WAR-Destiny of Future

2 Chapter 2 - The Man Named Chris

"It's you! But how?" said Itsuki, a bit surprised to see Sky. "Let's see... I don't know... hahaha..." "..." Suddenly a shadow appeared behind Sky... It is a member of The organization!!! He is trying to sneak on Sky from behind!!! Sky did a 180 degree turn, draw out the sword, place the sword near the baka's neck. "Hey you, I'm not deciding to kill anyone today, you better run before your head falls." then the organisation member fled. "Hmph!" Sky put back his sword back into the sheath, Itsuki look at him, slightly frightened...


Chris sits on a branch of a tree, he seems like in a bad mood. His little 'guardian' with the name of 'woo woodoo' is standing next to him. (ps: woo woodoo is a voodoo doll makes from shredded paper, is extremely ugly... Chris makes it...) Chris is thinking of an incident three months ago, he had a quarrel with his assistant, Ruby. Ruby runs away from Chris and never be seen anymore. "Ruby..." "Ohoi ! Little handsome! Thinking of girls again? Cih, cih, cih, you should learn from me be a... argh... stop it... I... can't breathe..." Woo woodoo is lifted up and strangled by an unseen force. Well, I never know a doll can breathe...


Chapter2 – The man named Chris!

(At an unknown place) "Sky, try to get me if you can!" "Ha! Wait for me my princess!" In a beautiful garden, Sky's wearing an old-styled shirt chasing a girl in something like kimono, such a beautiful scene. But suddenly, everything change... the whole place turns dark, the princess is now lying lifelessly on the ground... she died... "Wake up! Hime sama ... Wake up... wake up... Hime... No! You can't die... no... no... No!!!!!!..."...

"Sky-sama, what happens? Are you alright?" "Huh?... Ah!... *sigh* I guess I should never fall asleep anymore, but seriously, who is that girl and I wonder why am I never have any weird dreams when I was sleeping in the class..." "Ha! That's surely a tricky question, anyways... Master, Seito-kun had reply you an email, he said he will be here at 9.00 am, this morning." "I see... Hold on! What time is it right now?" "1.00 am." "Oh! Okay... I guess it is time to wake up. Hey! Flash! Mind to have some sword training with me now?" "I don't mind, I can't sleep either..." "Well then. Let go!" So... Even a sword needs to sleep...

(Morning, 9.15 a.m.) "Damn! Why the hell should I serve you tea?! Moreover, it's Chris's tea...*whisper *... He is so going to kill me if he knows I touched his precious tea." "It's because you don't have any coffee here." "That's not what I mean!!!" "Aww... I'm your guest right?" "Uh… Whatever!" "Anyway, what's the urgent thing you want to tell me?" "It's about your cousin." "Itsuki? What's wrong with him?" "He didn't tell you?" "Tell what?" "It's…"…

Actually, that day in the PE class…

"Look, What's Itsuki doing?" "Ah! That's… a spirit message, where did he get that?" "It seems like he had been invited by someone to go somewhere." "I guess it is necessary to keep an eye on him, I think there is someone else seeing him using The Eye of Psycho to the eagle besides of me."

Then, it's evening, the student went home and… And so I guess you should know what happens already, I don't want to repeat it again.

So, back to the present time…

"There's really a lot of weird things that happened recently." said Seito. "What do you mean by that, Seito?" Sky ask. "Still remember the icy-eyes incident that day?" said Seito. "Of course I do, I'm not having amnesia." said Seito. "I still wondering how those little guys can fuse together..." said Seito, which gets a leer from Sky.

"Ah? My dear Seito-kun, I don't think that's the major problem here, the point is why those things appeared in that place? And in such a huge number?!" said Sky, a bit annoyed at Seitio's attitude. "Haha, sorry..." said Seito. "Well, it is a really long way for me to rush from here to Hokkaido!!!" "Are you telling me you are still upset about that thing???" "Yes! Hey! I rushed to Hokkaido as soon as I got your phone call! How could you just reveal your identity in front of all those people?!" "Don't worry! They wouldn't remember." "If I did not delete their memory... with Chris's magic though." "Okay! I really owed you for that." "You are too careless." "Uh... I think we are too far from our topic." "Oh! Yes! About Itsuki, what do you think about that?" "I knew about his ability a long time ago but I never know how he gets involve with the killer group." said Seito. "I see..." said Sky while trying to to recall every single detail of the incident that day.

"Hey! It's really not like your style to help people who were almost a stranger to you." "He's your cousin right? Or you don't really care about him?" "No! Of course I care! He's my only family left besides my father." "That reason is far enough for me." "Sky..." Sky did not respond to Seito. "Hey! Where is Chris? I haven't seen him since just now" "He went out before sunrise, he's in blues recently..." "Oh!" "Hey! Do you know where's Itsuki's house" "I do, want me to bring you there?" "That will be great!"

(Another place)Chris is standing at the riverside (Well, It's more like a big drain) throwing stones, you can see uncertainty in his eyes, suddenly a shadow appeared behind him... "You are Chris right?"

(Back to Sky and Seito)"...(ding~dong)..." "Who's there?... Oh! It's Seito-sama and... *looking at Sky*..." "Sky, just Sky." "So it's Sky-dono." "We come to find Itsuki, can you get him out, Shuiichi-san?" "Yes, of course..."(A few minutes later) "Kenji! And... Sky-san, what are you guys doing here?" "He-he!"

(Riverside)"Uhmm... Did I know you?" "We are from the Organization." "Organization huh? Is there anything I can help with? Oh, wait! I know! You want me to join your group right?" "...(?)...Ah?" Yes, Chris is acting so casually even knowing that they are killer groups. "But sorry, I have been joining so many groups that I can't join yours." Not just casual, but overconfident. "No... please join... No!!! That's not the reason!!!" "Boss, calm down, don't get affected by this brat..." "Wait! Do you want to kill me? It's too early for me to die yet, but if you really want to kill me, please be gentle…" "Uh…"

*please take note that Chris is in an absolutely serious manner when he talks about all this nonsense.

(Itsuki's house) "No! I have no idea what you guys talking about!" "Stop denying it Itsuki, Sky had told me everything!" "No one can force you if you don't want to accept the truth, it's for your own safety." "I..." "Okay! Let me bring you to a place." "Hey Sky! What are you trying to..." "Don't worry Seito! I just want to bring him to Chris's place, I am kind of worry about him..." "What?! What the hell is this guy thinking? I just can't catch it!..." "To the riverside."

(Riverside)"Please be gentle alright." "No! It's not! We don't want to kill you!" "Is it? Oh! So you did want to invite me to join your group... but as I said..." "It's not that either!!!" "So what?" "It's... Ah! You know Sky right?" "Oh! That stupid junk..."

(Another place)"Haa...chiu!" "Sky?" "I guess I have caught a cold..."...haha...

(Riverside)"Is it anything I can help you? What do you want from Sky?" "Nothing, just I have something to deal with him." "Ah! He's really a trouble maker..." "So, we want you to bring him to us." "What if I refused to?" "We will kill you." "Then, let's give it a try, we will never know who is going to kill who." "You are the one that asks for it!" "Hm~*smile*..."

(Somewhere near the riverside)"Hey! Sky! Are you sure we are in the right place?" "Trust me! I'm like a parasite of him." "I wonder why am I following those two... (Itsuki's mumbling)..." "Ha! There he is!" "Hey! Looks like he's surrounded!" "...(!)...those are the guys the other day!" "Should we lend him a hand?" Seito ask. "Don't worry! He's fine on his own. Hey! Itsuki-kun!" "Huh?" "Watch and learn."...

"So, who wants to be first? Oh! Never mind, just all in once, saving my time." "You... Kill him!!!" "Cih!" Chris is too lazy to take out his weapon, just going to go easy on them... So, what to be expected? Fight!!!

The organization's junk (about 10+ people) with weapons and armor try to attack Chris, then, Chris did a 360-degree flying kick, all those junk fall onto the ground. "Hahaha... I already knew this wouldn't work on you. Now let the army arise!". As the organization's leader making this command, his underlings (the 'junk') taken out a small capsule-like thing, throw it on the ground, the capsule turns to bubble and seems like undergoing something like mitosis, then they turn into some human-like thing (which I called it as a clone), Chris is now surrounded by countless of clones. "Well, This is annoying." Chris has no choice but to go serious on them as the clones are much stronger than those junk. A silver rod appeared in Chris's hand, Chris swings the rod, send the clones 'flying' in the air, but when I said countless, it is countless, the mitosis keeps occurring, the number of clones keeps increasing non-stop...

(Sky's place)"Sky-san, I really think you should..." "Just watch..." "But it is impossible he can win!" "...(remain silent)..." "Sky-san!" "No! Itsuki, when Sky says no, it will never be a yes... Most importantly, you really don't want to interrupt Chris's fight, trust me." with Seito's slightly scared look, we can assume that his past experience is not that pleasant. "Ah...I see." So they continue watching from a distance...

The fight continues, the clones are endless, but don't worry, Chris is too good to be defeat by those clones, however, this is not the main issue, the clones are only for distraction, the main issue is the leader. He took out a black gem-like thing, casting a spell, a huge power flowing out from the gem and into his right hand that is holding the gem, his hand is now covered in a dark aura... he is going to sneak on Chris by using a powerful forbidden attack.

(Sky's place)"What?! He is going to use the forbidden technique here?!" said Seito "Forbidden technique?" "This technique is prohibited to been use in this dimension, especially in a crowded place, this technique will destroy all the creature within the area 10km square from the spot where the attack been launched." "That's seriously bad! Sky...san?" Sky vanished. "Huh?" "So, even he can't be tolerated on this."

"Let's give this a try... (sarcastic)...". Chris noticed that at the very last minute, but he is fully handed with the clone. And he doesn't seem like planning to take any action. "Now, it's your death!" saying this, the boss pounds his fist onto the ground, but instead of hitting the ground, he 'hit' something else... Sky's hand (actually it's Sky the one that gets him)"You..." the leader losing the strength to talk, he realized something is definitely not right, even Chris feels the heavy atmosphere around Sky, he (Sky) seldom getting this angry before...

"Hey you!" "..." "Did you realized that you had just made four mistakes just now?" "..." The boss is trembling in fear. "Confuse? Let me tell you. First, you didn't appreciate my mercy letting you stay alive in our first meet, but instead, you go messing with Chris. Second, you should continue messing with Chris, and most likely you will only get beaten up by him, but you forced me out by using this forbidden technique. Third, you shouldn't even use this technique, even if you really want to, you should not let me see it. Fourth... this is the worst mistake you have made, you are definitely stupid enough to mess with me. You are messing the wrong person!" Then he takes out a sword and slashes through the boss's chest.