Village Girl as Family Head : picked up a general for farming

Chapter 14

Lian Fangzhou laughed and called "great aunt!" She didn't answer her question.

Qiao couldn't help but glance up at the neat and brand-new roof, and felt even more jealous in her heart. She said with a smile, "Fangzhou, the roof of our house will also be repaired. You can buy more tiles and lend it to us first. When your uncle is free, go and buy it back to you!"

"You want to borrow our tiles?" Lian Fangzhou asked with a smile.

Qiao Shi see her attitude is very good, did not get angry, in the heart secretly pleased, nodded: "yes, of course, it is borrowed, I will return it to you later!"

"Oh, how much do you want?" Lian Fangzhou asked again.

Qiao's heart was full of flowers. Her eyes turned and quickly calculated it in her heart. She said with a smile, "it doesn't need to be too much. Well, eight or nine hundred pieces are enough. Oh, no, maybe - more than a thousand. "

She was proud that she could speak. She said "more than a thousand". The amount depends on the situation. If you can get more, you can take more. The roof can't be used. You can build a pigsty and a cowshed

Even Fangzhou sighed and said with regret, "but aunt, this is really unfortunate. Our house has repaired the roof yesterday, and almost all the tiles have been used. Here, there are only dozens of pieces left. If you don't dislike them, take them! Come here earlier when we buy it again next time

Qiao was stunned and looked at the yard. Sure enough, the ground was clean, except for the dozens of tiles, where was there more?

She can't help but be angry, staring at Lian Fangzhou and saying: "dead girl, you're playing with me!"

"Auntie, you are wronged "Why do you play with me?" he said Suddenly, her face sank, her eyes like ice staring at Qiao, coldly said: "your house is the new house built last year, but you run to ask me for thousands of tiles. I think you are playing with me?"

Qiao's mouth was suddenly dumb, and he hummed, "what do you want?"? It's a loan! Just borrow it! If you don't want to pull it down, there's so much nonsense! "

"Oh --" Lian Fangzhou drew a long end, all of them sneered and said, "it's borrowing. I don't know the difference between borrowing and borrowing in my aunt's eyes! I don't think so! "

Qiao was so angry that he almost smoked from his nostrils. She has never been so angry since she was born!

In particular, she used to bully the second room family, but now she is bullied by a litter of kids left by others. This imbalance is even worse, which makes this anger even stronger.

"Be proud of yourself." Qiao's sneer said: "what's so proud of the goods that have been withdrawn! I don't think you'll ever get married in your life

"Auntie, please go out!" Lianze rushes up in a rage.

"Aze," Lian Fangzhou grabbed him and said with a faint smile to Qiao: "you say it, I don't care! I can't marry out of marriage, or you has the final say. Isn't it just a man? It's easy! It's hard to find two legged toads in this world. There are so many men with two legs

"You, you -" Qiao opened his eyes and stamped his foot. "Ouch!" he said, "you are really shameless!"

Lian Fangzhou ignored Lian Ze, who was also stunned and stunned. He laughed and looked at Qiao with a meaningful look. He said with a smile, "Auntie, what are you blushing about? Even a baby has given birth to you. When you are a big girl, are you shy? Or do you want a man? I advise you to save it. As long as you are like this, there is no man willing to ask for it

"You, you!" Qiao's eyes were dizzy. He only felt that the stars were rising straight in front of him. He was so angry that he almost fainted. He was so crazy that he could hardly know what to do!

"You you what you?" Lian Fangzhou hummed: "I tell you, hurry to return our 1000 Jin grain, otherwise, hum! My mother said, she will go to you

"You, dream!" Qiao's breath finally turned around. He took a swipe at the ground and ran away with a red, white and blue face.

Lian Fangzhou was amused and bowed with laughter.

A faint "elder sister" came into my ears, and Lian Fangzhou was stunned and said "terrible!" She remembered that there was a lianze next to her.

Looking up at him, lianze's face had a few suspicious blushes, both embarrassed and embarrassed, as well as anger and sadness.

"Sister, how can you, how can --" lianze was too sad to say.

"How can you say that, right?" Lian Fangzhou took it on himself, sighed softly in front of his eyes, and said in a soft voice, "aze, my sister is just talking about it. She wants to frighten the great aunt! Don't you know what kind of a sister is? Sister also said, than those in the heart of dirty people can be much better! Do you look down on your sister for that

"No, no!" Lianze shook his head: "how can I look down on my sister! I also know that my elder sister wants to get rid of her great aunt, but if she preaches about it, won't she damage her sister's reputation? "

Lian Fangzhou chuckled and said, "don't worry, how can she say those words to others? Will anyone believe me, a married girl, say that? Did my sister say something like that before? In that case, she said, who would believe it? "Thinking of Qiao's embarrassment, even Fangzhou couldn't help laughing.

“……” Lianze was speechless.

"OK," Lian Fangzhou patted him on the shoulder and said with a soft smile, "my sister promised you that I would never say these words again."

"Well!" Lianze nodded and only then did he smile.

Qiao escaped from even Fangzhou's home, but still felt that his face was flushed and his heart beat. He felt something wrong with his whole body until he got back to his own home, which gave him a long sigh of relief.

"What's the matter with you?" Lian Li asked, looking at her strangely.

"I --" Qiao Shi jumped and stammered: "no, nothing, nothing!"

Although she and LIANLI have been husband and wife for decades, she still can't say those words. It's just that they've lost their lives!

"Nothing? It's OK. What are you doing when you look like a ghost? " LIANLI glared at her.

Qiao's mind is more terrible than seeing a ghost! Seven or eight out of ten of Lian Fangzhou's girl is possessed by a ghost. Otherwise, she is totally crazy. Otherwise, a girl in her teens can't say that.

"That Lian Fangzhou is really deceiving. Hum, I only said that I borrowed some tiles from her, and she even teased me!" Qiao Shi coughed, changed the topic, and angrily told LIANLI the course of the matter.

Even Li was angry after listening, "how unreasonable! This girl is really lawless! If she doesn't give it, she just says no, she talks like that! So are you. The roof of our house has just been turned over. Don't you give it to others for ridicule? You've lost my face! What are you doing? Don't hurry to cook! "

Qiao Shi hums: "you so can, why don't you ask her to settle accounts?"? That's true Since going to the kitchen to wash rice under the pot does not mention.

After putting the pot on the rack, Qiao went to the yard to feed and close the chickens.

When she saw those chickens, she was suddenly stunned and screamed, "ah, you come and have a look!"

"What are you howling at?" LIANLI in the room was frightened by her roar and came out of the house in anger.

"You see, you see!" Qiao ignored what he said and pointed to the chicken in the yard. , the fastest update of the webnovel!