Void Evolution System

Chapter 871 Confrontation [3]

"Come, I shall entertain you for today!"

A booming voice rang out, and was immediately followed by a collision.


Two extreme peak masters attacked as one, slamming into the Giant Leader\'s body with their full force.

However, what were giants known for if not physical power?

"Hahahaha! I am Galantis, King of the Cloud Giants! You two Nox scum should be grateful to have a chance to injure my body!"

Galantis roared and laughed heartily like an old sailor, a completely different demeanor than he demonstrated during more managerial duties.

And hearing his ecstatic response, two faces crumpled as one.

"Receive my strike!"


Galantis threw his fist forward without a care in the world, but this single strike was enough to cause countless booming explosions to blanket the sky as the air exploded.



Two groans of pain rang out as Lucas and Sir Theon were pushed back, their blood rolling in their bodies.

They looked at each other solemnly. It seemed that the current enemy wasn\'t something they could defeat if they held back at all.

After that single strike, they were already aware of the difference in power between them.

After all, even after fighting each other for so long, they both needed to use countless tricks to injure each other.

Meanwhile, this giant only needed a single punch!

"Have you forgotten my existence?!"

A booming voice was followed by a terrifying storm. Punches rang out in bulk with no semblance of physics. Galantis\' body moved with the speed of a cheetah despite having the size of an element, and as if his defying acts were recognized by the universe, space continuously threatened to tear open and swallow him as his attacks grew fiercer.

"Dammit!" Lucas yelled in frustration. If he could just get past this damn giant\'s skin, he would be able to gain an absolute advantage, but it was impossible!

Every time he punched out, every time his mana came in contact with that skin, it was repelled as if there was a forcefield covering Galantis!

However, there was nothing of the sort. This was the result of pure physical prowess that matched the elemental prowess of most people\'s 9th revolution.

Sir Theon\'s eyes narrowed. He could feel the effects of his Demonic Providence fading away with every second, he still had internal injuries remaining from the mysterious expert\'s attack, and he was already corrupted with Lucas\' mana shards. He was by far in the worst position among the three.

\'Even if Lucas is on my side now, I have no doubt he will sacrifice me to save himself if the situation arises.\' Sir Theon thought to himself.

Regardless of which side he was on, he\'d lose.

It was an incredibly vexing feeling, but at the current juncture, Sir Theon had no time to think over it. He could only keep it in mind and plan for the event so he could be prepared when it occurred.

Bang! Bang! Bang!


Sir Theon flew backwards with blood spraying out of his mouth. Even Lucas was thrown away, unable to bear the momentum of Galantis\' attacks.


Galantis\' laugh echoed through the surroundings, inadvertently freeing many people from their confused states.

As the battle in the sky progressed, the battles on the ground began to change as well. As more Heaven\'s Army soldiers regained their sanity, the tides began to turn in their favor.

The only problem they had to deal with was the Nox\'s numbers, but with their current advantage, the Nox\'s advantage only evened the playing field.

Unlike Lucas who was fully focused on the fight, Sir Theon had been taking in all of these sights. He could feel the tides of this war changing, and he clearly understood who would win in the end, even if the victory was pyrrhic.

He glanced at Lucas as he avoided Galantis\' punches. His body swerved through the air, not hindering the battle but not necessarily helping either.

Lucas glared at him hatefully, but how could he find time to complain? He didn\'t even have the freedom to control Sir Theon through the mana shards in his body at the moment.

The only thing he could do was dodge, dodge, dodge!

"I refuse to be beaten so one-sidedly!" He roared in anger. His aura suddenly flared with the scent of blood, making it evident that he was burning his blood vitality.

Sir Theon\'s eyes widened. He didn\'t know why Lucas was so determined, but it was all the better for him.

He quietly awaited his chance as the other two fought.

Galantis didn\'t care about Sir Theon at all. He could see the latter\'s injuries clearer than water, and considering the expression currently decorating the Nox Supreme\'s face, Galantis could guess that something interesting would happen if he let that man go.

Nevertheless, Galantis lost the ability to check on Sir Theon soon after.

With his blood vitality as the foundation, Lucas\' strength skyrocketed. It wasn\'t just his physical body, but the power of his laws as well.


Two fists collided, one natural and the other covered in bloody light. A gargantuan red explosive force spread from the impact and enveloped them, however, neither of them chose to retreat.

Their fists connected again. At the same time, Lucas maneuvered his mana skillfully to create several metallic constructs enhanced by blood mana. These constructs were vessels for several different law concepts, any of which would be deadly to practitioners under the extreme peak level.

Xiu! Xiu! Xiu! Xiu!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Galantis\' eyes narrowed. He could feel microscopic cuts forming on the surface of his skin.

While these cuts didn\'t mean anything in the short term, he had seen a portion of Lucas and Sir Theon\'s previous battle and understood how this Nox Worshipper\'s abilities worked.

"It looks like I\'ll have to get serious!"

Galantis kicked his foot forward like a spartan, striking Lucas in the chest and pushing him back. His body suddenly flared with light, beams shooting from his orifices as his aura solidified into something greater.

"You…!" Lucas tried to exclaim.

However, the fist in front of his face had already struck him by the time the first word came out.


Lucas shot backward with the same speed as a comet. He could feel his organs rumbling. There were several internal injuries already in his body, but they\'d all become exponentially worse.

\'If this goes on, I\'ll lose no matter what!\' Lucas thought to himself.

However, the solution immediately appeared in his mind.

His mana concentrated in his body as he took control over the mana shards he\'d left in his target.

He sensed his target\'s location and prepared to throw him into Galantis to distract him, however…

\'The target is…\'


A blade pierced through Lucas\' chest.

\'…behind me?\'

Lucas\' eyes widened in shock. He was too absorbed in the battle and failed to consider Sir Theon\'s actions.

After all, logic said that the duo should attack the Cloud Giant first, since the latter wasn\'t affiliated with the Nox.

Unfortunately, Lucas forgot for a second who he was dealing with.

He was irrational, but he was still born a Demon. He still understood the prudence that universe denizens learned as they grew.

The Nox had no such concept.

They would act on whichever benefit would serve them best in the short term.

In this case, Lucas\' death was that act.


Lucas suddenly coughed. Chunks of organs sprayed from his mouth, mixed with the blood that was already leaking from it.

His body started to liquefy.

However, it wasn\'t allowed to complete that process at all.