Virus Evolution Starts From Pokemon

Chapter 33

The virus may not have been eliminated, but the trouble has just begun.

As the owners of Interpol and Daoguan, Morimoto and Sakura both shoulder great responsibilities, and the complete obliteration of the police department of a city is a great blow to the city and even the region in all aspects.

The reconstruction of buildings is the least worth mentioning. The important thing is the loss of personnel. Police officers are the front-line force to maintain the security of the city and fight against the corrupt and evil people in the city. The death of a large number of front-line personnel tonight will certainly lead to the shortage of manpower in the future.

It is likely that some underground groups in the city will take the opportunity to jump out.

In addition, a large number of documents and materials, even some confidential materials, are stored in the building. With the death of Nangong police department and other high-ranking police officers, these materials will be difficult to recover and restart.

There are also a large number of non police dead. Even if they are criminals or suspects, their families will not give up. The alliance must give an explanation

Finally, as the owners of Interpol and Daoguan, they were at the scene and watched the police hall burned. This alone will face rounds of inquiry and investigation.

Of course, in addition, there are many problems, which they will face next.

"Xiaoxia." Cherry Blossom hesitated: "can you go to the quartz plateau with me? Explain this event to the alliance, so that the alliance can be prepared for the virus."

Xiaoxia looked and still stared at the fire. Without any expression, Xiaozhi nodded gently.

She knew that her sister, as the owner of the City Pavilion, was under great pressure at this time. It would be much better if she and the little intelligence accompanied her to the elf alliance to explain.

Of course, she also wanted to spend more time with her sisters, because at that time and space, they had all died to defend the city.

"We\'ll go to the alliance later." Xiaozhi suddenly said, "although the virus appeared in this place tonight from the news we got in the future. Asxs., why it is here and where it was born has not been found out."

"If this is not its birthplace and there is secret communication elsewhere, tonight\'s action may only delay its outbreak. We must warn the alliance and make them vigilant." Xiaozhi took out two small glass tubes sealed by unknown metal from his pocket: "This is the early virus strain brought out by Xia Bo before the collapse of Honglian Island Research Institute and the virus strain mutated in the later stage."

"We will hand this over to the alliance and use all our strength to investigate. We must not let it appear again."

Sakura looked at Xiao Zhi, who was resolute and courageous in front of him and showed his leadership style. She couldn\'t coincide his image with the country funny silly boy who came to challenge the Taoist school last year.

A thought suddenly flashed through my mind. Did the stupidest little sister have the best vision

Unlike women\'s brain circuits, Morimoto was looking at the two small glass tubes with dignity.

Is this the virus that destroyed civilization and the world? As long as it is handed over to the alliance, everything tonight will have a reasonable explanation, otherwise he will be under great pressure in the face of the next investigation of the alliance.


I see. The purpose of building this barrier is to completely block this area and then completely erase it

Why? Is there any important person secretly detained in the police station, and someone doesn\'t want him to go out alive?

Or is it that someone found that there is highly toxic smoke in it, afraid that the toxic fog will spread out?

Not really

Even if only for a moment, Du Chen still remembers the hegemony of the white flame.

When the flame ignited, he was burned out. He didn\'t even have a chance to feel hot

Everything in it was the same. Even the spirit with fire characteristics didn\'t hold on. Even for a second, it all went up in smoke in an instant.

It is a kind of power full of divinity, which not only contains vitality, but also releases destruction.

However, as an evolved virus, the core imperial strain of Du Chen was intact in Ophelia, and even did not lose life after being burned out half.

Unfortunately, the people and elves killed by the sacred flame are not given to Du Chen, otherwise he may soar to the full level again.

Because many elves disappear from the world with their elf balls.

Perhaps in every sense, the sacred flame kills more lives than poison smoke


The pure white fire lasted less than three minutes. After it was extinguished, the place was empty, like the original land of creation, without any existence.

"Shirabi, it\'s hard for you." Xiaozhi pitifully touched shirabi\'s head.

"Bi ~" shirabi cried softly, his big eyes flashing tears.

As a kind-hearted spirit, killing so many lives with his own hands makes it difficult to add pain to his heart.

After several people discussed, Sakura took Xiaozhi Xiaoxia to the headquarters of quartz plateau alliance, and Morimoto stayed locally to direct the reconstruction.

Cherry blossom, who was supposed to be the owner of the museum, was the sister of Xiao Xia, who was directly responsible for the incident. She insisted on accompanying her.

Morimoto doesn\'t have any opinion. As an Interpol with a professional background, he has more experience in the next personnel arrangement and reconstruction of the police department.

Then Sakura transferred a helicopter and flew to the quartz plateau with Xiaozhi, Xiaoxia and Peony

"I\'m busy now." Morimoto sighed in his heart as he watched more and more people gathered around him and his sad colleagues.

"Mr. Morimoto, what\'s the matter..." a young voice aroused Morimoto\'s attention.

"Oh, it\'s Jin and Qin Yin. You\'re here, too."

"Well, I slept heavily tonight and just woke up from the riots." Jin looked at the mess in front of him, and his heart was full of doubts.

Because he was injured in the factory during the day, he slept very sweet tonight and didn\'t notice the riots outside until he was called by the piano and saw the sun like flame through the glass window

"There were some accidents in the police station, um..." Morimoto didn\'t know how to tell him for a moment.

"Police station?" Jin and Qin Yin looked at each other. How smart they were. They immediately knew that there would be a lot of trouble next.

"Mr. Morimoto, no matter what the reason is, there must be a lot to do next. Let\'s help too." Jin Cheng said sincerely.


"Yes, even if there are only two of us, we can share some things." Qin Yin said: "besides, Mr. Morimoto just saved us yesterday, we also want to do something for Mr. Morimoto."

"Me too." a voice suddenly came from the side, and a young trainer came out.

"I\'ll come too. Hualan city is ours."

"Shall we help too, Bobo?"

"Stay hippo, let\'s help rebuild together."

More and more people are actively asking for participation and help. Looking at these kind faces around him, Morimoto feels calm and comforted at the same time.

It seems that it will be easier next