Vengeance To The Royal Ones

321 She Chuckled Bitterly

"Wh- Why would I be curious about you?" Carla then said and this made Amber knew that she had won this little gamble of hers, Carla didn't check too deeply on her.

"Hey stop that both of you, what are you doing?" the man butted in.

Amber looked back at him with the same confidence in her eye, "Let's just say that your people was not thorough enough and someone have witnessed everything?"

She even tilted her head to the side with a smile.

The man furrowed his brows, "Who are you?"

"Well, you can tell those people that I got this scar when a car hit a tree and an explosion happened," she then urging the man to go and talk to the others.

"Why do you think should I believe you?" the man replied.

"Hmmm, well maybe because I really know what happened on that day. And those tattoo of yours," she pointed at the one on his hand.

"One had it on his left ear, quite small but it remained in my memory," she added as she once again sat down like someone who was not kidnapped but was actually just someone negotiating with them.

The man squinted his eyes and pulled Carla out of the room, lest she do something stupid again.

The tattoo that Amber mentioned was what triggered him to check unto what she was talking about.

The tattoo was small and others would think of it as a mole instead of a tattoo. And for her to have that scar, she must have been close by to know of it and receive such a wound.

"Hey, what was that all about?" Carla asked as they stepped out of the room.

"Be quiet, you are not yet allowed to leave for hearing such story. Stay here until I speak with the boss," the man replied with a dark look and Carla knew if she insists on leaving, she would not see another day.

Amber have studied the way the gangster thinks and tried her best to find ways to exploit this and among those that she noticed, it was that they really didn't like people knowing of their failures.

One reason she spoke of it with Carla present. This way she wouldn't be able to leave while Amber was buying time, for if she did leave she might check into her and find her lies. It is better to be safe than sorry.

After being left alone, she looked down at her body, filled with wound and blood.

She chuckled bitterly, "I was once filled with blood but not of mine, now here I am being covered with my own blood. Could this be retribution for everything?"

With her free hand she covered her eyes and laughed before peeking through the gap of her fingers, looking up at the window, "Vengeance is truly evil."

Then her eyes that seemed lost turned cold, "But even so, even if god were to turn his back on me. This vengeance shall see its end and I'll make sure that all of them shall pay. You can go ahead and torture me even more."

Once again she looked down at her bodies, "Truly, I really hate pain, never thought I'll have to experience it again. That sickness was more than enough, yet here I am again, the numbness gone."

In another ten or fifteen minutes, the man returned and this time their are three others with him.

And Amber's heart beat faster, she knew those two very well. Those two faces she vowed never to forget, was now right in front of her. Her hands were clenched tightly into a fist but she remained having a poker face. Not giving away anything.

The other one, she can clearly say that he was none other than Oliver Cleaves, leader of the Black Spade gang.

She wanted to laugh this time, not only did she saw her parents killer.

And instead of stopping it, she actually laughed right in front of them, together with tears she couldn't stop.

Oliver furrowed his brows and looked at his men, "What's going on here?"

He was looking at the man who brought them here claiming that the kidnapped person witnessed the assassination in Star country years ago. And since Carla knew she was from Star country, their doubts disappeared and came here to check on her.

They could just tell their men to kill her at this moment but they have to know, what she knew and how his men made a mistake. That is why he also brought these two with him, their gang never wanted failures and these two were claiming they did a great job, yet a witness appeared.

"Oliver Cleaves, should I be grateful that I was able to see you in person," before the man could reply, Amber spoke up.

Oliver just squinted his eyes at her, he couldn't feel any fear coming form her despite her situation.

"What do you want to know from their failure?" she then asked gesturing towards the two men who was looking at her with glaring eyes.

She chuckled, "Couldn't accept it? That years after feeling accomplished you left someone who could pull you back down? That's what you get I suppose, for accepting this job of kidnapping me. Now your boss will know, that you have failed."


Amber grimaced when the bullet grazed her arm but she didn't voiced out the pain she felt.

"Mark, what are you doing?" Oliver spoke up.

He raised his hand and pulled the gun from the man named Mark who shot at Amber.

Amber glanced at her bleeding arm and laughed at him, "Ah a guilty action."

Mark clenched his hands, he wanted to grab this girl and wring her neck. Why must she appear now that the talk for the right hand and left hand man were undergoing.

When Oliver heard of her from the henchman, he gave them instantly a look. That was the biggest mission than most of them failed, that is why their gain was of a different level.

Amber tilted her head to the side, "The Price would be very bothered about it, that you didn't do your job properly."

"You can't just be a simple witness with this kind of knowledge and the way you speak right now," Oliver was looking at her seriously and said.

"I don't know, who am I? Am I witness? Or am I a survivor?" she then said.

She just felt like it, she felt like she can say it now to these people and that they wouldn't be able to do anything at all.

"I really hate riddles, what are you getting at right now?" Oliver asked as murderous aura comes from him.

Amber didn't answer and just stared back at him, all of them remained in that position for about ten minutes.

"Remove her mask," Oliver said to the henchman.

The man already have the bottle of glue remover on hand, so he just came close to Amber.

"Do you want me to help you?" she looked at him and asked.

The man just furrowed his brows at her and approached her, the moment he did his arms were pulled towards her and he stumbled on the bed. Amber wrapped her legs on his waist, pulling him even more towards her, while her free hand pulled the gun that was behind him.

The moment she released him from her legs, she cocked the gun and shot him straight in the head.

Everyone was caught off guard with her stunt, soon those three men pulled their own guns and aimed at her.

She smirked as she looked at them playing with the gun on one hand while the other was still cuffed.

"Quite careless isn't he?" she then said not minding the guns pointed at her.

"You- Do you understand your current condition," Mark then said.

"Oh I do, I really do so why must I let you do as you please? You can kill me anytime you want, I'd rather not do as you want me to do then. My end would be the same anyway," Amber answered.

She once again winced when a bullet pierced her through her thigh.

'Damn it, this is really painful,' was her thought before looking back at them.

This time the one who fired was Oliver.

"Do you think you would still be able to do anything with that leg?" he then said before pointing back the gun in her head.

Amber just smiled, "It's either you or I would die tonight anyway."

A sudden explosion came from somewhere which caught all of their attentions. While Amber was grinning, she knew they have come. They have finally come.

Oliver glared at her as he pointed the gun on her head, "You bought time for this."

"Yes I have, are you going to kill me now?" she replied.

She didn't expect they'd arrive as she was talking with these people, she thought she could at least have them leave before then.

"No, we will wait for them here."