USSR 1941

Chapter 306: Panfilov

Chapter 306 Panfilov

Before reaching the front line, the sky passed German planes with howling noises.

The soldiers habitually lay down and avoided, and even the tanks stopped advancing... Moving tanks are easier to be spotted by the enemy than stationary ones.

Fortunately, these German planes did not spot the advancing 4th Tank Brigade. Their goal was the artillery position one kilometer away.

Shulka believed that German pilots would be happy to change targets if they found dozens of T34 tanks marching right under their noses.

But obviously, the artillery positions attracted their attention, so the "Stuka" bombers swooped down from the sky one after another.

The military quality of the German pilots is very good. They drove the "Stuka" to dive almost vertically, and then quickly pulled up after throwing the bomb... This action itself is very dangerous, and if you are not careful, you will fall headfirst The ground machine was destroyed.

But these German pilots still completed these actions perfectly, which made the bomb almost have eyes and hit the howitzers of the Soviet artillery and the cars with bombs.

The artillery shells exploded quickly, and the artillery position was instantly surrounded by clouds of fire and black smoke. The vibration from the artillery position even knocked down half of the snow walls piled up on both sides of the road.

Then several German fighter jets swooped down and fired frantically at the surviving Soviet artillery.

After a while, the howling in the air gradually faded away. Everyone in Shulka got up from the ground and looked at the artillery position. The artillery position that was still firing shells in the direction of the German army before was only a pile of crumbling scrap iron. There were corpses scattered all over the place, and the red blood was very obvious in the white snow.

"Go on!" Major Gavrilov ordered.

The 4th Tank Brigade continued to move forward along the road. The soldiers seldom spoke, and the atmosphere was very depressed for a while.

If they hadn\'t realized the "particularity" of this battle before, then they would understand after witnessing an artillery position disappear in an instant... All combat units under air dominance are actually very fragile. What was discovered was not the artillery position but the fourth tank brigade, so the fourth tank brigade could not escape the fate of being destroyed in an instant.

For the German "Stuka", there is not much difference between tanks and artillery. The target is about the same size, and they are unable to fight against it and can only wait on the ground to be bombed.

If there is any difference, it is that the tank has some mobility, but the speed of tens of kilometers per hour of the tank is not worth mentioning when the enemy\'s mobile speed is hundreds of kilometers per hour.

"Shuerka!" The actor couldn\'t help asking: "This time, we can\'t go back, can we?"

Shuerka knew that the actor was nervous, otherwise he should have been called "Comrade Company Commander" instead of "Shuerka".

But this seems to be normal, the 4th Tank Brigade has not shown its face in daylight for quite a while.

To be precise, after the temperature dropped and the rain turned into snow... This was the first time that the 4th Tank Brigade fought in daylight.

"Relax, Okunev!" Shulka replied: "We will defeat the enemy and return alive!"

Although Shulka said so in his mouth, he didn\'t think so in his heart.

For this battle, Shulka has no idea at all... Volokolamsk, this place that should have been lost long ago, is still in the hands of the Soviet army because of the appearance of Shulka.

Now, fate has brought Shulka and the others back again, and he has no way of knowing what the outcome of this battle will be.

But that doesn\'t seem to make much sense.

Because no matter whether this battle is won or lost, both Shulka and his subordinates may be sacrificed, but there are some differences in the probability.

Going forward, there will be a round of shells exploding around you, and occasionally a few shells will hit a big hole in the middle of the road, but this can\'t stop the tank troops from advancing. go around.

It took more than an hour to reach Volokolamsk. At this time, it is already different from the Volokolamsk that Shulka knew before. Although it has only been a few days, Shulka hardly knows it. …There are bullet craters everywhere, stacked one after another in front of the position. Corpses, tank wreckage, armored vehicles, assault guns, etc., all fell sideways in front of the position, making this place like a large tank cemetery.

The fourth tank brigade immediately added to the line of defense: the infantry fought in the front, and the tanks were hidden behind and ready to attack at any time.

"Shulka!" Major Gavrilov called as he passed by.

Shulka understood, and ran along the traffic trench behind Major Gavrilov with a gun in hand.

After a while, they came to a temporary headquarters, where Major General Panfilov and Major Zahakavic were already waiting.

"We don\'t know the specific number of the enemy!" Major General Panfilov didn\'t talk nonsense. He pointed to the map and said, "It is preliminarily estimated that the enemy has an armored division, a motorized division, and an infantry division!"

This strength made everyone present gasp. With so many troops concentrated on attacking Volokolamsk, where only one infantry division is stationed, it is no wonder that the fourth tank brigade should come up urgently for reinforcements.

"They launched a violent attack on our defenses this morning!" said Major General Panfilov. The groves and bushes, which we cannot see, moved forward, massed in front of our defenses and then launched a sudden attack to break through. They attacked under the cover of powerful artillery and mortar fire, while dive bombers assaulted from the air. ..."

At this time, Major Zakhakovic couldn\'t help asking with some doubts: "How did you stop them?"

"We just blocked them!" Major General Panfilov replied: "With grenades, anti-tank guns, Molotov cocktails..."

Shuerka and the others couldn\'t help but glanced at each other.

They knew that Major General Panfilov seemed easy to say, but it was not like that in real fighting.

"We lack anti-tank equipment!" Major General Panfilov continued: "We only have fifteen anti-tank guns left, and they are still decreasing. Thanks to your reinforcements..."

Major Zahakavic shook his head with embarrassment: "I don\'t think you can have too much hope for us, Comrade General! Although we have tanks, they are very capable of playing a role when the enemy has air supremacy, especially It\'s daytime!"

(end of this chapter)