Virus Girlfriend

Chapter 510 Is A Dead End

Hahaha, stupid sausage man, when I find Banyue

"Yu Shiran proudly dangled his legs around xiao bai and suddenly exclaimed," eh

" Why was he in the woods one second and back in the grass the next


Isn't the Air force regiment airport ahead

While the zombie loli was wondering, she suddenly felt the mutated panda shivering

" Xiao bai, what's wrong with you

" She patted xiao bai on the head

As soon as she finished asking, her body suddenly stiffened

The zombie loli raised her head, a delicate little face, and the smile immediately disappeared

Her face collapsed and she tried to squeeze out a pitiful expression

She turned around and looked behind her

" Hi

"" Hi

Who did you say you were looking for

" Ling Mo, supported by Ye Lian and Xia Na, was staring at Yu Shiran with a smile

" Woo

" The corner of the mouth of the corpse loli, who was not used to lying, collapsed, then suddenly hugged her head and sprawled on xiao bai's body

" Please be gentle


I'm not done with you

Even human beings dare to pinch me


" After cleaning up the zombie loli who was trying to escape, the dizzy Ling Mo sat down on xiao bai

As a wild mutant beast, this was the first time that little white was used as a mount by humans

But with Xia Na beside him, laughing and rubbing his hair

Naturally, xiao bai cast aside his reserve as a mutant beast

With the strong smell of black silk, the group quickly found Zhen Zhiyuan more than a thousand meters away

After the mental strength had completely disappeared, the body had become an empty shell, not even equipped with instinct

If no zombie had found him, he would have been lying here until he was dead

Ling Mo flipped over his body and found a small bottle exactly like the one on the Black cat

Plus Dongfang Long's, there were already three of them

" This is not the same as the diluted medicine

How did it come about

" Ling Mo waved the medicine in front of his eyes curiously and stuffed it into his backpack

When Lucy arrives, ask her again

She glanced at Zhen Zhiyuan with empty eyes, snorted coldly, and stopped paying attention to him

But then he noticed that little white suddenly circled around

Not only that, the black hair on Yu Shiran's neck also popped out of his head, and a few silver strands also stretched out and were exploring the air

" What's wrong

" Ling Mo asked doubtfully, then turned to Yu Shiran

After looking at each other for a second, zombie loli picked up her arm and turned her head

" Hmph

"" Oh, I'm still excited

" Ling Mo pounced on her and the next second, she heard the scream of the zombie loli," ah

Human you


Human brother, I said I said

" Yu Shiran said with a stinky face," there's a strange smell

It's going that way

" She was still holding her hands, but a silver thread had already pointed in a certain direction

" Strange smell

" All three raiders were found in less than two minutes, and the Black cat and Dongfang Long were less than 20 meters apart

Why is there someone else

Ling Mo frowned and slapped xiao bai

" Let's go

The other party wants to kill me

I won't let any of them go

"" Bleat

" Xiao bai shook his fat body, and his short legs suddenly exerted force and shot out in an instant

The mutated panda looked slow, but when it started to sprint at full speed, it was like a whirlwind

If it hadn't been dark, the watchtower would have been blinded by this white light

" Ha,


" In the grass, Liu Baodong was running in the direction of the Air force regiment

Unfortunately, although the Air force regiment could be seen from his direction, they were far apart

Liu Baodong's heart was in a panic

From time to time, he turned around and looked behind him

" These grasses are really in the way

" Liu Baodong tried his best to pull away the grass in front of him, but suddenly he missed his step and fell into a dog's stomach

This was originally a large area of paddy field, with uneven pits

Plus, she tripped over grass roots

" What bad luck

" Liu Baodong was thrown into a mess, but did not dare to delay, and quickly rolled to support his body and stood up

Ling Mo was fooled

He could not think of any other way to survive except to run away

But just as he shook his head and was about to move on, a white light flashed in front of him

" Ah

" Liu Baodong, who was tense and nervous, called out reflexively, then looked around nervously

" What was that

" He swallowed his saliva and a layer of cold sweat had already formed on his forehead

" Who

" Liu Baodong shouted in a low voice, then slowly reached out his hand and pulled away the weeds in front of him

" Ah, ah, ah, ah

" After a scream, Liu Baodong tripped over the grass again as he retreated

His face was pale and he stared at the grass with wide eyes

" Strange


" A Red light suddenly appeared behind the grass, then a huge head slowly parted from the grass and reached out to Liu Baodong

The white hair, red eyes, and sharp claws made Liu Baodong tremble

A hot current suddenly soaked through his pants, and in this case, he was scared to pee

The mutated panda inhaled, then raised a paw and covered its nose

" Baa coo

" The seemingly innocent panda shook its head and took a few more steps forward, exposing its entire body to Liu Baodong

" Ah, ah,

" Liu Baodong wanted to run, but when he was weak, he couldn't even move his body

The eyes hidden under the red rims looked ferocious, the furry head and the chubby face were as frightening as a thug

" It's you

" The frightened Liu Baodong suddenly heard a voice, and his soul flew out of the sky

Then he hugged his head and lay down

" Ah

Mutated beast

Let me go

Don't eat me

I'm not delicious

"" Uh

" Ling Mo was silent for a moment, then frowned

" What's wrong with you

" In the past, although Liu Baodong was timid, he was still a normal person

But this time, it turned into this virtue

After being scolded, Liu Baodong looked up slowly this time

As soon as he saw Ling Mo sitting on the mutated beast, Liu Baodong was shocked, and then he started to shout incoherently," Ling Mo

No, Brother Ling



" Before he could finish speaking, Liu Baodong suddenly came back to his senses

He glanced at Ling Mo and then at the mutant panda

Suddenly, his body softened and his eyes darkened

Although he did not know how Ling Mo got involved with the mutant beast, his appearance in front of him showed that he had no way to live

" Hehe, I really didn't expect you to bring someone to attack me

" Ling Mo narrowed his eyes and said with a sneer

Ling Mo was really surprised to see Liu Baodong here

Although he was never soft on his enemies, Ling Mo was actually very emotional

Although it was just a partnership with Liu Baodong, his sincere expression and promise when he got on the plane still made Ling Mo choose to believe him

But now it seems that there are indeed all kinds of people in this world

" I

" Liu Baodong opened his mouth trembling

When he heard that Ling Mo was still willing to speak, he couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope

" I didn't mean to

Li Hao said that if I didn't do it, I would have to do the logistics

There's no way I could get ahead in the future

" For someone like me who made a mistake, if he said hello to the logistics captain, I would be tortured to death sooner or later

"" I didn't do anything

I just followed them here

The one-eyed man will attack you

I didn't expect that either

I really want to pay you

" Listening to Liu Baodong's shout, Ling Mo just stared at him coldly

After an unspeakable silence, Ling Mo asked," why didn't you come when you were giving the reward

" Liu Baodong didn't answer, but Ling Mo continued," because you already know that I might be attacked, right

"" There's nothing I can do

Brother Ling

"" I don't see this as betrayal

We weren't friends either

" Ling Mo gave Liu Baodong a cold sentence and sentenced him to death

(To be continued