Chapter 106: My Hero

The journey back was nothing but painful for Zinnia, she had no idea if Alton was alright and couldn\'t get in contact with Scarlett making things worse for her. The others were less worried about having secured the best way to save Alton. Trying to keep her mind off the matter Zinnia leaned back over her chair talking to the old woman. "Say, you knew Alton when he was a child, right? What was he like, he keeps his past very secret?"

"Alton? He was a sweet child for the most part. Very timid, he liked keeping to himself that\'s for sure. His bubble was tiny for many years, only allowing his mother in and me. I knew they went through a very traumatic event, but I never quite knew what it was. But I was able to picture the pieces together more or less."

Emil sat up, moving away from the window. "Oh yeah, what was that?"

"Perhaps it\'s something I shouldn\'t say. Most likely better to hear it from his mouth."

"It has something to do with his father, right?" Gale asked, getting the attention of everyone. "Back at my village, Alton was much more talkative that day. I don\'t know why, but he told me that his father killed his mum."

"I was afraid of that." Helga sighed. "Those two were always moving every few months, never too far that I couldn\'t reach them but enough to throw the father off their track."

"Why did his father want to kill Alton so badly?"

"I wish I knew the answer. But it could be the very reason you brought me here today."

"His sickness…" The car came to a stop arriving outside the Dawn manor. The window to Alton\'s room was blown away, and ice had frozen the pathway killing all the plants nearby. Zinnia\'s eyes widened as she jumped out the car running to the entrance. She began slamming on the door each hit increasing with power before the maid, Tilly, answered the call. Zinnia didn\'t even give her any time to react as the moment the door opened Zinnia rushed through making her way for Alton. Crashing through the door, she saw the room almost completely frozen. Scarlett shot around dressed in a fluffy black coat, scarf, gloves and hat. She instantly stopped Zinnia in her tracks, holding her back. "Scarlett… Let me go!"

Scarlett eventually let go holding her head sighing. "Dearest apologies…"

Zinnia rushed overseeing Alton struggling, shards of ice all over his body as his heartbeat was a fraction of what it should be. "Alton… What happened."

Scarlett tightened her bandages wrapped around her hand, tutting. "Nothing."

"Were you attacked?!"

"I said it was nothing."

"Was Alton hurt?!"

Scarlett pulled Zinnia away, staring at her dead in the eyes. "I said, I handled it."


Scarlett sat down shivering as she began breathing into her gloves. "To think that bastard had the balls to attack the Dawn family head-on. The next time I see him, he\'s as good as dead!"

"Whoa, it\'s ice age all in here," Emil whispered.

"Which one are we talking about here?"

"The first one, obviously. It isn\'t even a contest."

"You look like you all had a little adventure." Scarlett pointed out.

Emil sighed, shaking his head. "Long story, but the good news is, we got what we came for."

Helga walked in entirely unphased by the frozen wasteland as she approached Alton. Looking over him, she gave a deflated sigh. "You never listen to me, do you, Brantley?"

"That\'s. What… I\'m good at." Alton coughed, opening his eyes faintly. "You got old you hag."

Helga smacked him over the head with her walking stick as she cackled. "I see your manners haven\'t improved at all. Still as foul-mouthed as ever. You\'ve been overusing those powers again."

"Really? I didn\'t notice."

Helga turned to the others waving her hand away. "You can all leave now."

Zinnia stayed put, shaking her head. "I\'m staying."

"What is it with you and making friends with stubborn hotheads Brantley?"

"Guess it just comes naturally to me."

She nodded, turning. "Very well. You can be his moral support. Helga! It\'s time."

"Helga?" Zinnia whispered.

The little girl ran in bowing. "Yes, Grandma."

"Wait, I thought you were Helga?"

"Me? Don\'t be absurd. Didn\'t I tell you my name? It\'s Joan. This is my granddaughter Helga. Say hello, sweetheart."

Helga smiled, holding her hand out. "It\'s nice to meet you friend of Alton."

"Oh, yeah?"

Helga scurried over towards Alton as he slowly moved his head smiling. "Wow, who\'s this beautiful woman?"

"Alton, it\'s me, silly. Helga." She giggled.

"Helga? Wow, look at you all grown up. You\'re almost as big as me. How old are you now? Twenty-four?"

Helga laughed falling for Alton\'s teasing. "No stupid! I\'m eleven."

"Eleven, that\'s right."

"You\'ve got yourself into a lot of trouble."

"Nothing you can\'t handle though right?"

Helga smirked clicking her fingers. "This is me we\'re talking about. Friend of Alton, I will need you to be over there by Alton\'s side. When I start the seal, he will be in a huge amount of pain. I need you to comfort him."

Zinnia ran over as Alton turned to her. "It\'s going to be alright now."

Helga\'s hand began glowing as a symbol appeared similar to a lock. Holding her hand over Alton, he jerked upwards as the blizzard started to intensify, almost knocking everyone back as Alton began screaming. "Hold him down!"

Zinnia panicked holding Alton down as he was going out of control, screaming in the utmost pain. Zinnia was horrified as the ice was pulled from his body. Helga looked like she was struggling too shaking uncontrollably to the sheer force behind his powers. Zinnia held Alton\'s hand yelling. "Stop it! You\'re killing him!"

"If we stop now Alton will never come back!" Joan yelled. "Almost there Helga just a little bit more."

Alton jerked up once more as his eyes snapped open being entirely yellow. He began shaking as his head snapped left and right. "I am the Garden! You cannot hold me! We are forever growing, never dying. Never dying! Always infinite!"

The ice shattered everywhere as Helga was knocked back. "Oh, my God!"

"It\'s fighting back! Zinnia calm him!"

Zinnia was petrified as Alton\'s transformation as the Garden was fighting for control. Zinnia gripped Alton tightly hugging him. "Don\'t let it take you, Alton! Please fight it!"

"All of you are signification to the power of the Garden! Slumber in an endless winter!"

Helga twisted her hand as the lock connected holding chains all around Alton as the last of the ice was ripped out. Alton screamed out as Helga crushed her hand. "Gotcha!"


Alton was blasted back into the wall as Zinnia fell over. Lying on the floor, Alton held his hand out, pulling himself up swaying left and right. Holding his hand tightly, he began laughing sinisterly. "You fool, all of you. Did you honestly think you could contain me?"

"Oh, no… It didn\'t work!"

Zinnia pulled everyone behind her as her hand began to crackle with a purple streak. "Everyone behind me."

About to strike Alton flinched waving his hands around in a panic. "Wait, stop Zinnia it\'s me! I was joking! It\'s a joke!"

Zinnia stopped as Helga almost fell over in shock. "That isn\'t funny, you know! You almost gave me a heart attack!"

Alton began nervously laughing, rubbing the back of his head. "I\'m sorry. I thought it would be funny at the heat of the moment. Guess I was wrong…"

Zinnia walked up to him, hitting him over the head. Alton dropped to his knees in pain. "You idiot! You had us all worried!"

Alton looked up at a teary-eyed Zinnia as she lowered his head in shame. "I\'m sorry, Zin. But I\'m fine now promise."

Helga wiped her nose smirking. "Of course, he is, this is me we\'re talking about."

"What did you do?"

"I merely sealed away his powers. No more snowstorms of Garden outbursts mister!"

Alton clapped his hands together bowing. "Yes, mam!"

"So, he\'s alright?"

"Why don\'t you check?"

Zinnia placed her head against Alton\'s chest, hearing his heartbeat back to normal. This brought her to tears as she hugged Alton. "See, back to the good old me."

"That good old you better not try and use those ice powers for a long time. I thought for a moment I couldn\'t stop it. If this happens again, I\'m not sure even my powers can hold its wrath."

"Noted. I\'ll be more careful next time."

Helga gave a confused look turning to her Grandmother. "Is he even listening?"

"Leave him be for now. He understands what\'s at risk. Just take it easy for the next few days Alton, no deaths battle you hear!"

"Yes, mam."

Joan smiled. "Good looks like our work here is done. Helga, have the finishing touches done. He should remain here for the next few days. I\'ll have my granddaughter keep an eye on him for any spikes. The worst is over though."

Zinnia wiped her eyes standing up. "I am glad. I thought we were really going to lose him for a moment."

"It takes a lot more than a sniffle to beat Alton Brantley… Ow, ow Helga that hurts."

Joan sighed, shaking her head. "Still such a child. Zinnia can I have a word with you in private." Zinnia nodded following Joan outside. She stared out the window mumbling. "I take it with how you handled yourself back there, all of this is new to you?"


"Thought so, the last group he was with were just as startled. Alton doesn\'t like talking about his past. It\'s nothing against you, it\'s not a trust thing he\'s just too afraid to mention it. His old friends, his family, the Garden all of it is treading on old soil for him. He\'d rather not go there. But I can see it in his eyes he really cares about you. All of you, I haven\'t seen him like this in a long time. After his mother died, he vanished, and I feared the worse."

Zinnia nodded. "I knew something was different about him. I was pulled to his presence by my powers. The wind guided me."

"Fate? No, I don\'t believe in such terms. Alton is a good boy; he\'s caring and very protective over the people he cares for. He would give his life in a heartbeat to save anyone. But he always assumes he\'s alone. I want you to break down those walls. Force him to open up. If you can\'t do it, well I\'m afraid no one will."

"I\'ll try, but I\'m not sure even I can get through to him… What happens now?"

"We let him rest. In time he will return to normal and be out there saving the day like always. Just keep an eye on him reel him in when he is going too far and remind him, he doesn\'t have to work alone." Joan smiled, hugging Zinnia. "You remind me a lot of Sam."

"Was Sam his girlfriend?"

"No, those two were more like brother and sister. They would constantly be fighting all the time, but when it came down to it, they would always have each other\'s back. She was just as understanding as you were. That girl, hoo, she kept him in check. Take good care of Alton for me, I spent so much time with him looking after the family he\'s like the son I never had. He doesn\'t deserve any of this."

"I\'ll do my best."

"Thank you, Zinnia. If there\'s any trouble feel free to call me. He\'s in your hands now. Tell your friends they can visit now. I\'m happy for him."

"Why is that?"

Joan turned back, wiping her eye. "I\'ve never seen so much passion in his eyes before. This Team Rhapsody, I\'m glad he\'s found a place to call home."

"Me too, me too…"