Way of Choices

353 The God and Human by the Hot Spring

Perhaps because of his heavy injuries, or because he had bathed in the hotspring, Su Li’s face was slightly swollen. His eyes were tightly closed, andhis heroic spirit dispersed. The sharp sword glow that had always made ChenChangsheng unable to directly stare at him disappeared somewhere, and he seemedlike an ordinary person. Just at that moment, the spiritual soul of the Black Dragon left the dagger,and returned to the jade ruyi that was tied to his wrist. It turned into ablack dragon that seemed real and flew to Chen Changsheng’s shoulder. It lookedat the surrounding snowy mountains and said blankly, “Where is this place? Havewe left the Garden of Zhou?” Chen Changsheng shook his head, “I also don’t know what happened. As soon as Icame out, I was met with such a great situation.” When the Black Dragon was in the dagger, it could only sense the outside worldthrough Chen Changsheng’s spiritual sense, so it did not know what hadhappened. It was confused and asked, “What situation?” “The Yellow Paper Umbrella was taken by the senior, and was actually a sword…of course, that’s not important. Before on the snowy plains, the demon man thatwas wrapped in black robes may have been the demon Military Advisor from therumors. And the dozen or so Demon Generals were each as strong as Teng Xiaomingand Liu Wan’er. And the shadow, I really suspect that it was the Demon Lord.” Chen Changsheng gave a simple description of the situation on the snowyplains. Hearing it, the Black Dragon was shocked speechless. Not to mentionthat it was currently a weak spiritual soul, even if it had returned to itsreal body—the Black Frost Dragon that was under the New North Bridge—meetinggreat figures at the level of Black Robe and the Demon Lord meant only death. It looked towards the sleeping, middle-aged man by the hot spring and asked,“Then who is this human? Actually able to live, and escape with you?” Chen Changsheng said, “He is the Junior Martial Uncle of Mount Li, Su Li.” Hearing the name, the body of the Black Dragon began to tremble. It gave out aclear cry, and the jade ruyi seemed like it was about to shatter. Chen Changsheng was confused and asked, “What’s wrong?” The Black Dragon looked at Su Li, and its bewitching, vertical pupilsretracted slightly. It seemed extremely afraid and said, “He is very strong.” Chen Changsheng thought about the snowy plains. When Su Li’s hand landed onthe sword hilt, it killed a Demon General. When half of the sword left thesheath, it heavily injured Black Robe. He thought that although the way thesenior did things was rather wretched and absurd, his level in the path of thesword and his level of cultivation were indeed extremely great. It was justthat the Black Dragon also was an extremely prideful, overbearing and divineexistence, so why did it become so scared after hearing his name? “I have never seen him, but I know he… had killed many dragons.” The Black Dragon looked at the Yellow Paper Umbrella in Su Li’s hands, andbecame a spiritual soul again with any hesitation. It hid itself in the dagger,and no matter how Chen Changsheng called for it, it was unwilling to come out. Chen Changsheng was very confused, and felt rather helpless. He looked at SuLi, and discovered that even though he was deep asleep, the senior continued tograsp the Yellow Paper Umbrella tightly, unwilling to let go. Afterwards, he thought about what Su Li had said before he fell asleep. He didnot know the current situation of the Garden of Zhou, whether the people hadescaped properly. He did not know whether Zhexiu and Qi Jian were still alive,or if the Mount Li Sword Sect disciple Liang Xiaoxiao who had betrayed thehumans and worked with the demons was dead or alive. Also… how was she rightnow? Was she fine? He worried very much about it, and was also very impatient about it. He wantedto quickly return to Hanqiu City or the capital, and confirm how the people hecared for were. At the same time, he wanted to tell the people that cared forhim that he was safe and sound without any problems. Otherwise… once Luoluolearned about what happened in the Garden of Zhou, just how worried would shebe? However, how could he leave right now? Hearing that snoring that was like thunder, he shook his head ratherhelplessly. He squatted down next to Su Li, and began to observe hisinjuries—no matter how impatient he was to leave, he could not just leave thesenior behind. Even though he was also very tired, and all his true essence hadalready been consumed, he still needed to continue enduring it, because thesenior was obviously dying. Su Li’s clothes were in tatters. The injuries and sword intent that had burstforth before revealed his body. He was covered in injuries, injuries that wereleft by the burning of extremely pure energy. Burns were Chen Changsheng’sspecialty in his medical expertise, and he was very experienced. However, for amoment, he still did not know how to treat them. Also, he currently did not have any medicine or medical equipment, not even acloth to wrap the wounds. The only thing he could use was the golden needlethat was wrapped around his finger. The golden needle passed through the thick mist and was about to pierce intoSu Li’s neck. It penetrated his skin slowly but firmly. … … What comforted Chen Changsheng slightly was that not long after he used theneedle, Su Li woke up. It seemed the cultivation level of the senior indeed wasdifferent from normal cultivators, and such heavy injuries did not meananything to him. If this was the case, perhaps they could leave soon... Su Li glanced at him. His expression was cold, and it was indifferent andalienating, like a stranger. Chen Changsheng could accept this; he and thesenior were originally strangers. It was just that the condescension in thedepths of his pupils gave the feeling of a god looking at an ant, which stillmade him rather uncomfortable. In the next moment, Su Li’s cold and alienating expression slowly disappeared.Perhaps it was because Chen Changsheng had not left while he was asleep, andwanted to think of an idea to treat him. It made him rather satisfied. “Who are you?” he looked at Chen Changsheng and said. Before he fell asleep, Su Li had asked it many times: ‘Who am I?’ He obviouslyknew the answer, and only wanted to use the question to make Chen Changshengjudge that he was arrogant: ‘I am a peerless expert, how can I have problems?’This was the first time he had thought of asking for the name of the teenager. Chen Changsheng thought about it, and decided to reply honestly. However,before he had said anything, Su Li followed, “Who you are is not important.What I want to say is that although the sword is mine without saying, since youdelivered it to me, I have decided to pass a sword technique to you to expressmy gratitude.” Su Li stood up and looked at the Yellow Paper Umbrella. Chen Changsheng didnot know what he was thinking about. Chen Changsheng stood up behind him, and seemed rather hesitant. Su Li did not turn around, and he said coldly, “You don’t need to shed tearsof gratitude, nor do you need to tell me what sect or school you come from.Don’t try to get a connection with me and try to get even more benefits.” The moment he finished speaking, Chen Changsheng said without hesitating,“Orthodox Academy, Chen Changsheng.” He knew about the relationship of the Orthodox Academy and the Mount Li SwordSect very clearly, or to be more exact, his relationship with the Mount LiSword Sect was not that great. It could even be called extremely terrible.However, he did not want to lie, but the way the senior from Mount Li didthings made him rather unhappy. As a result, he said it, and even said itextremely loudly. It was slightly cold in the snowy mountains, and extremely quiet by the hotsprings. Su Li stood on the rock by the springs and said expressionlessly, “I give youone more chance.” Chen Changsheng looked at his back, and felt slightly cold. However, hereceived energy from somewhere, which made him say it again, “Orthodox Academy,Chen Changsheng.” This time, his voice was even louder, but his tone was much calmer. Su Li slowly turned around and stared into his eyes as if from high above. Hesaid, “Looks like you are a person who does not value his opportunities.” …