Urban God-level Selection System

Chapter 1754: At the beginning

That night, a letter from the future wife was quiet again, lying flat in the drawer.

At this time, Zhang Wanlin had just returned from the bath, and it was exactly ten o\'clock.

Open the letter.

"Are you happy to hear my compliment?

Is it the first time to realize that learning is also a joyful thing?

Zhang Wanlin, have you ever wondered why you got such a good grade in the exam? "

"You may come down to cheating, and you know the problem a day in advance, but these are not the main points.

There are no answers to those questions. You did it all night by yourself, the result of your own hard work. "

"Did you see the reason?

You are not worthless, but you have never studied seriously.

In fact, you are smarter than most people, but you never noticed it. "

"This letter, I just want you to show your unique talent."

Reading here, what talent does Zhang Wanlin think he will have?

Memory, this should be regarded as one.

Or play games?

Forget it, he can\'t even play games for the old lady.

"In fact, the answer can be found from your good language scores.

You may want to attribute it to memory, yes, that\'s true, but not the main thing, as long as you have the ability to write stories.

Haven\'t you noticed that every time your composition is almost always ranked first in the class? "

"Although your sister has a lot of funds to ensure the creation of comics in the future, it is not surprising that it will be difficult for her to come out of the climate in less than three years.

You can help her, use the thoughts in your heart, the story in your heart, and write a script to her.

She will become popular because of it. "

"Then you will definitely ask, what kind of script will make her popular?

It\'s very simple. It\'s the story you have always wanted to write in your heart. Don\'t tell me you haven\'t thought about it.

As long as you write that story. "

The letter came to an abrupt end, and the graceful words stopped at a dimpled smiling face.

The text is over, but the fragrance of the letter still lingers in Zhang Wanlin\'s heart.

Zhang Wanlin thought, the story in his heart?

Affected by the old sister, Zhang Wanlin had actually planned to write stories long ago, but there were too many stories, and he was too lazy to mention a pen.

Also, what kind of story is a good story? How can he choose to judge that this story can help the old lady?

The story written in the letter that I have always wanted to write, the concept itself is very vague.

Zhang Wanlin put the letter back in the drawer, looked at the stars outside the window, and focused on thinking.

The story I want to write the most: The wandering Sanmao, the passionate boxer, the boiling blue ball, the mecha fight, and so on.

But to find one of the words that I want to write the most...a meteor drew in front of Zhang Wanlin at exactly this time, making his eyes bright.

Why can\'t it be the battle of mecha?

He likes mecha the most, and there are a lot of hands in the room, and he can write several papers on the collected information.

No one knows and thinks better than him in mecha.

By the way, Mecha! Zhang Wanlin put the book in place and started pens. His mind turned into neat words and paragraphs on the paper.

The plots are leaping on the paper, opening up a small context for the vast story, and all the wonderful scenes in the future will be presented in this way.

At the same time, Lin Yue was carefully pondering in the study.

Before opening a new comic, she has to read a lot of comics, select a few of them that cater to the market, and then make her own unique style.

This is a universal method. She has always used it this way before, but the works she writes have never been better, and most of them are mediocre.

Many latecomers, even a high school student or a junior high school student, are better than her cartoonist who came out of the university.

It\'s ironic.

There are a lot of paper **** in the trash can. These are the first drafts or the beginning settings of some stories, but they are not ideal. I always feel that something is missing when I paint, but I don’t know what is missing. .

Hey, is it really inappropriate for me to be a cartoonist?

Lin Yue looked sad at the stars outside the window.

This is how many times she didn\'t know how many times she doubted herself.

He was defeated countless times, doubted countless times, and then stood up again, unsurprisingly, he would be defeated again.

Or the continuation is really not suitable.

This became her default.

She thought, if it doesn\'t work this time, then give up the industry.

Although it is a dream, it cannot always live by innocence.

In this way, she sat intermittently at the desk until one o\'clock in the morning, and did nothing except deny a few works again.

Let\'s sleep.

She hit Hatch, took off her glasses, and then put down her black hair that was pulled up.

The black hair fell down to embellish her beautiful profile. With the starlight outside the window as the background, she was really beautiful and moving.

She was taking off her vest, Zhang Wanlin knocked on the door and pushed in.

"Sister, this is me..." Zhang Wanlin was shocked, but unexpectedly bumped into a change of clothes.

He hurried out, closed the door, complaining in his heart, why can the old lady change clothes anywhere?

This is not the first time Lin Yue has done this.

The living room, bedroom, study, etc. can all be temporary places for her to change clothes. In her words, since their brother and sister have been together since childhood, what does it matter?

Zhang Wanlin seems to have a great relationship.

"come in."

Lin Yue said in the house.

Zhang Wanlin pushed in again, this time Lin Yue had already put on her vest.

She smiled: "It\'s a little bit now, don\'t you go to school tomorrow?

Or sneaking over and peeking at me? "

"You think too much."

Zhang Wanlin walked over and put a notebook on the table: "I also love to write stories or something. I have a whim tonight and come up with a story. You see if it fits."

"If it doesn\'t fit, then forget it."

Zhang Wanlin left after finishing talking. He is also quite sleepy now, after all, he has to go to school tomorrow.

Lin Yue looked at this book inexplicably, why would he suddenly remember to write a story?

She picked up the notebook and looked at the format at first glance. It should be a script, and the subject matter was mecha.

Well, it turned out to be a mecha theme, you have to look at it.

Since it was the script written by the younger brother who stayed up all night, as an older sister, he would look at it seriously. This is also an incentive for the younger brother.

If the older sister does not approve of the younger brother, then who else in this world will approve?

This was what Lin Yue thought at the beginning, taking reading the script as an obligation. However, as the first page was finished, there was more and more force in her heart to push her curiosity to continue reading.

Because she doesn\'t know what will happen next, because she has some expectations for the later, and because she has a deep bond with the protagonist, she wants to read it, focusing on every word and sentence, even every punctuation mark.

In the dead of night, in the study, Lin Yue quietly flipped through this simple book.

Although the book is simple, it carries a passionate story.

Turning page after page, Lin Yue became more and more focused. This was a sign that she had completely forgotten every time she read a story.

As long as she thinks this story is good, she will finish it even overnight.

Undoubtedly, this script has such magic.

When she saw the climax, the text stopped abruptly, and Lin Yue raised her head in a daze, how could it be gone?

What a good story.

This is still a script, without deliberate modification of the text in the novel, it can make her want to read it.

If it is changed to a comic...