War of Hiponi

Chapter 36

Two days later, a deep hole was drilled in this small area every three meters.

Weibach was calm. He knew the difficulty of the task. On the other hand, he also admired the miner. He made so many holes without any harvest. He still insisted rather than giving up the area and trying it in another place.

In fact, Qianlong doesn't have much confidence. According to magic, mining this thing depends partly on luck. Of course, if you have enough time to take your time, you will find it sooner or later where you know there are such resources.

When Chihiro reconnected.

The communication channel in the team sounded.

"No, Captain, we've been attacked."

Wiebach's heart sank and asked, "what's the situation?"

"We ran into three type I soldiers and are trying to get rid of them, but they haven't succeeded yet."

Wiebach quickly gave the order.

"You have got rid of each other with a circular track with a radius of 500 kilometers. If you fail, meet me here."

"It's the captain."

Qianlong listens to their command and asks Xiang Huan suspiciously.

"It's just class I soldiers. Why don't they eliminate them on the spot and get rid of them? Is it really that difficult to kill? "

"Although qijuzi has tenacious vitality, it has not reached the point where it is very difficult to kill. Type I qijuzi can completely break the spore coat and kill it under the existing equipment and weapons, but it is relatively cumbersome."

Qianlong couldn't help looking at weibach. He felt that weibach must have concealed something.

Instead of asking wibach, he continued his exploration.

The current situation has no effect on any doubt. It is most important to complete the mining as soon as possible and leave here.

After giving the order, wiebach thought for a few seconds and tried to connect another team.

There was no response.

No Signal? Disturbed?

Wiebach controls the mecha to raise his head and look at the sky. A mecha is suspended in the sky. Everything seems normal.

"Wei Lang......"

Wibach began to call his team.

But there was still no response. Weibach just tried several times and gave up directly. A very bad feeling lingered.

Wibach turned and said to the two players beside him.

"You stay here."

"It's the captain."

Wibach flew towards the mecha in the distant sky.

Magic suddenly issued a warning, "discovery of haiigus particle reaction."

Qianlong then looked in the direction of wibach and could see the dazzling explosion spreading.

Guarding Qianlong, the two mecha also saw it, but they still held back and didn't leave. Their discipline was not generally strong.

Qianlong started long-distance optical imaging and adjusted the angle to the direction of explosion.

The wibach driver's armor kept attacking this irregular red creature with tentacles. This creature should be qijuzi.

Weibach's attack is very fierce, and the hit rate is very high. The Qiju son is like a target, and his body is melting.

Qianlong suddenly understood something. Weibach clearly had many heavy weapons, but he was not using them at all. He used the most basic weapons.

As for the source of the explosion just now, it was the machine armor that was turned into fragments.

Casualties are beginning to occur.

Qianlong looked at his progress and found that there was only a small half left. After a day or so, all the small areas could be explored.

But now Qianlong feels a little too late.

"Large scale scanning is recommended," the phantom suggested

"What's the matter?" Qianlong asked.

"It is judged that the risk continues to rise."

"Scan." Qianlong replied.

Magic began to scan the whole area, "unidentified creatures were found approaching, and no biological reaction of specified energy was found."

"How many?"


Qianlong's body was stiff and his expression stagnated.

In his eyes, the scanning image is full of dense red dots, but strangely, fantasy does not give an extreme danger alarm.

It's too much, and there's no reason why it's still invisible, unless it is.

Qianlong asked, "how big is the other party?"

"Very small, under analysis." The phantom replied.

Parasitism, all this makes sense. Why did the team member named Wei Lang happen quietly under his nose.

"It should be parasitic. How does it threaten us?" Qianlong said.

"Low risk level, judged as automatic immunity." Magic gives an unexpected answer.


"The analysis results show that the organism is a spore like monomer cell organism with weak heigs reaction and the ability of boarding and combination."

Boarding Qianlong can understand, but he doesn't know the combination at all.

"Camouflage on." Huan continued.

The miner driven by Qianlong put on a thin layer of transparent spore coat and looked at it with the naked eye.

"What will happen to them?" Qianlong asked.

The phantom replied, "the probability of death is 50%, the probability of boarding is 20%, the probability of escape is 10%, and 20% is unknown."

While Qianlong was thinking about what to do, the detection tool was completely fixed and the data was transmitted back.

"Star Crystal found."

Qianlong doesn't know whether to be happy or have a headache.

Wiebach's voice sounded in the communication channel, "stop detection and go."

"Captain? In which direction shall we withdraw? "

"Space." Wibach said without hesitation.

Qianlong looked at the scanning distribution map. It is indeed the wisest choice to escape into space.

Qianlong hesitated and chose to fly up with the guard.

The three mecha continue to climb high, and everything is very smooth. According to this trend, it is estimated that they will be able to leave the star soon.

At this time, the magic voice sounded, "spore organisms began to invade."

Qianlong was also very surprised. He looked around and saw nothing different. Even the data on the miner showed that everything was normal.

"What did the invasion look like?" Qianlong asked.

The phantom replied, "through breathing, contact penetration into the body, and then absorb nutrients to reproduce."

Qianlong was numb. "I feel very dangerous. Why didn't you give a danger warning?"

"The invasion of single spore cells will not have any effect because of my existence, so it is judged that there is no risk. The invaded spore cells will be absorbed by me." Give an explanation.

Qianlong didn't know what to say for a moment. At this time, he suddenly found that there was no sound from the two mecha around him. It was very quiet.

"They were invaded?" Qianlong asked.

Huan replied directly and definitely, "it has been occupied."

Qianlong fell silent. Although he made the most correct judgment and action, he couldn't escape in the end.

After a long time, Qianlong said, "let's go back to mining Xingjing."

The phantom replied, "yes."

Qianlong's operating mecha did not continue to rise and began to decline.