Virus Girlfriend

Chapter 520 Behind the Scenes


"Jian Qi covered his belly and coughed twice

" I was hurt by such a cockroach

" His expression did not show much pain, but his nose was bleeding, and even the corners of his mouth were bleeding

It was a bit tragic

Compared to Ling Mo himself, Jian Qi looked much more embarrassed

After resting for a few minutes, he found something to wipe off the blood on his face and wiped off the footprints on his body

" It's disgusting

" Seeing qi shove the bloody rag into his body, he glanced at the body of the" regiment commander" with resentment, then at Tom lying next to him

Tom's moan was clear to him

And the way the" leader" knocked Tom out naturally caught his eye

" This regimental commander is indeed problematic

What reason does he have to protect this big man

If he had left this big man alone and allowed him to wake up, he wouldn't have been killed like that by me

Perhaps he could have used this big man to fight for an opportunity to escape

Even though there's no escape

" Seeing qi walk to Tom's side, his eyes suddenly darkened, his fists clenched, and a dangerous look flashed in his eyes

" If you kill this big man and look at ling mo's reaction and attitude, you will know the connection between him and the regiment commander


" After blinking for a while, Jian Qi slowly released his hand

" You're lucky

" Normally speaking, even if Tom died and there were many doubts, Yuwen Xuan would not pursue the situation too much in order to stabilize the situation

But this is common sense, and Yuwen xuan is a madman, the behavior of a madman can not be judged by common sense

Most importantly, the look in the" leader"'s eyes before he died made him care

Although it may be an illusion, if it's true, it's best not to touch this Tom

" It took me a long time to reach X city

I can't just destroy the fire

" Seeing qi touch his hair, he glanced at Tom on the ground, then coughed and walked towards the Air force regiment member

" I was so angry that I killed this vile regiment leader

I hope you can bear this with all your strength

" Jian Qi mentioned the Air force regiment member, squatted down to look at the other party's tightly closed face, and said in a negotiating tone," well

That's it

You knocked Tom out and killed the regiment leader

The motive

Was because you were disappointed and confused by the regiment leader's actions

Anyway, it's just a personal reason for some kind of brain twitch that I can't possibly know very well, right

And then, when you were committing the crime, I happened to bump into you

"" Oh, no, this place is a little too remote

There's no reason for me to pass by here, right

That's it

While you were running away, I bumped into you

"" That's right

Let's go

Let's go pick a good spot

Don't worry, it won't hurt you very much

" Dragging the Air force regiment member by the back, Jian Qi and he slowly disappeared at the corner of the corridor

Later on, Ling Mo and his team were picked up by Tom

Seeing that this guy was really fine, Ling Mo knew what he was doing

But he couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief

" Ling Mo, let me tell you, I almost finished today

" The big, stupid man came running towards ling mo with his arms outstretched

Ling Mo would have kicked him out if he hadn't seen the big bag he had smashed on his head

" Hey, this is a reunion after a disaster, too

"" Let go

Let go

" Ling Mo was helplessly hugged by the bear, and he couldn't wait to push him away

" What happened

" Ling Mo asked, and the big fool immediately added to the story

" Look

" Tom pointed at the big bag on his head and said," I'm still injured

"" You think it's an honor

Don't be so proud of being attacked

" Ling Mo rolled his eyes and said," is that what Jian Qi said

"" Yes

Although he came late, the regiment leader was already dead, but I think he deserved it

You don't know how much I wanted to beat him up

Captain Yuwen looked very upset

Did he want to keep the regiment leader going, or did he come to an agreement

Ah, I don't understand

"" Hmph, this guy really pushed it all away

" Ling Mo snorted in his heart and asked again," so now, the situation is completely stable

"" Yes, people with a bit of power and prestige are basically under control

The previous helicopters have sent away another batch, and there are no waves left

" Tom touched the back of his head and said," but because of the sneak attack, captain Yuwen cleaned it up and down again

In the end, he actually found a few guys hiding weapons and locked them up

Now it's completely fine, so you don't have to wait outside to help

" Tom suddenly lowered his voice and laughed

" You're famous in the Air force regiment, but it's okay

They haven't seen you before

"" What does it matter if I know now

" Ling Mo said, pinching his eyebrows

Ling Mo had been in the air force for a while, leaning against the front and back of his body

There are only a dozen or so powerful people who are really arrogant

The others are just following orders

Destroying them would not affect the foundation of the Air force regiment at all

For example, the pilots, although these people are the treasures of the Air force regiment, they have no real power in their hands

Ling Mo felt a little different when he entered the Air force regiment

Before, he had only sneaked in and looked around dangerously, but now, as the winner, he had walked in fair and square

A few days ago, he was the target of the Air force regiment's pursuit

He was an ant that made them unhappy and wanted to get rid of him quickly

But now, he's the one behind the Air force regiment's fate

" Yo, you guys are here

" As soon as they went upstairs, Ling Mo and his party met Jian Qi

The two of them looked at each other without seeing anything in each other's eyes

" Lucy, vice captain zhang will discuss with us later

You can come too

" Seeing qi smile at Ling Mo, he turned his eyes to Lucy and said

" Oh, okay

" Lucy nodded and said

On the surface, saki was here to pick up Lucy, but Ling Mo felt that this guy was 90 % to see how he reacted

But to his disappointment, Ling Mo acted naturally

Jian Qi, on the other hand, looked very calm

" It looks like

But even if I don't bother him, I think he'll come to me on his own

" Ling Mo sensed that dangerous feeling from the other side, and to his disappointment, the virus did not affect him much

" However, the virus didn't affect

But look at this guy, it's still nice to be beaten up, isn't it

" Ling Mo fixed his eyes on Jian Qi's red nose, then suddenly curled his lips and asked," see you, sir

"" Can you use the full name

" Jian Qi's eyes twitched and he looked at Ling Mo

" I heard you caught a troublemaker, and it looks like you got hurt

It's been hard

" As soon as Ling Mo finished speaking, everyone's eyes immediately focused on Jian Qi's face

With a red nose and a broom-like hair style, it really looked

" Poof

" A Falcon member who followed Tom out to greet Ling Mo couldn't help but laugh, but he quickly covered it up with a cough

Although Lucy's face was grim, his face was already a little red, and it was obvious that he was struggling to hold it in

Li Yalin tilted his head to look at Xia Na and asked," it's really tough

"" Sister, shh

" The gentle look on Jian Qi's face immediately disappeared and his smile became strained

But seeing Ling Mo's sincere face, he didn't want to get angry

" Thank you for your concern

" Jian Qi said," but this place is not completely peaceful


Ling has to be careful himself

"" The same to each other

" Ling Mo smiled and said

A undercurrent rolled up in the midst of their seemingly calm conversation, and in the instant that they passed by, Ling Mo heard a deliberately low voice from the other party in his ear:" the mountains and rivers meet, ah