Village Girl as Family Head : picked up a general for farming

Chapter 11

"Yes Qiao's eyes brightened and he came back to his spirit. He hummed triumphantly: "in my opinion, you must have sold the grain secretly, but you deliberately pretended to be pitiful and blackmail our family! Well, your brothers and sisters are making a lot of calculations. They sell grain and put money in their pockets, and then ask for food. Is there anything so cheap? "

"Although your parents are gone, you still have to have a little conscience! Don't look askance LIANLI also continued: "originally, you are nephews and nieces who can't make it. It's not impossible for us to help each other in three or five fights. But if you want to play tricks, you can also open your mouth to a thousand catties, which is too outrageous!"

"You, you --" even Ze was so angry that he couldn't speak. His chest was full of ups and downs, and his breath was a little disordered.

He was really surprised and disappointed.

He never thought that his own uncle and aunt would be such a face. What kind of kinship, what kind of blood, in their eyes, afraid of nothing!

At this moment, the sadness in my heart is far greater than my anger.

Lian Fangzhou gently pulled lianze's sleeve and patted him on the shoulder to show his comfort. He was not worried, let alone angry. He asked steadily and calmly, "so, the big uncle and aunt are iron hearted and refuse to give us the food?"

"You think so!" Said Qiao.

LIANLI was obviously better than his second goods women, and immediately said, "what return? We don't owe you at all. How can we pay it back? "

"Yes, that's right." Joe immediately agreed.

"Ha ha," Lian Fangzhou said with a faint smile, "anyway, my mother asked me to come here, and I also came, and I also said what my mother asked me to say. But if uncle and aunt refuse to admit it, I can't help it. By the way, my mother also told me, she said if you don't give, she will ask yourself about you! We, brother and sister, will leave first

LIANLI and Qiao were stunned and didn't know what to say for a moment: the girl was sharp and sharp when she came, which was obviously not a good stubble. Look at that posture. It's so fierce that she ended up like this?

Lian Fangzhou gave up his words too clearly, which made LIANLI feel unreal.

"You, just go away?" Lian Li couldn't help asking.

Lian Fangzhou faint smile, said: "I'm not so left, I believe my mother's words, you will certainly give us back the grain!"

"Ha LIANLI sneers at the sky and looks at Lian Fangzhou's brother and sister leaving.

"The head of the family, how can I feel a little strange?" Qiao's also a little can't believe, stammered.

"Do you think so?" Lian Li turned to look at her and asked, "tell me, how strange is it?"

Joe's blind He said, "you let me say I can't say it, but I just feel strange! You didn't see how rude and unreasonable the dead girl was when Mrs. Yang came to leave her marriage that day. How could she suddenly - this is not right! "

"Hum!" LIANLI sneered and said, "didn't she say that she would come to us? Then we'll wait. "

Qiao's bluff, busy way: "bah, bah! What are you talking nonsense about! What's the matter with her! We didn't hurt her

"What are you afraid of?" LIANLI looked at her calmly: "I don't believe it!"

Qiao's heart is still some jump, reluctantly smile, but no more words.

"Elder sister," Lian Ze said sadly to Lian Fangzhou after leaving LIANLI's home, "I really didn't expect that my great uncle and aunt would say so! Once upon a time, when my parents were there, they didn't take a lot of money from our family. How could they say that! Are they really our brothers and sisters? "

Even Fang Zhou said with a faint smile, "have you seen all of them? Well, don't be sad. Feel sorry for them. What a fool

"I'm not..." Even Ze himself did not know how to say the mood at the moment, just opened his mouth and depressed his head.

"Elder sister, did your mother really dream to you?" Lianze couldn't help asking, sighing: "even if it's true? As I said, uncle, they won't give us the food back! Don't worry, sister. We won't starve to death. As long as we get through this winter, when we harvest next year, I will watch closely and never let them help again. "

"When is it? There is still a year to go before the autumn harvest next year." Lian Fangzhou turned a pale look at him. Seeing his sad expression, he couldn't bear it in his heart. He said in a soft voice: "OK, don't worry. We can definitely get back the 1000 kg grain! The premise is, you have to listen to my arrangement! "

Lianze looks at her in disbelief, and even Fangzhou smiles faintly.

The next morning, Li Damu set up a bullock cart and called lianze to accompany him to buy Bricks and tiles in Shiwan.

Before the silver note was opened, Lian Fangzhou seized a handful of two or three hundred copper coins and wrapped them in a handkerchief, intending to pay a deposit in advance.

Even Fangzhou is going to go with her. Now she has a black eye. She takes this opportunity to go out and have a look at the landscape, soil, vegetation and crops here.Li Da Mu thought for a moment, nodded and laughed.

Lian Fangqing saw, entangled also want to play with, Lian Fangzhou not, told Lian Che with her at home, take good care of her. Lian Fang Qing's small mouth tooted and was very reluctant.

Lian Fangzhou could not bear to see her poor little grievance, so he pulled her over and whispered, "you are at home with my third brother, and my sister will fry you eggs at night, OK?"

Lian Fangqing eyes a bright, subconsciously licked lips, full of yearning, but shook his head, said: "no, eggs to keep money to buy food."

Lian Fangzhou was sad and said in a soft voice, "if you want to buy grain, you don't need to sell eggs. After that, we'll give you and che'er all the eggs. "

"Really?" Lian Fangqing was so happy that he nodded and said, "sister and second brother will eat together."

"Well, let's eat together." Lian Fangzhou said with a smile.

Lian Fangzhou and lianze are sitting on the ox cart, and Li Damu drives the cart. The three of them go slowly to Shiwan.

Out of Dafang village, Lian Fangzhou noticed the situation on both sides. On both sides of the road, there were hills with slight ups and downs, or a hill rising from the middle of the flat ground, covered with all kinds of lush trees. She had a rough look and found that most of them were fir, pine, fir, maple, camphor, oak and other common tree species in Southwest China.

On the gentle slope, many places have been reclaimed to dry land for planting crops. At this time, the field is also withered, with half yellow sweet potato vines and taro seedlings, and some fragmentary bean racks.

In places with water sources, paddy fields have long been opened up. At this time, only rice stubbles can be seen, covering the whole field with withered yellow.

Lian Fangzhou didn't need to ask, but he already knew something about it. , the fastest update of the webnovel!