Chapter 135: The Space Between Us

The Christmas party come to an end, and most of Team Rhapsody had left. Alton was caught up washing up as he noticed Zinnia standing idly by the sofa. Knowing he couldn\'t avoid her anymore this night he dropped the last plate into the sink talking with his back to her. "Did you enjoy the party?"

"Oh, yeah… It was a lot of fun." She said half-heartedly. "The cake was delicious too."

"We haven\'t done something like this in a while since… Well since Percy. Sometimes I expect to see him sitting there blabbering away like the fanboy he was. I used to find him so annoying, but I think any of us would do anything to get that back."


Alton turned leaning against the sink sighing. "If you\'ve got something to say, just come out and say it."

Zinnia remained silent for a short while before finally giving in biting her lip. "What deal did you make with Bargaining back during the V.I.R.A.L games?"

"Drop it Zinnia."

"Please, I need to know!"

Alton threw his towel into the sink angered. "I said, drop it! What I agreed to is none of your business. My pact shouldn\'t concern you. We wouldn\'t be in this situation if you didn\'t take the bait."

"Oh, so now this is my fault?"

"Yeah, this is your fault." Alton blustered wagging his finger. "You took a deal to kill me to be a hero."

"It wasn\'t like that… I didn\'t know the outcome; I beat myself up about it all the time…"

Alton sighed, shaking head. "yeah well, what happened happened. Nothing we can do about it now."

Zinnia began cupping her hands together, fidgeting around. "I truly wish things were different. We don\'t talk anymore; we hardly do much streaming together and only ever hang out if everyone else is here. We\'ve been like this for two months, and I guess I just wish we could go back to before… well you know what we were."

"I don\'t enjoy this if that\'s what you\'re getting at," Alton replied, holding a small present. "I don\'t take comfort avoiding you, but can you really blame me? Any moment Bargaining could take over and stab me in the back, I can\'t take that risk. I\'ve got too much on my plate to risk it all. You understand, right?"

"Yeah… I do."

Alton sighed, throwing the present on the coffee table. "It isn\'t much but here." Zinnia stared blankly at the present picking it up, moving her hand over the poorly wrapped paper. Slowly opening it, her heart skipped a beat as in her hand was a framed photo of Team Rhapsody. A group photo with everyone included. She knew of the picture it was taken to celebrate Scarlett joining the team. "I thought it would be nice to have a photo of everyone. We never did take many for some reason."

Zinnia smiled faintly as she carefully placed it in her bag. She stopped for a moment, putting a neatly wrapped present down herself. "I should get going before Rebecca worries. Merry Christmas Alton…"

Zinnia scurried out, leaving Alton with cold feet as he whispered under his breath in defeat. "Merry Christmas Zinnia…"

"That was never going to be easy, you know," Scarlett stated looking conflicted.

Alton rubbed his eyes sniffing. "I thought you went home already."

"Why would I do that for? I thought we were spending Christmas Eve together."

Alton let out a slobbered chuckle shaking his head. "No more jokes, please. I\'m not in the mood."

"I don\'t like any of this can I be the one to say. She\'s tearing you apart, and not even I know what sort of insane deal you made with the Garden. But if you\'re too afraid to tell even me, then it has to be bad. You should have let me kill her."

"You already know my response to that demand Scarlett."

"That I do. Do not worry. I shan\'t push you any further on this dilemma. Say what are your plans for tomorrow?"

Alton shrugged his shoulders, looking around the apartment. "Probably just tidy up? Order a takeaway."

"Jesus, you were not pulling my leg over the whole no Christmas shenanigans. Why don\'t you come to mine tomorrow? My family is cooking up one big Christmas dinner. We would be more than honoured to have you."

Alton closed his eyes sighing. "I appreciate the offer, Scarlett. But I have too much on my mind to even think about Christmas."

She gave a defeated smile picking up her belongs. "You can\'t keep shutting people out Alton because of the past. People are willing to help you just need to see that."

As Scarlett was about to leave Alton called out looking somewhat embarrassed. "Hang on a second… I forgot to give you this." Holding out a small present Scarlett smirked turning around. "I really didn\'t know what to get you being super-rich and stuff." Scarlett took the box spinning it around, shaking it. This got a reaction out of Alton as he flinched. "Careful."

Opening the box, Scarlett was slightly surprised to see a small charm bracelet. It wasn\'t like anything she had seen before. "What is this?"

Going slightly red Alton didn\'t keep eye contact scratching the back of his head. "My mother used to run a jewellery shop when I was a kid, and she would make charm bracelets… I was never that good at it, but I did my best to give it another go. I think I did a pretty decent job all things considering."

Scarlett looked at the bracelet touched as she put it on holding her arm up, inspecting the present. "It\'s beautiful. May I ask what this charm is?"

Alton looked as she was pointed at an upside-down music note with a hero face mask on. "That is actually our first attempt at the logo for Team Rhapsody. I wanted to keep it simple and based on the name. Zinnia actually helped me with the design a few months back…"

"I love it. This is better than anything money could buy. Thank you, Alton."

Blushing, he looked down mumbling. "It\'s nothing."

"I suppose I should give you my present too?" She states revealing a large present floating behind Alton. As he tried to take it, the gift flew into her hand as she shook her finger. "Nah ah ah. You only get your present if you come for dinner tomorrow. My father insisted which should be considered an honour. He doesn\'t invite just anyone for dinner."

Utterly defeated Alton frowned. "Alright. Out of respect for your father."

"Wonderful. Specular! You\'re going to love it. My butler will pick you up tomorrow how does one sound?" Scarlett said bursting with joy, not even giving Alton time to react as she left. "See you tomorrow Dauntless."

"Wait… I can make my own way… Damn it." He mumbled to himself alone. His head lowered as he let out a deflated chuckle of defeat. "She\'s a real handful."

Ready to tidy up the rest of the apartment, his eyes stopped on Zinnia\'s neatly wrapped present. Part of him didn\'t want to open it, but from the amount of care taken, Alton couldn\'t resist. Carefully unwrapping the gift, he was met with an old worn-down metal box on the front written in felt tip pen property of Zinnia. He scoffed slightly at the presentation. Cracking open the box Alton was left slightly dumbfounded to find what looked to be collectable cards similar to ones he would have as a child. However, these ones were much lower quality shown to be homemade. Glossing over each card, it was a set of streamer cards. From the streamers, they had taken down from Pokiero to Paradox. At the end was streamers like Iris, Alice and Diego and of course each member of team Rhapsody. Alton couldn\'t help but smile through each card which was clearly shown to have so much effort put in. His card was last as Zinnia had hand-drawn his old profile picture to perfection but with a clear sign of a rubber being used to correct any mistakes. "Alton Brantley, Streamer name Dauntless. Superpowers, He can control water on his body or in his immediate area. He can control the way it forms and the flow of said water, he can also change the temperature to be cold or hot, creating ice and steam. He can also control his bloodstream as well as any open wound of nearby people to either stop bleeding or cause more damage. Bio, my best friend and the leader of Rhapsody he won\'t ever back down from a fight when people are in danger. Puts others before him and is a caring and thoughtful leader. He is a true hero…"

Alton took a deep breath wiping his eye looking at the streamer cards tutting. "Zinnia… Thank you."


Scarlett stood outside the apartment complex as her ride turned up. The limousine door opened as she was slightly startled, seeing both her mother and father in the back seat. Climbing in, she let out an awkward laugh. "You didn\'t have to pick me up…"

"Nonscience, it\'s Christmas, a time for family is it not? Besides ever since joining Team Rhapsody you\'ve spent less and less time with your mother and me."


"No need to apologise Dawn. Did you enjoy the party?"

Scarlett nodded. "It was fun."

"Well, I\'m glad to hear, enjoy this small dash of enjoyment. We\'re moving into phase two of the plan soon enough."

"Already?!" Scarlett yelped unexpectedly. "Isn\'t it too soon for that?"

"We\'ve already taken too long. Team Rhapsody was a waste of your time." He insisted.

Scarlett began playing with her bracelet mumbling softly. "I didn\'t find it a waste of time… What does this mean for me?"

"Don\'t worry about that Scarlett. Just play along with the role we have you on, and you\'ll be fine. Your father has thought this through."

"Oh, alright… Say, father. Might it be alright if Alton comes around for Christmas dinner tomorrow?"

Her father lowers his sunglasses glancing at her with his neon green eyes. "Alton Brantley? The leader of Team Rhapsody correct? Hmm, I don\'t know."

"Well, personally I think it\'s a wonderful idea." Scarlett\'s mother adds. "It gives us a golden chance to meet with him first hand properly this time. I\'ve heard so much about him; I would quite like to see what makes him tick."

"Very well. If your mother approves as do I. It might prove to be quite entertaining. But Scarlett."

"Ye- Yes, father?"

"See it you do not get too attached to this Alton Brantley. You have a job to do."

"Yes, father." She whispered, staring out the window holding her bracelet tightly, smiling to herself excited for the events tomorrow.