Virus Evolution Starts From Pokemon

Chapter 659

"Why don\'t we expose the deception of the original big world and let them all come out, so as to deal with the chaos masters without fail," said the master of black holes all over his body.

"It\'s not necessary." the master composed of countless mysterious lines shook his head and said, "for so long, they have already discovered what should be discovered, but even if there is only one in a billion chance, they won\'t give up this opportunity."

"Yes, order is right. It\'s enough for us to deal with them."

The last elder master stepped forward and was the immortal ancestor.

When they finished, they were the masters of light all over the body. With one hand stretched forward, they pierced countless time and space and burst out the light shining through the ages.

The crystal wall of the Qihai ancestral world actually began to melt under the boundless divine light.

The next moment, the five masters step out and have come outside the divine palace of chaos.


"Let\'s meet the guests."

The chaos master smiled and waved away countless chaotic creatures in the hall and threw them into the heavens.

Then he walked out of the hall with emperor Nao Leng and Du Chen.

"Order, we meet again," said the chaos master to the master who was full of lines.

"This meeting is a little earlier than I planned." the master of order said without waves.

"Trying to hold everything in your hands is your biggest problem." the chaos master shook his head and said, "the only constant is that everything is changing forever. You don\'t seem to understand this truth when you are born the day after tomorrow."

"Hum." the order master looked at Du Chen and said to the chaos master, "is this the variable you have carefully cultivated? Although it is unexpected, it is also controllable."

"Really?" Du Chen smiled and looked at the five almost invincible existence opposite.

Rama the great, the master of the plural source laws of killing, punishment and disaster, and the leader of the Rama domain.

Master the reincarnation, morality, yin and Yang and other plural origins, and master the leader of the great Luotian, Xianzu Laochen.

Master the ruler of the plural source context such as degree, cause and effect, prayer and so on, and Bodhisattva, the leader of immeasurable heaven.

Master the domination of space, plane, darkness and other plural origins, and the leader of darkness is infinite.

Master the order, destiny, wither and flourish, rule, laws and other plural original context, and the actual ruler order of all heaven and all worlds.

These five exist, in the past are his unattainable opponents, but now he has the strength to compete with them.

"Death." Lord Rama took the lead.

A light of annihilation shines through time and space.

Du Chen was about to make a move, but the chaos master took the lead.

The gasification of chaos surges up as an endless sea tide, distorting the divine light with endless destructive power.

"The power of chaos is disintegration. No matter what the root of your move is, it can make you ineffective."

The master of chaos said and grabbed it. The endless chaotic tide surged and turned into an almost infinite vortex of terror.

The five masters release their magic powers at the same time to block the vortex.

However, except that the power of the order master can compete, the divine power of the other four masters is constantly disintegrating.

The order master sees the situation, the infinite power is dispersed, and the domain of the master level is expanded, pulling the divine power of him and the chaos master into a wonderful space.

The pattern changes again.

Chaos dominates and order dominates into the field of single challenge.

The other six masters, such as Du Chen, were divided into a second battlefield.

"Four to two, and we all have at least three sources of power, you have no chance of winning." the infinite Master said, and shot at the same time with the other three masters.