War of Hiponi

Chapter 41

"I'm going to work. By the way, there's something I want to tell dole." Qianlong said gently.

Dore looked up at Qianlong curiously.

"Doyle, what do you call me?"

"Big brother?" Dole said suspiciously.

"You call me big brother. You will be my sister in the future. Will dole be my sister?"

Dole smiled, nodded and said, "yes."

Dore's father saw Dore smiling and his eyes were wet. He couldn't help saying.

"Thank you."

Qianlong shook his head and said, "I mean it seriously. Since Dore is my sister, will you go to the hospital with your brother tomorrow? My brother will cure your eyes. "

Dore's father was shocked and said quickly, "it's no good. It's not a point."

Qianlong stood up and seriously said to Dore's father, "points can be earned slowly, and you didn't object to Dore's recognition of me as his brother just now?"

Dore's father suddenly fell silent and said, "thank you very much."

Qianlong stretched out his hand and touched Dore's head, "listen to the doctor at that time."

Dole said seriously, "Dole is not afraid."

"Dole, thank you, brother." Dole's father choked.

Dore looked up at Qianlong and said, "thank you, brother."

Qianlong just smiled and said, "this is what my brother should do."

"By the way, I asked one thing. Which hospital did you receive treatment in the beginning?"

"It's the Central Hospital in area C. all the injured were sent to that hospital." Dore's father must have said.

"I see. Dore, go home with your father. See you tomorrow."

Qianlong and Dore waved and left. He planned to buy some nutrition in area D and visit cromi when he went to the hospital tomorrow.

The next day, the sun had just risen, and Chihiro came to dor's house with a box of milk.

The price of this box of milk is also very amazing, 2700 points.

It's almost Qianlong's basic salary for three months.

Dore came out. Qianlong stretched out his hand and took Dore's little hand, and then said to Dore's father.

"I took her to the Central Hospital of district C. you can't go there because of your authority. I'll tell you if there's any problem."

Dole's father said, "I'll give it to you. Thank you very much."

Qianlong didn't say anything, but took Dore away.

According to Chihiro's idea, people always have a concern in this world, otherwise it's too lonely, and he also likes Dore very much. It happens that he doesn't have a sister.

Qianlong takes Dore to the checkpoint in area D into area C. he takes Dore to the service desk.

"Hello, I want to apply for permission to temporarily arrive in area C."

"Who are you applying for?" Asked the woman at the service desk.

"For her." Qianlong said.

"Do you have permission to reach area C?"


"What are you taking her to area C for?"

"See a doctor."

After cumbersome procedures, Qianlong finally got a temporary pass for Dore, which is valid for three days.

After entering area C, Dole couldn't help looking around with his eyes wide open.

"Like here?" Qianlong asked.

"It's very similar to where we used to live, but it's different." Dole said suspiciously.

Qianlong smiled and said, "you will live here in the future."

Dole shook his head and said, "no, mom won't find Dole when she comes back."

Qianlong nodded and said, "too."

Before long, Qianlong took Dore to the Central Hospital of district C, where there were so many people.

Because Dore has no authority in area C, he has no reservation in advance, so he can only come and handle it in the manual window.

Qianlong thought there would not be many people, but he found that he was wrong. A large number of people are queuing here, which really means that resources are unfair.

Chihiro and Dore stood at the back and began to line up. This line lasted three hours.

"Are you tired?" Qianlong asked.

"Not tired." Dole replied very wisely.

"Well, we'll be there soon." Qianlong said.

Finally, after Qianlong established a file for Dore, he went to the ophthalmology area.

After waiting for another hour, it was their turn.

"Please come in." He is a middle-aged man in white.

Chihiro came in with Dore.

"Her eyes are hurt." Qianlong said.

"Come and let me see."

Dore looked up at Qianlong, and Qianlong said gently, "it's okay."

Dore walked over, the middle-aged man doctor carefully examined Dore, and finally shook his head.

"What's the matter?" Qianlong asked.

"The eyeball is completely necrotic. There is no hope of recovery. There is only one way to cure it. Carry out organ cultivation and finally transplant." The middle-aged doctor said.

"That's it." Qianlong replied.

The middle-aged doctor looked at Qianlong in surprise and said, "I just looked at it. The identity information of the little girl is from area F. apart from anything else, the cost of this treatment is extremely high."

Qianlong replied, "no matter how expensive, you can find a way to get together."

"Since you insist, I'll tell you. Apart from the problem of points, there's another thing. There's only one place left in my hospital for organ cultivation. You go to the special administration department on the third floor first."

"OK, thank you."

Qianlong took Dore to the third floor.

It's easy to find. Qianlong takes Dore in.

In such a large room, only a middle-aged female doctor was lying on the chair listening to the song.

"Excuse me." Qianlong said politely.

The middle-aged female doctor opened her eyes and said lazily.

"Who are you?"

"We are here to consult organ cultivation."

"Organ cultivation?" The middle-aged female doctor looked at Qianlong and looked at Dore in gray.


"There are no more places."

Qianlong is also stunned. Is there no place? No, the doctor just made it clear that there are. It's only a few minutes.

"You are helping to check."

"There's no need to check." The middle-aged female doctor didn't even mean to check.

Qianlong couldn't help frowning. He saw a problem more or less.

At this time, a group of people came in. Among them was a young man who kept crying. His left arm was gone.

"Dr. Glatin."

Gladington smiled and said, "here you are."

"We're here to go through organ cultivation procedures." The middle-aged man next to the young man smiled and said, it seems that he should be the young man's father.

"No problem. It's reserved for you. This is a very valuable last place."

"Thank you so much."

"Wait!" Qianlong interrupted the conversation between the two groups.

"What's the matter?" Gladen said unfriendly.

"We came first." Qianlong said seriously.

Gladington smiled, "they booked it first, so you didn't come first. In addition, such a valuable place is for a little girl who doesn't have hair. It's a pity. You know, it's bigg Bernie, Mr. bishop Bernie's son, who was injured and lost his arm in order to protect the safety of the hipponi."

Chihiro glanced at bigg Bernie. The other party kept making ouch sounds. When he heard that someone wanted to grab a place with him, he immediately yelled.

"What Untouchables dare to rob me."

Chihiro would be damned if he believed Glatin's nonsense.