesome."

We walked down the boulevard at the head of the Listener as we talked about the Kyoto play we were going to watch.

Listeer and I had lunch in an elegant, reserved dining room and headed to the place where the lecture on the Kyoto drama was taking place.

The cafeteria clerk was circling his eyes that Listeer was accompanying me, not a woman, but I don\'t care.

If you care, you lose.

When it came to the venue of the Kyoto drama, it was already overflowing with many customers and a great deal of enthusiasm.

I was worried about where to watch it, but apparently it was a designated seat. When Listeer showed the ticket to the man, the guide followed us to the place just in front of the stage.

"Front front seat."

I\'m amazed at the position of the seat. [M]

"Ha. Actually, I got a ticket from the great man in the royal castle, so I didn\'t even know where to sit."

Listea also had half a laugh at the good position of her seat.

Me and Listea bought drinks and light food and beverages at the store and went back to their seats and waited for the play to start.

When you two are talking excitedly about the play that\'s about to start, the stage curtain is up. The play begins.

The stage where actors in brilliant costumes and surfaces flourished was just what was said to be one of the best in the kingdom of Yortenitos.

Not just me, but even Listaire, had watched so much that she forgot to get her hands on the food and beverage she had bought.

The content of the play was the story of the founding kings of this country and neighbouring kingdoms, the Armuad and the Yortenitos brothers.

It\'s the story of a twin who crossed a vast territory ruled by demons from the nations ruled by people much west of here, cutting through the rough earth abandoned by the Dragon Nation. A story that everyone knows if they are nationals of the kingdoms of Armuard and Yortenitos.

And he was also the first bearer of the Holy Sword, now owned by Listeir.

Maybe this performance was decided by the fact that the brave Listeir was coming to watch it.

Anyway, we forgot to blink and went to the play.

The play came down the curtain where the twin founding kings defeated the king of rotten dragons.

The audience stood tall, including us, and boiled with an unceasing applause.

It\'s really good to be here. I\'m glad Listaire invited me.

I was tearing up my touching eyes. [M]

Waiting for the audience\'s cheer to subside, the curtain rises again.

On stage stood an orchestra with drums and whistles and one beautiful woman.

The woman was wrapped up in a costume with a lot of skin exposure and had two beautifully decorated swords in her hand.


Listeer tells me.

At the end of this troupe, a dance confrontation seems to be the norm between the orchestra and the dance princess.

"A dance duel?

"If you look at it, you\'ll see."

You don\'t answer my question, Listeer sits back in her seat. I had no choice but to take a seat, but the aftertaste of the play had not yet drawn, and my chest was still pounding.

I think it means tightening the act, but I don\'t think there\'s anything more amazing than the play earlier, and the dance showdown started before me.

In tune with the tone of the orchestra, the woman standing in the center of the stage, the princess of this troupe, begins to dance.

It was beautiful.

The supreme dance extends without blurring to the tip of the sword, and the high raised feet arc beautifully into the universe.

Clothes jump as Princess Mai moves, attracting the hearts of all audiences.

The Mai princess fell unconscious and stopped moving with her two swords raised high at the end.

Shortly after I thought it was over, the orchestra plays again.

Princess Mai begins to dance again with it.

Then gradually the band plays faster, and the dance of the princess also increases the speed.

I see, it was a dance showdown.

The orchestra plays faster, increasing the speed at which losers and princesses also dance.

It\'s better to lose if one of them gets stuck.

Undisturbed performance, undamaged dance of beauty and glamour.

I had forgotten the excitement of the play earlier and watched it from the princess.

You can\'t miss one step at a time. I kept watching my eyes burn. [M]

And when it was several times faster than the first performance, the orchestra was finally disrupted.

This battle ended in a victory for the Princess Mai.

As proud as she had won, Mai Himei nevertheless beautifully spread her double-sword and bowed her head to the audience deeply.

A louder cheer and applause rang in the theater than when the play was over.

Many bouquets of flowers are thrown in from the audience. The actors of the troupe came out on stage as the girls, who emerged from the hem of the stage, carefully picked it up.

An old man of good width who showed up at the end thanked the stage and finished the play.

Another loud applause.

I applauded so much that my hand broke, too.

After watching the Kyoto play, we went for dinner again with the guidance of Listeir, and this day was dissolved.

Me and Listea were all excited about the Kyoto play.

Nevertheless, I admired the performance.

"Right. I\'ve seen that troupe perform about three times in the past too, but this was the most amazing one. She must be a dance princess with a name in history."

"Yeah, next time that troupe comes to Wangdu, we\'ll definitely go see it again with the tickets in hand"

"Wouldn\'t it be nice if you extended your legs to the Kingdom of Yortenitos next year when you\'re traveling, not next time? They perform every three days in Kingsville, except for an expedition."

"Unlike Listhea, I have no ability to travel to the King\'s capital of the kingdom of Joltenitos."

Anyway, it takes nearly sixty days on foot to get to the King\'s Capital. Unless you\'re a big merchant or a namesake adventurer or something, it can be a dangerous journey.

It was almost sundown when we talked about it, and we were on our way home.

I thanked Listea for today and I went home with a souvenir story for my parents.

Oh, I forgot to go to the weapons store. I don\'t know what to do, I don\'t have a weapon for tomorrow\'s martial arts class.