Warm Fuzzies

Chapter 149:

In other people\'s eyes, Youjing disappeared without warning, Xueli and others suddenly appeared in the central circle, and Luna had disappeared.

They have been vigilant all around, Moon God\'s cultivation base is so powerful, he suddenly disappeared, no wonder it made others worry.

Xue Li was stunned for a moment before she recovered and said, "The Moon God has committed suicide. He has completely disappeared since he lost his soul."

Hearing this answer, everything was silent.

The crowd gathered so many people here, they were ready for a big battle, and they couldn\'t back down even with heavy casualties, but they didn\'t expect that the moon **** would kill himself like this, and Fairy Sydney also rescued her back without any injuries. As soon as the soldiers died, it was just that Shenjun Changyun and Young Master Zilan were slightly injured, but they didn\'t seem to be seriously injured.

Such a change in the situation made everyone unable to cope for a while.

Only Xuanwu Shenjun saw that they were all looking tired and thoughtful, sighed and said: "You are all tired after thinking about it, go to the fairy car and rest first, if you have anything to say, go back and talk about it in detail."

Sydney looked around and nodded.

Xuanwu Shenjun and Wolf King and Wolf Queen dispatched the fairy car as soon as possible, and let all five of them get on the fairy car first.

Both Changyun Shenjun and Zilan were seriously injured, especially Zilan, who had become very weak, and had to be supported by Xue Li to walk to the fairy car.

On the fairy car, Xue Xin brought a medicine box with her, and they quickly bandaged the wounds of the wounded. When he returned to Jiuchongtian, Changyun\'s arm was already wrapped with a clean wound cloth, and Zilan\'s injury made Xueli look sadder and sadder. While helping him heal, Xueli was so sad that she almost cried.

Xueli\'s expression made Zilan more and more at a loss, and the wolf\'s tail wobbled uncomfortably in invisible places.

At a loss, he propped up his hand and touched Xue Li\'s head, comforting her awkwardly: "It doesn\'t hurt."

How could it not hurt?

Sydney didn\'t believe it at all.

Zilan didn\'t know how to coax her at this time, so he had to straighten his body, fidgeting and let Xueli help him heal his injuries.

This picture also fell into the eyes of other people in the same car.

Lord Changyun was clutching his newly wrapped arm, and turned his head to exchange a look with Xue Xin.

The fairy chariot soon stopped in the wolf palace.

Although Xue Li and the others are not in good condition, the matter of the Moon God is very important and cannot be delayed for too long. The rest of the gods also want to know the answer as soon as possible, so after returning to the Wolf Palace, they just took a short rest. They entered the hall of discussion.

All the gods and gods from various fairylands were among them, all of them looked serious, and the hall was full of people.

Fortunately, including Zi Lan and Chang Yun who were seriously injured, everyone had a good rest on the road, and they are all in good condition now.

After calming down, Xuanwu Shenjun presided over the exit and asked: "So, what happened in You Territory at that time?"

Several people looked at each other in blank dismay.

In the end, Xueli took out the astrolabe and explained from the beginning: "The moon **** has captured the star beast all these years in order to reverse the time. He wants to go back to the ancient times. He planned to capture me for the same reason, but it seems that it is because of me. When I was with my aunt, I sang the song "Looking for the Moon" with a different tune, so something happened..."

Sydney explained the unknown inside story of the two songs "Looking for the Moon" and "Chasing Clouds", the reason why Luna wanted to reverse time, and what happened to them in the Moon Palace from beginning to end.

When talking about Fairy Xuexin, Xueli looked at Xuexin and Shaoyin questioningly.

Xue Xin was still holding on to the jade pendant hung on her waist by the Moon God himself, but when she met Xue Li\'s eyes, she nodded slightly to her.

Only then did Xue Li say: "Fairy Xuexin and Lord Changyun should be my parents. Fairy Xuexin should be the reincarnation of Yuezhu, the daughter of Moon God and Fairy Shenxia. She looks like Yuezhu when she grew up. That\'s why Moon God changed his attitude after meeting Fairy Xuexin..."

This matter was discussed briefly in the fairy car on the way.

The reason Xue Xin kept her name hidden was that the path to becoming a fairy was not correct, and she used Fairy Shaoyin\'s soul as a last resort.

But now, the Moon God has returned to her the soul that Xue Xin lacked. Xue Xin is also a healer herself, and with the help of Fairy Shaoyin, if she wants to find a day to rest for a few days, she can make up the soul.

In addition, she is the reincarnation of the daughter of the moon **** Zuixin and Fairy Shenxia. Hidden as in the past.

After Xue Li finished speaking, the gods present couldn\'t help being surprised: "So, Fairy Xuexin is actually the daughter of the Moon God?!"

Eyes of scrutiny, scrutiny, and surprise immediately filled the entire fairy palace, and all eyes met on Fairy Xuexin.

No one thought that the daughter of the Moon God was still in the world, and even the vast majority of people didn\'t know that the Moon God had a daughter before the Xuanwu God Lord mentioned the Moon Pearl.

Fairy Xuexin avoided the crowd before, mainly as a last resort. At this time, because the moon **** self-destructed her soul, she was still in a trance, but when she saw everyone looking at her, she stood up neither humble nor haughty, and did it to the gods A salute.

She looks humble, courteous and generous, indeed she has the demeanor of Moon God Zuixin and Fairy Shen Xia back then.

Xuanwu Shenjun thought that Fairy Xuexin looked familiar at first, but seeing that it was true, he was less surprised than others.

Xuanwu God Lord patted Fairy Xuexin on the shoulder, sighed: "The Moon God is an ancient god, admired by thousands of people, and Fairy Shen Xia is a couple of gods and gods. When he established the way in ancient times, the people he saved would have to be at least Millions, tens of millions, if you want to talk about it, there are very few gods in the Nine Heavens who can say that they have never received his favor. Now he has gone astray, and he has reached the point where he is today, which is really regrettable."

Xuanwu God Lord said: "Now that the Moon God dissipates his spirit and apologizes to all things in the sky, then this matter is over. The Moon God has made great achievements and mistakes in his life. I will go to the Moon Palace and stand beside Fairy Shen Xia for him. Set up a tomb, write a letter of merit and demerit, it is not only a record, but also a warning, to warn everyone, so that the gods in the sky will not be blinded by confusion, and then follow the example of the moon god. However, this matter is very involved, I am afraid that there will be more There are a lot of things to do, let’s wait for the follow-up to discuss, the Lord Changyun and Young Master Zilan must be too tired now, let’s go back and rest first.”

Xuanwu Shenjun made a conclusion. Changyun and Zilan were injured, and it was indeed not appropriate to delay for too long. After hearing this, Xue Li, Fairy Xuexin and others stood up and prepared to leave.

But at this time, the Princess of the Jade Rabbit Clan raised her hand and interjected, "Wait! I have something urgent to report!"

Xuanwu Shenjun asked: "What?"

Princess Yutu said: "It\'s about the Moon Palace. After the Moon God dissipated his soul, it was difficult to maintain the immortal power in the Moon Palace. After the Moon God disappeared, there were already spots on the moon, but although the Moon God seldom appeared, he was still alive anyway. , can still maintain the bright moon, now that the moon **** has lost his soul, what should the moon do? The moon god\'s fairy power has something special, he has been born with the sun and the moon since ancient times, and the fairy power of the jade rabbit tribe can probably last for a while , but not as compatible as the Moon God himself, and even though the Jade Rabbit Clan has assisted the Moon Palace for many years, their job is to be in charge of Fangsu, and they still have their own constellations to operate and maintain. If this continues, the immortal power will be consumed too much, and it is not a long-term solution..."

Xuanwu Shenjun asked: "Then what do you think?"

Princess Jade Rabbit replied: "Of course it would be best to have a **** who is similar to the moon **** to take over."

When Princess Yutu said so, all the attention was naturally cast on Fairy Xuexin.

Fairy Xuexin is the daughter of the Moon God, if they have a similar aura, it must be her.

The reason why Luna made such a big commotion this time was, in a sense, mostly because of Fairy Xuexin, but in the same way, it was Fairy Xuexin who appeared in time to stop Luna from further actions, making The gods who had been prepared for the big battle had no casualties. Fairy Xuexin has been imprisoned in the Fox Realm for a thousand years, and she just regained her memory. She really cannot be blamed for what the Moon God did.

Xuanwu Shenjun paused, and asked: "Speaking of which, Changyun Shenjun and Xuexin Fairy, I remember that your husband and wife should not be mainly responsible for the operation of Xinsu in the Fox Territory?"

Changyun Shenjun nodded: "Indeed."

Xue Xin was a little apprehensive, and said: "The operation of the Moon Palace is a major event in the fairy world. I am not a **** or fairy, so I am afraid I will not be able to do it."

Xuanwu Shenjun said with a smile: "Didn\'t you practice with Fairy Shaoyin before? After all, you also went to heaven with Fairy Shaoyin. Before that, you just kept your name incognito, never showed your face, and didn\'t have the name of a god. You As Fairy Shaoyin, I am also an Immortal Doctor, and from the look of your conversation, it must be more than enough to be a god, so don\'t underestimate yourself."

He thought for a while, and then said: "However, although you are the daughter of the moon god, whether you are suitable to run the moon palace is still just a fantasy, and it is really difficult to make a conclusion. Why don\'t you go to the moon palace to try it out after your soul is completed? "

Xue Xin saw that Xuanwu God seemed very sure of her ability, and the gods of the Jade Rabbit tribe nearby also stared at her expectantly for some reason, thought for a moment, and then nodded.

Fairy Xuexin nodded, and the gods of the Jade Rabbit clan present all pricked up their ears excitedly!

Princess Yutu happily said: "Then let\'s go to the Moon Palace to get ready! When the preparation is ready, I will come and tell the fairy!"

Not only the Jade Rabbit Princess, but also the other Jade Rabbit tribes present were quite excited.

The fairy officials of the Jade Rabbit Clan sitting in the back couldn\'t help whispering to each other. From time to time, "the daughter of the Moon God", "White Fox", "I\'m going to work with the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan!", "They will move to the Moon Palace", etc. The sentence came.

Xuanwu Shenjun scanned the surroundings, seeing that there should be nothing else to discuss at this time, he officially announced the adjournment of the meeting, and asked everyone to go back and rest.

Finding the Fox Realm, capturing Fairy Xueli, and besieging the Moon God happened one after another. Except for Zi Lan and Chang Yun who were seriously injured, most of the gods present were exhausted. Hearing the Xuanwu God announced the end, each All quickly dispersed.

Sydney also put away the astrolabe and sent Zilan back to the house to rest.

The number of injuries on Zilan\'s body was too horrible to look at, and he had maintained a high level of tension and kept his spirit up until now, so he was indeed extremely tired.

Xueli personally sent Zilan back to the house, and helped him change his injuries with the wolf officers, and let Zilan sleep.

Zilan was exhausted and fell asleep not long after.

After confirming that Zilan was fine, Xueli also left the room, but she didn\'t go back to the room to rest immediately, but after thinking about it, she finally went to Fairy Shaoyin\'s room.

Fairy Shaoyin also came back to the Wolf Realm, but she hasn\'t returned to Xuelian Peak yet, and is still living in the original guest hall. She just changed her clothes and was about to rest.

Sydney knocked on the door.

Fairy Shaoyin responded, "Come in."


Sydney pushed open the door and walked in.

Shaoyin couldn\'t help being surprised when she saw Xueli. The one who was most frightened by the Luna incident must have been Xueli, who was suddenly taken away. She didn\'t expect to calm down with difficulty. Xueli didn\'t go to rest right now, but instead knocked on her door .

Shaoyin touched Xueli\'s head and asked, "What\'s the matter? Don\'t go to sleep, and now you come here specifically to find me."

Xueli obediently touched her aunt\'s head, then took out the astrolabe she had hidden in the divine realm, and handed it to Shaoyin.

She asked: "Auntie, what should we do with these beasts and spirits trapped in the astrolabe? They are all living beings themselves, can we think of a way? Is it possible to save them?"