Virtual World: Conquering the World

Chapter 541

In the early morning of the next day, amid a "rustle" sound, I opened my eyes, but I was startled by the scenery outside the window. I don\'t know when, there is already a snow-white world outside. It is probably the snow that has fallen all night. Now it is still falling. Snowflakes the size of goose feather rustle on the windows and make a quiet sound.

After getting up and washing, I found that I slept until noon, which is lunch time.

When I opened the door of the room, I heard the laughter of mm. A group of people had gathered at the table. Iced tea was coming. When I came out, I smiled and said, "just about to wake you up. Now that you have come, please eat quickly!"


He went to the table and sat down. He took a look. Daohuaxiang on the left was wearing a white Nizi coat. His beautiful face was flushed. It seemed that he had just left the door, and there were drops of snowflakes on his skirt. In the summer on the right, mm was wearing a sky blue down jacket, but his clothes were open, revealing a light green T-shirt.

"Xiangxiang, I went out just now?" I asked.

"HMM." Daohuaxiang nodded and said with a smile, "summer and purple moon took me out to have a snowball fight..."

"What about the results?"

Daohuaxiang smiled shyly, pointed to the drops of water on her fingers and said, "I\'ve been beaten like this. Brother, what do you think of the war results?"

I immediately stared at Xia Xia and ziyue: "don\'t you two little girls think about it? How dare you beat my sister..."

Purple moon mm immediately sat next to me, "hiss" opened the zipper of the cotton padded clothes and said to me, "there\'s no way! The fragrant snowball is too accurate. Look, look!"

I looked down, good guy, wearing tight T-shirts inside and cotton padded clothes outside in winter. These mm can wear them very well. The scale of the purple moon girl is no worse than before, and the rough outline is very clear.

I tut tut said: "what are you looking at? It\'s not so big, and there\'s no change..."

"I don\'t want you to see that..." ziyue blushed and said angrily: "you see, my clothes are wet. Xiangxiang lost several snowballs in my down jacket. They are wet..."

I tried to resist the urge to touch it to see if it was wet. I smiled and said, "I\'ll go back and change one later. Anyway, MetS bonway is very cheap."

Then he looked at the snow outside the big window and said, "the weather this year is really strange. This is the third snow. It\'s rare!"

"By the way, let me remind you."

Iced tea put down the cup in his hand and said: "The biggest cold current attack in decades is in this period of time. This blizzard weather will continue for some time. We should pay attention to keeping warm and cold proof. It is estimated that the snow will be thicker in the next few days, and even the traffic will be blocked. Now, the red alarm of rain and snow weather has been issued in East and South China."

"Oh, so..." I took a look at the iced tea. She was still wearing a black coat and a beautiful plaid shirt inside. The whole person looked mature and pure.

Iced tea met my eyes fearlessly and said with a smile, "scholar, what\'s the task of this afternoon? Can you reveal it now?"

"Well, of course." I recalled and said, "it\'s a relatively large map, called \'Avalon miracle\'. I don\'t know what it looks like. I won\'t know until it\'s over. Anyway, it must be a large task."

"Hehe, isn\'t that very profitable?"

"Yes, ah!"

In summer, his eyes were full of stars. He smiled and said, "great! Brother scholar finally has time to upgrade with us. Let\'s have dinner and go online. It\'s so exciting!"

The purple moon was surprised: "in summer, you... You made... Spring?"

Summer: "you just made..."

After a quick lunch, I went online and appeared in Baiyun city. I opened the list of friends and glanced at it. Ling Xue, iced tea, LiuNian HuaHuo and Bing Zhiyi were all there, so everyone gave a message to meet at Baiyun city palace!

After passing through the layers of buildings, many players around cast amazing eyes. Although I can\'t see my level and name, the fire dragon bow in my hand is gorgeous. Anyone can guess that it is an extremely NB long bow. Moreover, people wearing heavy armor use bows and arrows. This is a very unimaginable thing.

By the way, Qin Yun sent a message: "wait for us in the station and go to do a task together immediately!"

Qin Yun replied, "just now the dragon soul asked me to practice level with them..."

I hesitated and replied, "you\'d better come with us. Yunyun, you are a member of XueYue studio and should obey the organizational arrangement..."

Qin Yun sent a smiley face sign and said, "OK ~"

Then, I spoke at the XueYue guild and said, "attention, online brothers, XueYue began to invest in blood fortress due to the needs of business expansion, so I\'ll leave XueYue for blood Fortress (blood Castle) The establishment of a new force in is regarded as the League of the snow moon, so after I leave the meeting, you don\'t have to panic. Qingfeng lanyue, ziyun\'er and sword fire dragon soul are still in the snow moon. You should continue to work hard to make the name of the snow moon float on the sky of Baiyun city forever! "

Sword fire dragon soul was shocked: "scholar, are you kidding?"

"Of course not. Dragon soul, your brother with sword and fire stays behind XueYue. The main alliance depends on you, and I\'m going to fight for a new world. Soon, everyone will see the power of XueYue take root in the bloody castle, ha ha!"

The dragon soul was also a smart man, and then smiled: "well, if there is any difficulty, one message, our brother will kill to the bloody castle!"

"No problem!"

There was only a commotion in the guild, and then peace was restored. Everyone formed teams to practice level and went to do whatever they should do.

And I also quit the XueYue guild at the right time. The last time I was forced out of the guild by Ling Tian. This time, I\'m happy to take the initiative to quit the guild.


Soon, all four mm came, and I took out a help building order from the package, and then took several mm into the palace.

The main hall of Baiyun city is still magnificent. A team of guards in silver armor stand proudly in front of the steps with swords. The emerald stone columns inlaid with gemstones are shining in color. The carpet is full of crimson and embroidered with golden patterns. In the center is a pattern of Bauhinia flowers symbolizing Baiyun city.

In the hall, a group of officers were on both sides. The old king sat on his throne and coughed constantly, as if he might pass at any time.

Two handmaids in Tulle stood on either side of the king with plates in their hands.

At the bottom of the steps, the person closest to the king is Princess Feiya in silver armor. Compared with before, Princess Feiya has less childishness, more perseverance and a touch of sadness.

Although the battle of bloody fortress ended, the human camp only won miserably, killing Karen, the wind chaser, but also losing a large number of troops. Even Daphne, the female Guard officer of Princess Feiya, was killed, and the chief General linqiu lost an arm. At this time, linqiu stood under the steps and said nothing.

No matter how many, I went directly to the king and submitted the reputation value and guild building order. The old man immediately coughed and said, "young soldier, please say the name of the guild you want to establish!"

A form pops up on the interface, and then the words "dream back to the snow moon" are written. The next moment, the guild is successfully established!

However, this is the nth Gang established by Baiyun city. There is no system announcement and no reward. However, a new word appears on my head - dream back to the snow moon!

Ling Xue and iced tea have retired from the meeting and come forward with a smile: "take us in?"

Of course, there is no problem. Joining the new League one by one gave two positions of MM Deputy alliance leader, and bingzhiyi and LiuNian HuaHuo were also added. Everyone was appointed as the head of the first-class army, which is second only to the position of deputy alliance leader.

Bing Zhiyi sighed: "our league is really strong! There are only five people in the guild, three of them are the top ten tianbang experts in China..."

LiuNian HuaHuo smiled and nodded.

I said with a smile, "well, let\'s mix the blood castle in the future! Bingyi and HuaHuo, you two are the core members of the dream of returning to the snow moon and have the power of life and death. Let\'s go to the blood castle to receive people?"

The two mm looked at each other, smiled and said, "OK, boss!"

With that, the two mm took out the return scroll and flew away. Obviously, they have bought the special return scroll for the bloody castle in advance. NND doesn\'t know how many to leave for us.

Ling Xue asked, "do you want to transfer a group of experts from the snow moon to expand the power of the new league?"

"No, I have a candidate!"

"Oh, who?"

I smiled mysteriously: "go, go to the station, you will soon know!"

So, the three of us sent back to the XueYue station. There are already five high-level players waiting there. They are several people in the season family. From the first season to the fifth season, they are first-class experts. At least these people are not low in loyalty and are much better than those who collect them casually.

In the first season, he walked forward with his sword and smiled: "finally, this day has come. Our seasonal family has finally found an organization!"

Then the first season changed: "but scholar, the season family has a festival with the Moon Temple. After we join the dream of returning to the snow moon, I\'m afraid the Moon Temple will not give up!"

I smiled: "what are you afraid of? Dreaming of the snow moon will soon take root in the blood castle. Even if the moon god temple comes to make a quarrel and kill them back, I\'m afraid they won\'t succeed? We snow moon will never compromise with anyone. It\'s the same in Baiyun City and blood castle. Those who follow me will prosper and those who oppose me will die!"

"Ha ha! It\'s so pleasant. Yes, that\'s it. Those who follow me prosper, those who oppose me die, and so does the Moon Temple!"

The first season was like a bird\'s breath, and quickly submitted an application to me.

After joining one by one, season 3 frowned and said, "we dream of the snow moon. Do we really want to face the Moon Temple?"


The third season seems to have some concerns. At this time, two beautiful swordsmen, Ling Xue and iced tea, came forward from behind me, waved their sharp swords and said, "what are you worried about? Can\'t we fight a small moon temple?"

"Ah! Breeze, snow, iced tea..."

In the third season, the face was shocked at first, then surprised, and then full of confidence. Ha ha said with a smile: "dream back to the snow moon. There were so many top experts? That\'s no problem. The Moon Temple is just a group of scum. I\'ll fight with them later!"

Everyone laughed. Even the priest mm in the fifth season smiled with his mouth covered.

After winning their opinions, they arranged the seasonal family under the command of bingzhiyi and LiuNian HuaHuo without any problem. There were dozens of people in the seasonal family, who added them together to fill the strength. Moreover, they had gone to the gate of Baiyun city to receive people.

Ling Xue also spent 5000 RMB to make a system announcement. In this way, countless followers of snow moon also have a place to live. The news of newcomers joining the guild is constantly lit up. Moreover, all players are above level 140. We only accept experts and rookies.


After a busy trip, Xinmeng\'s business is finished. Let bingzhiyi and LiuNian HuaHuo two mm be busy. We can be the shopkeeper. Moreover, the two mm novices are on the road and have a great time. They are very happy to receive people in the bloody castle.

Finally, you can go on the road. Wait in the station. Qin Yun is already there. Pull into the team, Ling Yue and light rice fragrance have also arrived. Not long after purple moon, summer and falling rain are silent, the team of 9 people in XueYue studio has assembled and started to start!

After pulling everyone into the team, I took out the map, clicked to use it, and immediately got a message——

"Ding ~!"

System prompt: do you want to accept the task [Avalon miracle]?



"Ding ~!"

System prompt: Congratulations, your team has accepted the main task [Avalon miracle]! (current task difficulty: 7200)

Mission content: enter the Avalon miracle and look for the lost relics of the Elven capital! Avalon miracle is divided into three layers and guarded by twelve earth knights. You must kill these earth knights to reach the last king\'s lake. There is an evil and great king sleeping at the bottom of the lake. Defeat him and you can get the legendary magic weapon!


Ling Yue rubbed her eyes and said in surprise: "the main task? Isn\'t it? Our luck is really good!"

"Yes! Then hurry over!"

Ling Xue reached out to pull Ling Yue onto her horse and opened the way in front, while iced tea accompanied Qin Yun. Behind my hall, I protected the fragrance of rice flowers, summer, purple moon and silent rain for four mm.

I was secretly surprised that this task was 7200 difficult, the most difficult must kill task in history. I think the task of Atlantis was only 5500 difficult at the beginning. Compared with it, this task with 7200 difficult should be more challenging?

Moreover, what excites me most in the task content is the last sentence. Kill the final boss at the bottom of the lake and you can get the legendary magic weapon! What kind of weapon would it be, a top-grade immortal weapon, or an unparalleled holy weapon, or the ultimate artifact?

Ha ha, no matter what, this time there is really oil and water to catch!