War Lord

Chapter 28

"Yes, she has to leave. But I\'ll go with him!"

Walking on the road with an amazing high heat, Leah remembered the sentence of zero.

They have left z7 base and are walking towards Yinshu city. Originally, zero doesn\'t have to leave. Leah believes that zero in the base will get better development. When Grandpa Jack dies, the pachlan chaebol is bound to send new managers. Now that he is familiar with the situation of the base and all the soldiers are killed, zero has a great chance to replace Zog and become the new soldier chief of the base.

But zero gave up the bright future and walked into the wild with himself.

Leah didn\'t know where they were going, but when she heard that sentence from zero\'s mouth, she had decided to hand over her fate to the man. Whether the end is heaven or hell, she will not regret it.

The end of zero is not heaven, let alone hell, but a settlement called remt.

He had looked at the map before he left. Three thousand kilometers away from the base, the residential area called remt clearly wrote "intermediate" on the sign. An intermediate settlement means having relatively perfect living facilities and a weapon platform that can defend against foreign enemies. At the same time, that means zero sum Leah\'s first foothold. If there is no accident, zero will stay there for some time.

Leia\'s virus was very strange. She thought about it and only thought of one possibility. The source of the virus should come from Hans, which is the anomaly Leah has been exposed to in the past ten days. I just don\'t understand. I have also contacted Hans, and even the degree of contact is much more "intimate" than Leah. But why she didn\'t do anything, but Leah felt his virus.

It can be understood that this is not enough. Z7 base has neither equipment nor professional personnel to test and treat viral infection. As an intermediate settlement, remt may have such resources. At the very least, they should have laboratories that can detect viruses. Zero decides to cure Leah anyway, which not only comes from the entrustment of old Jack on his deathbed, but also zero doesn\'t want Rita\'s misfortune to happen in front of him again.

After taking away the necessary equipment, dry food and purified water. Zero and Leah set out on foot. They set out at dawn and hoped to arrive at Yinshu city before dusk.

Zero is no stranger to silver tree city. There, zero degenerates into a first-order strength and defense enhancement ability, and gets an additional evolution point. After the recent battle with Hans, zero agility enhancement has reached the second-order level, and two additional evolution points have been generated. Because there is no medicine, the two evolutionary points still exist quietly in the zero body, and have not naturally transformed other new abilities.

At present, with first-order strength and defense enhancement, the zero of second-order agility enhancement has not paid attention to Yinshu city. As long as we don\'t encounter monsters like butchers, zero can ensure Leah\'s safety in silver tree city.

They\'ll fix it there and go to remt as soon as possible.

The journey was monotonous and boring, and she was not good at words, and Leah also knew that instead of wasting her energy on meaningless gossip, she might as well use them on the way. So along the way, they seldom talked and only rested twice.

Walking along the highway through the canyon, I heard the sound of the car engine. When he looked back, a modified green car had hit them. Zero could see the stunned expression of the young driver on the car, which made him judge that the driver didn\'t mean it. So he just knocked Leah down and rolled away. Instead of rewarding the car with a shuttle of bullets after safety.

After the thrilling encounter, the car stopped obliquely on the highway shoulder of the canyon wall. The door opened and the young driver asked about them. Pick up Leah and walk to the car.

"Are you going to remt?" zero asked after saying that they were not hurt.

This is the edge of mainland China, and the nearest settlement is remt. And zero doesn\'t think the fuel capacity of the car is enough for them to drive to a further base, so the probability of these people going to remt should be more than 90%.

With the driver\'s nod, zero knew he was right. He took out his wallet and said to the driver, "please give us a ride. I can pay."

20 coins were poured out of the wallet. From the driver\'s eyes, zero knew that he was moved.

But at this time, there was opposition in the car. It was a black man.

"We don\'t take strangers of unknown origin," the black shook his head.

Zero frowned. If it was just himself, he wouldn\'t mind going on foot and watching the scenery along the road, although there is really no scenery in the wilderness. But he also took a Leia. If there was a car, the trip would be much happier.

"Come on, Jean. It\'s not easy for them both, especially the young lady. Don\'t you have any sympathy?" the young driver complained and smiled at Leah frequently. It can be seen that the young man is fond of Leah.

The black man "hum" said, "compassion is worth a lot of money these days. How do you know if they will be bad for us? I just want to get to remt safely, but I don\'t want to make any mistakes on the way."

The driver looked at the other passengers in the car. They seemed to have the same idea as black jean. Everyone was silent. The driver had no choice but to shrug his shoulders and say, "sorry, man. I\'m afraid you\'ll have to walk."

Zero glanced at him and took back his wallet.

But he didn\'t intend to leave, but lightning rushed forward. Zero grabbed the black man by the neck with one hand, and then lifted him up hard, until the black man\'s head reached the top of the door frame. The black man roared and wanted to fight back, but the barrel facing his eyebrow made the black man\'s anger disappear without a trace.

The car screamed and several men stood up, but no one dared to stop the M500 left wheel, which could be called the murder weapon in their hands.

"Hey, hey, take it easy, man. Maybe we can discuss it." the driver waved his hand again and again and said anxiously.

Pocket money said in a cold voice, "it\'s not negotiable. Give us a ride. Or, give me the car."

In turbulent times, if words can\'t communicate, violence may be another means to solve things.

A cold sweat ran down the back of the black man\'s head.

The guy who dares to take a woman wandering in the wilderness is either a man with little brains or a fierce man with great strength. Looking at zero, it doesn\'t look like a person with a brain problem. And being able to lift an adult man weighing 80 kg with one hand is definitely not what a slender body like zero can have. In other words, zero belongs to the latter.

Ji\'an suddenly realized that he might have provoked an evil star.