War Lord

Chapter 30

The campfire was burning, illuminating the boundless night. The wind at night is gentle and cold, gently blowing through the flames, making them twist their nihilistic bodies like dancers, fly and scatter a little sparks, twinkle the most dazzling light, and then go out quickly.

The green car has left Yinshu city and stopped outside an abandoned farm about 50 kilometers away from the town. They will spend the night here and continue on their way the next morning.

The car stopped next to the farm, and Ji\'an cleared a vacant lot. Because we couldn\'t afford solid fuel, we lit a primitive bonfire. The grassland on the farm had long withered, but several dwarf trees survived. The cruel living environment in the new era makes plant genes change with the change of environment. Like these dwarf trees, they are only less than two meters tall, but their crowns are surprisingly large. From a distance, it looks like a giant umbrella.

If you dig up the soil, you will see that the roots of the trees are about ten meters deep underground. In that way, the roots of trees in the old era can be avoided from being directly killed by the fierce sun because they are located in the shallow soil layer. Deep underground roots can not only hide from the sun, but also absorb a small amount of water from the earth to struggle for survival.

Ji\'an, they dug up the soil under the dwarf trees and intercepted some of these roots. The deeper it is buried, the roots of such trees not only contain water, but also full of starch. After peeling, it is boiled in a tin pan and becomes rotten, which is edible like potatoes in the old times. But the taste of this tree root should be bitter and astringent, with a certain amount of radiation. But no matter zero and others, they don\'t care about such a small thing.

Zero silently observed Ji\'an\'s actions. Although it was good to find food, they were never greedy. The number of truncated roots is only about one-third of the original number. After spring and autumn, dwarf trees have time to grow new roots without dying. It\'s ironic to say that in the old era when resources were abundant, people only knew how to invade nature. On the contrary, now that they are poor in resources, they know the truth of free range.

There was a big pot on the campfire. When the roots were boiled into thin mud, everyone was allocated a bowl of portions.

Zero and Leah sat in the corner of the crowd, and Teddy sent two bowls of tree mud to them. The young driver\'s eyes fell on the zero waist revolver. Teddy said, "Hey, brother. Can I have a look at that gun?"

Took the tree mud, drew out the pistol with zero backhand and handed it to teddy.

Feeling the weight of the big metal in his hand, Teddy was surprised. It has a large caliber muzzle different from an ordinary revolver, silently telling the power of this pistol. Teddy knew that its backseat force must be very huge. He looked at zero. He couldn\'t believe that such a weak man could use such a murder weapon.

But think about the gesture of lifting Ji\'an with one hand, Teddy is also relieved.

"Are you a power?" Teddy returned the pistol to zero.

Zero did not answer, to his character, no objection is both default. Unfortunately, Teddy didn\'t know zero for long. He just thought the man had a strange temper. But it doesn\'t matter if it\'s weird. After getting food and medicine from the convenience store in the evening, Teddy and Ji\'an can feel the kindness of zero. It shows that the strange traveler intends to integrate into their team. No matter what the starting point of zero is, being able to join a soldier like him is only beneficial and harmless to the journey to remt.

"Eat more. Plants like dwarf umbrella trees are rare. We\'ll bring more roots tomorrow, but that\'s enough for us to eat again. I\'m afraid we\'ll have to eat some dry food later. Water is also a problem. I hope we can find supplies along the way. But I think God will bless us, won\'t he?" Teddy blinked and left.

Zero put his bowl of tree mud in front of Leah.

Even at night, Leah never put down her hat. She whispered in her hat, "I can\'t eat so much."

"Eat it," said the petty command, and then said in a gentle voice, "eat more, which is good for your disease."

"What about you?"

Zero took a piece of chocolate from his coat pocket. It was found in the convenience store. He left one for himself and handed the rest to Ji\'an. Zero gently opened the outer package of chocolate. This dark chocolate, which should have given off fragrance, is now covered with gray bacteria. Sweep the gray fungus with your fingers, then put it into your mouth and chew it slowly.

The food that has seriously expired naturally tastes bad. It is not as sweet as chocolate, but also bitter. Zero is like biting a piece of wood, but he still chewed it with his teeth and finally swallowed it. In fact, the food Zero handed to Ji\'an has passed the retention period, but no one will take it seriously. For people in the old times, no one would care about the taste of food unless they were big nobles and famous gentry.

Although the food has expired and deteriorated, people\'s inexpensive stomach bags are enough to digest them and convert them into energy for the body. As for substances that deteriorate or even produce toxicity, they will be suppressed even if they cannot be excreted from the body. Until one day, people\'s physique can no longer contain more toxic substances, they will burst out collectively.

For zero, there is no such concern. After the food enters his stomach bag, it disappears, and the extracted energy will be provided to him for longer activities through careful distribution. As for harmful substances, they will be excreted with sweat during exercise, so there is no theory of toxin accumulation.

Just looking at zero, I\'d rather eat expired food than move. It\'s not delicious, but at least fresh tree mud. Leah\'s heart trembled slightly. Without talking any more, she picked up the tree mud and ate it. She ate so carefully tonight that when Teddy came to get her job back, she found there was no residue in it.

Late at night, the temperature dropped and people went back to sleep in the carriage. Leah is no exception. She bought a blanket at Teddy\'s with two yuan. Now it\'s wrapped around Leah.

Zero didn\'t sleep and sat in front of the bonfire whose flame was almost extinguished. He was on the vigil, along with Ji\'an and another white man named PAM.

"A cigarette?"

After sitting silently for half an hour, the black man took out a cigarette and handed it to the zero.

Zero quietly took it, lit it directly on the flame, and then took a deep breath. The smell of inferior tobacco penetrated into the lungs of zero. After a cycle, it was sprayed out of his nose. The mouth is full of bitter taste, but the corner of zero\'s mouth slightly pulls out a smile.

"Although it\'s not a good thing, I think it\'s God\'s blessing to smoke one every day."

Jean and Bourne also smoked. The black man puffed with his eyes closed and looked quite enjoyable.

"I agree with that." zero replied, and he never said much. Short but accurate.

The black man opened his eyes, looked at zero and said, "that girl, is she ill?"

The flame of the campfire suddenly dropped, and the breath on zero suddenly collapsed like a steel cable. He looked at Ji\'an and his eyes became cold and ruthless again.

"Hey, hey, don\'t be nervous, I\'ll just ask." Ji\'an waved his hand again and again and said, "these days, except for the noble lords with delicate meat, no one in the wilderness is sick."

Black people\'s words let zero\'s tight body gradually relax. Ji\'an was relieved and said, "so you want to see a doctor in remt?"

"Sort of." zero replied concisely, but in an instant, the newly relaxed muscles collapsed tightly again. On the skin, a slight sense of acupuncture came.

Feeling the change of the atmosphere, Ji\'an\'s face changed. He just wanted to explain, but zero covered his mouth.

"Don\'t make a noise and wake everyone up. Something is approaching." zero\'s ears are twitching gently, and a slight inaudible sound comes into his ears with the wind from a very distance.

Zero stood up, flew a foot, kicked up the nearby sand and stones, sprinkled them on the campfire and put out the flame.

Just after doing all this, several shaky figures appeared at the other end of the road in the moonlight.