Warm Fuzzies

Chapter 104:

Luna, Zuixin.

The moment he recalled the name, Xuanwu Shenjun spun for a moment, and the tide of memory surged up from the depths, as if he was brought back to the magnificent ancient times thousands of years ago.


That is the real modest gentleman, the ancient god.

He was born with the moon, and was one of the earliest ancient gods born between heaven and earth.

Zuixin, just like the bright moon he is in charge of, is bright and flawless. Those who really met Moon God Zuixin back then were all impressed by his noble character and demeanor, and to this day they talk about it with fondness and are full of praise.

Of course, the same is true for Xuanwu Shenjun himself.

He is now a celestial beast, a long-lived tortoise revered by the immortals. The juniors envy his ten-thousand-year cultivation, worship him for supporting the sky pillar, and regard him as one of the earliest gods who came to the world. At that time, he was just a little turtle between heaven and earth.

In the world, the sun and the moon rise into the sky first, and then there are thousands of stars, which regenerate all creatures and creatures. He was born before the stars, but after the sun and the moon.

Xuanwu Shenjun will never forget that he swam across the star-screened Milky Way, raised his head in the water, and saw Luna sitting among the clouds playing the flute, and his clean clothes looked like a cloud mixed in the wind.

Zuixin noticed that there was a creature approaching, so he put down his jade flute, lowered his head and looked at him, saw that it was the little tortoise swimming in Tianhe, smiled at him, raised his sleeves, and made shallow water ripples in Tianhe, helping him to go star sea.

There is nothing more white than this in the world.

He had never heard anyone say a bad word about Moon God Zuixin.

But the white clothes, white jade flute, and Xiao Zhongjian all matched the appearance of Moon God Zuixin back then.

Xuanwu Shenjun was beating his chest drum, unable to sort out his thousands of thoughts.

The gods present here were all surprised when they heard the word "Moon God". The gods and immortal officials of the Jade Rabbit clan who are still looking after the Moon Palace are even more flustered.

Among the people present, the only one who was puzzled was Xueli. She looked at the expressions of other people around her, wondering if she had missed something, and asked suspiciously, "Who is this Luna?"

God Lord Xuanwu managed to regain his composure. He knew that Xueli was confused. Looking around, the other gods were all under 3,000 years old.

Xuanwu Shenjun simply stood up, waved his sleeves, and started from the beginning.

As he raised his sleeves, which were a little shorter than the usual clothes, the golden palace immediately became dark. In the middle of the Golden Hall, between the two rows of seats where the gods sat, the scene gradually changed as the fairy air of the Xuanwu God passed by. In a small area, and in the middle of the Milky Way, a silver disk-like full moon rose slowly among the clouds.

Xuanwu God said: "At the beginning of the creation of heaven and earth, the appearance of the moon was without any impurities. It was as clean as the disease caused by the condensation of the water in the cold pool of a clear pool, or the snow that fell in the early morning in the deep winter. At that time, it was born with the bright moon and was in charge of the bright moon. The **** of the moon is the moon god."

Sydney looked at the galaxy and silver moon in the center of the Golden Palace in amazement, imitating the movement of celestial bodies with fairy energy, and displaying a small starry sky indoors, which is definitely not something ordinary gods can do.

But what surprised Sydney even more was that the silver moon shown by Xuanwu Shenjun was indeed clean and flawless. It looked like a piece of pure white light, unlike the moon she sees from the window every night now. Grayish-dark mottled blemishes.

Xuanwu Shenjun sighed: "The moon **** is called Zuixin, and he was originally the most upright **** in the world, but since he disappeared, although the bright moon has not disappeared, it has also brought blemishes."

Looking at this flawless bright moon that she had never seen before, Sydney could not help feeling a little bit of time passing by. But she still froze for a moment when Xuanwu Shenjun spoke, and repeated: "Missing?"


Lord Xuanwu nodded.

Sydney asked: "Why did he disappear? Did he have an accident like Zilan did at the time? Or did something happen to him?"

Lord Xuanwu shook his head and replied, "I don\'t know."

"do not know?"


Xuanwu Shenjun\'s tone of voice carried the weight of time, but when he talked about this topic, there was also a somewhat complicated silence.

He said: "It\'s not the circumstances you mentioned. The Moon God may have left the Moon Palace by himself, and there are some reasons for it..."

Speaking of this, Xuanwu Shenjun couldn\'t help sighing, and said: "It\'s not incomprehensible that Moon God would do that."

Seeing that everyone looked at him incomprehensibly, he continued slowly.

"As I said before, the moon **** Zuixin is also a gentleman admired by everyone among the ancient gods. Husband and wife, one holds the moon, the other controls the cloud, they are in love with each other, and their affection is very strong, I am afraid that there will be no such perfect match in the world."

"Furthermore, both of them are familiar with the rhythm. After they got married, they cast a pair of musical instruments together. Fairy Shenxia held on to the Yueqin, and the God of Zuixin held onto the Yunxiao. They are also good at composing music. You should know that there is a song "Chasing the Clouds" and a song "Looking for the Moon" among the ancient fairy sounds. "It was written by Fairy Shen Xia to the God of Zuixin, and it is said that the two songs are played together, like the sound of heaven."

Xue Li knew "Looking for the Moon", but she first came to Jiuchongtian, and it was the first time she knew Fairy Shen Xia. Hearing the tone of Xuanwu Shenjun\'s words, it seemed that the ending was not good, so she hurriedly asked: "Then what happened next?"

Xuanwu Shenjun said in a deep voice for a moment, "In ancient times, monsters and beasts were everywhere, natural disasters were rampant, and there were many vicious monsters with evil intentions. The environment was very harsh. Although the gods were naturally powerful, their cultivation base was still weak at that time, and the number of They are rare, and they don\'t have the help of mortal ascetics. They are quite weak in number. In order to protect the righteous way, they have repeatedly fought vicious battles with monsters, beasts, and demons. Gods and demons have frequent battles. Often, one enemy is a thousand, and one is an enemy ten thousand. Shen Xia The fairy is such a fierce battle, in order to protect the world and the common people, she resists the fire of thousands of demons with her body. By the time the moon **** rushes over, the fairy Shen Xia has already lost her soul and was completely burned, not even a ray of fairy soul left. Down."

After Xuanwu Shenjun finished speaking, everyone present was extremely silent.

There are tens of thousands of battles in ancient times, countless gods and immortals who have fallen, and once they are listed in the book, sometimes there are only one or two sentences. Although they know the tragedy, it is difficult to empathize strongly. And Xuanwu Shenjun is a person who has experienced it from ancient times. From what he said, the process and details make people tremble.

The wolf empress was silent for a long while before confiding in a trance: "I know Fairy Shen Xia, but this past between her and Moon God... I don\'t know about it."

Xuanwu Shenjun said: "Yiren has gone, the Moon God is someone we respect, we will not mention his sad things much."

The wolf queen asked: "Could it be that the reason why the moon **** left the sky back then was because he couldn\'t remember the hurt of Fairy Shen Xia?"

Xuanwu Shenjun shook his head and said: "No, it\'s not just that. Fairy Shen Xia died tragically, and Moon God was indeed heartbroken. Their husband and wife have a very deep relationship. Fairy Shen Xia\'s death is equivalent to letting Moon God lose more than half of his soul. But at that time, Moon God was still alive. Can\'t be broken, as an ancient god, he is naturally tough, not only because the world is not peaceful, but also for other reasons..."

Xuanwu Shenjun paused, and then said: "He and Fairy Shen Xia also left a daughter."

As soon as this sentence came out, all the gods and officials present, except the Jade Rabbit Clan, seemed to know something, and the rest showed incomparably stunned expressions.

Xuanwu Shenjun knew that not many people knew about it, and sighed again, although he had been used to pessimism for thousands of years, thinking of this, his old eyes could not help showing sadness at this time.

He said regretfully: "That is an innocent little girl named Yue Zhu, named after Fairy Shen Xia, and her eyebrows resemble Fairy Shen Xia, and the outline of her face is like a moon god, combining the best of both of them. She was only eight years old back then, and Bingxue was smart, if she could grow up, she would grow up to be as heavenly and human as Zuixin Shenjun and Shenxia Fairy."

"After Fairy Shen Xia passed away, the only thing Zuixin Shenjun left was his daughter, so he naturally loved her like a treasure. The food, reading, and training were all taken care of by Zuixin Shenjun himself. However, she has already become world-weary, and the only way to smile is when she sees her daughter."

"Zuixin Shenjun almost tied his daughter on his belt. It can be said that he takes it everywhere, and is inseparable... There is only one place where he can\'t take it."

"At that time, the world was not at peace, and the Moon God had to go to the battlefield. The battlefield was too dangerous, and his beloved wife died on the battlefield. Naturally, the Moon God would not let the little girl get involved. So every time he went to the battlefield, he would give his daughter a narrow-tube pole. A thin little water clock, let Yuezhu wait in the moon palace, and tell her that father will come back before the water in the jug runs out."

"As a result, the Moon God went out as usual. The youngest daughter waited in the Moon Palace with the water clock in her arms. When the water was about to run out, she excitedly ran to the front of the Moon Palace to wait for her father. But that day, the Moon God fought hard and returned later than expected. After he hurried back to the Moon Palace, he found that Yuezhu couldn\'t wait for his father for a long time after the water leaked, so he ran away from the Moon Palace to find him, and accidentally fell into the Xuanbing Pool. , fished up her daughter frantically, Yuezhu was still alive at the time, but after soaking in the mysterious ice pool for a long time, the cold evil invaded her body deeply, and she searched all the doctors but failed to cure her, and was tortured by the cold air for many days. Still sick and dead."

Xuanwu God mourned: "When Yuezhu was fished up from the Xuanbing Pond, he was still holding the water clock in his arms and refused to let go. We don\'t know the situation for a long time after Yuezhu passed away, but the Moon God never let go. Things have changed since then, he still speaks softly in front of people, but he is obviously taciturn, he no longer plays the flute, and he doesn\'t like going back to the Moon Palace."

Xuanwu said: "Before the moon **** disappeared, he often went out and no longer stayed in the moon palace. The short period was three to five years, and the longest period was three to four hundred years. I remember that the jade rabbit clan has been assisting the moon **** for a long time. At first, we searched anxiously, but then we got used to it. We always felt that the moon **** would come back in a few hundred years, so we waited day by day. As a result, one time, the moon **** never returned, so When exactly did he disappear, and if something happened to him... We don’t know. The moon has become what it is today from a certain day on.”

Although Yue Zhu was the daughter of the Moon God, she was too young and had no achievements in battle. With such a long history, she was naturally gradually forgotten.

Xuanwu Shenjun\'s last few words were obviously replying to Sydney, who was completely ignorant of the matter.

The Jade Rabbit Clan knew about these situations, and upon hearing what Xuanwu Shenjun said, the princess of the Jade Rabbit Clan nodded and said: "That\'s true. We didn\'t touch the things of the Moon God in the Moon Palace. The ancestors said that the Lord Moon God might come back sometime .”

Zilan didn\'t know much about these things, so he listened carefully from beginning to end, but when Xuanwu Shenjun said "the daughter of the moon **** was invaded by cold evil", he couldn\'t help but paused.

Zilan asked hesitantly: "Shenjun, you said that the daughter of the Moon Goddess, Yuezhu, fell into the Xuanbing Pond. Could it be that her illness is...?"

Xuanwu Shenjun didn\'t want to emphasize this aspect, but seeing that Zilan heard it and didn\'t hide it, he nodded to him and affirmed him: "Yes, Yuezhu\'s illness is the same as that of Young Master Zilan... It\'s a cold."

When Xue Li heard it, she felt like she was suffering from a cold, and she couldn\'t help feeling pity for such a little girl.

Xue Li asked sadly: "Didn\'t Luna ask Auntie for help? Auntie, can\'t she help?"

Xueli didn\'t pay attention to the title in a hurry, but Xuanwu Shenjun could tell that he was referring to Fairy Shaoyin.

Xuanwu Shenjun shook his head and said: "Fairy Shaoyin is indeed skilled in medicine. If Fairy Shaoyin is here, maybe she can be saved... But Fairy Shaoyin is only eight thousand years old. This is a thing before ancient times. When the moon pearl happened, Fairy Shaoyin was still an ordinary person. It\'s an ice lotus without spiritual consciousness on the top of the snow mountain."