Chapter 131: Birth of a Hero Part 5

Scarlett came to seeing Zinnia battling a giant dragon. She began crawling towards Alton shivering in the snow. Making it to her ally, she helped him up resting Alton on her lap. "Alton, can you hear me? Alton?"

Alton began coughing fluttering, opening his eyes glancing up at Scarlett. "We need… stop Monty."

Scarlett turned around watching Zinnia flying around, giving it her all. "Zinnia will stop him, she has to."

Alton saw the commission handshaking. He knew she had no chance of winning. None of them did, all he could be watch the events play out, this didn\'t mean he was willing to give up. "Don\'t… Worry about me, Scarlett. Help Zinnia. Please help her!"

Scarlett bit her lip nodding as she stood up looking down at Alton once more. "I\'ll do what I can." Scarlett curled her hands around as her body began glowing green. Her eyes snapped open, glowing crimson red. "Let\'s finish this!"

"Monty you have to stop this! What do you get out of this? Killing others won\'t solve anything." Zinnia barked spinning in the air dodging the charge attack. She turned around, slashing her sword forward as electrical projectiles flew at him. Getting a direct hit, it seemed to do little to anything.

Monty turned around, charging up a blast of fire. Preparing a counter Scarlett flew down holding back the attack with her telekinesis crushing her hand the fire vanished. "Need a hand girl?"

"Scarlett! But you\'re still hurt."

Holding her waist, she smirked, shaking her head. "This is nothing. I\'ll show this Montague slime what I\'m really made of. I\'ll follow your lead."

Zinnia nodded twisted her katana behind her as she flew towards the dragon. Swinging her sword Monty went to counter-strike, Scarlett focused on Zinnia teleporting her above. Flying down, she slashed through him hitting the ground and using the momentum to pass back up slicing through him again. Scaley armour cracked and fell off making Zinnia flinch. "That\'s it! We take down the armour we take down Monty!"

Scarlett held her hand over her face giggling. "Very well. If destruction and chaos are what you want, allow me to be the harbinger of such feats!" Clenching both her hands into a ball shape Scarlett pulled them both out as ripples of energy emerged. Once her arms were fully out, she slammed her hands together, causing a colossal blast of explosions lighting the whole area alight.

Monty was blasted to kingdom come, but yet again the effect was small. He flew out from the smoke pinning Scarlett holding her against the wall, preparing to incinerate her. Scarlett felt the pain of being crushed increase as her eyes glowed brighter. She screamed, pushing the dragon off her sending him flying to the ground with a blast of energy. She held her hand up as a small array of explosions formed. "Out of my sight, foul creature!"

As Monty was blown up, Zinnia was running around against the wall readying her attack. Blasting herself with lightning, she rippled through creating serval copies of herself all around Monty. Swinging her sword forward, she slashed through all the copies cutting down Monty serval times before flying above him, striking down once more with another lightning strike behind her. Being teleported back up Scarlett and Zinnia looked down seeing little progress for their efforts. "This will take forever if we keep up with this rate."

Zinnia turned to Scarlett nodding. "Then, we combine our attacks. Give him a blast of everything we\'ve got. We can\'t lose!"

"When will you learn?! You cannot defeat this. I am what this world needs. I\'ll put down you and the Montagues in one swoop and become the hero I was destined to be. You cannot defy fate!"

"What sort of hero turns into a fire breathing dragon spreading death and carnage…" Scarlett whispered. "I think Vanguard was more of a hero than this guy."

"Don\'t… This guy puts the name of heroes to shame." Zinnia spat. "Let\'s do this."

Both girls fell from the high ground meeting at Monty\'s level. As he slashed at them, both the two teleported out of sight. Appearing behind Monty was slammed to the ground shaking the entire stadium. Scarlett held him down with one hand as her body glowed brightly, she squinted almost falling as she gritted her teeth. "We need to finish this now!"

Small pockets of explosions rained around Scarlett readying as Zinnia held her sword in front of her facing its side as she charged up. Before Monty could strike, the two bombarded him with their attacks. This didn\'t seem like enough with needed extra power. Before them, a powerful hailstorm blasted down covering Monty. Zinnia turned seeing Alton being held up by Emil, giving them one last helping hand. The attack faded as Alton collapsed yelling. "Zinnia! Above you!"

Zinnia glanced up, seeing the roofed stadium clinging its final hinge. "Scarlett. Look."

Knowing what she was wanting, Scarlett flew up, gripping her power around the roof, tearing her hand back, she watched the top being torn off. Screaming, she ripped it down, feeling a snap through her head as she passed out falling. Emil flew through the air catching her as the stadium crashed down on Monty covering him in the rubble. Zinnia landed on the floor covering her face as dust blew across the area. Emil held Scarlett slowly walking over. "Is it over?"

Zinnia waited hearing nothing. She smiled, turning to the others. "You know what I thi-." Before she could finish the sentence, Monty ripped from the rubble smashing Emil and Scarlett back. He stomped down on Zinnia, crushing her in one fall swoop. Returning to his standard form, he picked a defeated Zinnia up smirking. "Sorry, what was that?"

"Zinnia!" Alton yelled limping over Monty turned to him, blocking his punch, kneeing him in the stomach and kicking him to the ground. "Monty stop… It\'s me you want."

Monty held Zinnia higher staring at Alton with a desperate look. "This isn\'t simple anymore, Alton! All you had to do was step aside and let me do what I needed. None of this had to happen, but you all had to stand in my way! I\'m going to be the hero in this story. Victoria will yell out my name when I put the evil the Montagues are down once and for all. And now, Alton I will finish you all off."

Readying the final blow Zinnia looked petrified as she whimpered. "This can\'t be it…"

"Say your farewells sweetheart," Monty whispered, charging his final attack. Moments away from hitting a stray arrow landed next to him. Monty glanced down picking it up lost. The arrow opened up a portal in which Monty fell through dropping Zinnia in the meantime. He fell to the ground pulling himself up, gritting his teeth. "Now what?!"

Alton lay on the ground letting out a faint chuckle. "What is it with your family and being fashionably late…"

From the blizzard, Alice flew out, jumping over Monty firing off serval arrows. Readying to block them all another portal opened consuming the arrows. As Alice landed against the wall, she took fell through a portal pulling Monty through yet another one under his feet. Both streamers appeared high in the air as Alice used Monty as a stepping stool jumping off from him, firing another arrow. This one scrapped Monty as he exploded slamming to the ground. Alice never hit the floor as she fell through another portal. The said portal opened up in front of Monty as he readied for her to appear. That was until three more portals opened throwing him off. With little time to react to the news portals, Alice jumped out, kicking him in the face dazing the streamer as she kept jumping between portals landing heavy blows. Jumping from the fifth portal, she tore her bow around his neck, flipping Monty around smashing him into the ground. A portal appeared from the ground consuming Monty as he was juggled between two exits falling faster and faster with each passing. Eventually, the second portal vanished as Monty smashed into the ground leaving a crater and without a doubt broken bones. Monty pulled himself from the ground, coughing bleeding from the head as he kept staggering around. "I haven\'t… Haven\'t lost yet! Is that all you\'ve got?! I won\'t lose to Rhapsody slime! My wish was granted I cannot lose to you! I am Monty Montague!"

Alice stood in front of him, a small portal hovering in her hand. "The Alice is sorry to disappoint, but she is not apart of Team Rhapsody. And no, to answer your question. This is all what the Alice has, I guess." Throwing the small portal away dozens of portals emerged surrounding Monty\'s every escape as bright light rippled from each one. "Overall conclusion for today, you lose Montague."

The area was blown away with ripples of pure light as Monty was taken down once and for all. He lay on the ground, utterly defeated whimpering in lose. "No… I lost? Why? Why do I always lose…? Why can\'t I ever win? I just wanted to save people… The Montagues took that from me… Why, why must you take that from me too?"

"It\'s finally over?" Emil whispered, still unsure.

Alton glanced up, seeing helicopters flying over with the V.I.R.A.L logo plastered on. He glanced as Zinnia, who was being helped up by Alice as he shook his head. "No… It\'s only just begun."