Virus Girlfriend

Chapter 566 Provocation

"The last one

" Ling Mo looked down at the list again and said to himself casually

But the people waiting in front of him suddenly raised their hearts to their throats and nervously watched Ling Mo's next words

When he looked up again, he was surprised to find that everyone's eyes were fixed on him

" Ahem

There's a strengthening knife

" Ling Mo coughed and announced the answer

There was a sigh in the crowd, and many people looked disappointed

But they soon began to look around to see who the lucky one was

" Who is it

"" A lot of knives

"" It's a professional knife, right

"" Brother ye kai, is that you

" Someone turned around and asked


All eyes immediately turned to the back of the crowd

Ling Mo also looked over and met a very arrogant look

This man's eyes

Are so fierce

He looked a little shorter than the people around him

He had a small, flat head and a thin body, but he gave off a very explosive feeling

Two long knives hung around his waist, and the blade was brighter in a black casual outfit

" Ye Kai, right

" Ling Mo asked

He had already noticed from the eyes of the people around him that this man was completely different from Shouhou and the others

The three people around him were borderline figures, but Ye Kai was very important among them

Most importantly

This man looks very attractive

Superpowers can be very intimidating in front of ordinary people, but when they are all superpowers

Usually, it's not too much

But from his looks to his eyes, to the way he was dressed and leaning against the wall, ye kai smelled like he was not flat enough

However, such a humble appearance could make people around him show some fear

This means that this person really has two tricks up his sleeve

This was the only one that Ling Mo had called out for this time

" Is it brother ye kai

"" It's finally different

I thought it would be all


"" But this is so different

" These people turned into spectators and continued to mutter

But the room was so big, and the voices of these people were not too low, so they basically went into Ling Mo's ears

" It seems that Ye Kai is very powerful

I never heard Lucy mention it before

" Ling Mo looked at Ye Kai with interest, who was also looking at him

The two looked at each other strangely for a while, then Ye Kai said," not interested

" Wow

There was a commotion in the crowd

This is too embarrassing

But in the commotion, most people were quite excited

If there is a conflict, it means watching

These people were either idle

Or roll around on the death line

The most important thing was to watch the show

Everyone wanted to see it

How should ling mo deal with this situation

This is a disgrace in front of everyone, in front of his woman

Gu shuangshuang and the three of them were also shocked

They did not expect the last person to arrive

It was Ye Kai, the prick

" He's in trouble now," Zhang Xincheng said with a cold face

" Ah


" Gu Shuangshuang was still a little confused

" Big brother

" The skinny monkey signaled with his eyes that he was clearly afraid of the scene, even if the target was not him

Gu Shuangshuang's expression immediately became worried, and she couldn't help but look back at Ye Lian and the others standing in another corner

As a result, the three girls were huddled together, flipping through a booklet that they didn't know where they got it from

" Eh

Is that so

" Li Yalin asked in a low voice

" Mm-hmm

" Xia Na, who was standing in the middle, nodded

" Ah



" Ye Lian exclaimed suddenly

" You can try

" Li Yalin said

" That sounds like a big deal

What's so engrossed

" Gu Shuangshuang couldn't help but think

But seeing that the three of them were not nervous at all, Gu Shuangshuang was relieved

She didn't expect these three female zombies to be completely out of line

" Not interested

" Ye Kai was still leaning against the wall, arms folded

He looked at Ling Mo indifferently

The crowd had already made way for them, and they were standing face to face


Ye Kai, this is pure provocation

As expected, he was a thorn in the head

How dare he provoke Ling Mo

The crowd became even more excited

The more lively the crowd was, the more they enjoyed watching it

Now they were looking forward to Ling Mo's reaction even more

Were they angry or angry

But objectively speaking, although Ye Kai had disgraced Ling Mo, it was not forced to participate, and Ye Kai had the right to refuse

But rejecting was one thing, and the key was Ye Kai's attitude, which would be infuriating for someone else

There are also some people who think that Ye Kai doesn't know whether to live or die

Not to mention Ling Mo's strength, he is now the leader of the regiment

Even if it was registered, it was the regimental commander

What if he used his power to kill people

As a client, Ye Kai still behaved badly, but what about lingmo

There was no expression on his face, and many people could not help but praise Brother Ling for being so determined

They were clearly angry and still so calm, but this gave them a good impression of ling mo

" Why

" Ling Mo finally opened his mouth in anticipation

As soon as he said this, a group of people were dumbfounded on the spot


But when they came back to their senses, many people could not help but laugh secretly

This ling mo

Is bad enough

Ye Kai was clearly looking for trouble, but he handed over a soft knife and turned Ye Kai into an army

And Ye Kai's expression suddenly became entangled

He frowned and looked at Ling Mo a little speechless

" No reason, I don't want to go," Ye Kai said

" Oh

" Ling mo nodded

Everyone pricked up their ears again, and even Ye Kai was a little nervous

What would this person say

" That's too bad

" Ling Mo said regretfully

That's it

Just give up

Everyone was dumbfounded again

Ling Mo then added," I wanted to teach you


" Ye Kai was stunned, and the crowd laughed in secret

The irony was too powerful

Sure enough, ling mo was not an honest person

His calm look made people even angrier

When he looked at Ye Kai again, his eyebrows were almost furrowed and his eyes were even redder than before

It was obvious that he was really angry

There was a reason why this man was called a thorn in the head

Besides being arrogant, he was also angry

If it were anyone else, he would have done it by now

No one in the f group would provoke him

Most of them were actually very afraid of him

After Ling Mo finished speaking, he stepped back and started looking at the list again

As he passed by, those people could vaguely hear him muttering," oh, what a pity

"" Wait

" Ye Kai finally shouted

" What

" Ling Mo turned his head and asked doubtfully," have you figured it out

Do you want me to teach you

"" Then I will ask you for advice now

" As Ye Kai spoke, he began to draw his knife

The crowd roared again

This is an invitation

Most of the people here have heard of Ling Mo's strength, but very few have actually seen it

If ling mo takes over this battle, they will have a lot of fun to watch

" Brother, educate him

" Someone wanted to shout, but when they looked at Ye Kai, they had to shut their mouths

" How's it going

Are you coming

" Ye Kai asked

" You can't wait

" Ling Mo asked

" Ye Kai really didn't want to take on lingmo

How could he answer that

How awkward

" Yes

" He replied gloomily

" Oh, come on then

" Ling Mo nodded helplessly


A large circle immediately opened up around them, and the people who retreated to the wall looked excitedly at the two people standing in the middle

I thought I would watch some fun today, but I didn't expect there would be a passionate battle to watch

Some people began to lower their voices and bet quietly on the two of them

Some looked after Ye Kai, some looked after Ling Mo

Those who supported Ye Kai had simple reasons

" This terrain, this environment

Ling Mo is a psychic

He won too little against Ye Kai

"" What if he doesn't win

" Someone asked

" Heh heh

Then what team should we build

Let's get out of here