We Are A Family

Chapter 2 - Klaus Weber

"Mom, this ish goood."

"Klaus, don't talk while you're eating," Mom says, pointing her fork at me.

"Eh-hem." I stuff a spoonful of curry in my mouth. "And it's spicy."

"Of course." Dad grimaces as he endures the spiciness of his curry.

Tonight, Mom had prepared curry for us as dinner. And since tomorrow's our departure from the airport, she whipped up a lot of it.

Freda gulps her full glass of water in an instant, savoring the temporary relief from the curry's abuse.

Dad clears his throat and everyone look at him. "Has everyone pack their stuff?"

We all nod.

"Then, try to sleep early tonight. We don't want to be late," Dad says.

"But, Dad, I haven't finished packing yet," Freda says.


I raise my hand at that instant. "I'll help her."

Both Mom and Dad nod and I'm pleased about that. And not because of their agreement with what I want to do. I know if I let Freda do that thing on her own, it would take longer.

After we are done eating, I follow Freda to her room.

It's what you would expect from a girl. Stuffed toys and bright colors all over the room, and a lot of teddy bears.

A lot.

"Okay, so have you packed your clothing and all that?" I ask.

So that's what she meant about haven't finished packing.

"You don't need to bring your teddy bear with you. It's only for a couple of days," I said.

"Well, I can't cuddle with Grizzly then." Freda looks at me. "And, I can't sleep if I can't cuddle with Grizzly."

Okay, this is the problem. Since our trip to Sydney is our family's first international trip, Freda never parts with her Grizzly. We went to Kyoto once and compared to Osaka, which is where we live, it's only an hour ride with Dad's car. And, because of that, Freda could bring Grizzly with her.

But going to Sydney is an entirely different story.

"You're fourteen, Freda," I mumble.

"So? What's your point? I've been with Grizzly since we moved here in Japan," Freda says.

She says the truth. Our family lives in Osaka for as long as I can remember. I was only four-years-old when we parted from our homeland, German.

Freda fidgets at her Grizzly and I watch her. She can be childish at times but all of that has its own reasons.

Not that I'm any different.

"Fine." I rub my hair and narrows my eyes at Freda. "I'll take Grizzly with me. I don't bring that much anyway so that half-a-meter teddy bear should fit in no problem."

I feel a staggering amount of force suddenly hit me in the stomach and I lower my gaze. Freda had her hands around me.

"Thank you, Klaus! Thank you, thank you, thank you so much!" Freda exclaims.

I laugh. It's been a while since she hugged me like that. The last time was about four years ago when she's ten.

"You're welcome, Freda."

I take her Grizzly in my hands and exit her room, pushing open the door of my own.

"This... can't fit in," I said to myself.

The black, travel bag that I use to put my stuff in is fairly average in size. "Perhaps I could..."

For my boredom.

I try to stuff in Freda's Grizzly again, and it works like a charm. But now, my bag has a weird bulge on its side.

"Hmm, whatever."

I put the beg aside and throw myself at the bed.

Now, I could sleep.

As usual, I turn off the lights and warm myself under a blanket. "I can't wait!" And after that, I close my eyes, drifting away into a dreamless night.

. . .

. . .

"Klaus!" Freda yells.

The next morning, we are up and about, ready to head to the Osaka International Airport.

"Has everyone got their own passports. And flight tickets?" Dad said.

We all dig out those items and show it to him, which he smiles in response.


A man calls my father's name and he rushes to him. He's our neighbor, Mr. Itsuki. He will be the one driving us to the airport using his van.

He helps us put our luggage in the back of the van and gestures for Dad to take the seat next to the driver.

I sit next to Freda while Mom is in front of me. A few moments later, the van makes its way to the airport.

"Why do you always wear that jacket?" Freda asks me.

I wear a loose red jacket with a crescent moon logo at the back. It's my favorite, and I got it way back, from two years ago. I bought it at a clearance sale, of course.

"Er, because I like it," I reply.

Mom covers her giggle and both of us look at her. Mom wears a long-sleeved violet collared T-shirt paired with a dark, long skirt.

"That's one way to answer, Klaus," Mom said.

Freda and I nod absently at her.

After a while, I look at my watch. It's only been ten minutes since we had left the house.

"Is Grizzly in your bag still?" Freda asks out of concern.

"Yes. Yes, it is."

"I can't wait to cuddle Grizzly in the plane." Freda glances at me. "You won't understand."

I raise my arms in the air. "Nope. Nope, I won't."

"In my bag," Freda answers. I only nod.


"Mom, look!" Freda shouts, pointing at the Senri River outside. That means the airport is just a few minutes away.


I notice a large, red truck heading our way, which is the opposite lane of where it should be.

"Where is that truck going?" I mumble. And it's not going to stop.

Panic wells up inside me.

"Everyone! That truck--"

My voice is muffled from the trunk pressing its horn repeatedly. And yet it's not going to slow down. Mom panics and goes to the front.



Instinctively, I wrap my arms around her with my back facing to the front as our van tilt sideways in order to avoid that trunk.

But it is of no use.

In a blink of an eye, the front of our van ruptures and my body is crushed from the impact. Our van comes to halt only after the truck slows down.


I can feel every bone in my body had shattered, pieces of my ribs puncture my heart. My muscles grating against each other. I cannot breathe. My throat is desperate for air, taking in as much as it can.

Then there is Freda, watching me in horror.

"K-Klaus...?" She mutters.

However, my eyes vaguely catch a sight of a metal protruding from her ċhėst. I look behind me, and sure enough, a large, metal rod is sticking out from my back, inevitably piercing Freda too.

I'm not sure what is the situation at the front. No sound from Mom and Dad. They are silent.

Blood pours out from my mouth and I hold my head upward, preventing it from spilling at Freda.

Her blue eyes are filled with tears. And I'm sure it is from all the pain that she's suffering from.


"No, F-Freda!"

Her head falls onto my ċhėst, refusing to move from there.

"Fre--" More blood splutters out from my mouth and I wheeze from the pain.

The pain from all my bones breaking.

The pain from losing my only sister.

The pain of losing my only family.

It's too painful.


It's hard. We were about to depart and land on a completely new land, with the intention of enjoying ourselves there.

And yet, this has to happen.

My heart is failing me.

My eyes are heavy.

My lungs deny any air going through it.

Again, I set my eyes on Freda. She was so happy before, now that her Grizzly is there with her. It doesn't have to be like this.

It doesn't have to end like this.

If anything...

"Please..." I force the words out of my mouth with every last bit of breath I have in me. "I just want h-her to be happy."

I endure the pain shooting up through every fiber of my being, "Freda, deserves better. My f-family deserves b-better."

I have said everything I wanted to say. No, it's not. I want to be with Freda. I want to be with Mom. I want to be with Dad.

I love all of them, so much.


With the last ounce of strength whisks away from me, I close my eyes.