Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation

Chapter 88: Sarcasm from Guilliman (please subscribe)

Chapter 88 The mockery from Guilliman (please subscribe)

  The power of the Demon Primarch is terrifying to the extreme.

  Waving the scepter in his hand, the violent spiritual energy was driven wantonly.

  The land of the entire planet trembled violently under the terrifying power of Magnus.

  The ocean was tumbling, and huge waves of a thousand meters were tumbling towards the hive cities along the coast, trying to submerge them.

   Subspace rifts are floating all over the planet, which are more stable than the previous rifts.

   Demons flooded into the human world again.

   This time it was even crazier.

  The Scarlet Soldiers of the Thousand Sons Legion were also led by the wizard to attack the imperial army.

   The Scarlet Letter Warrior is a very special existence, similar to a mechanical puppet like magic.

  They used to be normal warriors with thousands of characters, but later they were transformed into scarlet-word warriors by witchcraft.

  The Thousand Sons Legion of Sequence Fifteen is a legion of all psykers.

  The combat power is very strong, but due to the instability of the gene seeds, these fighters have mutated to a certain extent.

  As time went by, the entire legion slowly fell into a terrifying and irreversible mutation of flesh and blood.

  Magnus once tried to prevent the flesh and blood mutation of the Thousand Sons Legion, so he talked about a deal with the Lord of Changes, the God of Conspiracy, that is, Tzeentch.

   For this, Magnus paid the price of an eye in exchange for a solution.

  However, the deal offered by Tzeentch only lasted until before the Horus Rebellion.

   Moreover, this product has no after-sales service at all.

  Ignore any questions that appear later.

  Suggestions like this can be called profiteers.

  After the Horus Rebellion, the flesh and blood of the Thousand Sons Legion mutated and became even more uncontrollable.

  A large number of members of the Thousand Sons Legion turned into some kind of indescribable monster.

  In order to help his brother, the great wizard Ahriman came up with a super spell to stop the mutation of flesh and blood by studying the Book of Magnus.

   This spell freed a small number of Thousand Sons Warriors from the mutation of their flesh and blood, but turned the souls of most Thousand Sons Warriors into ashes, and their wills were forever imprisoned in the armor.

   Magnus was furious because of this, and expelled Ahriman, whom he valued the most.

  Because there is no physical body, the scarlet fighters are immortal. Only by completely smashing their armor can they be eliminated.

   It can be said to be one of the most terrifying existences in the renegade army.

   The imperial army was winning steadily and the situation was good. After the scarlet fighters entered the battlefield, the situation was quickly reversed and they were quickly beaten to collapse.

   "Shrink the defense line, don\'t love to fight, and execute deserters on the spot." Li Ji shouted in the street, trying her best to maintain the collapsed imperial army.

  At this moment, a huge explosion sounded.

  Countless wreckage flew out, and the explosion and those fragments with huge impact caused many imperial soldiers to die on the spot.

  An old model of Le Lumans heavy tank was smashed into pieces by the Scarlet Soldiers who came out of the portal.

  This scene made the already disorganized imperial army even more chaotic.

  Those powerful wizards were also using witchcraft wantonly, pouring lightning and strong winds into the imperial army, causing a large number of casualties.

   "It\'s all dust."

   "It\'s all dust."

   "It\'s all dust."

   The Scarlet Warriors repeated their cold words without any emotion, like the sound of a cold machine.

   They raised their weapons and pulled the triggers mechanically.

   The rune bullets fired out slaughtered every living person they saw.

  Their muzzles, adorned with ornate runes, twist and mutate with the flow of etheric energy, opening and closing like the throats of unnatural beings.

  Raflets fire bolts filled with deadly sorcerous energy, which unleashes on impact, tearing apart everything it strikes.

   Neither armor nor flesh and soul survived.

   There are also some scarlet fighters holding flamethrowers, and those bright flames can easily melt even the armor of heavy tanks.

   What is even more frightening is that those melted things are not simply destroyed, but combined in a more distorted form to form a brand new monster.

  Under tremendous psychological oppression and completely unequal firepower, the imperial army ushered in a complete defeat.

  Li Ji was protected by the Stormtroopers, but she also fell into the siege of Scarlet Soldiers and Demons.

   Seeing his loyal subordinates continue to die under the siege of the enemy.

  A trace of despair also appeared in Li Ji\'s heart.

  She knew that she too would perish and return to the embrace of the Emperor.

  At this moment of crisis, the psykers scattered all over the planet felt the arrival of another terrifying psychic power.

  Just as they were terrified, whether there would be new Chaos forces joining in to carve up the feast of Pharos.

  Ghostly whispers resounded from every corner.

  The Emperor\'s shrines are all shaking.

  Amidst the trembling prayers of the priests, a flaming figure walked out of nothingness into the battlefield.

  Wearing pitch-black battle armor, wearing hollow bone ornaments, and entwined with the flames of the Aether, the Damned Legion appeared on the planet Pharos at the most critical moment.

  A thunderstorm of bullets swept past, crushing the terrifying forces of chaos.

  The scarlet fighter was wiped out under the attack of the bomb wounded by the cursed fire.

   Seeing this scene, Li Ji\'s face showed joy.

   "All the troops gather around me, and any escape behavior that betrays their comrades in arms will be punished by the harshest imperial law."

  Seeing the arrival of the Legion of the Damned, commanders at all levels were ecstatic, and they did not waste the advantage gained by these silent allies.

   They hurriedly ordered all troops to regroup and coordinate with the Legion of the Damned to launch a counterattack.

   No one knows where the Legion of the Damned came from.

  I only know that they will respond to the empire\'s call for help at certain moments, descending from nothingness on the battlefield, and winning victory for the empire with a destructive attitude.

  Many Imperial scholars believe that members of the Legion of the Damned are loyal souls gathered by the Emperor.

  The Emperor used his supreme power to mold those souls into shape again, so that they could continue to fight for humanity.

   On the fortress side, Magnus, who saw the Legion of the Damned, also realized that he didn\'t have much time and needed to act as soon as possible.

  I saw him holding up his scepter, ready to completely destroy his brother\'s cards.

   Without navigation beacons, Imperial forces would be beset by the aetherstorms of the Warp, unable to focus their efforts against Chaos.

  The human empire will become an empire with only half the territory.

  In the fortress, Clovis, the great mentor of the gray knight, killed a twisted demon.

  His steel boots stepped on the corrupted corpse of the opponent, and rushed to other enemies.

   But there are really too many enemies.

  With the arrival of Magnus, the devil\'s offensive became more and more crazy.

  Just after killing one demon, seven or eight demons surged up.

  Clovis raised the bolter and pulled the trigger repeatedly.

  The powerful recoil caused his body in the Terminator power armor to vibrate slightly.

  The bombs that had undergone holy prayers pierced through the demons\' bodies, easily driving them back to the warp.

  Valen\'s screams sounded.

   Clovis looked in the direction of the voice and found several demons surrounding the gray knight who was in charge of guarding Valen.

  Clovis wanted to help, but he was powerless.

   He was also surrounded by demons.

  Wait until he takes care of those disgusting monsters with claws.

  Walking over, he found that Varen was already lying on the ground, dying.

  His stomach has been ripped open, and his intestines can see everything.

   Clovis quickly made an assessment that he was dead, no mortal could survive such a terrible injury.

  Warren, who was on the verge of death, had fear and regret in his eyes.

   Tears streamed down his well-maintained face.

  He looked at Clovis who was looking down at him, "I\'m sorry."

   "I don\'t want this, I just want to, I just want to continue to serve the Emperor, to continue to serve the Primarch."

  His tone was full of remorse.

  Varen reached out to touch Clovis\'s armor, "I really didn\'t betray you, really, if I knew that the spell was the consequence, I would never touch it, sorry."

"You shouldn\'t touch Chaos, their promises are always false, like a vicious trap, constantly tricking people into it. They often promise good things at the beginning, but in the end they always end up with eternity." The torture ended."

"There is nothing that can free us from suffering, and there is no so-called eternity. Once you trade with Chaos, everything about you will be stolen by those liars, your youth, your vitality, your health, and your soul .The only blessing that Chaos can bestow on man is the habit of suffering."

Clovis stared at the remorseful Varen, "You have made a big mistake, even if your intention is good. You should not forget the teaching. I don\'t like the State Church and the Inquisition, but they have some actions that are very correct. Don\'t Trying to use the power of chaos, even for the best wishes, otherwise you will suffer backlash."

  Valen died with remorse.

  He persisted for two and a half centuries, conscientiously, keeping himself vigilant against corruption and depravity.

  Restraining my desire for materialistic enjoyment, and not letting myself be disturbed by external objects.

   But in the end, he still fell under the temptation of chaos.

  Chaos not only seduces others from the material, but also from the soul, from the spiritual level.

  Using people\'s desire for good, and loyalty to the Emperor, to lure people down a terrible path.

   "Let\'s go." Clovis had no time to grieve for this errant soul.

  The demons are still raging, and their mission is not over.

   Demons and traitors are raging everywhere in the stronghold, and waves of madness hit the loyalist defenses.

  Strange whispers resounded through the fortress, and distorted figures could be seen everywhere.

  The terrified cries of mortal servants mingled with the battle cries of Primaris Space Marines.

   Disgusting, rancid smell filled the air.

  Large numbers of mortal soldiers died in battle.

  Their limbs were distorted and deformed by the supernatural evil fire from the other side, and their torsos turned into transparent glass in the flash.

  The distorted monster jumped out of the darkness, and a large number of stumps and broken arms were scattered all over the place, like a shura field in the world.

   Primaris Space Marines did their best to maintain the defenses, trying to drive out the twisted and hideous monsters.

  They formed a formation one by one, trying to ensure that they would not be dispersed by demons and traitors.

   Along with the fluctuation of psionic energy, soldiers of the Legion of the Damned also appeared in the fortress.

  They were silent, using the bombs wrapped in the cursed fire to help the loyalists of the empire to wipe out the demons.

  The Primaris Space Marines were able to breathe, and they quickly recovered their fighting power with the help of the powerful recovery power provided by the Heart of Guilliman.

  Cooperate with the soldiers of the Legion of the Damned to fight against these warp demons.

  The huge-caliber bolt guns roared continuously, harvesting the twisted flesh and blood in pieces, advancing gradually, and regaining the lost defense line.

  Clovis also went to various battlefields.

  The black sword trapping the demon chattered endlessly.

   Still tempting Clovis to use its powers.

  It\'s a pity that Clovis ignored the black sword from the beginning to the end, but buried himself in hunting demons as always.

   Soon with the assistance of the soldiers of the Legion of the Damned.

  Clovis and Amariki, along with other important figures of the Chapter, were reunited.

   “There’s a constant flow of demons, and we have to get to the root of it.” Clovis says he can already see all the threads of fate going in one direction.

   That\'s where Magnus is.

  Expelling him will solve everything.

   "Where\'s the saint?" Amarich didn\'t respond directly to Clovis, but asked about the situation of the saint Celestine.

   Such a thing happened in the fortress, and she was not seen, which is too strange.

  As soon as these words came out, the gathered people looked at each other, and they all said that they had not seen the saint.

  Thinking carefully, they seem to have never even seen the Battle Sister.

   "It stands to reason that saints and battle nuns have absolutely no possibility of rebellion?" A company commander of the battle group whispered, "Why don\'t they come out?"

  If saints can rebel, the blow to the emperor\'s faith is absolutely fatal.

   However, since the saint appeared in the history of the empire, there has never been a record of rebellion.

   "Could it have left, or was tricked by the enemy to get away." Another original cast space warrior said.

   Everyone communicated for a while, but there was no result.

   Does anyone know where Celistine went? ?

   "Forget it, don\'t worry about it. The most important thing now is to deal with Magnus." Clovis said.

  Amarich nodded, agreeing, and didn\'t ask Celestine any more.

  After they determined their target, they all headed towards Magnus\'s position unanimously.

   Magnus has come to the fortress.

   Attempts to prepare a gigantic spell that will attempt to wipe out the Pharos Beacon completely.

  Many Primordial Starfighters gathered towards this team under the orders of the Grand Marshal of the Black Templar and the Grand Master of the Gray Knights.

  Warriors dressed in terminators walked in front with huge dreadnoughts.

  Use the heavy armor to withstand the pressure of a large number of demon attacks for the companions behind.

   In the rear, many Primaris warriors and Legion of the Damned soldiers attacked together, using all kinds of heavy firepower to destroy the swarming demons and open the way forward.

  The demons also realized what they wanted to do, and launched an even more crazy attack.

   Notwithstanding the unparalleled determination and unquenchable faith of the Loyalists, the situation is not optimistic.

  The team formed by the scarlet fighters and twisted demons who came out of the portal attacked fiercely, trying to stop the loyalists from advancing at all costs.

   From time to time, soldiers will be knocked down and dragged into the darkness by those hideous monsters.

  Clovis kept roaring, and the weapon in his hand slashed the scarlet fighters, Tzeentch demons, and twisted subspace monsters.

  Grand Marshal Almarich remained indifferent. He had completely handed over his soul to the Emperor, killing cruelly like a cold killing machine.

  The think tanks waved their scepters and released their psionic energy to fight against those rebellious wizards.

   They fought their way through maddened demons and traitors.

   Masses of shattered wreckage and steaming, putrid ichor were left behind by them.

   They got closer and closer to Magnus.

  The surviving Librarians felt unprecedented psionic pressure.

   With step by step approaching this demon original body.

  The mental pressure they are under is getting bigger and bigger.

   Many think tanks even cried out in pain.

   In the back, even the Primaris Space Marines without psionic powers began to feel the pressure.

  The evil energy emanating from Magnus pricked their heads like thin needles.

  The power of the Demon Primarch is too terrifying, beyond anyone\'s imagination.

   Closer to Magnus, the Loyalists found the horror scenes surrounding Magnus.

  Those scenes are very illusory, all projected from another world.

   Obviously, in order to enter the planet Pharos, the Demon Primarch conducted a grand sacrifice ceremony.

  An altar etched with chaotic runes, a group of wizards are chanting prayers and making various gestures around him.

  A large number of innocent civilians were caught out of the iron cage by the followers of Magnus, their throats were cut to let blood out, and the corpses were piled up on the altar.

  The dead are hard to count, but the blood can only be seen pooling together to form a huge blood flow.

  The corpses piled up like hills.

  Beside those followers, there are still piles of knives blunted by too many killings.

   "Poor idiots, you are still fighting for the corpse emperor, ironic loyalty." Magnus looked at the warriors who were still fighting in the wave of demons and tried to get close to him with one eye, and uttered mocking words.

  Many loyalists looked at where Magnus was, and every soldier\'s eyes were full of anger.

   "You will pay the price, Red Devil." Clovis roared loudly, and his eyes were full of hatred when he looked at Magnus.

   On the Battlefield of Fenris, on the Battlefield of the Wizard Star, he lost a large number of companions because of this hateful Primarch.

   "With an ant like you, are you trying to stop me?" Magnus showed a cold smile.

  Clovis didn\'t speak, but responded with a holy bomb from the opponent.

   Other Loyalists also launched an attack on the Daemon Primarch.

   Magnus, however, was indifferent to these attacks.

   Bombs cannot hit him.

  Witchcraft protected the daemon primarch, allowing him to ignore the attacks of many loyalists.

   "A group of ants also want to stop the wheel of fate, how ridiculous."

  Magnus held the scepter and looked at the loyalists with pity.

   Clovis cut off the body of the demon in front of him with a sword, and rushed towards Magnus\' position.

  Amarich followed closely behind.

  The power of the Demon Primarch is irresistible.

  But they will never have any thoughts of fear.

  In their minds, there is only the firm will to swing the sword at the enemy.

   But the power of the Demon Primarch is definitely beyond their imagination.

   Magnus just waved his arm, and used the huge spiritual power to knock Amariqi into the air.

   Under the impact of that violent spiritual energy, the Grand Marshal crashed into the ruins.

  Countless demons swarmed up, biting the weak points of Armor\'s armor, trying to kill the imperial hero.

  Clovis\' situation is also bad.

  Magnus\' magical hand easily grabbed him and lifted him into the air.

  In the gigantic Daemon Primarch, he is as vulnerable as a mortal.

  Clovis\'s skin felt burning, breathing felt like his throat was full of flames.

   "What are you?? A little toy created by my stupid father, are you also trying to stop me??"

  Magnus slowly exerted force, and the Terminator power armor made of ceramic steel let out a moan of overwhelm.

   "I spit on you," Clovis whispered.

   "Speak to hell, idiot." Magnus exerted force, only to find that Clovis, who was tightly held by the magic hand, disappeared.

   A strange force took him away.

   This scene surprised everyone.

   The Loyalists were bewildered and delighted that it was always a good thing that Clovis wasn\'t killed by Magnus.

"Hey, Magnus, it\'s been a long time. Ten thousand years have passed. I hope Ruth\'s spinal fracture didn\'t bother you. I have a few good doctors here who have a lot of experience in treating the spine. If you have contact, you can contact me."

  A huge projection of Guilliman appeared above the fortress, facing Magnus.

   "Guilliman?" Magnus looked up at the huge holographic projection, surprise in his complacent eyes, followed by anger.

  Space Wolf Primarch-Russ gave Magnus the shoulder and knee back then, directly smashed Magnus\'s spine, and shattered his soul.

   This matter makes Magnus still unable to let go of it.

  Guilliman dared to speak out in public.

   Magnus swore that Guilliman would pay an unimaginably terrible price for this act.

   One day, he will also break Guilliman\'s waist in public, and make him lie on the ground and scream.

   "You can\'t be here, you are still in the Charadon sector, how could you have a conversation with me." Magnus maintained his reason amidst the anger.

   Obviously, before attacking Pharos, he fully grasped the layout of the imperial army.

  He also intentionally interfered with several worlds to keep the empire busy, so as to ensure that his plan was foolproof.

   Guilliman can\'t be here? ?

   Then how did he know that he would come.

  A bad thought appeared in Magnus\' mind.

   "I know you must be very confused, but I want to tell you that your plan is like a pile of shit. I suggest that you go to Angron for advice if you have nothing to do. At least he won\'t play such a stupid conspiracy."

   After saying this, Guilliman\'s projection flickered a few times and then disappeared.

  Magnus, who was originally furious because of Guilliman\'s disclosure of the events of 10,000 years ago, lost the rationality he had managed to maintain after listening to the projection, and appeared even more violent.

  Angron was the most brainless of the Primarchs.

  His brain is screwed by those **** nobles and only gets excited about killing and fighting.

   Therefore, Angron will not choose any option other than combat.

   Never mindless.

  And now, Guilliman satirized that his strategy was even worse than Angron\'s.

  What a shame.


   "I\'m going to kill you, Guilliman." Magnus roared, and thunder and lightning flashed in the sky.

  With his anger, the psionic storm surrounding him also became crazy.

   "You\'d better think about how to survive, traitor."

  The sound resounded throughout the battlefield.

   With the help of other fighters, Amariqi stood up again with a surprised face.

   This voice belongs to Celestine, who has never appeared.

  A wonderful breath rippling from the lighthouse as the center, extremely sacred, as if the emperor came in person.

  Golden rays of light burst from everywhere.

   The angry Magnus was surprised, he felt threatened.

   There is one more chapter that needs to be later



  (end of this chapter)