Way of Choices

351 Ten Thousand Li with One Sword

Su Li’s hand grasped the handle of the umbrella. He did not perform any otheractions, but the sword intent already reached areas that were several dozen ofli away. There were no sword rays, nor was there any sword wind. The thin snowflakesfloated down slowly, but in the surroundings of the snowy plains, countlessshrill sounds appeared. Swoosh swoosh swoosh swoosh! It was the sound of theedge of the sword cutting through space and through armor. It was the sound ofthe edge of the blade cutting through the powerful bodies of the Demon Generals. Around the dozen or so mountainous black shadows of the Demon Generals,countless thin white slashes appeared. The cold wind suddenly separated, theheavy armor suddenly shattered and fresh blood spurted out. Some mountainousshadows fell in the snowy plains with a groan, while other mountainous shadowsretreated backwards with a roar. There was actually not a single Demon Generalthat remained where they were originally. Su Li gazed at the snowy hill over ten li away, and looked at Black Robe whocurrently sat there cross-legged. The square plate before Black Robe’s body had already become a piece of scrapmetal, and on it were densely packed depressions. It did not seem anything likethe projection of the Garden of Zhou from before. It was because the squareplate had been destroyed that the terrifying explosion occurred before. Eventhough he was a peerless expert at such a great level, the injuries he receivedwere not light. His clothes were tattered, and he actually seemed to be in arather sorry shape. The square plate of the Garden of Zhou was destroyed for some reason, whichcaused him injury. Feeling that the arrangements in the Garden of Zhou hadfailed, it made him very hurt. However, what made him feel the most alert anduneasy was the umbrella currently in Su Li’s hands. He had spent a very longtime in the arrangements to kill him, for which the demons had sent outcountless experts. However, it seemed that problems were about to occur.  If Su Li wanted to stop the assassination the demons had planned, he needed tomake another breakthrough in the path of the sword. However, just like he hadonce said, for an expert of the path of the sword at Su Li’s level, even thegreat dread of life and death would not be able to help him break through theobstacle that he had not broken through in hundreds of years, unless hereceived that sword. Now, that sword had come. How was this possible? Black Robe looked at the teenager behind Su Li andthought silently. As it turned out, all the changes originated from him. He recognized the Yellow Paper Umbrella and knew the history of it. Herecognized Chen Changsheng and knew the history of him. He was the demonMilitary Advisor who specialized in schemes the most out of the entirecontinent, and only needed the control of spiritual sense to deduce the storyin the Garden of Zhou, as well as the story after the Garden of Zhou clearly,without a single mistake. However, no matter how well he deduced it, he was unable to change things thathad already happened. He was also unable to make the Yellow Paper Umbrellaleave Su Li’s side. Black Robe stood up, and his slightly blue hands were drawn from his sleeves.It seemed as though he was about to crush all the cold gusts of wind in thesnowy plains with his hands. Su Li looked at him silently. The two were separated by a dozen li or so. Su Lu grasped onto the handle of the umbrella, and used a little bit ofstrength through his fingers. Only the clear resonance of a sword being drawn could be heard. A bright sword was drawn from the Yellow Paper Umbrella. As it turned out, this was the true sword of the Yellow Paper Umbrella. A sword was always hidden in the Yellow Paper Umbrella. The sword was not completely drawn. Only half of the sword appeared before the world. The wind on the snowy plains suddenly hastened, and the thin snowflakes becamecountless shapeless swords. They rushed forwards with a whistle, andimmediately arrived at the snowy hill over ten li away. Black Robe lowered his head, and brought his hands together. His blue handsfloated slightly, as if he was performing a salute. It guarded his face, andwith the black robe that had fallen onto the snow, everything was covered up.An extremely frigid Qi received the snowflakes that were like swords. Swish swish swish swish! The sound of severing repeatedly resounded on thesnowy hill. Countless distinct sword rays appeared in the space around BlackRobe. In the next moment, Black Robe’s legs left the snow. He began to float, andhis clothes and body seemed to become weightless. With the windy snow and swordrays, he floated backwards, and disappeared into nothingness. The sword rays slowly dispersed, the sword resonance slowly grew quiet and thesnowy wind slowed down. A black cloth slowly landed on the snowy plains, and at the same time, astreak of blackish red blood appeared. From over ten li away, Su Li injured Black Robe with one strike. Although theinjuries Black Robe had received from the destruction of the square plate couldnot be considered light, and although he was not in his peak condition, itcould not be forgotten that the sword in Su Li’s hand was not completely drawnfrom the sheath. There was still half of it hidden in the Yellow PaperUmbrella. Then just how powerful was the strike? Su Li did not pay any attention to the retreating Black Robe. He looked at theoutline of the demon city that could be vaguely seen in the depths of the snowyplains, and looked at the shadow that contained an unlimited amount of pressureand terrifying willpower. The expression on his face become more and moresolemn, but his gaze became more and more fanatical. He yelled, “Come battle!” With a sudden yell that was like a sword resonance, a true sword resonatedthrough the entire snowy plains. Su Li’s right hand which grasped the handle of the umbrella drew outwards. Thesword that gave off cold light appeared. After hundreds of years, the Heaven Shrouding Sword finally saw light again.The first opponent that it met was the Demon Lord. With such a return, just how overbearing and unbridled was it? No matter how wide the sky was, as long as the Heaven Shrouding Sword wasplaced before the eyes, not even the sky could be seen. No matter how terrifying the shadow in the sky was, if he did not want to seeit, he would not see it. Su Li’s left hand held onto the Yellow Paper Umbrella, and his right handcasually lifted the Heaven Shrouding Sword. Looking at the shadow in the sky,he had a presence that was able to surprise and overwhelm the world. Just how powerful and heroic was the person? Looking at Su Li’s back, Chen Changsheng was emotionally moved and speechless. He knew that he was about to witness firsthand a battle of the highest levelin the past few centuries of the continent. Perhaps he would die very quickly,die from the clashing of the Qi from the battle, or perhaps the two thatparticipated in the battle would not even notice his death at all. However, hedid not feel cold, and even felt rather warm. The warmth originated from his heart, from his blood. There were always hot-blooded times in a person’s life. Even though he had just left the Garden of Zhou and was suddenly pulled into abattle that was close to a divine level where he would likely die, he did notcare. The journey of the Garden of Zhou indeed was not made in vain. For him tobe able to witness such heroic figures, to witness such a peerless sword regainits edge, was life or death really worth mentioning? At this moment, Chen Changsheng already could vaguely guess who the impressivehuman expert who stood in front of him was. When he grasped the sword, several powerful Demon Generals fell. When he drew half of the sword, Black Robe was heavily injured and retreatedfar away. Now, his sword had completely left the sheath. He himself had alreadycompletely left the sheath as well, and displayed his edge as much as he likedtowards the snow and wind, and the shadow in the sky. Just what kind of power would the third strike have? Would it sever the sky,and directly cut down the shadow before the sword? With only a moment, Chen Changsheng thought of many things. He felt that hismind was completely and utterly washed by the sword intent that enveloped theentire snowy plains, and he gained unprecedented courage and battle prowess. Ifhe could live, he believed that these gains would definitely make him evenstronger. However, just at this moment, a voice suddenly appeared in his ears. “Hold onto the umbrella.” Chen Changsheng looked at the back of the middle-aged man, and knew that thevoice came from him. He just did not know what it meant, and was rather at aloss. “Still not grabbing it? Otherwise, I’ll retreat first then.” Su Li looked at the shadow in the sky. His expression was firm and persistent,and his bearing exceeded the ordinary. Who would have thought that he was secretly whispering such words that lackedin bearing? Chen Changsheng stared blankly. He did not know what it was exactly about andsaid, “Senior…” Su Li did not turn around. His sword pointed towards the sky, signifying thathe was unhurried. However, his voice was just so urgent, and seemed extremely worried. Also, in order to prevent the demons from discovering it, he did not move hislips, so when he spoke, it had the feeling that he was biting his tongue. “Senior your face, why don’t you hurry up and grab it, pighead?!” Chen Changsheng really did stare blankly, and he even began to doubt life. Senior… aren’t you a legendary expert? Didn’t you traverse the continentunrestrained with a sword? Don’t you want to battle the shadow? Don’t you wantto battle an opponent? So… you never wanted to battle since the start, and onlywanted to flee? You… at this moment, your heroic spirit is all acting? This… perhaps it is fake fighting? Chen Changsheng was unable to describe his current feelings. The surface of the senior was full of ferociousness and was full of the air ofcourage and magnanimity, but who would have thought, he was actually like this…  He could not find a suitable phrase. He wanted to say that this was verydespicable, and also felt that it was rather disrespectful. The idol that had stood straight like a tree in his heart for several momentsof time just suddenly collapsed with a loud rumble like this. However, he did not have any choice. Even the senior wanted to run; did hestill want to stay behind and battle against the terrifying shadow? Chen Changsheng’s gaze landed on the Yellow Paper Umbrella. He was slightly ata loss, and extended his hand to grab it. Su Li looked at the shadow in the sky with an indifferent expression and hadthe air of an expert. Only Chen Changsheng could hear the voice that originatedfrom between his teeth, “You pighead, grab tight, otherwise if you fall offhalfway, I’m not stopping to grab you.” Chen Changsheng grabbed the front of the Yellow Paper Umbrella obediently, andeven used his other hand. A clear and bright, but arrogant, laugh resounded, and echoed in the snowyplains. Su Li looked at the great demon army in the snowy wind and looked at theshadow. After pausing for a while, he said loudly, “Look at the strike!” This was the first true strike since the Heaven Shrouding Sword had reappearedin the world. It was also the most powerful strike of the several days being surrounded bythe demons. In the snowy wind, the mountainous bodies of the Demon Generals becameextremely serious. The tens of thousands of demon soldiers even further outbecame silent. The shadow that originated from Xuelao City and covered half the sky becamemuch more serious. The strike inevitably contained the cultivation of Su Li’s entire life. Even the Demon Lord felt fear. The violent wind suddenly swept through the flying snow, and the sword intentthat enveloped the snowy plains was suddenly compressed. It turned into swordenergy with an unimaginable power, which chopped at the world. Su Li struck out. He struck at the sky. However, it was not at the shadow in the sky, but half the sky that wasopposite of the shadow. The sky of the south. There was only a soft screech. Of the several thousand Essence Qi Locks that the Demon race had set down inthe snowy air, all were shattered by the sword intent. In the snow and wind that suddenly became violent, an extremely clear pathformed from a sword suddenly appeared to lead a way out of the snowy plains. Su Li, with an unimaginable speed, transformed into a streak of light, andflew into the path formed from a sword. His left hand grasped the Yellow Paper Umbrella, and Chen Changsheng wassuspended on the front part of the umbrella. His body was already floating. With a whistling sound, Su Li and Chen Changsheng turned into a black smear,slowly traveling further and further away.