USSR 1941

Chapter 377: collapse

Chapter 377 Crash

Hoppner was eating lunch at the time. He had just returned from the wolf den and went to the front line for a tour before returning to the headquarters.

The staff officer talked endlessly beside Hoepner: "General, we should shrink the right wing, because its flank cannot block the Russian attack, otherwise the Russians will open a gap in our defense..."

At this time the phone came, and the communications soldier handed it to Hoppner.

After Hoepner answered the phone, he heard Hitler\'s voice coming from inside: "General, I order you to surrender command. The Fourth Panzer Army is under the command of Major General Negan!"

Then the phone hangs up.

Hoppner couldn\'t help being taken aback. Although this was expected, he didn\'t expect that it would be at this moment, when the battle on the front line was so tense.

What Hoppner didn\'t expect was that his punishment was not only dismissal, but even his military rank was revoked.

Although Guderian and others were also dismissed, they all retained their military ranks, and they may be used again after a while.

But Hopner completely became a civilian with nothing and left the army with shame.

Perhaps, this is why Hopner became the vanguard of assassinating Hitler after that.

Hopner was very calm at the time. As a professional soldier, he knew that he should not be impulsive on the battlefield.

Hoppner raised his head to Major General Negan, who also received the call and was looking at him in astonishment, and said, "I leave it to you, good luck!"

As he spoke, Hopner took off his military cap from the wall and walked out of the headquarters.

The officers and men of the 4th Armored Army were stunned by this news, because Hopner was obviously an excellent commander. Will always be on the front line... So Hoepner\'s dismissal will undoubtedly have a considerable impact on the Fourth Tank Army, and this is not something Major General Negan can suppress.

Sure enough, when Hopner was still on his way to Wolf\'s Lair, the Fourth Tank Army had already begun to show signs of collapse.

At this time, Shulka was still fighting back and forth with the Sixth Armored Division for the Tver Bridge.

In fact, it is meaningless to compete for the bridge at this time, because even if Shulka abandons the Tver Bridge, the German army will not have enough time to resume transportation and deliver enough supplies to the Fourth Tank Army...even if the supplies can be delivered. Recover the defeat.

Shuerka just suddenly felt that the roar of the German fighter planes above his head was less, and his psychological pressure also eased.

Before this, the reason why the Soviet army did not dare to fight the enemy in open ground was not because the 1st Guards Tank Brigade could not defeat the enemy\'s armored division, but because they occupied the air supremacy.

When Shulka was wondering, Katukov called and shouted excitedly: "Well played, Shulka, they failed!"

"What failed?" Although Shulka knew what it was, he wasn\'t sure.

"The German defense line collapsed!" Katukov said: "Because we cut off the German supply line, the Kalinin Front Army has broken through the German defense line, and the Germans began to flee in large areas. We have won!"

The surrounding fighters also heard the voice on the phone, but like Shulka, they couldn\'t believe it.

Until the instructor raised his arms and shouted: "Did you hear that, comrades? We have won, we have won!"

So the cheers immediately rang out.

Although the 1st Guards Tank Brigade has won many victories, this time the victory is different from usual... This victory is a counter-offensive victory, which means that the strategic goal of the German Moscow campaign has failed, and it means that the Soviet army has defended Moscow A decisive victory was achieved.

Now, it is a question of how far the Soviets can drive the Germans.

"Comrade Captain!" the instructor said excitedly: "It\'s time for us to attack, give the order!"

"No, Comrade Instructor!" Shulka replied: "The more we are at this time, the more calm we should be!"

"Calm down?" the instructor said suspiciously: "The enemy\'s air force has withdrawn, and our morale is high. Isn\'t this a good time to attack? If we continue like this, the enemy will flee!"

"The Kalinin Front broke through the German defense line from the north!" Shulka said: "They will encircle Tver, and that is the time to launch an offensive!"

The instructor nodded: "Listen to you, Shulka, you are always right!"

After a pause, the instructor sighed again: "It\'s unbelievable, we really won! Although I believe we can win, when the victory really comes..."

The instructor didn\'t know how to describe what happened next.

But Shulka understood what the instructor was thinking at this time.

In fact, not only the instructors, every officer and every soldier of the Soviet Army from top to bottom may have mixed feelings, of course, including the people in the rear.

The reason is that before that, the vast majority of people believed that the Soviet Union could not withstand the German attack... Many people said "believe victory belongs to the Soviet Union", but in fact they didn\'t think so in their hearts, they were forced to think so, or Even thinking so is not firm.

After all, the German army had swept across the entire European continent without a single defeat. Many people think that the Soviet Union is no exception, especially since the Soviet Union has suffered such heavy losses since the start of the war.

But now, the German army has collapsed, and the Soviet Union has won... This turning point makes many Soviet officers and soldiers seem to be dreaming.

Hitler couldn’t believe this. After he heard the information about the retreat of the Fourth Tank Army in the wolf den, he would only hysterically repeat the previous words: "No retreat, hold on!"

Marshal Luge called Hitler and reported: "Your Excellency, the breakthrough of the Fourth Tank Army\'s defense line means that we will be surrounded by the enemy. I think we should retreat, shrink the defense line and stabilize our position!"

But where Hitler would listen, he objected without thinking: "No, I will never allow a retreat! Everyone must stick to their positions... Don\'t worry about being surrounded, we will soon be able to block their attack and stabilize Hold your ground!"

This idea is completely unrealistic, which is exactly the same as the Soviet army at that time would rather have millions of Soviet troops surrounded in Kyiv than allow them to retreat.

After putting down the phone, Marshal Luge said angrily: "He is simply crazy. This is not fighting, but sending our excellent soldiers to the enemy!"

After walking back and forth at the desk a few times, Marshal Luge ordered to the adjutant: "Pass on the order and retreat!"

"Your Excellency the Marshal..."

"I take full responsibility!" Marshal Luge interrupted the adjutant.

(end of this chapter)