Urban God-level Selection System

Chapter 1717: Hands-on

Learn magic?

! Zhang Wanlin looked at the reborn troll seriously again.

This means that the regeneration in him is magic! And it should still be dark magic.

Then the corner of his mouth ticked, and it seemed that this time it was not in vain.

He had already transported the fire thunder technique to give the opponent the final blow, but he would avoid it when he was learning magic.

At least you have to kill it before you learn this magic.

"Learning to darken up 40%."

The learning progress of "Learning Darkness Recovery 50%" stays at 50%, which means that the troll has recovered and there is no magic blessing for it.

The dark troll\'s arms grew out, and the scars on his whole body quickly recovered.

When he stood up again, he returned to the past, and became more fierce and domineering.

Roar—It clenched its fists and gave a full roar, and the power in its body was surging, as if it was about to break its body.

It stared at Zhang Wanlin, this little human.

This time he would not ignore his existence again, and decided to strike with all his strength.

I saw its surrounding dark magic elements float rapidly, and due to the strong collision, a black and dark purple arc was produced, crackling.

Even Erica in the distance felt the danger.

You should leave this place as soon as possible.

Otherwise... But they still stayed there. I don\'t know when, their sanity has been completely taken away by the "man", and they have a fascinating confidence in him.


very dangerous.

This is Zhang Wanlin\'s heart repeatedly reminding himself.

He was thinking of cutting off the hands of the troll as before and let him re-launch the dark resurrection, but now it seems that he can no longer use it like this.

Then end it.

Zhang Wanlin stretched out his right hand and brought his **** together. The next moment, fiery red lightning wrapped around his arm, spraying out from his fingertips, forming several fiery red snakes, leaping on the body of the dark troll.

The time for this process to take place is only a tenth of a second.

Very fast.

The troll that was hit by the thunder technique crawled all over the power grid in an instant. It was shaking all over its body. It was able to scream before, but now it only has its big mouth open and can\'t make any sound.

Flame thunder technique, mixed with fire and thunder and lightning, can cause the enemy to suffer double damage from two elemental magic, and it will also superimpose thunder and lightning burning. Even if the magic is over, life will be quickly exhausted under the burning.

In other words, even if there is a dark recovery now, it may not be of much use.

Of course, Zhang Wanlin can\'t guarantee that it will resurrect in other forms. If there is a time, it will really be time to carry the bucket and run away.

This is obviously lightning magic, but it is different from ordinary lightning magic.

Normal lightning magic is blue or gold, but this one is fiery red.

Look at the troll again. After being hit by the lightning, it was immediately paralyzed, and the arc flashed from his body with friction-like flames.

Lilith was obviously puzzled by this magic: "Erica, what kind of magic is this?

It\'s thunder and lightning, not thunder and lightning.

Like a flame, but not a simple flame. "

In fact, Erica was thinking about this issue just now.

There is a problem with this magic.

It feels like the combination of two magics to produce a new magic body, but...no one in this world can combine the two magics.

Even the pioneers just created magic.

For a minute, the troll\'s body oozes blood under the thunder and dries up.

For two minutes, the troll knelt on the ground, his body covered with large-scale black charred stains.

In three minutes, the troll\'s shaking slowed down, and his body was completely scorched.

Four minutes, completely reduced to ashes.

Zhang Wanlin only thought of a question, and did not take the key evidence! Bounty hunters have to take symbolic evidence from the target to show that they have been killed successfully.

It\'s like taking the head of the Shadow Wolf King back before.

But now, it turned to ashes.

Can\'t you take these ash back?

Does anyone know if this ash is from other places?

It\'s really speechless.

Although the Flame Thunder Technique is powerful, it is obviously also very disadvantageous.

At this time, the dark clouds covered the moon, the effect of the full moon disappeared, and his figure became a 15-year-old child again.

The child was even more childish standing in front of a pile of ashes.

When Zhang Wanlin was frowning, he felt something strange behind him, and someone was approaching.

He quickly turned his head, and at the same time, several gusting blades were quickly in place.

But when he saw that the other party was two women, and he had seen him before, he put down his guard and wondered, why would he meet them here?

Erica and Lilith walked over one after another.

Erica squatted beside the ashes, checking: "If I hadn\'t seen it with my own eyes, it would be hard for me to believe that an old pariah or slave would have such a powerful magic."

"And also defeated this dark troll alone, with one person."

Lilith reminded me.

"What do you want to do?"

Now that the matter of magic has been known to outsiders, Zhang Wanlin could not guarantee how they would treat him or spread the matter out, which caused a sensation in the entire Iron City.

If the two are malicious, he certainly doesn\'t mind killing them.

After all, judging by his strength, the bounty hunter who killed two humans is no problem.

"We don\'t like to do anything."

Erica said: "Please rest assured, we will not tell anyone, here, we know."

"What we want is whether you can join our team."

Erica looked at Zhang Wanlin with expectant eyes.

Usually many men are eager to join this team, just to get closer to the beauty.

But either Erica refused or Lilith.

Now these two beauties are surprisingly unanimous in inviting Zhang Wanlin to join.

Zhang Wanlin seemed hesitant.

He can defeat many monsters here alone, and having Erica and them is almost equivalent to bringing two oil bottles.

"I know you are hesitating."

Erica reminded: "Joining our team is actually more suitable for hiding your strength, and not being known by outsiders.

Imagine that others are more willing to believe that a team like a child defeats a monster, or a team like us defeats a monster? "

"And how would they think about it when they learned that you defeated the monster?

And if you learn that you use magic to defeat the monsters...what will you do? "

Erica analyzed: "A pariah has magic that doesn\'t match the nobility, don\'t you think someone will do it on you?"

What Erica said was indeed the truth.

Under the mechanism of magic monopoly, only nobles and palace ministers are allowed to possess high-end and powerful magic. When they learn that a small pariah also has powerful magic, powerful enough to subvert their kingship, just imagine, no one can sit. .

Zhang Wanlin thought more carefully.

He also killed three nobles of the Odder family before, which is very likely to surface this matter.

No matter from which point of view, joining is better than not joining.